Thursday, July 21, 2011

Silence of the Lambs!

  Sometimes I think I am a 62 year old child, who plays with his toys, loves his dog and often forgets what day it is or what has to be done next. A lot of adults have toys. Mine just happen to be a little different than most, they are Antiques.Where a lot of men have  fancy cars, guns,bikes and other weird contraptions, I have antiques. I dream about them, long for them, hunt for them and do what ever I can to get them. I like to refer to antique shopping as a sport,but, we antique hunters, use money, instead of a gun and bullets.And we both come home with trophies. The point where you find that one special thing, is a very big  high, and to me, that is the kill, and that is what it is all about. And to say, I only paid so-in-so, is like saying, I  got it with one shot. If you go deer hunting, you can only do it in season, whereas, antiques are always in season. The limit on deer is 1 or2, on antiques there are no limits,well, there is, if the money runs out. I usually put a limit on my shopping quests. I only pay so much for this and so much for that. I think it makes it more fun to hunt, when there is a price on the head. But, I have to admit, I have often broken the rules and paid way to much. Being in these golden retirement years of my life and with an economy that has falling completely apart, antique hunting  has not been as fun as it once was. I still get to buy mercandise for the shop, and once in awhile, a little something-something, just happens to go home with me.

Sweet little black boy!

Most of the time, my sheep, live on the Kitchen mantle.

Both of these are German Meissen. Love the quality for the porcelain and details.

Doesn't this Staffordshire Sheep look like he is smiling?

Little Shepard Girl.

   One of my favorite things to hunt are sheep. Don't ask me why? I am not one of those collectors that buys any sheep statue they see. I try and be more picky and only buy a really beautiful one,or a really old one. I  really love the English Staffordshire ones and the German Meissen, are my very favorite. Some would say, what 's the difference? Well, a lot. If you put one of each together, you will soon see. I guess sheep or lambs have been long time collectable, as factories  have been making them for centuries. The English Staffordshire factories made  them with a soft paste porcelain, as early as 1820's.. They were more country looking. A little simple, almost crude.Some seemed to have a smile on there face. The Germany  Meissen company made fine porcelain ones, as early as 1790's.  They were beautiful, great details and yummy! I love to play with my sheep, like a kid with his toys. I rearrange them, move them for place to place and often use them on the dining table along with a flower centerpiece. For some reason or other, I love them under the Christmas Tree. I guess it reminds me of the Shepards with there flocks, from the Bible.
    I thought it would be fun to do a Blog Post about my sheep. Most of the time they live on the mantle in the kitchen. As I got into this project, I also thought it would be fun to add some photos of real sheep. Well it was only 102 degrees hot, yesterday, here in the country, but I got in the car and drove out to the farm to take some photos. I had to leave Ms. Sissy home, as it was way to hot for her to be out side.  On the way to the farm, I had to stop and take some photos of the tree lined road, looked  like something out of a movie. Finally, I made it to the farm and went out to take the pictures of the real sheep. The poor things, they had been shaved, not near as cute as my statues, they were hot, and the flies were terrible. I couldn't stand it. Went and got  the farmer, complained that they needed water and fly spray. He assured me they were fine. Well, all I could think about was that movie, Silence of the Lambs, where Jodie Foster said, make them stop. Make them stop. Baaaaaa Baaaaa.So I got in the car and came home and turned the air down  for Ms. Sissy Dog. I would do with out, but,  for her, I have air.I just can not stand to see poor animals  suffer. I wanted to bring all those sheep  home with me, and give them some water. Well, any how, now that I have ranted and raved,Here's the sheep blog.

I thought this section of Highway W. in Missouri looked like something out of  a movie .

Sheep dog on duty.

Poor little babies. They were so hot. Baaaaaaa!Baaaaaaaaa!

    I wish you all could come by some day for a tour of, My Old Historic House ,and see all the beauty we have here in Missouri. I never seem to stop finding something wonderful to look at.  I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss.
             HAPPY HUNTING!

