Monday, January 5, 2015

My Heart Is Broken, My Sissy Is Gone!

How knows why things happen?  Who is to say why we are made to suffer so? Are we not doing right, have we gone astray? I have no answers. All I know is sometimes the pain is more than one can bear. A week before Christmas my Sissy Dog was acting funny, not quite herself. At first I never thought anything about it. But, as the day went on, she seemed to be less and less that once lively, sweet, energetic, loving dog, that she has been for the last 6 years.This was Thursday the 20th of December.
The next day I was late for work as I took Ms. Sissy to the Vet's office first thing. She was not that bad, just not herself. The doctor saw that Sissy was holding her little head down, so she suggested x-rays. The results were some trouble with her spine. Sissy has always been an active dog. She has gone on more than one big adventures, where it took hours and hours to get her back home. She jumps up on my big old antique bed, into the fan and on top my head when I set in the kitchen chair and watch TV. The vet gave her pills and said she was to have rest for the next week.
I took her to work that day and then home, where she was given her pills and put to bed. She was no better or no worse they next day. So I took her to work with me again. I have trouble leaving her, I loved her so. I guess getting in and out of the car and going in and out of the shop was a little much, so the next day I oped to leave her home. She seemed a little weaker and not the sweet, loving little girl she used to be.
Sissy was very spoiled and very much loved. She had the full fun of My Old Historic House, shop and any where else we might end up. She never took advantage of this, as she was a perfect little girl and so beautiful.I never minded her being in an antique needlepoint chair, it was her house too.
Sissy never meet a stranger, loved all people and animals. Even when mean old cats would slap her, she would just back up gently and have a look on her face, like," why did you do that?"Get meet people coming in the shop and at the house with jumps and kisses. She knew all our good friends and she evn knew the sound of one of our friends truck. Bruce used to walk Sissy when I had to be away for the day and she could not go. When she heard his truck, she'd perk up and be so excited. If he did not stop in and say hello, she's wait by the door with a sad look.
Christmas day I stepped out for a few hours and went to a friends house for lunch. I stayed a little long, but when I go home, Sissy was at the door to greet me, tale wagging, and that kiss, kiss  was coming out. I thought, what a great Christmas Present, My Sissy is coming back. I made a pallet on the parlor floor so we would not have to go up the stairs for bed and I could be close to Sissy at night. I don't mind sleeping on the floor, but it is not easy to get up and down. Sissy usually sleeps under the covers with me or under my arm. Since she has been sick, she was sleeping on a pillow close by, I missed her.
The day after Christmas Sissy had gone a little backwards. I thought maybe she had over done by meeting me at the door and because I forgot to put something in the wing chair in the kitchen, she had jumped in and out of it. She was not great, a little slow and cautious. I wasn't really worried, but longed for her to come back to me. By this time she was on complete bed rest except bath room breaks. She wanted to go around the block to find just the right spot. It took her awhile, but she was steady on.

The next day Sissy was worse, her pills were running short so I called the vet and she said come get refills and we talked. She assured me that she needed time and said to make the bath room walks shorter and to lift her up and down the side porch stairs and by all means give her the pills. I worshiped this dog, I prayed over her daily. I even asked the Lord to take me and spare her. I wanted my little girl back. It became harder and harder for me to leave her for hours when I had to go to work. She was so weak in the mornings when I left, I never knew what to expect when I got home. But, I had to work.
New Years eve a friend of mine came and brought dinner as I did not want to go out and leave my little girl. Sissy sat under the table and wanted a bite or two. By the time he had gone, she was on her pallet and was hardly moving. I called the vet the next morning as Sissy was really week then. She did not want to get up and when she did she was walking on her front ankles and dragging her back feet. Another call to the doctor said she needed the pill dosage upped so I did. This made her out of it and the Sissy I knew and loved was no longer there.

I went to work on Saturday and my neighbor and good friend of mine and Sissy's came and checked on her. She called and said she was week, but she had gone out side and made it back in. When I got home that night, she was down and did not want to go out or move. I did get her to take her pills and eat and drink a little.  I was so worried. The next day I called the doctor and she said to keep giving the pills, keep her warm and quiet and bring her in on Monday. That was today.
 I had to go to work at 11 PM and work till 5 AM. I hated to leave her, but I had to go. I worried all night about her. When I got home Sissy was very low, not responding, I rushed her to the doctor, but she passed while we were in route. The doctor said she had had a stroke, her heart gave out and the pain was to much. She was gone. It didn't seem right, but the fact was, she was gone.
I'll never know how a beautiful, healthy, sweet, little dog can go down so fast and there seemed to no way to help her or stop it. I just have to muster up all my strength now and try and get through this. My Sissy that you all knew and loved to hear about is gone, gone for ever, never more to kiss me, snuggle with me and be there when I needed her most. I loved you more than any one will ever know. You were beautiful and wonderful. My sweet little girl that came from the streets to the mansion, where she lived like a queen and made me the happiest person in the world for a little over 6 years. Rest in Peace my sweet little girl. I still don't know why,but I have to except it.


