Saturday, September 17, 2011

KITCHENS -Past and Present.

This is my present kitchen at My Old Historic House. The sink cabinet is the only built in cabinet in the whole kitchen..
This is the cabinet with the red counter top and tile with fruit that I covered with cut out roses from the wallpaper.  This house was in St.Louis and I sold it and moved to New York.

This was my very first home that I ever owned. It was an 1860's brick two story in Louisiana, Mo. The cabinets were there when I bought it. I removed the upper ones and painted the lower ones. I  free hand painted the blue willow designs below the sink.

Same kitchen as above. I knocked the plaster off the brick here and left it exposed. The old cook stove was left from the former owners. It worked and I used to fire it up and use it on real cold days. 

    While looking through a pile of photo's the other night ,for one special one, I noticed I had a lot of pictures of my former homes. They  got me thinking and counting and I have lived in 17 homes/apartments  in the past 41 years. That is an average of 2.5 years per home. When you look at it this way, sound like I am a gypsy.And in a way I guess I am. I love to decorate houses, especially mine, but, when I get tired of the way it looks, I find it more interesting to move than redecorate. Now that I am 62 and some what grown up, I guess I might just stick around for awhile. Those moves are getting harder and harder. When I think back, I am not even sure how I did it. I only hires professional mover once and that was when I moved from St.Louis to New York,(Hamptons) and back. That cost $10,000.00 each trip, something you can never get back. I said, if I move anywhere that requires a moving van again, I'm having the biggest estate sale this part of the country has ever seen.
   I am not a big photo keeper. I usually just stick them in a box. Over the years I am sure many have been tossed or lost. Looking through the ones I have, I found more pictures of my past kitchens than other rooms, so I am doing  a blog about my kitchens , past and the present. I 'm sorry I don't have pictures of all 17. I sure wish I did. But, I have a few and I would like to share them with you all.
   One theme that runs true in all my kitchens is the fact that they are all kinda country. I love primitive antiques and I also love Victorian formal, so to put the two styles together is a little tricky, so the solution is to use the primitive, country items, in the kitchen. I have never been one for these huge, mega kitchens with cabinets everywhere and you need roller skates to get from one end to the next. In fact, I really don't like built in cabinets . I would rather have antique pieces that I could take with me. The only cabinet my kitchens usually has, is the sink cabinet. I never replace cabinets, I just re-do them, with paint and sometimes new counter tops. I have been known to paint a few counters in my  lifetime. Heck, once I painted the ice box hunter green. I love wallpaper in my kitchens and  not wall paper that looks like a kitchen. I hate that cute kitchen wall paper with tea pots or chickens or fruit.I usually prefer my kitchens to look more like parlors than kitchens. I have many a time used big pink rose wallpaper in my kitchens.  I love bead board in a kitchen. I love open shelves also and never seem to have enough of them. Another common theme in my kitchens is the use of gingham fabric, for curtains and other decorations. My favorite floor for a kitchen is a wooden one, I have never liked tile floors.

The kitchen from my very first home that I ever owned. 
I free hand painted the blue willow design on the sink.

I have always loved good country primitive antiques. You will see many of these items in each and every kitchen I have ever had.
This house was in St.Louis. I called it, Rose Haven, and it was a Bed and Breakfast. I followed the rose theme through out the house, including the wall paper in the kitchen,  which had huge cabbage roses. This is the house where I pained the ice box hunter green.

Wish the picture was better, but here is a close up of the wall paper.

The kitchen above at Rose Haven had this darling little,6 by 10, screen porch off the back. I continued the rose theme out there and it was my favorite spot. I had many a meal at this small table. See the bird cage, you will see them often in my kitchens. 

For a few years I lived in an old mansion in Hannibal,Mo. that was a museum and open to the public for tours , I was the curator  and this was the kitchen at Christmas. I decorated a  theme tree in every room. This one showcases my Chicken collection.  This kitchen was in my private quarters, but I often let tourist see it. 

I used a quilt for a table cloth.I do this a lot. 

The kitchen at the Hannibal mansion was really my private quarters, but I would let people tour it anyhow. I used a floral wall paper again here. I made the chicken needlepoint you see in this cute hanging piece. I gave most of these chicken things, including the needlepoint to my niece Sherry, She used them in her home today.

