Thursday, January 1, 2015

Last Minute New Years Eve!

For those of you that know me well, you know that I have a little Beagle Girl Dog, Sissy, that is the light of my life. She came to me about 5 years ago ,when she was found running in the streets of my little home town, Clarksville,Mo. She is a dear. Sweetest little girl in the world. She loves every one, goes to work with me, helps with tours and greets people every where we go. Well, a week before Christmas I noticed she was not her self. I was so worried about her I took her to the doctor. After blood work and x rays, we found out, that she has some way hurt her back. She has been in a lot of pain. I tried to keep her going, which hasn't helping her, so now she is pretty much on bed rest. Because of her poor health ,I pretty much canceled Christmas. No decorations, no parties and  I basically lay on the floor and encourage her to get better. Well the same was going on for New Years Eve. A good friend called to check on us at 4:00 PM, New years Eve. He asked what I was doing and I said staying home with my baby girl. He offered to pick up carry out and come share the evening with us. I excepted and a time of 6:00 PM was set. I got up and got busy, picked up the beshuttled house, put things a way and set the dining table real fast.

Last summer I went to an auction. It was at a church that had remolded and they were selling some of the stuff they no longer wanted or needed. One thing that I bought were boxes and boxes of old Christmas ornaments. They were still in the original boxes and had the old yellowed tissue around each one. They had discolored and were wonderful, something that can not be reproduced. I bought box after box. I knew I would find a use for them sooner or latter. Well, sooner was for my New Years Eve table, 2014.

I am pretty organized, sometimes it scares me, most of the time it makes me happy. I went to the closet and found a tub marked New Years Eve. I pulled these strands of blue stars out and thought they would add a nice touch, as I was using blue and white china.

  I always keep votive candles around. These were pale yellow and smelled of spring, but they'd have to do. I chose not to use a table cloth, as there was no time. So I used some vintage, soft Damask napkins  and placed them around a Victorian Dome full of wax fruit and flowers. I always use my silver  birds as they are among my favorite things.

It came together pretty fast and I was proud of it. My friends were surprised and pleased when they entered the dining room. The food was good and the company was better. Sissy Dog even managed to get up and set under the table and begged. I have been yelled at by her doctor as she is too fat. What is a person to do? But she did manage to get a bite or two.

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year. I hope  2015 is the best year ever. Last year was very hard for me, so I for one, am glad to be starting a new one. In closing here is a picture of my sweet little girl. She is all wrapped up in her Christmas throw, a gift from one of her many friends. Happy New Year!!!!


  1. Happy New year Richard and Sissy! Your table looks very pretty and festive. What a great find with Christmas ornaments. So sorry Sissy isn't feeling well, but glad that your friends came along for a nice New Years Eve.

  2. So sorry to hear about poor Sissy. Love and prayers for her! Your table looked awesome! Twyla

  3. Richard,
    So sorry to hear about poor Sissie. Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    I feel the same way about 2014. Glad that it is over and I am looking forward to 2015...
    Happy New Year!!


  4. I am so sorry Sissy Dog is not feeling well. I hope she feels better soon, I feel blessed to of met her in person and know what a sweetie she is.
    The table looked beautiful, what a nice surprise! Sometimes I think I do a better job on the spur of the moment then when I really plan something out. Prayers that 2015 will be better for you both!

  5. Best wishes for Sissy Dog! Hope she feels better soon. You table looks beautiful! I love vintage Christmas decorations! Hope 2015 will be a great year ahead for you

  6. Richard everything you do is wonderful! Those ornaments look so good around your dome with those silver pheasants. Love it!
    So sorry to hear that your sweet little doggie is not well. Pets are so special to us and it hurts so much when they are not well. My little Yorkie is not well either and we will have to make a decision I'm sure in the next month or so, we never know what the next day will bring with her. I am not looking forward to that in the least.
    Take care. Sending hugs to you and Sissy!

  7. Hi Richard,
    Happy New Year and get well wishes to dear Sissy! As a fellow pet owner, I can identify with how you feel. She will be in my prayers. Please keep us updated on how she is doing. The vintage ornaments look so festive on your tabletop. Great idea!

  8. Hi Richard- Sounds like New Years turned out very nice for you and your table was very festive! Hope the rest of the year goes well. Like you I am glad 2014 is gone!!!

    Sorry to hear that Sissy Dog is not feeling well....sending good thoughts that she is better soon. Give her a pat on the head from me!

  9. Richard I was saddened by the Sissy news, having her ill and with all that has gone on in 2014 well I share your sentiments. Last year for me was a hard one, lost a string of very loving people in my life and a horrible accident that killed 4 people just before Christmas, right before the Holidays. I come from a large family and 2 of my siblings have been ill. I too was glad to see 2014 gone and I hope for the best for 2015 not just for my family but for the entire world! Thank you for all you do and like always everything looks fantastic!