  1. Richard my heart breaks for you... Sissy will always be with you. I am sorry for your loss and hate to think of the day without our Sweetpea. We lost his brother PC three years ago and we still mis him everyday. Take care...

  2. Oh Richard, I'm so very,very sorry. I know she was your everything. This was such a lovely tribute to your Sissy.
    God Bless, sending hugs.

  3. Richard, I'm so sorry for your loss. Our animals become a part of our family, our children. Since I lost Mr. P in Feb. last year my dogs are my everything. My thoughts and prayers are with you, I know how much you loved her. fondly ~lynne~

  4. Richard, I'm so sorry for your loss of your sweet little Sissy dog. I wish I could have met her. We too lost our little girl just before Christmas. It is still difficult even though I know her quality of life had not been very good over the last two years. If she hadn't become diabetic I feel she would still be running around, jumping and barking and playing with her toys. Sometimes things just make no sense and there's nothing you can do about it except just remember the good times, be strong and carry on. There will be good times again. Maybe not right away and not in exactly the same way as before, life is ever-changing, different but still good. Blessings & Hugs,

  5. I am so very sorry for your loss of your sweet Sissy girl. The pain we feel when we lose a pet is not to be described. I will be thinking about you and Sissy. She will always be in your heart and memories.

  6. Oh Richard my heart goes out to you. We open are homes and hearts to these sweet animals. They give so much to us no matter what is going on in the world. I so understand how you feel, the pain is so intense and I know your heart is broken.
    I am so glad you two found each other and were together. She loves her Daddy. We are all here if you need us. And I am so glad I got to meet her a few times in person.

  7. Oh Richard, my heart is breaking for you!! I'm still not over the lose of my Sissy a few years ago, but the pain eases with time to make it more bearable.
    You are in my prayers and I hope that God will ease your pain. Sissy Dog is waiting for you at the rainbow bridge with your beautiful Prissy!!
    Take care my friend.

  8. I am so sorry. Nothing really heals such heartbreak when you lose a beloved friend. But many of us have been there and we are all sending big hugs to you.

  9. Richard, I'm so very sorry to hear about your sweet Sissy dog. I know what a wonderful companion she was for you and that you will miss her greatly. Blessings to you. Pamela

  10. Richard, I know how much you loved Sissy and what a big part of your life she was. My heart breaks for you! Sending you big hugs.

  11. As quickly as she came into your life, she has gone. You will miss her. She was the joy of you life. You have had a treasure of a friend and pet. I am so sorry for your loss. So sorry.

  12. You know you gave Sissy a very good life living in that Historic mansion and loving her like you did. We all need love and animals gives us lots of love as Sissy gave you lots of love. I am sure you will see her again in Heaven.
    I am so sorry and wish I could say something to ease your pain Richard.
    Most of us dog lovers have gone through this a couple times, that is why I just can't get another dog and I wonder if that is selfish on my part. I know I could give another dog lots of love and vice versa.
    You have lots of friends who love you and think of you often
    hugs and kisses


  13. Oh, Richard! I'm so so sorry to hear about sweet little Sissy! I know your heart is breaking as I've been right where you are now. What a lovely life you gave little Sissy and she loved you back with her life. Our dear little pets become our little children. She knew how much you loved her. I want you to know I'll be praying for you, for comfort and for peace.

  14. Oh Richard, tears are flowing down my cheeks for you at this very moment. I am so very sorry for your loss, I know Sissy was so very precious to you and that you loved her so much. I'll be praying that God will bring you peace and help you get through the days and months to come. You gave Sissy a wonderful life and she loved you for it, never forget that.
    Sending hugs,

  15. So very saddened by this news. I always enjoyed 'visiting' her here on your blog. I know the grief that goes with loosing a beloved pet. I lost my 6 year old bichon quite suddenly a few months ago and I still sob sometimes. They are family and the love between us and our pets are real. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Twyla

  16. Dear Richard,
    Words cannot express how very sorry I am to hear about Sissy. Since your previous post about her, she was in my thoughts and prayers every day. My heart hurts for you and I am sending you a big hug through cyberspace. Having just lost one of my dear furry companions last year, I can understand how you feel right now. Please accept my deepest condolences.

  17. What a GREAT life your Sissy girl had with you my dear friend..she was so loved each and every day..I feel your pain my friend as I just lost my fur love in she is there with my love..and we both know All good dogs go to heaven..Always a void in your you my sweet and caring friend..from my mountain to yours gloria

  18. So sorry to hear this. I know you are very sad at her passing.
    God Bless

  19. Dearest Richard,
    I am sobbing as I read this. It was only a few years ago that we went through the same thing with our sweet Savanna and it broke our hearts so that we vowed not to get another dog and go through that again. We have kept our vow and remain petless because we will not be able to make it through another heart break like that.
    Sending prayers to you , Richard.... You will make it through and you will be able to smile again when you think of your darling , Sissie......

