Saturday, February 25, 2012

Doll House Presents.

Perfume bottles and lamp from Andie at Divine Theater Blog.

Wing Chair from Nancy and Globe from my niece Linda.

Clock and statues from Andie

    Just to re-cap I bought myself a doll house for Christmas. It was at a local antique mall here in Clarksville,Mo. I have wanted one for a long time. I would see them here and there, but the price usually keep me from jumping in and buying one. Of course I would want a Victorian style house. The one I found is actually a replica of an 1870 Second Empire Style. It has a mansard roof and a tower. I always wanted to own a house with a tower. Don't ask me why, they are a complete waste of space. I also always wanted to paint a house pink. When I lived in New York state there was a Gothic Victorian house there and it was pink. There was a sign in front with the name Rose Cottage. It was my favorite place to go by and watch the seasons change. In summer there were scads and scads of climbing pink roses. Latter I learned that that house actually belonged to the famous Interior Designer, Sister Parish.It was featured in a book, which I found by accident one day in a book store. Before I get totally off the subject, I digress. I have been showing progress on the doll house ever since.

Back of house showing inside rooms.

Outside of my PINK doll house.

   This month I have been very lucky as friends have helped me with my doll house project by giving me gifts. I guess I could actually call them Valentine presents. What ever, I am so thrilled to get them.
   Yesterday in the  US Mail, I got a small package. I had not ordered anything and could not even know what might be inside. When I opened it, there was no card, so it was a mystery. Inside were several small doll house treasures. A clock with a glass dome, a pair of blue and  white statues, a hand painted gone with the wind lamp and 4 sweet perfume bottles. I thought, who ever sent these,, knows me well. I loved them all. I just could not imagine who had sent them. I went to the doll house and placed them and kept saying, I wish I knew who to thank. Latter I got an email from one of my blogger girl friends. I have a lot of them you know. Almost 300.  Where they are all special, there are a few that I really feel close to. Turns out these doll house treasures had been sent by dear friend Andie and her daughter Gracie. Andie's blog is full of wonderful French things that she has been gathering for her new home. Gracie has a doll house also and Andie posted pictures of it, after I did my first doll house post. You should go and check out Andie's blog, I am sure you will love it.

The attic Shabby Chic bed room.


Dining room with French Empire theme and chandelier, a gift from Sissy Dog.

     My friend Nancy, whom I have mentioned many times in my blog, gave me a darling white wing chair for Valentines Day. I wanted one for the library and she had one in her shop. She has Kate's Attic and Mini Mall in Louisiana, Mo.It is 9 miles from here and a fun place to shop. She had gotten a whole lot of doll  house stuff at an auction and I have been making far  to many  trips there to shop. Nancy and I often run off on day trips. We go to antique shops, malls and other fun places. We always seem to get into trouble and usually buy way to much. She has a truck, but last time, even with a truck, we had to have some things delivered.
   My niece, Linda, who helps me a lot with house tours found this darling world globe and she brought it to me last time she came for a visit. It is actually a pencil sharpener, made of metal and the globe turns. Perfect for the library.
  I found this little chandelier and I say it was a Valentine gift from Sissy Dog. I look at doll house chandeliers on the net and they are so expensive. I was so lucky to get this one. And how perfect, it is a French Empire style, just like the house. It is now in the dining room
   I hope you enjoy my new doll house treasures. I know I sure do. I love them all and every time I add one more item the little house gets better and better. I wish you could come some time and see it for real. I will leave the lights on  and Sissy Dog will always meet you with a jump and a kiss. The doll house is at my shop for now. I am waiting for some carpet and things to come so I can finish it before I  take it home. I want to put it in the library ,along side my rocking horse and antique German and French dolls. Mr. Elgin, the original owner of, My Old Historic House, had a son and a daughter. I would like to think they would have had toys much like  these. If they did, the library was a perfect place to play with them.
    My friend Blossom was right. When I first bought the house she said, a doll house is like a real house, the expense never stops and it is never done.

My friend Larry brought me this real marble urn from St.Louis
PS. My friend Jim, just came from St.Louis to spent the weekend at his house here. He always stops in and he gave me this darling Victorian Rococo parlor chair. He says he has a sofa and another chair too. It looks like Belter. I am the luckiest man alive.


  1. How wonderful and what a fun surprise! Your house is a treasure full of treasures :) Sweet!!

  2. You are blessed to have such good friends who also have great taste! It is hard to believe that the rooms are not life size.

    I heard that Paul Harvey's wife, Angel, loved pink and that his home in Chicago was pink. I wonder if that's true?

  3. I knew you would find the perfect spot for each piece! This house is so magical! I love it!
    We are so glad to know you and Sissy liked the gifts!

    Andie and Goosie

  4. The more I see, the more I love your doll house, Richard.

    What wonderful gifts to add.

  5. It is coming along great! I wish I had a piece you could add to it. Can not wait to see it in person on Wednesday!!

  6. Richard, remember the movie "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids?" Well, I would love that to happen to me, just for a few hours,anyway, so I can zip right into this doll house. I had no doubt that it would be fabulous under your direction. xo

  7. Oh, dear Richard wish I could go and play in your little house. You're so lucky with such lovely and generous friends. I love the bedroom in the attic, so totally adorable! Thanks for visiting my pal and enjoy your weekend. Lots of hugs,

  8. You have received some real treasures for your doll house. You are so right - a doll house is like a real one - never ends. :-D

  9. It is looking better every time you share with us.What great gifts you have been given.Ilove the garden urn.

  10. Some special treasures, indeed! My daughter is pregnant. If it's a girl, I plan to bring out her Vicorian doll house and bring it up to snuff. I have boxes full of doll house furniture that I have been looking forward to revisiting. Your interior layout reminds me of our house. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Cherry Kay

  11. Those llinois Bloggirls are the best, Richard! How sweet of Andie and Gracie to send you these lovely treasures. I love seeing how they are made. Great photos.

