Saturday, April 13, 2013

Getting ready for spring.

    Spring here in Missouri is coming a little slow. I am beginning to wonder if we are going to have one? We had a few nice days and the jonquils made an appearance, Then we had bad wind and 3 inches of rain and most of them are on the ground. I should have picked some, but I had no plans for company and I  just adore them in the garden, I have so many varieties and they are such a welcome sight when they appear. Now the red buds and other flowering trees are starting to show signs of life and it has turned cold and we had a frost last night. I am hoping it did not hurt the trees. It is to warm up again today. Let's hope for the best, My neighbor has a new saucier magnolia tree she planted last year and it is just over loaded with big pink blooms. It is right outside my kitchen window and it is such a joy to watch it blossom into life.
   I turned the heat off for the last time now till fall. If it gets cold Sissy and I will just have to suffer. That big old house is a cave when it comes to heating it. I so much enjoy this time and fall when we need no heat or air conditioning. Seems like those days are few and far between as it has turned hot  or cold over night theses days.

   I went to my antique mall this morning and thought it needed a touch of spring. I have a empty booth, waiting for a new dealer to move in, so I made a little spring display. That is what I'd like to share with you today. For some reason, wicker furniture always reminds me of spring, the porch and the garden. I just happened to have a few pieces on hand, so I gathered them for this display. The tea cart is fresh from my screen porch this morning. I want to put a white cabinet out there with a small TV set and I had to make room. Something had to go. I thought the tea cart was the best item as I never use it and it is just there taking up room. I do love it and I hope someday soon, some one else will love it as well.
   My little antique mall is located on the riverfront of my Historic home town of Clarksville,Mo. I call it the Downtown Antique mall as there is another mall at the edge of town. I have 7 dealers beside my self. They are all great dealers and do a good job of display, which  makes my job much easier. We are about 70 miles from St.Louis and in the middle of no where. We depend on tourist and some times we have a lot and others only a few. I am hoping this spring day, that the weather man has promised, well bring a few and they have money in there pockets and are willing to spend it.
    I hope you enjoy the tour. Come anytime for a real one. I will always leave the lights on and open up anytime. Sissy and I only live 2 blocks away. She will always meet you with a jump and a kiss. Come shop and get something new for your porch!

Couldn't resist, this car just went past the shop window. I want one, how about you all?


  1. The tea cart and the birdcage are wonderful pieces. I wish that I had a screened in porch...or a beautiful atrium where they could come to live. Sigh. Hope that you have a prosperous Spring. Cherry Kay

  2. i will take a 68 mustang any day but not pink! My Dad's was olive green. Hope to come up shopping with my friends soon!

  3. I am ready for spring, we have had to mow the yard twice already. I once had a green mustang.Have a good day.

  4. Beautiful photos! Bad weather has put off spring for us in Arkansas, too, but I loved seeing spring in your shop display and the pink car was a hoot!

  5. I'll take color anywhere I can get it, even a car!
    I always look forward to your posts! I can feel Spring in the air!


    Kisses to my beautiful Sissy!



  6. I love the white wicker and the wire plant shelf. They are perfect for summer. The Mustang is perfect too but I'd paint it red I think. Have a great weekend. I hope it warms up for us all soon!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sorry, too many errors in my post above. I love the wicker bird cage! Wish I had a place to put it! Best wishes for a warm spring.

  9. Hello Richard....Was happy to see your post. Love the white birdie cage! Classy.

    Got caught up on your posts. By the way, your table for the dinner party looked gorgeous.

    Take care. Hope spring has sprung there. Here in Massachusetts, it's still playing hide and seek. Susan

  10. All of your items say spring and summer. I wouldn't have been able to give up the tea cart. I liked the old-time screen door, too. I am sure someone will be snapping them up soon.

    It does seem like we go from cold weather and the furnace, to hot weather and the air conditioning. Last week we had a day where the furnace had been on at night, and then due to allergies, I had to run the air conditioning in the day time. I am like you and look forward to the days when we don't have to run either one. It sure beats the utilities' budgeting
    system. Now they're forecasting stormy weather for this coming week. Last week tornadoes came with the stormy weather. Those are starting to get a little nerve wracking.

    I have wanted a white mustang since 1972. I don't think a pink one would do, but it was fun to see one.

  11. Seems we're all having Spring Fever... everything looks Springtime Fresh and YES... I want one too! *Winks*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  12. Spring HAS to be here. My yard guy just mowed the backyard. The weeds were as tall as my Scotties.

    Still, the weather has other ideas. I've learned the hard way here on the prairie that it's never safe to put out the tender flowers until the last week of April. (No more trying to slip plastic garbage bags over rose bushes in the dead of night!)

    Last week's ice storm--after 75 degrees the day before--was a shock, but my cherry tree survived and is still blooming. We were lucky that the sun wasn't shining, so the ice didn't damage anything before it melted off the plants. But how strange to see leafed-out willow trees encased in ice!

    You have spring fever bad. So do I. And a pink Mustang sure looks fine, doesn't it?


  13. I like wicker furniture also and have picked up some pieces for the studio, it is full of papers and jewelry to create with

    I am sure the empty booth is enjoying the wicker,hopefully it won't be empty long

    like that pink convertible also

    see you soon May 4th
