Saturday, September 10, 2011

Closed,gone on a buying trip.

Ms. Ruby's house/antique shop.

Cute sign, good ideal, wheel it in at night.

This is  the cute little shop, where I found the darling, metal, folding ,church chairs. Already sold!

      When I sold my big antique shop in St.Louis,Mo. and moved to the country ,3 years ago, to live full time at, My Old Historic House, I had to have some way to making a living. So, I opened the Gift and Antique shop that I now have, in Clarksville,Mo. Since this is a small town of only 490 people and it is almost in the middle of no where, I thought I needed a shop with a little bit of something for everyone. Also, most of my customers are tourist, so I wanted to keep the price point pretty low, as to fit into any budget.90 percent of my mercandise is under $50.00 and a lot of that is under $25.00. Not a easy task and keep the quality up as well.  Since I have this deep love and passion for all things old,(antiques), I wanted to continue to sell them ,but, I feel that antiques are not as popular as they once were. Most of the younger generation, do not care for them, seems all they are interested in, is electronic and comfort. So I decided to do a mixture of old and new stuff and I came up with the name, "Richard's Great Stuff." Just about says it all. I am open most days, 10 to 5. I work in the shop all by myself, as there never seems to be enough business to hire on a helper. So this means I do the buying, selling, display, pricing, cleaning and what ever else seems to come this way. Once in awhile ,I beg my dear sister to come and help out, especially when we have a big event in town or I have a bus coming for a house tour. We are having our biggest event of the year, here in Clarksville,Oct. 8th and 9th. Applefest is our biggest and most successful events that we have. It has been going on for over 20 years. We have a craft show, parade, food venders and people have yard sales all over town. I open, My Old Historic House, for the two days for tours. My nieces come and dress in Ante Bellum costumes, ride in the parade and help me guide tours. My friend Dean comes from Chicago and plays the piano and sings and every body loves him. To get ready for this big coming  event, I need to get the shop stocked up, as we have close to 10,000 people in 2 days. Last year I had over 100 go through the house. So yesterday I closed the shop and went on a shopping adventure.It was fun to get out of the shop, take a ride and see what's going on in the rest of the world. I always take the back roads , as there is so much to see . It was a beautiful day in Missouri, sun shining, cool breeze and 79 temperature.My friend Donna rode along with me and it is always fun to have as company.We get along beautifully, who wouldn't, as she is as sweet as the dew ,on a magnolia blossom, in the spring.

I have a thing for bird houses and dove cotes. Why?
This one is in Ms. Ruby's yard. I wish I could have it.
A closer look at the sad and forgotten, Ms. Ruby's house.

Pet Motel.

This was taken out the car window as I stopped in the middle of the blacktop.

This is where, Donna and I were headed.

   Our first stop was at a large garage sale, put on by a Catholic Church group, in a small town called, St. Clements. I have never been a big fan of yard sales, as usually all they have are baby cloths. I sent Donna in to scope it out, she soon waved for me to come on in. We found so much stuff, I was afraid I would not have room for anything else we might find They had home made baked goods too! Guess what we had for breakfast. I spent less than $10.00 and had a half full van. I almost felt guilty, but hay, they priced the stuff!
   On down the road we went. The next town we came to, was called. Middletown. When we saw the town sign, population190, I told Donna, that I remembered this wonderful old house in this town and a sweet little lady lived in it and she  had the most wonderful antique shop. Her name was Ms. Ruby. She was a little bit of a person and always wore these beautiful big gold old antique dangle earrings.  A lot of things from, My Old Historic house, came from Ms. Ruby. We found the house, but it was very sad. Long gone is Ms. Ruby and the wonderful old house is not far behind. I had to share these photos with you.So many wonderful antique shops I remember are gone. As I travel around, I say, that used to be an antique shop, that used to be an antique shop. Now, all gone.
    Just outside Middletown, I saw this sign,"COON CREEK." Hit the brakes and stopped in the middle of the road to take this picture. Donna is used to me, know I am crazy, and seemed to take it with stride. Some one came down the road and missed my shot up, after I told them off , in my mind, I turned around and went back and got the shot. Luckily we were not killed and off we went, back on our adventure.Can you imagine telling some one your house is right beside, Coon Creek?