    One kitchen had tile behind the sink and a red counter top. The tile had fruit  tiles scattered here and there.I could not afford to replace it, so I cut roses from the wall paper and glued it to the tile to cover  up the fruit. Everybody hated the red counter, but I thought it was just fine.You'll see it today, see what you think?
   Some of you might say, yes, but he probably does not use his kitchens. That is not true. Almost every house I have ever lived in, I have had a Bed and Breakfast, tours or rented for parties. For years I catered huge parties from my home kitchen, and they turned out just wonderful.
     I hope you enjoy seeing some of my past kitchens and my present kitchen, at My Old Historic House. I did not spend thousands of dollars on it, but I love it, and it made a centerfold in this past Junes issue of Victorian Homes magazine. The only built in I have is the sink, the rest are free standing  antique cabinets. The floor is the original 1845 wood floor that I sanded many coats of paint from. The original working  fireplace has a pine mantle. The beamed and bead board ceiling  are not original, placed there by the third owner, but, I loved them and left them. I added bead board to the walls and topped it with an open shelf for display. I added a center island ,that serves  not only  as my only counter space, but home for my TV. Sissy Dog and I set in the kitchen and watch TV. I have an old wing chair covered in 1840's woven coverlet and she has an 1860's cotton picken basket.

In this kitchen  in one of my St.Louis homes, I used a Waverly wall paper called,"First Lady." It is discontinued now, but was a favorite of mine.

This is the famous red counter top. 

The famous Staffordshire dogs, they seem to show up every where.

I love mixing the blue and white porcelain with the floral.

I used these painted French Chairs with an American primitive pine table.

This kitchen had a little pantry nook on the side. It is one reason I bought this house. This is how it looked when I first bought the house.

This is the pantry nook after I did my thing It was a perfect place for my china and glass ware collection. I loved to set in the blue toile chair and talk on the phone. The chair, the paper and the rug all add to the parlor look in this kitchen.

    Please come by for a tour anytime. I would love to show you the kitchen and all around the place. I am sure Sissy Dog will jump out of her basket and give you a giant kiss. If I know you are a comin, I will whip us up something to eat. I've been told I am a pretty good cook. Apples are in season and I could bake us a pie. You know we are  having our Apple Fest here in Clarksville,Mo. Oct. 8th and 9th. My Old Historic House, will be open both days for tours. It would be a real good time for you all  visit.
   Stop by any time, I will leave the light on. Richard

Before I bought, my Old Historic House, I had a little weekend cottage here in Clarksville. I lived in St.Louis and I would come every weekend to play. This was a little doll house. very cottage and almost Shabby Chic. Something different for me. I painted the kitchen cabinets a golden yellow. I used that color of paint in very room. I am sorry the pictures are not better and that I do not have more, because this really was a darling kitchen/

This is the dining room of the Clarksville Cottage, it was right off the kitchen and you can see the kitchen in the back ground. I sold this place so I could buy, my Old Historic House.
This is the center fold that was in the June 2011 issue of Victorian Homes Magazine.

This is Sissy Dog, she made the magazine. She was in her 1860's cotton picken basket.

My chickens live on the center island. They are bigger than life size and are made in Italy. 

I found this chicken at the Eddie Bower Home Store.

This is where I set and watch TV. The wing chair is covered  in an 1840's woven coverlet.

All my kitchens have dogs. I love Staffordshire dogs and they always live in my kitchens. 

The cow creamer were first collected for the Clarksville cottage kitchen. They since then have moved to, My Old Historic House.

1845, original working fireplace at My Old Historic House.

I love Bessie the cow, she has moved around a lot with me.
More Italian life sized chickens life on the ice box.

Above the sink at My Old Historic House.

Almost ever kitchen I have ever had, has had some color or type of gingham curtain. These are in the kitchen at, my Old Historic House, today.

Baskets have moved from house to house and kitchen to kitchen.


  1. Hello Richard:
    What a fascinating post of kitchens past and present, each one reflecting your very distinctive and individual style which, in turn, suggests such character and conveys so much in the way of interest.

    Having over recent months been afforded such wonderful glimpses into the Old Historic House, we cannot imagine your ever wanting to leave it nor, for one moment, do we think that you could really part with all of your carefully acquired treasures in an estate sale.

    No, please stay where you are and continue to delight your readers, both near and afar.

  2. Richard, this is a post that requires more than one visit, I need to go back over some things to make sure I didn't miss anything! I love that built in pantry, I would die for something like that. Your chicken theme tree is amazing. And Sissie made it as a 'centerfold" model! That cutie!! I wish I could come visit for that apple festival. I love things like that. xo P.S. You can't leave that house, Richard. You love it too much and it embraces you in return!

