Many years ago,when I first started entertaining in my home, I soon learned that good plastic glasses were not only ugly, but expensive. If I had to use them, I like the hi-ball size, in a heavy clear plastic and they can cost several dollars for only 25. Well I suspose one could wash them and re-use them, but they get cloudy and all scratched up. And re-used plastic glass are really tacky.
I have always had a love for Antique Colored Art Glass. During all my years of antique collecting adventures, I discovered the colored art glass tumbler. Usually part of a 7 piece water set,but often they were sold seperate as one was broken or for what ever reason. When I first got the idea to collect them and use them at my parties for drink glasses, they were very reasonable and I could often pick one up for a few dollars. In the 70's and 80's. the height of the Victorian Antique price market, they would sometimes sell for up to $100.00 ea. Well I bought very few in those years. Having collected over 100 through the years ,I didn't need one that bad to pay that much for one. I see them now in shops, tag sales. fea markets at a very cheap price. Often only $1.00 to $5.00 each. I do not often buy them now days, unless they are really pretty.
All these tumblers can take up a lot of room when you have to store them between uses. I started storeing them in my windows, not only do they add color and charm, but gets them out of the way.
They sure look pretty on a silver tray at a party. I put a cut glass pitcher with my drink of choice along with a ice bucket and let the party begin. They are just the right size for a high-ball,puch,lemonaide or what ever you might want to serve. They can go in the dish washer if you have a low setting. They are sure pretty and fun and in the end you are saving money on plastic glasses, they are always ready to use and by using them instead of plastic, you are going green.
A silver tray and colored art glass tumblers ready for the party. |
See all the colors ,designs and textures. |
Amberian glass with enamel flowers. |
A dark green with colorful daisys. |
Cranberry opalesent hobnail. |
Maple Leaf pattern on green opalesent. |
Blue and white coin dot. |
Cranberry |
Storage in the window. |
Pretty when the light comes through. |
More color in the windows. |
Very colorfull display for any party. |
Look how pretty they look on the silver tray with my silver Pheasants in the back ground. No other centerpiece is needed. |
1845 Historic Elgin / Cottrell house Museum, on the banks of the Mississippi River, in Clarksville,Mo. |
Start collecting them right away. You'll be glad you did. Bargins are out there, so take your time and buy well. You will be surprised how fast the build up. Put them in your windows, dispaly on a silver tray, what ever you do with them they are fun and colorful. They will be a hit at all your parties. I sometimes use them down the center of my table with glass votive cups and candles inside. They are so pretty all a glow. They even have the LED battery votives now, so the fun is endless. Hope you enjoy my collection. Or come on by for a drink. I will leave the porch light on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss.
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