Found this fat feller outside the antique mall.

Warehouse of goodies, What to get?

I wanted this old cabinet, no room and no money!

Hand made candy, we ate it all the way home. They ship!

One more shop.

I just thought this was fun.

Here is a view of the car, full.

Another shot of the full car.

    The next town was Montgomery City. A very old town, kinda lost in time. The first thing we saw was a sign that said antiques and resale, so my old car just took the hint and followed the arrow. This shop was kinda like a mini mall, had several little rooms, all with different owners. We managed to find a few things, my favorite were some  old metal folding chairs. I call them church chairs, as they are the kind that every church hall seems to have. Most times they were wood, but these were metal with old green paint. I bought 4, they had 8, I just didn't want to spend all my money so soon and fill the car even more. I put them in the shop when I got back and they were the first thing out the door. I should have bought all 8.Who knows?
   Leaving Montgomery City  and finally on the road to where I was headed in the first pace., a saw another sign and just couldn't resist it either. It was a pet motel and had the cutest name,See for yourself.  I am sure it is a nice place for pets to stay, but I just can't leave Sissy anywhere. I know, Donna is right, I am crazy! . In the next town, Williamsburg, there is an antique mall/gift shop. The lady that runs it, does show room buy outs. She has a wonderful selection of new gift items, up to the minute and very reasonable priced. On top of that, she like me, and I am a good repeat customer, so she gives me a nice deep discount. I find this better for me than going to the gift market. Usually they are in Chicago, Texas, Atlanta or New York, so you have that expensive trip, plus shipping to add to the cost of the merchandise, making the selling price higher. Here, I can buy one or two, at the market there is a case point. It is so much fun to get a cart and load it up. On this visit, I found fall, Halloween and Christmas. I wanted some of each, but keep in mind, I am a small shop, in a small town, and I have a small budget, so I had to be careful, not to over stock these seasonal decorations. All selections made, I had the fun of un-loading the car and re-loading it. I always say, I am not buying much, and look how the car ends up.  Some times, I put Donna in and pack around her.
   We went back to Montgomery City and had a late lunch at a Mexican Cafe. Was pretty good and something different for us, as the choices are limited in our small town, Leaving there we made one more stop at Bowling Green, Mo. Here we found a sweet little shop and right next to it, some more sweets. I found a few fun item, including a deer head. If some one would have told me a few years ago that I would buy a deer head, I would have called them a liar. But, I bought him, on top the load he went. And we continued home, eating our hand made candies.
   Sissy Dog had to stay home, It was still a little hot out side ,for her to set in the car. She goes to the shop,  where her Uncle Bruce, the Clarksville dog walker, comes and gets her, takes her for a walk and then she goes to my friend and neighbors house, for a play date with her dog Buddy. At 4:00, Bruce goes back and gets her, walks her one more time and leaves her in the shop for me. She is always so excited, jumps and kisses and cries for 10 or more minute when I walk into the door.I am just as excited as she is, as I hate, hate to leave her. At least I know she is in good hands.

There he is my first DEER.

Items I hope the men will like. When couples come shopping, you have to have something for the man, or he wants to hurry up.

This cute old tie rack with the hunting dogs is from the Church garage sale.

I love this cute feller.

Thanksgiving is coming.
Some grandmother will want to buy this for there Grand daughter. 

I loved this little hand made wall hanging. And we are in the country, so I look for country things.

   I hope you have enjoyed this little trip I have taken you on. If you are going to be in Middle America, Missouri, on the weekend of of Oct. 8th and 9th, we would love to have you come to Clarksville and take part in our Applefest Celebration. My Old Historic House will be open for tours, all are welcome, I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will always meet you all with a jump and a kiss.

This section for Men.

I found this cute bakers rack and all this fun Halloween items.

These tin items would be fun in a powder room, oh so French/

This is from the Church garage sale. I love these vintage samplers.
This is a miniature framed hooked  cow rug. 