  3. I enjoyed your kitchen retrospective so much, Richard!

    There is a Louisiana home featured in the real estate section of the October Country Living. Looks beautiful! We love to drive around Louisiana, in the historic homes area as well as the business district...if only we were 40 years younger and know what we know now and have the $$$.:-)

  4. Richard, I loved looking at your old photos of past and present kitchens...and I see lovely Blue Willow platters in the earlier photos. The Spode ? one above your Staffordshire figures makes me nervous. My luck it would fall on the Staffordshire. Yikes.I'm glad you kept these old photos and you did a great job painting the BW on your sink.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Richard I absolutely LOVE seeing any and all of your homes in every way shape and form possible! All of them were beautiful and clearly reflect your style. That chandelier in your early kitchen made me swoon! The built in pantry...dreamy!! The french chairs! *sighs* I agree with Barbara. this is definitely a post to be savored again and again. You and Charles Faudree should be friends....I see many similarities in your decorating. *winks* Vanna

  6. I have never seen so many beautiful things in one home. But oh the cleaning everything, that would be some job.

  7. Hi Richard, what a fabulous tour of your kitchens. My girlfriend and husband worked out of Louisana for a while with the telephone company, she bought " a Lot" of antiques from there. Your staffordshire dog collection is wonderful.. I only have 3 not antiques, love them the same want more. I love the small pantry area... shoot I love it all.! What a grand post.. hugs ~lynne~

  8. Wow Richard...I did not know you were a centerfold!! Were your ears burning yesterday, my friend was just telling me about the house in Louisiana that you had renovated. Maybe I will make it up to see her that weekend and stop in and see your beautiful home. I just love those cows!

  9. Hi Richard-

    Your kitchens are all wonderful!! I would so love to have a little pantry nook like you had in one of your homes, it looked so cozy! And I could hardly look at the chandelier, I was so jealous!! LOL!!!!

    Right now my "dream" kitchen is just in my mind...I have a modern kitchen with dark cherry cabinets, granite counter tops and tile floors, they were here when I bought the house. I leave it as it is for now since taking care of Mom and Dad is easier with less "beautiful clutter" to get in their way.

    Thanks for sharing your kitchens with us. Don't forget to give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me!!

  10. Hi Richard! Oh, I have just loved this post! I've so enjoyed my tour of your kitchens! Love the roses wallpaper. My mother always called those 'cabbage roses'. :) Now I do adore your kitchen you have now - the beadboard, open shelving, cow creamers and those Staffordshire doggies. I have a small collection but nothing like you have! ;) I do have a couple of the white ones with black nosies like yours.
    Now, I love that red countertop. Red just says homey to me! My kitchen walls used to painted red.
    I know I said it before but congrats on your lovely home being published! It's wonderful.
    Hope you're having a nice weekend. Wish I lived close, I would come for a tour!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  11. Richard,
    How lyrically your pictures sing the praise of your most glorious appointed kitchens, past and present. – gary

  12. I love all your kitchens, but your present one is my favorite! It must be so cozy in the winter time with the fire going and the smell of something good cooking.Sissy looks very happy in her cotton basket-give her a kiss for me.

  13. Oh my goodness Richard I adored this wonderful post..I so love all your kitchens...but you had me at the Blue/white crockware ha ha!! love ya my dear friend..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  14. The kitchen really is the heart of the house and I think no cosy kitchen should be without some blue and white platters and plenty of baskets.


  15. Good morning Richard. Your kitchen photos are wonderful but my favourite kitchen is your current one. I love looking back at photos of homes we have had over the years and seeing how my decorating style has changed. You have so many wonderful collections it was a pleasure visiting your blog this morning. Take care.

  16. Wow-your kitchens are all wonderful! I prefer a country feel to a kitchen-it makes it comfy and welcoming. The picture of the painting you did of the blue willow design is fabulous! You are so talented!



  17. Enjoyed the tour and all the interesting objects... You have lived in several interesting surroundings....

  18. What fun to see some of your kitchens! I haven't moved as often as you, but I do move a lot (I'm in my sixth house so far). I understand perfectly the excitement of doing up a different place, as well as that restless urge to depart that comes out of nowhere. But you're right: it's getting much harder. Last summer's move in the heat about did me in.

    Of all my kitchens, my favorite remains the one in my 1938 house (the oldest I've owned). The wooden floor was worn out. The white-painted cabinets were simple and chipped. The old Roper gas stove terrified me, but I had a big, old-fashioned sink to wash dishes in and I loved how the afternoon sun poured in the big windows.

    Right now, I have the modern kitchen of granite and fitted cabinets. The only place to display my beloved primitive & country treasures is on top of the upper cabinets. Hmm, maybe I could glue roses or something pretty on these boring, bland builder-grade backsplash tiles ... you always share great ideas!

