Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Great Day in the Morning!

This is Ann. Her Blog:  She wanted to see the cow creamers.

   It is a great day here at, My Old Historic House. Not only is a free day, as Feb. 29th, 2012 is a leap day and because of that, that gives us one day we usually do not have. But, the sun is shinning here in Middle America, Clarksville,Mo. and it is 65 degrees. What a beautiful day.
   This day is special in other ways as well. First off, I had a visit from one of my  Blogger friends. Ann, from A Sentimental Life and 3 of her friends made a trip to visit me, Sissy, My Old Historic House and the shop, Richard's Great Stuff.Ann is from Illinois, right out side of St.Louis. They traveled a few hours to get here. It is always so exciting to meet the person behind the blog. No matter how many pictures we post and share it is always better in person. You can visit Ann's Blog here. Ann has a wonderful garden house, and  that was one of the reasons I was attracted to her blog. Then to learn we are almost neighbors, makes it even better. It really is a small world, some of her friends grew up in Louisiana, Mo. 9 miles up the road and another works with my cousins.

This picture of Ann's Garden House is what made me visit her blog for the first time. I am so jealous, as I want one so bad.

   The other exciting thing that happened today is the new addition of Victorian Homes is out and I am featured once again. It is the second time in a year. The first spread was  12 pages, this one is only 3. It features my bed rooms . I am very proud this has happened. I have copies for sale. If you have trouble finding one and would like to buy one, just email me. They sale for $6.00. I understand they should be on the news stands by March 5th.

The April 2012 addition of Victorian Homes Magazine with a feature about, My Old Historic House. 

A centerfold in the April 21012 issue of Victorian Homes Magazine with my blue bed room featured.

My purple guest room that is featured in the newest issue of Victorian Homes magazine.

    I some times get down and worry about the smallest of things. But then I have days like this, where I am truly blessed. I wish all of you could come by for a tour.  You are welcome anytime. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss. She sure will, Ann got a big jump and a kiss ,on the nose, as soon as she walked in the door.
   I hate to say Spring is here. I wish is was. But today it sure seems like it might be. I know we are all ready for it and anxiously waiting. I hope you are having a great day, just like I am.


  1. Richard, that is a good day when a blogging friend pops up at your beautiful home and you get published. Three pages is thrilling still my friend. Take heart I have been crying for two days myself. hugs, olive

  2. What a wonderful day to have friends visiting! I would love to see your home in person. Of course I take Victorian Homes and loved your spread earlier. Didn't get my copy today - will be on the lookout for it tomorrow!

  3. How lovely meeting fellow blogging friends. It looks like a fun day.
    Congratulations on another magazine feature.

  4. I am sooooo jealous of those gals! How fun Richard! It's always a little surreal to meet bloggers in person isn't it? You already "know" them to some degree but it's really fun to put the face and voice to the blogger. *winks* One of these days I'm going to show up on that doorstep of yours...Wherever it may be.*winks* And I want one of those mags, so hold one for me please!?....And could I get mine signed?...Pretty pretty please? You must be so excited Richard! Was the article what you expected? Or were you surprised by it? I've always wondered how much the mag tells you about what they're going to print. Anyhoo I'm excited for you! Hugs to you and Sissy! Vanna

  5. OH Richard
    I am so happy those ladies visited you & Sissy . I know they were in for a big treat walking through your mansion and yes you are blessed. What great pictures

    and OMG the magazine yeahhhhhhh

    can't wait to find a copy and read what all is said about your bedrooms. I regonize the one I had my picture taken it , it's on my blog

    so glad your having a great day

    xoxox Janice

  6. Richard,
    I can see that you are truly loved by so many. What a blessing that those ladies came to visit you! I wish I could.
    I am going right out and find that magazine. And I am going to tell all my friends that I know you! Well, sort of. Ha!


  7. I am so excited that ANN, my friend, got to visit with you and Sissy! I am so happy for you both. You know that girl sent me the cutest vintage embossed airbrushes easter postcards a week ago?!
    She is super sweet and I love her blog. Her pieces are wonderful and most of them are family pieces, which makes them double special.
    Congrats on the centerfold! Twice? You are so famous now!
    So glad you had some good days.