    Your doll house is coming along so quickly and that Rococco chair your friend sent to you is... The bomb, as my sweet friend, Richard would say!


  12. The doll house is looking so fabulous just like your big house.
    It is so nice of people to send you items for the new pink house,
    I hope to see it this summer some time
    I just read where Quincy Ill TV station is coming over to film your mansion OMG !!!!!!!!Richard smile pretty when on camera and tell Sissy to smile LOL

    Mr celcbrity of Clarksville MO I know that will be so much fun

  13. Hi Richard. Your lovely Doll House is looking wonderful.

    Wouldn't a real house like this one be fun to live in?
    I think so.

    Next best thing is a Doll House to decorate.
    Best wishes,

  14. What sweet friends you have! It's always fun to open something and not know who sent it. And these pieces are so pretty, I love that lamp and perfume bottles! It's perfect for your little home. Hugs, Pearl

  15. Richard, what wonderful friends you have! The little lamp and perfumes are so beautiful. I am so enjoying watching the transformation of your house. Although, I must admit I'm quite jealous...I've had my house over a year and gotten nothing done on it. You've had yours a few months and the transformation is amazing! I really need to get motivated.

  16. Now Richard, I absolutely adored that post! Of course, I LOVE dollhouses. I've had several posts on mine.

    Oh my, yours is divine. It's going to be a fabulous as your "big" house (well, almost, anyway).

    Your new treasures are awesome, too. Just LOVE those little perfume bottles.

    Great job! Keep posting on the beautiful dollhouse, okay? Susan

  17. Hi Richard! Oh, how wonderfully your doll house is coming along! What sweet friends to send you all these darling pieces to fill it up! Just love it! I've been gone for a while visiting my little granddaughter and just got home last night. Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  18. Oh my gosh Richard ... I want that doll's house! It is exquisite and I also love the perfume bottles.
    The pink of course is perfection!
    best wishes

  19. Hey Richard...we are going to be fast new friends. Alison @ The Polohouse sent me over to meet and greet and get to know you...she said we had a lot in commom...our dollhouses. I love your pinky-wink outside...the color is a WOW. I've been doing minis for years and years (let's say about 30...) and they still hold a very special place in my heart. I go thru phases, leave it alone then play like crazy. I'm in the process of redoing each room AGAIN. It's never ending. lol Come on over when you get a chance and check out my latest post...a pink room redo. Lucky you with all your dear friends. Happy Sunday playing.

  20. Hi Richard,
    I love your doll house! I would call the color "Raspberry" or "rose". very Victorian. And I always wanted a house with a tower. Maybe that is because my ambition as a little girl was to be a princess.
    Now you need a Sissy Dog in your little house to complete it.


  21. What is it about doll's houses and miniature furniture that we all love? Your pink house is looking wonderful. I love the attic bed with the lace bed linens and all the other pretty furnishings.
    Hope you have a great week. Have fun decorating your new house.

  22. Richard, you are such an amazing decorator!!! Not only do you have one of the best decorated historic homes I have ever seen (and I have seen ALOT) now you are well on your way to having the best decorated dollhouse I have ever seen! (and I have seen several of those as well!)I have one that I bought for my daughter several years ago, I decorated it a little bit but I was trying not to take it over. Maybe someday I will. Right now it is in her closet. I do have to tell you though, that I have a pair of mini staffordshire dogs for the parlor mantle! Keep showing us your progress, I just love it!

  23. Hello Richard, nice to meet you. I am a new follower of your blog and I must say, I love your dollhouse. I'm very partial to that color. :)

  24. What lovely friends you have but it's no surprise. Your house is coming along splendidly. I think the attic bedroom is my favorite. Pet your pooch for me and have a wonderful week Richard!

  25. Richard your darling little house is starting to look almost as good as your big house *winks* How sweet of your friends to help you decorate, making it that much more special! Vanna

  26. Oh, Richard! When you first visited me recently, you mentioned that you wanted a PINK house, so I am SO GLAD you got one! It's adorable. And I love all of your little treasures and furniture. As my mother would say: "Enjoy it in good health!" Isn't it wonderful when our dreams come true? And thanks for being my 'new' blogging friend. :)

  27. The wall paper really makes the rooms pop. I'm in love with that tiny GWTW lamp.


    P.S. You know that you're going to have to make a mini lambrequin for at least one of the fireplaces. :)

  28. Es una casa fantastica llena de precioso detalles, enhorabuena!!!
    besitos ascension

  29. How fun! What a treat to get something that can bring such pleasure in the mail, and a surprise pleasure at that! I always wanted a dollhouse as a little girl. I still think it would be fun and the furniture would be much easier to rearrange than the life size thing!

  30. Beautiful Richard ! Your attention of detail is fabulous ! Thankks for following , I am happy to follow you too :)

  31. Richard,
    Your doll house is coming along nicely!!
    So many pretty things that you have had gifted to you!!
    Love all of them!!
    Now, tell me, aren't you just having a blast with your doll house?????


  32. Wow Richard that is so sweet! I love how your doll house has begun to have a life of it's own! You are having fun filling it and how sweet that friends from all around are helping too! Your Pink house has a life!
