This is it, in all it's damaged glory. Do you think I can fix it? |
Here it is. I still need to add some gimp around the edges of the fabric to cover the tacks. But I think it turned out sweet.I have to go somewhere to find the trim. I live in a small town, 450 people, in the middle of no where, so can't buy any trim here. |
Last May 2, 2011, I did a post about my wicker furniture obsession. I have a problem, when I see a piece I want to adopt it. I have been much better as of late, as I a really have no room for any more, anything. In the post last year, I mentioned that my basement is a graveyard of wicker. I have pieces that need help down there. I keep thinking I will find some one to repair it. Better yet, I keep thinking I will have money to have it repaired. A lot of it was damaged in the 2008 flood. It was on my front porch and the nice people who came to help were a little to much for it. I should have moved it, but wanted a place for people to set while helping. So after the flood, to the basement it went. To tell the truth, I forget that it is there. I had a pipe bust this week and when I went down to the basement to see what was going on, there was all that wicker. When the plumber even commented on it, I thought it was time to do something about it.
This is the wicker graveyard in my basement. I have a few weeks projects ahead of me. |
I picked out one of the little corner chairs that I am really fond of. I carried it up and brought it to my shop. I told myself ,I know you can fix this chair. So I laid into it. This is the finished product. I am starting another one tomorrow. I think it turned out pretty good. I have placed it in my bed room, where there are lots of other Victorian pieces. I have found that these Victorian pieces are too fragile to be outside and take a lot of weather and abuse. I had no ideal what to do about the woven seat, so I just covered it instead. Kind of a cop out, but at least it is presentable.
I hope you enjoyed this journey. Come anytime and take a real tour. I always have the lights on and Sissy Dog will mostly surely meet you with a jump and a kiss. Heck I will even invite you into my bed room, where we can set a spell and enjoy the wicker. I can just see all these pieces in a garden for a wedding. I'm sure it won't be mine, but I have some sweet Great Nieces coming up. Who knows what they will want for a wedding. Race cars, tractors, space ships. Times are a changing and I don't do well with change.
Come see me soon. Richard
The fabric matches the curtains in my room. It is a wonderful Gothic check. Black and deep olive green. |
I love the stick and ball construction. |
Here it is in my bed room. The question now is, where to put it? |
Maybe here? |
Here? |
Just added a picture of the doll house in it's new home, My Library! |