A little  sweet new framed sampler.

I just loved these cats. 

These glittered fall leaves are a good deal, 4 for $5.00

I always buy   all the sheep I can find. 

This is a beautiful old antique Germany doll, she is $100.00

I love this 1920's sweet little oil painting with original frame.$45.00

Service for 12 plus lots of extra, old German china. $300.00

I thought this Fireking orange would be fun for fall. all for $60.00

Hand painted cow pillow.

I can just see this darling hand made little gem, hanging on the wall, full of fall flowers and a small pumpkin. Love the color.

More items for the men customers. Gota keep them happy and interested.

I love this old nut set, from the Church flea.


  1. Nice to hear about your story: moving and starting a own shop. I love these kind of stories.. your shop´s name is great- i love those kind of shops that has own personality and those are unique. :) perhaps someday some pics inside the shop?
    you got good buying trip :)

  2. Hi Richard! Oh, what a fun day you and Donna must have had. Thanks for taking me along! I love the sound of all the wonderful little shops and my heart aches a little at seeing Ms. Ruby's olden house. Wish we could come to the Applefest! Sounds wonderful!
    Thanks for popping in and give little Sissy Dog a rub behind her ears for me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Richard, thank you for this wonderful post today of your buying trip with Donna. I felt like I was right there with you! What fun! Best of luck with the Applefest. 10,000 people is a little scary for me!

  4. Sounds and looks like you had a fun and successful shopping trip.
    The weather has been beautiful here the last week.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. That tie rack would be the perfect "Spot" to hang Sissy's leash! get it? Spot?

    Anyway...I want to come to Apple Fest. I really do! We have time to plan!

    Give Sissy kisses!


  6. Richard I can't tell you how much I love going on a shopping trip with you (and Donna)! You two must have so much fun together!
    Ms. Ruby's house just breaks my heart! What a beautiful place...I so want to rescue it!
    And I know what you mean about all the antique stores dissapearing. Almost all of my favorites are gone here now, victims of the economy and ebay I suppose? One of my friends who still has a shop said that people "say" they want to pick something up to check it out before they buy, but in reality they really don't, and buy on ebay instead. I'm one of those folks who really does love to pick the item up and really "see" what I'm buying kwim?
    Anyhoo I'm being long winded but I love all your found treasures. Especially love that scroll legged table. And Richard I'm so curious? What's in that cherub-y picture that's sitting next to the antique doll with the black and white skirt? It looks veryyyyy romantic...And you know how I am about that *winks*
    I hope you have a fabulous time at the applefest and sell a ton! I only wish I could be there. And hugs and kisses to Sissy girl. How sweet is it that she cries she's sooo happy to see you! Awwwwwww bless her little heart! Vanna

  7. I almost feel like I was on this fun excursion with you. You have to be the most fun person to do this kind of thing with; Donna is blessed! You found a lot of great items and had a blast doing it...thanks for sharing!

  8. Sounds like a real fun time you two had hunting for goodies!
    And you found some neat stuff.
    I like that vintage sampler.
    Wishing you lots of sales at the Applefest!

  9. Hello Richard:
    Gosh, we are exhausted just reading about your action-packed day. Rather sad to have discovered all those antique shops that you knew closed but you did find some wonderful pieces on your travels.

    Such an eclectic mix you have in your store which we are sure is exactly the right approach. And, in these difficult economic times, keeping the prices keen is a must but, as you say, that makes sourcing the things more and more difficult.

    Good luck for the Open House tours. We look forward to reading all about it!!

  10. Thanks for sharing your road trip. You found lots of neat treasures. I hope you get a lot of sales during the applefest. Sad about all the closed up shops. Kiss Sissy for me.

  11. Well it sounds like you got busy, what fun to go on the road trip with you. I have a booth in a Antique Mall and the younger kids are looking for 50s 60s 70s stuff. so I try to look for stuff like that. Good luck with your open house it sounds like quite the deal. Hugs, Pearl

  12. Your shopping trip looks like so much fun and you got some really neat things.I really like the vintage Halloween things and the sheep. Love sheep.
    Thanks for taking us shopping with you.

