Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Will work for food.

    Well ,now that I have your attention, I will explain. My friend Nancy, up the road 9 miles, in Louisiana,Missouri., has a shop called, Kate's Attic Antiques and Mini Mall. She knows the best way to get me to do something, offer me a good meal. When you live alone, if you are  like me, you do not like to cook and eat by yourself,so I often have frozen TV dinners  or pizza. Nancy has been after me to come help her, rearrange and display her shop. I usually say OK, but we never make a date. This time she called and offered me a fried chicken dinner, my favorite, if I would come and help and give her ideas.When you are in your shop day after day, sometimes it is good to have a different persons outlook on the things. After awhile every thing starts to look boring and you can get over whelmed. I have a knack for display, always have, and that is how I made my living in the past.So, she almost made one mistake, she feed me first. But after we had our dinner, to work we went. We moved all most everything in the shop, including show cases and china cabinets. She was very generous, as she had two extra men to come and help move.  WE worked till late that night and I came back a second time, this time for a good breakfast. The shop turned out really cute so I thought I would like to share it all with you. If you see anything you like, give Nancy a call. 573-754 - 4544, and I am sure she will work out all the details. Nancy and I go on shopping trips together, I am sure you remember me mentioning her before. Her shop is a little more country  than mine. The shop has 3 big areas, the area I am showing today is Nancy's things, the other two are rented mall spaces.
    I hope you enjoy Nancy's shop. Come by any time. She is open 7 days a week. Stop by My Old Historic House first and I will show you the way. Is it OK if Sissy Dog goes with us? Better be, as I am not going if she can't go to.

Ms. Nancy on the phone offering me a chicken dinner if I would  come and help.

Please go and check out, Savvy Southern Style Blog. She is having one of the best give a ways ,I have seen. It is a  big piece of M A Hadley pottery. Just wonderful. I love it. I have a large collection, but never enough. I was suspose to put her on my side bar, but, I am to dumb with this computer to know how. I hope this works just as well as I sure would like to win. No one would love it more. Richard


  1. I always get so excited when I see your new posts! You are both blessed to have each other, Richard.
    The vignettes are lovely. I have never seen so many Raggedy Ann dolls at once!
    You're right. You do have a knack!

    Kisses for Sissy!


  2. Oh well than, I would work for food too, even if I have hubby to share a table with! The thing is I love shops and this one is no exception, it looks like such fun place, Richard. I would be buying the plates, I know. I have a big ruggedy Ann from 40 years ago, gave it to the grands for their room, I love them! Thanks for your sweet visit Richard and the blue fruit were made in ceramic at our past Ceramic Co., we than worked with the artist in the 90's. Love, FABBY

  3. Hello Richard:
    How very kind and generous of you to give of your time and expertise to help Nancy in this way although, from all that you say, she is both a work colleague and an exceedingly good friend.

    As these splendid results show, we are certain that you both had much fun rearranging the store.

  4. I think you and Nancy make a great team. Everything looks wonderful! xo,

  5. Lovely distplays!!! You guys did a great job! It's a really fun shop that I have never left without finding something. If you get a chance to visti go there and Richard's Great Stuff of course!!

  6. My friend told me about this shop, now I want to go! I want to snap up all the vintage metal pieces, the lunch box, and that tin with the geranium on it.

    Since your hosting a Halloween party you need to read this!
    1893 Victorian farmhouse blog. Her latest post is about a 1907 Halloween party...pretty cool!


  7. Richard the displays look great, and I bet the fried chicken did too! That was so nice of you to help out your friend Nancy. You do good work! And the fried chicken sounds good!

  8. Great eye for design. Her shop is wonderful. Thank you for sharing the redo. Cherry Kay

  9. Your friend has lots of stuff and you have arranged it very nicely-no surprise there!I would probably work for homemade fried chicken too-it is a pain to make!Kiss Sissy for me!

  10. Dang it all Richard I wanted to see the chicken dinner ha ha!! Love ya my dear friend..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  11. Very nicely displayed, some people just have a knack, me not so much. Fun to look at it all, I'm not into country either but I saw for or five things that I would buy for the right price of course :) Glad you had a good dinner with a nice friend, that's always special. Have a fun week!

  12. Sounds like you have a good working relationship - Work for some great food ! :-D

  13. I do so enjoy arranging stuff in antique shops, too....I'd like to get paid to do such things in Nashville....Nancy's shop is darling...so much eyecandy!! Mel's Designs from the Cabin found you from another blog....Mel

  14. Hi Richard, what a great Mini Mall your friend has. How could anyone choose just one thing. Everything looks so inviting.. I love all the dishes.. especially the one on the table with a bit of green around the edges... needing more for my sunporch. :-)) give Miss Sissy dog a big hug and a pat.. hugs ~lynne~

  15. You do come up with the best titles for your post and this was the best

    Will Work For Food

    I need help rearragning my house

    any offers Richard?? Sissy could come for the day also

  16. Richard,
    You are so clever! That is too funny...you with the sign.
    The shop looks great! Looks like a nice place to find country treasures. She is lucky to have you as a friend. And nice to have a lady make you a chicken dinner.

    All the best,


  17. Oh I thoroughly enjoyed browsing through the shop, Richard. How nice of you to help help set up and you really did a good job too....Christine

  18. You will work for food and I will work for caramels! I can't believe all the Raggedy Ann dolls...they remind me of my childhood!

  19. Wow! This is real country! I'm sure she was more than thrilled to get that kind of help! SO glad you got away from the pizza for a night! Haha!

  20. Food is a great motivator. Yes, you have a knack. The shop looks very inviting.

  21. We would love browsing Nancy's shop Richard!

    Beautiful displays!

  22. What fun! My mouth is watering for several things in Nancy's shop. Wish I could get there.


  23. Why can't I live closer to you or you closer to me I opine yet again!
    I think that was some amazing good value for a meal *winks*
    And yes I'd say you're a master vignetter Richard. Fried chicken can be a pain...but you're worth it! Lol!
    Nancy's shop is wonderful and I certainly spy a treasure or two I'd love to have....starting with that pine hutch. Why do I always love the big stuff that's a bazillion miles away? *winks*...Now a statuette with nudes and a cow....THAT could be so much more easily shipped...*hint hint* I saw a meissen statuette with nudes and a cow at the Pacific Gallery, and the cow had a wreath of flowers around it's neck...fell in LOVE with it! But alas the price was out of range.*sighs* I still wish I could've swung it somehow. So I'm dying to see it Richard!

    OK now on to the tech part of my comment. To add the picture of the giveaway item...
    1. Go to your dashboard
    2. Click on design
    3. On the sidebar click on add a gadget
    4 Click on picture (It will be the tenth one from the top) You can then enter the Title (Savy Southern Giveaway) and an image from your computer or from the web, as well as add the link. Then when the contest is over you can go back to your dashboard and delete it.
    Any other questions you have my number my friend. *winks* Vanna

  24. love the dolls those are my favorite but the shop looks amazing great job

  25. Oh dear...and here I am thousands of miles away. HOW I would love to go to a place that that and shop.
    My speed is garage sales... :( but every now and then I hit one of those precious little shops and go nuts.
    She has a good, good friend in you, Richard!

  26. Wow, it looks great! You are so talented!! Now we need to see pictures of your shop!

    Give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me!


  27. Hey pal, I know you love baroque arquitechture...so I'm inviting you to come over to my latest post and take a tour of Quito. Have a fun weekend darling. FABBY

  28. This was fun...shopping from the comfort of my home and computer! The displays looked great, so I guess you and Nancy both won! Great trade!
