Monday, July 18, 2011


A Field of Queen Ann's Lace in the  Missouri Country.
Seems to be endless.

A Close up of this beautiful flower.

Along Highway 79.

  There are advantages and disadvantages to living  in the country, miles from no where. Last time I went to the city, St.Louis, I remarked at how beautifully landscaped everything was, from McDonalds  to Homegoods. Here we are lucky, if everybody mows there yards on time. I miss that landscaping beauty. But, Mother nature, more than makes up for this.Where in the city ,can one find,a field of wide open, blooming Queen Ann's Lace?   I have a motto,"Nothing Becomes of Nothing, So, Make Something of Everything." I  have this needle pointed and hanging in my kitchen. I try and live by it most of the time. When I am driving down the road, to the grocery store or on a buying trip, I always look at my surroundings. It makes the trip go faster, brings some beauty to my mind and I love finding things that make me smile. On my last trip to the city, I could not help but notice, how the Queen Ann's Lace had made the road sides and pasture come alive , and it  looked to me, like Fields of Lace. I knew at that moment, I wanted to do a blog about it's beauty. So off I went this morning,at first light, to capture some of that  wonderment. I planned a little ahead and stopped by my Antique shop and picked up a few things. I have a wonderful ceramic bust of a lady, who could be, Queen Ann? Who's to say? The other day I   purchased a wonderful French  folding screen and a Chinese Chippendale Bamboo Chair, both of which, have been living in my car for a few days,as it has been too hot to take them out.  When I made it to the first Queen Ann spot, Out came the bust, not once, did I think of the chair and screen. After shoots at that destination, off I went to find the next patch. Off on a side road, where I could pull over easy and get out of the car ,and not worry about getting run down, people drive like wild crazy people here, I parked and when I opened the door to get out, I spotted the chair and screen, and I thought, why not? I guess one can pretend that they were placed there, waiting for the arrival of Queen Ann herself ,to come  and view the beautiful lace.

My Motto.

Is this Queen Ann? 

She Rules the Fields.

     Queen Ann's Lace is the common name for the wild carrot. Other names it is often called is, birds nest, Bishops hat,and lace flower. It is a flowering plant in the family of, Apiaceae,native to temperate regions of Europe, Asia and North America. The domestic carrot is a cultivates sub-species When you pull up,the Queen Ann's Lace plant, it's roots smells like a carrot. .It is a biennial plant, meaning it blooms every other year.It grows up to 3 feet tall and blooms from June to August. The blooms  are round and white when they first  bloom and look like a lace doily.When the go to seed, they contract and become a concave and look like a birds nest. There is a tiny dot of a bloom in the very center ,that is red.
   The root of the Queen Ann's lace is eatable when very young, but soon becomes woody. A tea spoon of crushed seeds has long been used as a form of birth control.Tea made from it's roots has been used to eliminate kidney stones and rid people and animals of worms. It's seed have also been used to remedy hangovers. The thick sap was often used as a cough remedy in earlier times..

I loved this old  forgotten fence, look beyond it and see the entire field of Queen Ann's Lace.

    Queen Ann's lace was introduced and naturalized in North America and it got this name, as the flower resembles lace.It was soon named ,after Queen Ann of England, who was a expert lace maker. The tiny red flower in the center of each flower, is used in nature, to attract insects. In theory, it is to represent blood, where Queen Ann pricked her finger with a needle.
   The USDA has listed it as a noxious weed and it is considered a pest  by farmers in there fields and pastures. It's seed have been said, to be able to lay dormant in the soil for 2 to5 years. And it  grows almost anywhere, even in solid rocks. It is well tolerate to low moister or flooding. Large patches of it can be found in fence rolls, along the river or creek banks,. road sides and pastures.
   Seed and plants are now available at some plant shops. It is hard to think, one has to buy it ,when it grows so wild in nature.But more and more people have introduced it, to there city gardens.
   I love it, I look forward to seeing it bloom, more and more every year. It is a rite of passage, for the coming of summer. It is wonderful for cut flower  arrangements. One thing you have to remember, cut it in the early morning, use a sharp knife or scissors, and put in warm, almost hot  water, for several hours, before you actually want to use it. It tends to droop when first cut, the warm water, makes it drink and it will soon lift it's head up. Shake the bloom and if it drops a lot of flower dust, I would not pick that one, as it it is older and will not last as long. Like all cut flowers, when you take them out of the water to rearrange, cut the stems with a fresh cut each time, as they create a film across the stem  when out of water, and to drink, they need a fresh cut. If done properly they can last for a week or more in a cut arrangement. They are perfect for a summer wedding and look beautiful with red roses. I like it much better than Baby's Breath.

