Over the years, I have become friends with two nice ladies, that I meet on the blog. Janice from,
Curtains in My Tree and Gina from , Gina @ VictoriaWannaBe. Gina said my blog is the reason she started blogging. Janice and I had dogs in common, hers was a Pug and mine was a Beagle, but they were both named, "Sissy." Janice first came to my house a few years back during our fall festival. It was a surprise, she came to the door and didn't say a word. Then I soon said, well I know you. She has been here several times since. Gina came the next fall, but she introduced herself upon entrance. He have been blogger friends ever since.
Easter cookies |
A few weeks back Janice emailed and said that she and Gina would like to come for a visit during spring break. Seems those two have become friends as well and they both live in Columbia ,Mo. I said, of course you should come and I'll will make lunch.

Having three for lunch is hard to do in a large dinning room and make it feel intimate. So I had the ideal to set up a small table in the Ladies Parlor. I carried a walnut, Victorian, flip top, card table down from the second floor stair landing. It was a perfect size for three and still room for a center piece . My first thought was to do a Easter theme. Possibly use my, hand blown glass, Victorian Easter Eggs. Gina saw my collection some years back and now has a collection of her own. But, after I tried and tied, I could never make the eggs work just right. I started out with green Easter basket grass and eggs. Was not enough. Tried cut glass containers, full of eggs. Too busy. Went with a candy bunny, nothing. Even tried a sterling silver English egg coddle with glass eggs, So I scraped the egg idea and went with cherubs, instead. I have a large collection of porcelain cherubs on a walnut eterge in my guest bed room. At the last minute I added some open red roses and a centerpiece was born.
Home made that morning, sausage quiche |
The weather was not perfect. In fact in rained the night before and started again latter that day. It was a little damp and cold, so I was forced to turn up the heat. They arrived on time, and after hugs and saying Hello to Buddy, whom they had not formally meet, we settled down for lunch.
Only way I could keep buddy Boys attention, long enough for a picture. Hold him Janice |
Set still for the camera Buddy |
I made a homemade quiche. It was full of spring onions, green peppers and country sage sausage. Along side I served a fresh green salad and fresh strawberries. I also had home made sticky rolls, that I made the night before. I served peach tea. I sent them home with homemade Easter cookies, bunnies and chicks.
After lunch and a look around the house, where we tried to take selfies, played with Buddy, chased Buddy out of the left overs, took more pictures and then we went for a ride all around Pike County. I took my camera so I could share some of the sights, but when I tried to take the first picture, I realized I had no chip in the camera. I wanted to show Gina and Janice some of the old plantation homes in and about the area where I live. Gina took some pictures, so she might share someday.
Helps to take your finger off of the camera. |
We ended up at the antique mall where I sell stuff and work part time. Buddy went along for the ride. Gina found some Victorian treasures to take home with her. Latter they left, Buddy had a walk and I retired, half dead, as the old man, ain't what he used to be.
Janice was chaneling Mary Todd Lincoln |
Janice has always like this room
Hope you enjoy the tour and lunch. Come anytime, give me a little warning and I will cook up a mess of something. Hope you all are ready for Easter, it will be here in a little over a week. I am having 14 for mid day meal. Have to start getting it all ready tomorrow. Takes awhile. Open the table, add leaves. iron tablecloth and napkins, get out all the dishes, glasses and silver. Wash them and set the table. I am using the glass Victorian eggs with Easter grass, jonquils, candy bunnies and malted eggs If you would like to see the eggs before then, check out a former blog about them. What comes first, chicken or the egg, my old historic house BlogSpot.
Gina brought the little French wire patio furniture to me as a hostess gift. She is a doll house person too. |
They both wanted to snitch these, but I kept a watchful eye. |
Janice holding court
Come anytime for a tour. I will always leave the lights on and Buddy is more than glad to give a kiss. HAPPY EASTER!