A Large German Meissen Cherub Compote from the Down River Parlor. |
Cherub or Putti, is a figure of a human baby or toddler, almost always male, always naked and having wings, found especially in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art. The figure derives from ancient art,but was rediscovered in Allegorical,non-literal figures and latter in Christian Art.
Cherubs or Putti are associated with Aplrodite and so with Romance,Love and also with Heaven, Peace,Prosperity and Leisure. No wonder we all love them.
Putti is a Latin word,"PUTUS," meaning little man. Not so much babies-they are not human,but spirtual beings,winged little people of mostly undetermind gender.
Cherub or Putti art, came to represent the precense of God. They have been painted since the 13th Century.
A Cherub is sometimes thought of as a divine being-often mentioned in the Bible, usually understood as a high ranking Angel.
In modern English, the word, Cherub, is usually used for what are strickly baby or toddler Angels in art.
No matter what the meaning, Cherub or Putti are very addictive. Some what like drugs. The more one has of them, the more they want. I want it, I have to have it, I can not live with out it. It is almost impossible for me to turn one down.
Large German Meissen Figure Group of Angels and Cherubs from Entrance Hall. |
Beaded Framed French Needlepoint in Up River Parlor. |
Italian Capa De Monte Figure Group of Aplrodite and Putti on Entrance Hall Table. |
Pir French Bronge Cherub Candle Holders from Mantle in Up River Parlor. |
Entrance Hall, Lee Jofa Wallpaper. |
Pair German Bisque Plaques from Powder Room. |
French Fireplace Screen, Down River Parlor. |
French Carved Wood Gold Gilt Pedestal. |
French Sevres Box. |
German Meissen Figure Group. |
Meissen Cherub Shoes. |
French Old Paris Fan Vase. |
Etergee in Purple Guest Room With German Meissen. |
Italian Majolica Urn on Pedestal from Up River Parlor. |
French Terra Cotta Bust from Library. |
German Dresden Lamp in Purple Guest Room. |
Dining Room Wallpaper Boarder by Raymond Waites. |
Pair German Dresden Candle Holders from Master Bed Room Mantle. |
Italian Carved Wood with Gold Gilt Sconce in Up River Parlor. |
Plates I use for parties from Nieman Marcus. |
A Verson of a large German Meissen Compote in the Down River Parlor. |
Designers and Decorators have been using Cherubs and Putti for years. They are found in art,candle holders,clocks,china, furniture,wallpaper, needlepoint and every part of the interior and exterior of a home. I am no exception. I have been collecting them for years. Almost every room in my home has a least one, and most rooms have several..
I hope you enjoy seeing my collection as much as I enjoyed collecting it. And I am sure I am far from done collecting.
Please check out my on line store. Thanks and enjoy shopping.
http://www.richadsgreatstuff.etsy.com/ Note you must leave the "second r" out of Richard.Its a long story, I will share someday.