The Sheep n the back is English, Staffordshire. The one in the front is German, Meissen.

I love this Staffordshire sheep in the old dome with flowers. Kinda reminds me of all the Clotche people on the blogs.

The iron Porch Rails at, My Old Historic house, with a lamb.

Word for today. Determination: Firm, fixed intention to achieve.


  1. Beautiful post, always something unique and wonderful coming out of your old historic house, Richard! xo,

  2. Hi Richard, I enjoyed your collection of lambs. They are too cute and I just seen your post of the Queens Ann lace it is a pretty flower and I planted some in our garden last Spring and she sure did take over that bed. But I luv the delicate blooms. Have a great day....Julian

  3. Richard, your post is so cute. I could see all those sheep in your car, the air blowing and then them roaming free at your place! I too collect lamp pics and sheep, but I don't have near the collection you do. And WHAT about your age, I don't belive it...Thank you also for leaving me such sweet comments! I do hope that it's over soon. Have a great rest of the day, T

  4. When I saw your post title I wondered what you were up to! Your collection is mother-in-law collected pigs and it was quite big. So fun to look for and buy. Love the pic of the flower growing in the concrete. Amazing. Have a good weekend and try to stay cool.

  5. Richard sometimes I think you're my twin! We love so many of the same things. I lean a little french and you lean a little victorian but all in all we love sooo many of the same things! And your sheep are just wonderful! Yes I too have a "thing" for sheep. Some collect pigs or cows (which I also love) but my heart belongs to sheep! *winks* I would also want to hose those poor babies down in the heat! Drives me crazy to even think about animals suffering! I also feel exactly the same way about the hunt. It must be primal huh? Always wanting to come home with the biggest trophy? *winks* Vanna

  6. Oh you do have such a wonderful collection. I totally love them all and the pictures you took of the drive and the sheep are just wonderful. I adore the black sheep. So precious. Thanks for stopping by and always leaving such gracious comments. Hugs, Marty

  7. Hello Richard:
    The lambs are adorable, both in real life and in porcelain on the kitchen mantelpiece. The Staffordshire ones are our favourite and would be the ones you would have to keep your eye on if we were ever lucky enough to find ourselves on a tour of your wonderful house!

  8. Richard

    you always have the most interesting reads of any blog I read. Others have beautiful pictures but just not the good read of days gone by

    I love german Meissen and of course English staffordshire. My Mom looked for those also.

    Thanks for the comment about my French Hens LOL

    I stepped in a lot also as a child at my Grandparents LOL

    xoxo to Sissy


  9. Oh, Richard, I love all your lambs, you've got the most beautiful collection of them! I love lambs and they're so adorable and yummy too!! (awful to say it) Love the Staffordshire and the Meissen, just gorgeous, I bet they'll be so pretty come Christmas time for the Nativity Scene...if you're Catholic, Lots of hugs and great post! FABBY

  10. Forgot to mention, Richard, that I hated that movie, The Silent of the Lambs!! I love your mantel! Love, FABBY

  11. Oh you made me smile today. I just got back from visiting a friends booth in a giant mall. I bought a little something something for myself.

  12. Hi Richard! You did get my attention with your post title! :) Oh, your lambs are wonderful - the real ones and the Staffordshire ones! Your mantel looks amazing! I'm one of those cloche people! :)
    I always learn something when I come over for a visit.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. I'm loving your sheep collection... I too am a perpetual child, I absolutely refuse to grow up, I believe that it is optional, whereas growing older isn't. Perhaps that is why young people still enjoy hanging out with me, so often they lament that their Parents or G-Parents no longer "chill" and just have the Joy of Life, how sad. I try never to grow so old that I forget what it is like to be Young. The Spirit of the Young is so uplifting, Joyful and in perpetual Wonder... I don't ever want to lose that no matter how old I get. So here's to our perpetual childhood Richard... if everyone knew how fun and enchanting it was perhaps they'd join in!? *winks*