  13. What a wonderful day and you got some great stuff! Really love the turkey platter. Hope the next few months are successful for your shop.

  14. Please tell me you came home with the scrimshaw pieces, Richard!???

    Looks like a great day with your sweet friend! I cannot believe you have all that going on that Full house too.

    I wish I could make it down. Sounds like a fun time.

    Loved that cow plate you showed!
    You did a nice job loading up your car but you could have gotten more in there. I could still see out the windows!!!!

    Jenn and I fill the suv and fill it and fill it and when you cannot see out of ANY of the back or side windows.... she says... "ok...we are DONE."

    And my reply is always... "but we could buy an antique thimble collection or two.... there's still room for THAT!???!!!"


    Love a good day junkin'.

    So glad Sissy missed you and you made it home safe to her, Richard.


  15. Hi Richard, sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day!! I so enjoyed all the pictures and your descriptions are great. I see Vanna stole my question for you..."What's in that cherub-y picture that's sitting next to the antique doll with the black and white skirt?" It looks likes a very interesting picture!!!

    Your fall festival sounds like fun. That's one of the things I miss about being in the Midwest...all the wonderful fall festivals. I love walking around all the shops and yard sales with the wonderful fall colored trees and a slight crispness to the air!!

    I'm so glad Sissy Dog has wonderful people to keep her company when you are away. Give her a pat on the head from me!


  16. That was a whirlwind trip Richard but you returned with some great buys.
    I am rather fond of the German porcelain. In my opinion tea and coffee tastes so much better in a real china cup.


  17. Another great trip for you and a friend.

    I am sure glad I didn't talk my friend in coming to visit your shop yesterday instead of going on to Clayton. Since you were gone . I would have been so disappointed.

    I hope to make it up for the Oct 8th week end thing@ Clarksville


  18. What a fabulous trip! I love going on buying trips even if the money is limited. So what's the scoop on the little Arts and Crafts table? I love the graceful lines of the legs. What a find!

  19. My goodness what a wonderful trip! And you found so many great things, wish your shop was near me.

    Miss Ruby's house...oh how much fun to have the money and time to restore all of it's faltering charm.

  20. With my Love of Benign Neglect I absolutely fell in LOVE with Ms. Ruby's House! But you knew I would right? *winks* I think it is perfect & charming "As Is". Yeah, I know, most people don't 'get it', but I'm quirky like that. *LOL* I'm loving the FireKing Lustreware you scored too, I have several pieces of that and often use it in Fall Vignettes. Not very practical for use since the lustre wears off, so I just save it for display purposes, don't have a complete set anyway, just pieces I particularly liked.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  21. Oh I would have loved to be antiquing with you and Donna, Richard. Sounds like you both had a lot of fun. It's even more fun finding a lot of goodies and you did!...Christine

  22. Richard, it sounds like a wonderful time! How sad to see Ms. Ruby's home and shop in such disrepair. I wish I could visit during Applefest and tour your beautiful home! The German doll you found is so pretty, but I would love to see a photo of the framed print sitting on the chair with the doll. I spotted a cherub in the corner and my heart went pitter patter!

  23. Hi Richard, I am glad you got out of the store and went shopping. The Coon Creek sign is awesome. Love that sheep too. You are right about young people not wanting antiques. The store where I consign things (in the middle of nowhere) wants modern items and no vintage. I drift towards the vintage items of course and find it very difficult to buy modern. I sold a pair of the tackiest lamps ever but God Bless them the buyer loved them and that's all that matters. I did buy a lovely primitive trunk yesterday from the turn of the century. When I clean it up I will share it. Your apple festival and house tour sound lovely. I know it would be wonderful to see your house. Have a terrific week. hugs♥Olive

  24. It was fun going on a buying trip with you! Someday I will come on a buying trip to your shop. Then maybe one day you can come on a buying trip to my shop, Coal Street Antiques, in Mexico, MO. You know the old joke about antique dealers - five antique dealers on a deserted island with one pie safe - but they all made a living. . . we just buy each others stuff over and over. But we have fun!

