My Cranberry Concoction. |
Today was Thanksgiving and I was was very lucky to have been invited to a beautiful home, where the owners had, what they called, an Orphans Thanksgiving.Anyone who had no where to go was welcome.It was so nice to be included, as I was kind of an Orphan. My Family had all gone to in-laws and that kinda left me out. The people who were the host, have a very interesting home. They have traveled all over the world and there home reflects this travel. It is so much fun and they are so generous and love sharing it. It is hard to believe it is here in Middle American. I was asked to bring cranberries, and this is the concoction I dreamed up. I do not do a lot of cooking, as I live alone and it just is not fun ,to cook just for yourself. I have lived alone all my adult life ,so I have always looked for short cuts, simi-homemade and instant things that are easy and good. I just love jellied cranberry sauce out of the can. I eat it all during the year. I know a lot of people roll there eyes at the thought of canned cranberry. If you do, I am sorry, maybe you should not read the rest of this.But I promise you, if you try this, you will like it.
What I made today is very easy. Only takes a few minutes and it really is good. I love it on the second day with a slice of bread and left over turkey. It is just plain good. All you need is an 8 ounce package of softened cream cheese, 3/4 cup of miracle whip , 3 cans of jellied cranberry sauce and 1/2 cup of chopped pecans. Mix the pecans, miracle whip and cream cheese together till smooth and blended. Cut the top out of the cranberry sauce cans and use a table knife to loosen the edges and dump it out onto a plate. Cut about 1/2 inch thick slices of the cranberry sauce, hold a slice in the palm of your hand, spread some of the above mixture and place on a plate. Continue to do this till all is gone.Arrange in a long line, kinda like a log. Sprinkle the top with a few chopped pecans.Of course you can make less, just use less of all the above. We had about 15 people today and it was mostly all gone.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know every one had beautiful food and family. You might want to try this with Christmas coming up. Not only is it easy, it taste good and is very pretty on the plate.. So with that, I leave you with an invitation to come anytime to tour, My Old Historic House. I will always leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will always meet you with a jump and a kiss.
I have been working very hard for the past few nights helping two of my dearest friends, transform there house for the Christmas Holidays. I have before pictures and soon as it is done, I will do a blog. It has been quite a ride, from moving furniture to hanging the Christmas greens. Keep watching, it is coming soon.
Only takes four ingredients. |
An Oval dish with shallow sides works well for serving. |
My Friends and Thanksgiving Hosts House. |
Lots of African Art and See the Leopard Skin to the Right? |
This wonderful Library |
Russian Icons. |
Asian Cabinets and African Pottery |
And Plenty of food to be Thankful for. |