Five years ago when I bought my 1845-1860 Antebellum home ,on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River, in my home town of Clarksville,Mo., I could only dream that it would some day look like it does today. When I purchased this old house in the spring of " 07 " ,it had no working utilities,kitchen,baths,front porch was missing and had not been maintained for fourty years, 100 gallons of paint and five years latter, it now is the grand lady it should be.
When I first bought the house I was living in St.Louis and would spend the weekends in Clarksville working on the house. Finally two years ago I moved to my old house full time, I think I got more done on it when I was only here on weekends. Somehow it always needs something done. And some of the painting I did already is needing it again. I guess one has to blame that on that old River.
Up River or Ladies Parlor at Elgin/Cottrell House. |
Window and Ceiling Treatmment. |
1860-Reproduction Wallpaper from France. |
Custom made Curtain Rods. |
One of my Store Bought Relatives. |
English Victorian Cranberry Glass. |
Curtain Tie Back. |
In 2008 there was a major flood and the Mississippi River raged out of its banks and came all around the historic house. I am about 200 feet from the river, good for a view but bad for a flood.Thanks to thousands of people who came to give of there time, sand bags were filled and a flood wall was made and there was no damage.
Today I am going to show you pictures of the Up-River or Ladies parlor. The house has two parlors. One for ladies and one for men. After the evening meal the ladies and there guest would retreat to the ladies parlor and sew, read or sing. The men would go to there parlor and drink, smoke,tell off colored stories and spit. I call the ladies parlor the Up River parlor, because it is closest to the river and has a wonderfull river view. I am a srtong lover of color in a home. This can be seen here in the parlor. From the butter yellow walls,green ceiling, cranberry acessories to the red fabric on the furniture.