Monday, March 5, 2012

Please,Have a Chair in the Library.

    It is Monday morning. The sun in trying to shine. We had some snow last night here in Missouri. I just noticed that I have a jonquil blooming in the garden. It was 32 degree yesterday and going to be almost 60 today. No wonder, with this stupid weather, half the country is sick. I have been fighting something for weeks. I am not sure if it  is a sinus something or a cold. What ever it is, I wish it would go away. While I am at  it, what's up with all the new confirmation words on blogger comments. I thought we were through with all that? These are so bad, all messed up, hard to read. I don't like it. I don't even begin to understand what it is for. How can this be security? I say, take them away!!!!! Why make something that is fun, difficult? Now that I have ranted and raved, on with this post.
   Many 19th century Victorian Homes had Library rooms. Most of them were on the second floor and above the dining room. You see, the dining room was considered a man's room. After the evening meal, men would stay behind for a dink and a smoke and tell a few, off colored stories. The library, also considered a man's room, because men would retreat in there to read the paper and  do book work .The Library of a Victorian Home  was kinda like a man cave of today??? Well that's a stretch, but, kinda. True to form, my Library is above the Dining room.

   I have two wonderful antique needlepoint chairs in my Library. Those chairs are the subject of my post today.  I love needlepoint, in fact it is one of my biggest passions. I have it all over the house. I found these chairs and felt they looked very much like a chair that  might have been in and 19th century Victorian Library. The one chair is a real French chair and it has it's original needlepoint. The chair is oak and most likely of the Louis XVI vintage. I found this chair in Chicago. I had it for sale in my shop. I never really wanted to sell it, just like so many other items I buy for sale. maybe that is why ,I am not the most successful antiques dealer? My house does not lend itself to this style of French furniture. But I threw caution to the wind and took it home to try.And, I like it. The needlepoint is wonderful. There is a French court scene with a man and a maiden. The colors are perfect for my room, so it has been there ever since. The second chair is actually an American Rococo Revival chair. it is made of walnut around 1860. The needlepoint is much older, dating back to the early 1800's. One can tel from the type of wool used for the stitches. This needlepoint must have been taken from another piece of furniture, most likely French, and adapted to this chair. I saw this chair in an antique shop window in St.Louis. It was in the evening and the shop was closed. I stopped the car, went to the door and left a note, saying I wanted this chair and please not to sell it to any one else. I knew the shop owner. I had a hard time sleeping that night and first thing the next day, I was off to that shop to get the chair.To my very delight, the chair was only $150.00, so it came home with me. I could not believe the wonderful needlepoint and the colors went so well with the other chair and the Library. Sometimes I get lucky, and this time was one of them.

    Needlepoint seems to last forever. It just does not wear out. It is made on a linen canvas with wool thread. What an invention this was.Needlepoint pieces have been found in the Egyptian Tombs. It has been around as long as man kind. It was once considered a pass time of rich ladies, and has been the pass time lately of almost anyone. Rosie Gear, the famous football player was a passionate needlepointer.  I have in the past done a few pieces of my own.  But,I really love the older so much better.
    I  wish you could come by sometime for a tour and we could set a spell in the library. These chairs really are quite comfortable. I will leave the lights on and I am sure Sissy Dog will jump in the chair with you and give you a big kiss.
   Have a wonderful day. Remember the new issue of Victorian Homes magazine is out and I have a 3 page feature. If you have trouble finding it, I have copies for sale here at the shop. And Oh Yes, get rid of those word confirmations, they just ain't  right.


  1. Amen Richard about the horrid word verification. I cannot read them. The needlepoint chairs are marvelous. I buy vintage needlepoint pillows a lot and no one wants to buy them so I keep them. Maybe that is my plan after all. I think throwing caution to the wind is good sometimes. hugs, olive

  2. I LOVE your needlepoint chairs, Richard. I love the colors, my kind of color. They will blend well in our house, if you ever want to get rid of them, lol...Christine

  3. Hi Richard, I hope you feel better soon. I love your chairs and the needlepoint! They are fabulous, I also love old needlepoint and have collected pieces over the years. Your story about the Victorian chair in the antiques shop is funny. The same has happen to me over the years when I wanted something in a shop that was closed I could not sleep until it was home.

  4. I agree the word verification is terrible, can't see it because it's blurry

    I added your old post about your glass eggs just now to my post today , sure you won't care.

    love the needlepoint also, sorry to say I sold my chairs in an auction about 15 years ago you would have loved them

    I am really enjoying the sun today cleaning closets and waiting till I can buy Victorian Home magazine here in Columbia

  5. Gorgeous chairs!

    I am a big fan of needlepoint, also. I have many needlepoint pillows and I uphoslstered our piano bench with one and I even have a needlepoint handbag.

    Our dog is named Sissy, too! :)

  6. I love needlepoint as well and have a Belgian chair and matching footstool done in needlepoint and another 1850s chair with a needelpoint seat and yet two more from close to the same period with needelpoint seats . . . and then there are the pillows! Mine, mostly, and a wealth of styles as I moved from decorating country to city. And you're right -- they don't wear out.