    Seriously, we just returned from a buying trip to Brimfield, MA and you would have fun seeing what we bought.

  25. Hi Richard,
    Thank you so much for visiting me at Home is Where the Heart is. It's a pleasure meeting you.Your blog is amazing and so full of wonderful inspiration and your home is a treasure to behold. I loved your post on the bell pulls. Many years ago I made several needlepoint pictures. What a talented man you are to have created your own vintage bell pulls. I now your newest follower.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  26. Hey Richard...looks like you scored a lot of great old stuff! I love old stuff! lol
    Hey, you might change your mind about my new chairs after you see what I've done with them...oh they look great now! :)
    Missy :)

  27. Richard, sweet Sissy dog, too bad she had to stay home. Don't you wish more stores were dog friendly. I remember once I tried to take my son's dog inside Walmart because I didn't want to leave him in the car, he was little and fit right inside my purse, but then someone saw him and I had to take him out :( I love that shop with the awnings that closed, can you please get those for me *smile* I can pick them up later this week! Have a great week, T

  28. Hi Richard. This is amazing! What treasures....I loved the journey. I want those leaf chargers.....LOL
    Good luck with your new venture.
    Love the orange dishware, and so many great things to choose from.
    The Applefest sounds wonderful
    I am your newest follower too. Stop by and say hello. Linda

  29. That picture of that black cat was enough to scare the be jeez out of one. I see by your picture you are having a wonderful time.

  30. Hi there Richard, Looks like you you had a good time shopping. And what a cool place to look for treasures. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great week.....Julian

  31. Oh no Richard, now you made me want to go get some Bankhead's. We used to have a store here in town but that one is closed now. Would you believe when my girls took me to Chicago for Mother's Day a few years ago, I bought a pound of Bankhead's for the train. Some of the kids flew and some went along with me, on the train. Loved that ride and always love Bankhead's.

    We have a cow platter like the one in your shop. It belonged to a neighbor out at the farm. It is chipped and crazed but we love it as it reminds of George and Ruth.

    I think it's time for J and I to go on a little meandering Bowling Green, for chocolate!

  32. Loved the shopping trip... It is about the only kind of travel I have done this week... Several little treasures for those whom come to look and hopefully buy.... I am making ready for a garage sale this coming week...

  33. Thanks for taking us along on your shopping trip.

    Ms. Ruby's house looks like a good candidate for that "Save This Old House" feature at the back of every issue of THIS OLD HOUSE magazine. Maybe the owner could be urged to submit it to TOH in hopes of finding someone to save it.

    Love the cow plate!


  34. Richard, looks like you had a lot of fun on your get away buying trip. It is so hard these days to keep a shop going on your own, I know. Although a lot of work I love what I do, so I don't call it work.. I would love to be able to get away for your event...if Mr. P improves maybe he'll feel like a ride and I can surprise you... keep your fingers crossed I know I will... hugs ~lynne~

  35. Richard,
    You got quite a haul of treasures on this trip! And had lots of fun, to boot!
    glad you have Sissy Dog to go home to. There is nothing like a dog's love.
    Thanks for you comment of condolence on my blog.



  36. Hi Richard. Enjoyed visiting your place tonite.
    Sometime I will have to pop in and see you, shoppe and gorgeous home.

    Small town living has its sweet benefits. I dislike heavy traffic and the little town I live in has none!
    Praise God!

    The apple festival sounds like great fun. May it go really well for you.

    God bless,
    d from home haven

  37. Hi Richard. Enjoyed visiting your place tonite.
    Sometime I will have to pop in and see you, shoppe and gorgeous home.

    Small town living has its sweet benefits. I dislike heavy traffic and the little town I live in has none!
    Praise God!

    The apple festival sounds like great fun. May it go really well for you.

    God bless,
    d from home haven

  38. Hi Richard! Thanks for taking us along on your shopping trip! I love your finds...especially the table with the scrolled legs. Great pieces of scrimshaw, too! Thanks so much for your sweet comments and for entering my Annie Sloan giveaway! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie
