Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Candle Light Tour.

A collection of brass candlesticks in the transom
 of the parlor doors. would light 2 rooms at once.

French bronze and crystal  girandoles, mantle of the dining room.

Rare and unusual, cranberry glass candle holder. One for a pair, Ladies,Up River Parlor. 

Lusters, is a name for a fancy Victorian style candle holder . The prisms added extra light and sparkle to the room. This is one of a pair, English, pink Bristol glass, found in the Down River, Gentlemen

    The dictionary defines  a candle as a solid block of fuel (wax) and an embedded wick,which produces light. Today most candles are made from paraffin, but, some are made of beeswax,soy and other plant waxes. A candle manufacturer is traditionally  known as a ,"Chandler."
    The Egyptians were using wicked candles in 3,000 BC., but, the ancient Romans are generally credited with the developement of wicked candles. Early Chinese candles were made in paper tubes, wax was made from insects. In Japan the first wax was from tree nuts. In India, candle wax was made by boiling the fruit of the cinnamon  tree.
   Colonial women offered America's first contribution to candle making, when they discovered that boiling bay berry bushes,produced a sweet smelling wax. The growth of the whaling industry in the late 18th century brought the first major change in candle making, as oil lamps were now being used to light homes. Most of the major developements impacting contemporary candle making occurred during the 19th century. In 1834, Joseph Morgan invented a machine that allowed the continuous production of molded candles. After this invention, candles became more affordable, and every household used them. Paraffin wax was introduced in the 1850's. It had a low melting point, orderless and burned clean. Popularity of the candle remained steady  until the mid 1880's.
    The earliest known candles originated in China around 200BC and were made from whale fat. Candles did not appear in Europe until sometime after 400 AD. The early European candles, were also made from fat. In the 18th century, Sperm Whale fat ,was used to produce a superior candle. Paraffin was first distilled in 1850 and revolutionized candle making.The candle business boomed after this, but was devastated soon after by  the invention of kerosene.

A pair of Austrian , brass and porcelain floral wall sconces, light the pier mirror in the Dining room.

French girandoles on the dining room mantle.

   Based on measurement of a taper-type wax candle, a modern candle typically burns  at a steady rate about 0.1g/min. The light produced is 100 times lower than an incandescent light bulb. It would take 1,000 candle to equal a 100 watt bulb.A 6 inch candle will burn steady for 8 hours.
    Before the advent of electricity ,and in areas with out electric, candles and oil lamps were, and are, used to light peoples homes.. Until the 20th century, candles were more common in Europe than the United States. Most candles were hand made by the home owner or there servants. Most common method was a tin mold. Some were however, hand dipped
  A candle stick or candelabrum is a holder for one or more candles, used for lighting or decoration. The name candle stick derives from the fact that it is usually tall and stick shaped. Here in America, we usually say, candle holder.
   Although electric lighting has phased out candles, candle sticks and candelabra are still used in modern homes as a decorative element or to add atmosphere on special occasions.
  In 1845 when, My Old Historic House was built,candles, whale oil lamps and rag  lamps were the only lighting that was available in American rural areas. Elgin who built my home, had a trading post and latter, a general store, so I am sure he had access to store bought candles. Even then, candles were rare and expensive. This is why most people of that day would just go too bed at dark.

This large bronze cherub, hold the massive candle holders on the top of the candelabra.

Detail of the foot of the French bronze candelabra in Ladies Parlor.

Candle light adds beauty and romance to the Ladies parlor.

    When I have a party or a night time tour, I love to light the candle all around, My Old Historic House. It takes awhile to light them all. When you blow out a candle, the wick tends to bend and stick in the hot wax. You might have to dig it out and bend it up, before the next lighting. Candles can add charm and beauty to your home, but, if left un- attended, then can be very dangerous. I am sure many house fires were caused by a falling candle or one, that was to close to a curtain.  Please be extra careful when burning candles.
   I hope you have enjoyed this candle light tour of, My Old Historic House. .I love to see it in the candle light. Makes me wonder what it might have been like, way back in 1845. What do you think?
   Please come by anytime for a tour. I will be more than glad to light all the candles. Heck, I will even share a glass of wine or two. And Yes, Sissy Dog ,will always meet you with a jump and a kiss.
   And Remember, only you, can prevent candle fires.! BE SAFE, NOT SORRY!

Candles  in the door transom, add light to two rooms at the same time. 

A pair of Austrian Bronze and porcelain floral candelabra , adorn the Gentlemen Parlor mantle. 

This is how the house would have looked in 1845, lite by candle light.

German Dresden porcelain wall sconce, Gentlemen Parlor.

One of a pair, German Dresden, candelabra on mantle in blue bed room, second floor,

Pair of brass and candle  wall sconces with shades in blue bed room.

My favorite candle snuffer. Be sure and put those candles out and never leave un-attented. 



  1. I think you and Vanna win the prize for prettiest Candelabras!They are all so lovely and unique!

  2. Thanks so much for the beautiful candlelight tour Richard. Do you open your home at Christmas? Just wondered if you do a candlelight tour.

  3. Your home may be even more beautiful (is that possible?) at night. Those candles lend such a wonderful ambience to all your treasures! Thank you for a wonderful tour!

  4. LOVELY candlelight tour, Richard!! Thanks for the historical info on candles. I was just thinking how easy it would have been to set the drapes on fire, and from there, the house. Yikes! Thanks for sharing and have a great day.


  5. Candlelight improves everything, Richard. This time of year I love to burn candles, makes the house so cozy. Thanks for this wonderful tour back to a lovelier time. I agree about a Christmas tour, that would be awesome. xo,

  6. Richard,
    How beautiful your home is by candlelight. Your home would be lovely open at Christmas. I love the lights in the transom. Sorry I didn't get back to you last week. I had a special order that took a lot of time.:)

  7. Hi Richard,
    Oh my goodness, how breathtaking and beautiful your candle holders are...They are truly amazing. What a treasure of a home you have.
    If I had to choose one I liked the best, I couldn't everyone is so special.
    I really enjoyed your post.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  8. Just beautiful and romantic. I love the soft look

    I have never seen a house so beautiful in candle light

    it's always amazing to me to see all the beautiful things in your & Sissy's home. I love it all


  9. You have such lovely and special things, but by candlelight they change color a bit and really glow.

    I have only one transom window in my house, and have been thinking about putting my brass candlestick collection up there instead of only bringing it out at Christmas. You've inspired me to go dig out that box where they're stored.


  10. I so enjoyed your candlelight tour! You have some gorgeous candelabras and sconces. Please excuse my drooling! I especially love the German dresden candle holder.

  11. Richard! What a beautiful post of candles in your ABSOLUTELY beautiful home! When we bought our 1907 house, I loved it so much that I was afraid of fire. So I made a rule that we only use flameless candles. They are no where as beautiful as the pictures of your candles! Thank you for the candlelight tour!

  12. Richard, your candle holders/candlabras, candle sticks....are lovely! I can just imagine how beautiful your home is lit by candles.

  13. I would love to come over and have a glass of wine by candlelight and sit on the porch again. So beautiful! It really is feeling like Fall today. Thanks Richard!!!

  14. I loved your candle light tour, how totally awesome your gorgeous home is and the history is so wonderful. I bet the original owners would be so awestruck that there home is still around and lovingly cared for by you. In candle light what a beautiful display. Thanks Richard and Sissy dog for the tour. You made my night. Hugs, Pearl

  15. What a lovely post and such marvelous pictures. I love the candlelight throughout your lovely home. I bet as the sun goes down, your house is bathed in that soft golden glow. Sea Witch

  16. Oh MY, Richard. That was a most delightful tour.

    You are So many fabulous pieces. I just relished looking at all of them. That angel! Oh! And the boy and girl heads on the mantle, and that awesome mantle cloth and on and on.

    Also refreshing to see so much gold and brass. In today's modern decorating world, many people dislike brass----they say it is obsolete. Well, I LOVE brass and will use it til I die.

    Take care and again, thanks for the lovely tour. Your home is so awesome. Sincerely, Susan from

  17. You have so many beautiful candelabras, Richard. Love the girandole and the others that you have on your mantels....Christine

  18. Oh Richard, your Candle Lit Home Tour was lovely... those French pieces on the Mantle are MAGNIFICENT!!! I Love Candlelight, it is so relaxing and Romantic. But with Kids & Cats I can only light them every once in a while because it mezmerizes the Babes and Fur Babies like Moths to a flame. But after they're all asleep, be sure Gramma is setting all her candles ablaze and enjoying the ambiance! *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  19. It is a treat to see your antiques glittering and shining by candlelight. I love candles and use them every single evening.