    She will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge...
    I hope the rainbow Bridge poem comforts you like it did us.....


  20. Richard, so so sorry. She is in a better place where she is no longer suffering. But you were right she lived like a queen in your home and you should be proud, you gave her a great life the last 6 years. Think about that you made her last six years a wonderful life!

  21. Richard, I am so sorry to hear of Sissy's passing. She was such a beautiful sweet little dog, and anyone who read your blog would know she loved you as much as you loved her. This blog post is a beautiful tribute to


  22. Richard,
    I am so sorry to read about your sweet Sissy pup. It is good that you have so many wonderful photos of her having fun.

    It is so sad when our beloved pets pass on. It seems that she stayed on as long as she could.

    Take care.

    Susie D.

  23. I am so sad to read this post. She was such an adorable and good little girl. My friend also lost her beagle, Ginger, had to be put to sleep all of a sudden, on Jan. 2nd, out of the blue, with a tumor pressing in her neck. They both crossed over Rainbow Bridge. RIP, sweet Sissy, you will be missed.

  24. Richard, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved Sissy and how much she loved you. I don't have words to express my thoughts, but you have my deepest sympathy. She was a great dog, and although I have never commented before, I have gone back to the beginning of your blog and read every single post(actually read, not just looked at the pictures), and especially enjoyed reading about your adventures with Sissy. Those were my favorites. I am just so sorry. Donna

  25. Dear Richard. How sad to read of your beloved Sissy's passing.

    I am truly sorry. Your post makes me cry and I wish there were something I could do to help you.

    This past May, our beloved Honey Cat died, too. We had her for 17 years.

    This was our first Christmas without her and it was still deeply sad for me.

    Thank goodness you have your sweet memories of that beloved ol' girl.

    You sure gave her a good life and for that, you can gain some consolation in this dark hour. You loved her like the royal queen she was!

    So sorry, dear Richard. So very, very sorry. Susan

  26. Your life must feel so empty now. Try to think about what a good life she had, and how she enriched yours. She's at rest now but she'll live on in your heart.

  27. Richard, you do not know me nor I you. What I do know first hand is the hurt and pain of not having your Sissy. Please accept my condolences and prayers.

    So may it ever be, God bless and walk with you.

  28. Richard..I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful dog.
    Our fur babies are part of the family when they go our hearts are broken.
    Beautiful post in her memory.

  29. Richard....I am so sorry for your loss of your precious puppy. I know you are hurting right now. I have been there. Take care.

  30. Richard, I am sorry for your loss of Sissy. You both were lucky to have had each other to love.

  31. I am truly heartbroken for you. I have known your loss all too well. I'm so, so sorry.


  32. What terrible news. I just checked your blog after several weeks' absence to learn about poor Sissy. I know your heart is breaking. Losing a beloved pet and companion is one of the hardest things to go through. And although you're missing her so much, please take comfort from thinking about how much you two gave to each other and what a wonderful home you gave this special little dog while she lived with you.

    Someday you'll meet another dog that needs you, and when the time comes I hope you can open your heart and give it love, too.

    With sympathy,

  33. Me again, just wanted you to know that I'm still thinking of you and praying for you. May God comfort and mend your broken heart.
    So sorry...
    Sending hugs,

  34. Dear Richard,
    My deepest, most heartfelt sympathy. I know too well what you're going through. No words or actions can sooth such pain. Sissy was one blessed dog to have you as parent.

  35. I am so sorry to hear that you lost your baby--they make indelible foot prints on your heart, they never disappear. I have fur babies of my own. One is 16 and another is 14. They are both rescues. Archie, the 16 year old has been with me since 2000 and I can see the age creeping up on him and I hate it. I didn't mean to ramble on, just to offer my condolences and say " it's not goodbye, it's see you later" because I know that your Sissy will find her way back to you and meet you at the gate when you arrive. Many prayers are sent your way. God Bless.

  36. Oh Richard I am so sorry.It hurts so to lose a beloved pet.I have missed visiting with you, but I just quit blogging after my husband died in January of last year. I have had a hard time-he was the love of my life. If I had not had the dogs, I don't know what I would have done.I am glad you have a new little boy-we all need someone to love and to love us. I am enjoying catching up with your blog.

  37. Reread your Sissy posts. My heart is heavy and I hate that she's gone. I miss her too. Thank you for all the love you gave her. Basil died a year ago. We were on our way to the vets and it was very traumatic. It will be so wonderful to see them in heaven someday.

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