    Thanks for stopping by my celebration of Life Post with such sweet words, Mom is having some good days & that is when we celebrate her Life, when she can still enjoy being on this side of time and eternity.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  14. I enjoyed your post very much Richard you are to funny and of course I enjoyed the history lesson as well. Your better then reading a book any old day. I have a thing for pigmy goats, there just so dang cute. Haven't found one in a statue though, going hunting Saturday with my Sis hopefully I will find some great buys! Have a fun wkend. Hugs, Pearl

  15. I enjoy your posts with your honesty and wit, beautiful antiquities and photos. I love sheep and used to collect the more modern, country style ones, not the beautiful antique china ones. I also like to take photos of sheep when I can find them. Not too many in my area now. I noticed you do have a rifle under the mantle!! That made me smile. Have a great weekend. Pamela

  16. What a beautiful collection you have. How neat that there's a sheep on your porch rail too! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

  17. Richard, your post has captured my heart. Your mantle in the kitchen is where I could play also. Loved visiting the real sheep too, thanks so much for sharing all the inspiration of your wonderful collection. xo Debra

  18. Richard, I usually go for the stuffed lambs..not old...just ever so cute one's I see ever now and again...I have a number of them. Yours are truly delightful. SO MANY !!!
    I was looking for the bathroom post you mentioned on another blog..but could not find it.
    I saw however,your doll that is the "twin" to mine, only yours has those beautiful BLUE eyes that I prefer.


  19. Hi Richard, what a wonderful collection of sheep you have, all so unique with their own personalities. Love seeing the real sheep, my BF and husband used to raise them years ago. Try to stay cool over your way, we had 106 on the north side of the house late yesterday afternoon.. give Miss Sissy dog a hug and pat from me. hugs ~lynne~

  20. I have always thought the same thing about antique kind of hunt! In Greensboro NC I visited the best place called "Thrill of the Hunt" That says it all!

    Your lamb collection is amazing!

  21. Richard I just love your little sheep! I am crazy about all things Staffordshire. Thanks for sharing your delightful collection!


  22. Richard, my friend, you crack me up.

    Your collection is to die for and I love every piece and wish I had some Meissen pieces -- they are so much more refined than the Staffordshire pieces, but you know how I love those too.

    You crack me up because you went to tell the farmer to give the lambies water and some bug repellent. I know I would have done the SAME thing!

    LOVE how you have compared your obsession of antiquing to true in every example! You had me laughing out loud and then I read it to my husband who rarely hears me enjoying my computer in such a humorous manner.

    I also love that you are running your AC for Miss Sissy..... you are such a sweetie, you big old animal-lover. :) (Don't get me wrong, 62 is NOT old, figure of speech, ok?!)

    The word for the day for me is BIGHEARTED.... and I think your picture is under this word, at least in my dictionary.


  23. Richard, Now I know why I never see any Staffordshire sheep/lamb figures. They're all at your house. :)
    What a wonderful collection you have to enjoy. I like the grouping with the sheep dog on duty.
    I have some transferware dishes, and a few other things with sheep but no Staffordshire or Meissen.
    Thanks for sharing your great collection and I wish we lived closer. I'd send you some figs.

  24. Richard,

    I can relate to the antique hunt. It is great fun to look for that speacial piece and then find it. Of course, the great achievement is finding it at a low price! I hope to visit your beautiufl home someday-I enoy seeing all of the beautiful pictures:).



  25. What a wonderful collection. They are just so sweet-love them. Kiss Sissy for me.

  26. Thanx for bringing us along! Just wanted to stop by and invite you to Treasure Hunt Thursday formerly over at Blue Creek Home. Rhonda has passed it on to me and I would be honored for you to join us!:) Party starts at 8 pm central tonight!:)

  27. I like the sheep with the gold and blue flower also the little Meissen sheep, what a special group. I can certainly see you are select with care!

    I just joined as a follower of your blog.

    Lorraine :>}