    I adore your chairs -- both of them but agree with you that the second one is the special chair with that beautiful needlepoint -- sigh.

    I can see how you knew that it was right for your house!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. These chairs are absolutely beautiful! I know that needlepoint takes a LONG time to do. My one and only experiment in needlepoint was a was supposed to be a square but turned into a diamond by the time I was finished. Somehow I just couldn't keep it staying square. So I appreciate anyone who can needlepoint and these are most beautiful. You are right, the older the better; the colors are so much better.

    It was great seeing your dollhouse in person this past weekend, too. I certainly recommend a trip to your Elgin-Cottrell house and Richard's Great Stuff to one and all!

  10. At first i didn't understand what you were saying about word confirmation. Now I get what you are talking about. Yes, it is annoying. I can never read them right the first time and it just makes me want to leave the sight without commenting.
    Your needlepoint chairs are gorgeous! What treasures you have. The colors and the workmanship are wonderful!


  11. OH yes...what is up with those new word thingys ... I feel so unhuman trying to read them!

    Your chairs are amazing. You find GOOOOOOOOD stuff, Mr. Richard.

  12. I agree with the word verification, most of the time I cannot get the words right so I can't leave a comment? Something has got to give! I adore your chairs and the subject matter. We here in Wa. are having just as crazy weather as you, we are waiting not so patiently. Hugs, Pearl

  13. I love the needlepoint...I am looking for some dinning chair's to do that way or maybe if I get lucky, already that way.
    Thank you dear friend for your kind comment's.

  14. Richard...absolutely love these chairs...they remind me of the Cantebury Tales. Such beautiful images and canvas work.

  15. Really like all of your collection of antiques, never get tired of looking at nice antique.

  16. Amen to the word thingy..I'm old and my eyes don't focus on them ha ha!!
    Loved seeing more of your beautiful home Richard..Now I'm also loving that wallpaper..are those Laurel wreaths on it??
    Give that Sissy some fur love from me..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  17. Such beautiful chairs-love the colors.You have such a great eye for mixing and matching.

  18. I am waiting for my magazine to arrive. You are the second person that has said they were featured in I can't wait to get it!
    Richard, thank you for stopping by. You are so busy that I am always so pleased to see your comments. Makes me smile.
    Your home has so much history! How glorious to have such a home!
    The chairs are marvelous! I found a lovely old stool at a garage sale and a top for it that had been done by the elderly woman who's things were being sold. I both both the finished top and the stool. However my daughter love the stool, worn though it was..and lovingly took it home. So now I have a beautiful top..and no stool.
    One will turn up, but somehow..the thought of that lovely needlepoint top going on any other stool doesn't feel right. Perhaps she will one day change her I have lovingly tucked it away in tissue!
    The word verification is horrible! I sometimes just leave and give up when I come across one.
    I wish everyone would remove them. I agree with you totally that they are terrible and frusterating.

  19. Richard, I agree with you about word verification. I tried three times to the other day to leave a comment on a blog, and finally was able to get a "word" I could read.
    I agree with you, also, about needlepoint, too. :) Love it and I actually brought home a small needlepoint pillow Monday to add to my others.

  20. I really do like your chairs.I like the pictures that were used on the older pieces.

  21. I should of paid more attention to detail when I was in the library! It is a great room. No snow here, I guess it was 74 yesterday but I worked 16 hrs!

  22. Hi Richard,
    I had such a fun time catching up on your blog. Your antique needlepoint chairs are gorgeous.
    Oh, someday I would love to come visit you! Your posts are just so wonderful and bring joy to my day.
    Hope you have a wonderful week.
    Laurie (formerly of Rose Cottage)

    I will be on the lookout for the Victorian Homes Magazine!

  23. Well of course I have to stop by pick up my chair!...You did say to please "have" a chair right? *winks*...I hope you won't think me too greedy if I take both chairs lol! They are both too lovely for me to choose a favorite sooooo...both please!.....I have a feeling though that you don't actually want to give your chairs away do ya?...And I don't blame you a bit. I also love needlepoint. It's bloody long work! So I really appreciate work done by those with much more patience than I *winks* And amen to the word verification. It's gotten ten shades of crazy town! Vanna

  24. Oh, those chairs! Simply gorgeous!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. I Love Needlepoint... and your Rugs *winks*... and yes, our weather is unpredictable now too... one day its almost 90 degrees and the next it drops to 60 and gale force winds... so we're all battling health issues due to it.

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  26. Hi Richard,
    We were just talking about you and you wonderful egg collection, you have the most amazing stuff and today is no exception. The chairs are just really top notch! I'd love to sit and read in those any day.
    p.s. Don't forget to link.

  27. Richard, it is so much fun to see all the details of your lovely rooms. When I was a child my parents were friends of the Mott family. They had a large concession at Knott's Berry Farm. It was a huge room filled with houses dating from the Revolutionary War through their own home. You can read about them here on their own website: Mott's Doll House Minishop.

  28. Hi Richard. Love to see your posts. I get to see and learn a lot about things I have never seen. I have a lg doll house too. Not as elaborate as yours Some antique., some hand made and some inexpensive furniture. Must check it out and refresh it. the wall paper is left over paper from my home.
