Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A New Beginning

Earlier this month I lost my best friend and love of my life, Sissy Dog the Beagle. I found her on the road here in my home town of Clarksville,Mo. For 6 years she had been by my side and I loved her so very much. She was the bestest little girl anyone could ever hope for. Not to have forgotten her already, but in her honor, I HAVE FOUND MYSELF A NEW FRIEND.

His name is Buddy Boy. I have had a lot of Beagles in my life, but never a little boy. We'll see how this adventure turns out.
The death of a pet is disenfranchised grief. It's a loss whose significance others don't recognize. You're not supposed to lose it from the death of your dog. You post a sad Facebook update, do a blog, and go off to work, as I did. But, when you come home in the evening and open the door, you are struck by a strange new stillness.- silence without a dog. It was that if a machine that had been humming for 6 years, had suddenly stopped.
I couldn't get through it. I went to stay at my brothers house for a few days, but the pain followed me there. I was forced once again to go home to that big, old, cold and empty house. I just didn't know what to do.

On Facebook, my Blog, at work and even by mail, every one said get another little dog to help me through this. I felt it was wrong. I didn't know what to do. Finally after crying fits, hateful comments to some people and mind wondering days, I thought I had to do it. I had to get another dog. I called all the local shelters and no one had a Beagle. I looked on Craigs List and none there looked just right. Friends sent me clippings of little Beagles in need of adoption. For some reason none of them did the trick. One friend mentioned that I try Beagle Rescue on the computer. I did and still no luck. I looked both in Missouri and Illinois. Then on the second day, when I was looking, there he was. One look at his face and I knew he was the one. He was in a shelter about an hour and a half from here. I called, filled out the application , I was excepted and I made plans to pick him up.

That was last Thursday. less than a week and I am already crazy over the little guy. We have had our moments. he was afraid to climb the stairs, so I had to carry him up for bedtime. I lost my patients and yelled at him, which set us back at least a day. But after reading  how to work with him in this matter, on a computer site, as of today, this problem is almost solved.

Today we went for a car ride and met my Aunt, Linda. She made me a real pretty welcome gift. A hand made blue and white quilt. She thought it might be good for the car seat, but daddy likes it so much, it's on my bed in the kitchen.

My daddy and me took Selfies of each other. We were just being silly. Was fun though.


  1. I know how much you love and miss Sissy. It is heartbreaking to lose a best friend.

    When I read how you knew Buddy was the "one" when you saw his face, I knew just what you meant. I have always felt that we find the pets that we were "supposed" to have in our lives. Just like we meet the people that we are "supposed" to have met in our lives. There is a plan behind all of it. When we found Fuzzy there were some odd twists and turns that led us to him.

    I am happy that you found your little Buddy. The look on his face in the photos says that he is so happy that he found you.

  2. Hi Richard! I'm so happy for you! Little Buddy is adorable and I'm glad it's working out for you. You know I lost my own little Chloe Dawn almost 3 weeks ago and I was devastated. She was almost 15 and my heart is still so broken. I have had folks tell me to get another dog, but for me, for now, I just can't. Maybe watching and reading of your new puppy adventure will change my mind!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  3. Oh Richard, how sweet. I am so sorry you have been going through so much pain from the loss of little Sissy dog. I am glad you decided to give it another go though. Your little boy looks just precious, how cute. I know it will be an adjustment for you but I can tell it is going to work out just fine for you. Your dog probably doesn't realize what a special home he now lives in AND what a special person he has to share his little life with now. Congratulations on the adoption.
    Sending hugs,

  4. He is the one!
    As we say in French "vous avez fait un heureux".
    I am sincerely happy for little Buddy and you .

  5. Richard, I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Sissy. I know our fur babies mean the world to us, and she was that for sure. I'm glad you have Buddy to help you through this difficult time. He's a real cutie, too.

  6. Buddy is adorable! My wish is for you both to enjoy many years of unconditional love and cuddles together. Enjoy getting to know each other..

  7. Oh Richard I am so happy for you and Buddy!! I am anxious to hear many stories of the adventures of you and Buddy in the future. Twice after losing our German Shepard's we have had new ones come into our lives within a week. It just happens and God knows we needed each other just like Buddy needed you and you need him.

  8. I'm so happy for you! Buddy Boy looks like a sweet dog and I hope all works out as you get used to each other. All the best to you!

  9. Richard- I am so glad you found your little Buddy Boy!! He is so cute. I'm sure Sissy is looking down from heaven, happy to have a little brother and for you to find comfort from having him!


  10. I am so glad Buddy Boy has a new loving home. I know nothing will replace Sissy in your heart but it's big enough for two pups. Have fun.

  11. Hello Richard, I'm so happy you've found a new canine companion. Little Buddy Boy looks very content in his new home. I'm sure you two are on the way to being long-time Best Buds. Give him a hug, an ear scratch and a tummy rub for me. Hugs,

  12. Grieving over a pet is necessary and normal. I would rather someone cried than just shrug off the loss of a pet. I cried for a week when I lost my first dog. Now one of my Scotties has developed heart trouble, and although I may continue to have several more years with him I have cried several times just thinking about the prospect of losing him. So it's very hard, yet you're making progress.

    Congratulations on finding Buddy Boy. He looks like a great guy, and isn't he lucky that you adopted him? No one will ever replace Sissy in your heart, but your heart is big enough for Buddy, too. Best of luck, and of course those stairs would be daunting for any pup who's never had to deal with them before. You both have to find your way in this new relationship, and it looks like you two are getting along fine.

    Buddy has landed in clover, and such a pretty quilt for a new bed!

    Well done,

  13. What a cute cuddle face. I'm sure you'll enjoy Buddy. He wears his personality on his handsome face!

  14. Oh Richard, I'm so very sorry for your loss of Sissy. But I'm also glad that you found a Fur Baby Boy to bestow your ample Love upon, Buddy is Adorable and I just know he'll be spoiled rotten!

    A Big Hug from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  15. Sometimes getting another pet is the best way to get through your grief. It's not "replacing" the lost one, just having someone new to love and be loved by, and not having so much of that empty feeling. Looks like you and Buddy are well on the way to a new life together, and you're both lucky to have found each other!