  8. Oh Richard! You must be so proud!!!
    Smiles, Dottie

  9. Richard what a lovely surprise for you. I would so love to visit,but as you know I live in Australia. I will have to be content with visiting your blog and I will try and see if I can get this beautiful magazine. I haven't as yet seen it here.
    Congratulations being featured,a real honour.
    :) jeanetteann

  10. What a wonderful time visiting with friends! I do wish I was closer, I would certainly pop by!

  11. Congrats, Richard! You deserve to have your beautiful home published! And what a treat to have a blog friend visit. You are lucky indeed.


  12. Just got home from my wonderful day!! Again the house is more beautiful in do not do us justice. Everywhere we went Rhonda kept saying " have seen Richards house?" She is druming up business!

    Tell Sissy next time I will bring her a treat!

  13. Congrats on being featured again, Richard. ow exciting! And how wonderful to meet a co blogger, nice of them to tour your historic home....Christine

  14. I know I'd LOVE to come by to meet you and tour your amazing home...and see your dollhouse too! Congratulations on your new magazine feature! Jewels such as the one you've worked so hard on are so rare and a treasure for us all to gaze upon.

  15. Richard, what a wonderful treat for you to meet a fellow blogger and friend! I can't wait to get the new issue and see your rooms. One of these days I would love to come visit and see your home in person.

  16. This house is a museum .. Beautiful

  17. Hi Richard! You are right, we have been having beautiful days here in Missouri and I too, long for Spring. I was so excited to get my Victorian Homes magazine and see more of your gorgeous home! Even though I have seen it in person I still can't get enough of it! I am disappointed though, once again, with VH's cover choice! Your bedroom should have been on that cover! Some people just don't know a good thing when they see it! :)

  18. Hi Richard! Congratulations on your wonderful home featured again in Victoria mag! Oh, you're the most famous one.
    How wonderful to get to meet face to face with blogging friends. I would love to do that one day.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Hi Richard! Congratulations on your wonderful home featured again in Victoria mag! Oh, you're the most famous one.
    How wonderful to get to meet face to face with blogging friends. I would love to do that one day.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. So glad you had such a wonderful day of visiting with blogging friends. I got my copy of Victorian Homes today. Your bedrooms are the best part of the issue. So so beautiful!! I was sad to see Sissy Dog didn't make this issue:( Give her a pat on the head from me!


  21. Wow, what a fun day and published too. I would love to visit your lovely home one day.

  22. Richard,
    I am here at work and it is a bit of a slow night. Shhhhhh.... do not tell anyone!!
    So I thought I would drop in and visit one of my favorite guys and I was not disappointed!!
    I am so jealous of Ann and her friends who got to spend the day with you and Sissie and tour your home and shop!! It would be a dream come true for me!!
    Congrats on being in Victorian Homes again!!!!
    I know how exciting it must be for you. I know how excited my friend Joe Matteo was when his Stegmaier Mansion was featured twice in Victorian Homes!!
    I will be passing a grocery store on my way home and I will be stopping in to see if this issue is out yet. If not, I will be checking there for it as they always carry Victorian Homes!!
    CONGRATS to you, my friend!!


  23. How awesome it is to not only meet a good blog friend but, also be featured in a magazine. You must be so thrilled! I know I am for you. :)

  24. I am so glad you met Ann. She is one of "my bloggers" too!:-)

    I am going to look for Victorian Homes, Richard. The feature looks gorgeous! Of course it does...because it's your gorgeous home!

  25. Oh my that is so nice of them to visit! Your home is so carefully decorated. You have an amazing amount of victorian furniture and accents!
    I wish spring was here but we have a ways to go yet!
    Congratulations on being in the magainze again! What an honor!!
    Take care,

  26. Hello Richard!
    I received my copy a few days ago and enjoyed seeing the article with pictures. Excited for you!
    Beautiful place you have decorated and call home.

  27. What a wonderful,wonderful post! I'm a new follower; so nice to "meet" you! (I live in Missouri, too, down in the "Bootheel"...
    ♥ Anne ♥

  28. WOWIE! How great for all of you and what a treat to see your house.

  29. Richard, How great that Ann came for a visit. It's always fun to meet a blogging friend. Congrats on your well deserved feature!! I'll make sure and pick up a copy. Have a great week, Richard. xo, Sherry

  30. Congrats on being featured! What a honor!