    It's eerie that only yesterday I was chatting with an antiques dealer and told her that I liked Renaissance Revival Victorian furniture for the living room and primitives for the kitchen. Then I read your blog this morning, and here you are affirming the same combination of formal and casual. Hurray!

    Now, if only I could figure out how to fit an old wood-burning cookstove in this modern kitchen and give it some soul.

    As for that red countertop--why not? It looks great with the roses.


  19. Oh, my! Your kitchens are so warm and cozy! You really have a wonderful style sense.
    So many moves...I hate moving. But it must have been an adventure for you.
    I think you need to stay put and enjoy your home.
    It is so much fun reading your posts.


  20. I love your kitchen, Richard! I especially love the red check fabric and all the country primitives. The baskets hanging from the ceiling are wonderful! Looks very inviting and cozy :)

  21. Richard, that is a lot of moving and a lot of homes. So much fun seeing our styles through the years. Mine has certainly evolved. I love your cow creamers collection. I have just started. So far I have three. Oh, the thrill of the hunt.

  22. Hi Richard, I hope you and Miss Sissy dog are having a super Sunday. Thank you for swinging in to see part 2 of the Open House. Darling, there is no special invite, anyone is free to go. Open to the public. She loves to have people in her home, is very gracious to answer all questions and have her picture taken, everyone tells you to take lots of pictures. Perfect statement for all of us bloggers huh? I hope you'll be able to get a chance to take in one of her events soon. What fun it would be for several of us bloggers to meet there.. there's another post possibly 2 coming up soon, I hope folks aren't getting bored with it.. hope you'll be able to find the time to swing back in... have a great afternoon... hugs ~lynne~

  23. Richard,
    I enjoyed seeing many of your kitchens. I have moved around a lot, too. I hope to never move again. I really liked that stove that you had in one of your kitchens. And I love the way you display your cow creamers. In fact, I love how your kitchens aren't decorated like "kitchens."

  24. Oh, I don't know how you have packed and unpacked so many delicate beautiful things. You must have the patience I only dream of. Each kitchen had your personalty all over it and that is what home is, not the house, right!

  25. It is so interesting to see all your past kitchens, Richiard. You have so much stuff, lovely stuff! It would be like heaven to come if ever you have an estate or yard sale...Christine

  26. I loved looking at your pictures of your old house. I think we might have a bit less..not sure what, but we all have changed.
    I loved, loved, loved your white hen and rooster. Just gorgeous.
    I am just getting started on Fall today. Seems the season are going by faster and faster.
    I love your home, Richard. It is just exactly the sort of thing I attempt to achieve ...and never quite get there! :) No problem. I will just come and visit you! :)

  27. Richard I love all your collections but for me never in the kitchen think of the cleaning! I wish I had a pantry in my kitchen so I’m slightly jealous, in a good way, of yours. Love your Straffordshire dogs those are amazing and Sissy dog she looks so cute in her antique basket. Amazing you kept as many pictures of your previous kitchens as you did since I only have one and that’s enough for me!

  28. Richard, your posts are always so full of history and interesting items. I love those roosters.

  29. Your kitchens all look so warm, inviting and cozy! I actually Love the one you have now the best. I was delighted to inherit my Mom's Staffordshire Dogs when she moved to Cali, I love them too and you have an amazing collection of them... my Brother got her other set which are the Liver Brown and White, mine are Gold and White and I've loved them since childhood so it was an honor to have them passed down to me.

    Thanks for stopping by, yes, those cloth Pumpkins are so fun, I've been adding to my Collection for a few years now and keep meaning to make some myself out of Vintage European Fabrics... but too many projects and too little time. *smiles*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  30. Hi Richard,
    Your collections never cease to amaze me!

    I keep missing things in your posts, they provide great re-reading material!

    I love seeing the progression of style and interest in all the houses. Clarkesville sure was cute!

  31. Richard, all your past and present kitchens are so charming, full of beautiful accents like the dogs, the roos and chicks, I specially love the big Italian white ones. I enjoyed this tour thru it all, looking at such fascinating kitchens! Thanks for sharing, I so had fun! Hope all is well with you, just got back from a trip visiting our daughter so I haven't visited much. Hugs, FABBY

  32. Oh, almost forgot my fav part...THE COWS! So adorable, what a fabulous collection dear Richard! Love, FABBY

  33. How did I miss this, my dear? You are so very talented that I am always flattered when you visit my measly blog. The blue willow painting is perfection, as is the kitchen in the cabin and...well...everything!
