My Dear Friend and Neighbor,Stacy, Sissy's Mom, Stacy found Sissy in the street and took her in and gave her to me. |

Sunday April 17,2011, I hosted an open house at, My Old Historic House, to promote and introduce the Victorian Homes Magazine article that is coming out soon. . It is not on newsstands yet, but since I was featured, I got the magazines early. I was very fortunate that our two local papers,The Louisiana Press Journal and The Peoples Tribune,both gave me some great free coverage. I sent out a few announcements and listed it on face book several times. It was a very beautiful day. Cool in the morning, but when I opened up at 2:00 it was a nice sun shining 69-70 degree. I had the screen porch open and people really enjoyed that. People came from far away and old friends topped the list. People I had worked for in the past, customers from my shop in St.Louis and one of my favorite bloggers,Ms. Pat from Back Porch Musings. As usual, I had very few from my home town,one dear friend and neighbor,Stacy, closed her shop and made time to come by and get a copy of the book and that meant the world to me. Ms. Stacy was the person who found Ms. Sissy Dog and gave her to me. So she is a very special person in our lives.THANKS STACY.
I would say that there was way over one hundred people. Every one had fun and enjoyed the cookies and punch. Another dear friend entertained us for awhile with selections on the my piano, some which were period Civil War Tunes and my favorite was "Dixie". I was proud of," My Old Historic House", and proud that so many people took the time to come by and get a copy of the magazine and give me a nice pat on the back.
I worked for this beautiful lady for 25 or so years as a floral designer, we have remained friends every since then. |
Sissy thanks she's a cat, Up on the table, to greet Mary. |
I just wanted to share with all of you that have become my friends via my Blog. I know you are far away and could not come by so this will have to be the next best things. I so enjoy doing my blog about,"My Old Historic House", and I love getting your comments. They are the high light of the Blog experience. Thanks for coming into my life and thanks for stopping by.
On the right is My Niece Linda , always there for me. |
The beautiful and sweet lady in the back is my Sister.
She made all the curtains and things for, My Old Historic House. |
Wanda and Wanda, good friends and good customers. |
My pretty food buffet. |
My friend DiAnne gave me the beautiful Lilacs. |
Come by any time for a tour. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss. Don't forget to go out and get a copy of the magazine. Victorian Homes- May/June issue. Love and Dog Kisses, Richard and Sissy Dog.
This was in our local paper, The Louisiana Press Journal. |
This was in out County paper, The Peoples Tribune. |