  20. Woah that is alot of candles! You have quite the collection. It is just gorgeous by candlelight. Love the reflections in the mirrors. I have to say I am torn between the grandioles and the telescoping sconces as my favorite.

  21. Dear Richard,
    I am offically drooling over your gorgeous home. The pink Bristol glass candle holder is stunning. I love your dining room ~ I wasn't sure if it was pink or if it was the lighting. It is pink, yes?
    Oh, I wish I could come by for a candle light tour and a glass of wine, and to meet Sissy Dog of course!

    Love that candle snuffer too!

  22. A beautiful tour. I love all of your candleholders-just beautiful.I have seen people lick their fingers and then snuff out a candle with them-it is supposed to keep the wick upright-I have never been brave enough to try it and see!

  23. Oh Richard, love the old picture! You can't fool me -- you were frying an ant with that magnifying glass!
    In those days, all little boys tried that -- at least my brothers did.

    I would love to meet Sissy dog and YOU too -- but you'd have to check my handbag as I left for that cranberry glass candleholder.

    Love them all -- but especially love that one!
    Your girandoles are amazing, too.
    Hope I spelled that right!
    All the best -- Cass

  24. Gaaaaa blahhh rigerss kapoop! Yes Richard I'm blathering....I'm a little overwhelmed (as usual) and struggling for words to describe how much I love all your collections. You have the most wonderful candelabras of anyone I know! And that's sayin' something my friend because I have quite a few myself *winks* But none to rival your beauties! What a joy it would've been back in the 19th century to be invited to the Elgin house for a party, but perhaps even better today that it's the Elgin Cottrelll house! My friend if I could hop the next plane to share that glass (definitely two *winks*) of wine with you via candle light I would! And I do plan to somewhere in the near future....fair warning! Lol!

    And could you please tell Michelle that I always respond to her comments on my blog? I didn't know where else to leave them. Hugs and loves to you and Sissy girl.

  25. Richard, Your home is so beautiful by candlelight..almost magical!

  26. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! I think every thing looks lovelier by candlelight. You have so many gorgeous candle holders.

    I don't get to light my candles much anymore,they affect my Mothers breathing.

    I can just see the candle light reflecting in Sissy Dogs eyes!! Give her a pat on the head from me!

  27. Hi Richard,
    Thanks so much for "shedding a little light" on the subject of candles. Your collection is extensive and truly unique. I always love looking around in your old historic house!
    Great post.

  28. Hi Richard! Oh look at all the beautiful candle sticks and candelabras! I really like the candles sitting in the transon too! It's always a treat popping in to see you and I always come away smarter! You are so highly educated on everything! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  29. Richard,
    What and astounding blog you have going here. I have been busily trying to read some of your back postings without going to fast as to miss any of your both informative and entertaining commentary. You present much eye candy for reader enjoyment as well. The only draw back I can see with your lovely MOHH is the fact I don’t think I could live just yards away from the Mississippi River. While beautiful I don’t think I could handle possible elevated flow levels, lol. Looking forward to more interesting and wonderful reads from you postings. – gary

  30. I adore visiting your Historic Home, Richard! Your collections of candlabras and candle sticks is so extensive and they are all so beautiful and interesting. I would dearly love to tour your home by candlelight and enjoy a glass of wine!

    I appreciated your history lesson on candles. How interesting! And I'm so happy you and your bother didn't burn the house down!

    Thank you for linking to Potpourri Friday. You are and asset to the party's success and I appreciate you!

  31. Hi Richard,

    I loved your candle tour! Every time I read your post I learn something historical.
    Candles are so romantic and flattering to the complexion.
    BTW, You looked like Opey on Mayberry RFD. Cute!


  32. Hi Richard,

    So glad you stopped by my blog earlier. I've visited you several times and actually thought I was now!

    Your candelabras are absolutely beautiful. You've got so many truly wonderful pieces. I love the shot of the candles over the doorway. I bet that's gorgeous seen through the glass, on the other side.


  33. WOWZERS I just love your candles, and nothing more lovlier than candles in a mirror. You have shown your candles very well. And what a beautiful home, and its so nice that you share your home by offering tours.

  34. As lovely as the candles may look in the transom, I can't help but feel that this is a huge fire hazard since the candles flames (and quantity) are too close to the top of the casings. Candles like these get extremely hot. Instead, I'd suggest a row of tea lights, which burn with a smaller flame, and would be much farther down. I hope you don't think I'm raining on your parade. I'd just hate to see you lose your home. :)

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