We are ready for Queen Ann, to come set and view the beautiful lace.

Have a seat and just enjoy the beauty.

   If you live in the city, try and take a ride in the country soon, as these beauties will soon be gone till another season. In the meantime, enjoy them here on my blog. Stop by any time for a tour,at  My Old Historic House. I will leave the lights on  and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss. Heck, I'll even cut a big bunch of Queen Ann's Lace, because you  all are a comin by for a visit. ENJOY!

Growing out of the rocks along the rivers bank.

This batch is making a picture frame for the Mighty Mississippi.
Out the rolling car window.

There is no end in sight.

And the true meaning of life in the country, Sissy Dog  and her two best friends, Shotgun and Basil.


  1. What an interesting and informative post! I just considered them pretty weeds, but what do I know, as they do make me sneeze my head off, but now I have seen them in a different way. Love the river shot and the items you placed among the Queen Anne's lace-wild carrots? Never knew that. Love Sissie and her pals. xo,

  2. Wonderful pictures!
    Your finds are pretty spectacular, too. Must be a terrific antique shop!
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I enjoyed this so much, Richard. That drive up 79 is one of our favorites in almost every season...unless their is a heavy snow.;-)

    I love how you shot this! Wow!!

    The shot of Sissy and friends is priceless.

  4. their/there! oh my!!

  5. Love the bust of "Queen Ann" amongst the Queen Ann!

  6. Love Queen Ann out in the lace and the views are great

    My favorite is by all means Sissy and her friends , Shotgun & Basil how darn cute is that? priceless

  7. Hi Richard! Oh, I just think Queen Ann's Lace is a beautiful bloom! What lovely photos too and you're so full of wisdom! I always learn something each time I come to visit you.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  8. I did not know all this about Queen Anne's lace - thanks for sharing. Great shots! I remember seeing lots of it growing up, but it gets mowed down the the city. :D

  9. I've always loved Queen Anne's Lace. I just don't think a garden or field can get any more beautiful then Queen Anne's Lace, Black Eyed Susan's, and Daisys.....I love them!!!!

  10. I LOVE Queen Anne's lace! It grows everywhere out where I live. Wonderful post!

  11. It reminds me of my brother's wedding...I must have cut 10,000 Queen Anne's lace from the field to decorate his reception!
    I have finally gotten it to grow in my own garden. It is beyond lovely!

    Kisses to Sissy and her BFF's


  12. I LOVE Queen Ann's Lace and have photographed it many times!

  13. I forgot how much I adored fresh Queen Anne's Lace until visiting this Post Richard... I remember making bouquets of it as a child and thinking it was one of the most beautiful abundant flowers around. I have some faux silk Queen Anne's Lace but it can't compare to the real deal. So fun to see Sissy with her Posse! *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  14. I love this post, Richard. I love nature and I love wildflowers. I poull some from the side of the road and plant them on our hill around the gazebo but they never grow. Your pictures are so pretty especially the one where they are against the rocks.....Christine

  15. Mmmm I love Victorian lace. Thanks for stopping by but I cannot find your post on your bathroom?? I would love to see it.

  16. These pictures are beautiful! I especially like the one of Sissy and her friends:).



  17. Richard,
    Your QAL pictures are wonderful in the morning light. I love the bust in it, perfect idea for a picture. The QAL is really thick this year with all of the rain we have had. I couldn't help but grab some photos of it when we took our evening drive the other night. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Wonderful pictures, it's like being back home in the Midwest!! I so miss Queen Ann's lace,it doesn't grow in the desert.

    How nice that Sissy Dog gets to have a "play date" with her friends! Give her a pat on the head from me.

  19. I am so impreseed you and Sissy (and her friends) got up so early to go out and take these photos!

    They are so pretty and love learning the history of their name and origins.

    I did not know they were used for so many remedies! They do have a very distinct smell and I remember when we lined up glasses of water with food coloring along our classroom window one year (in elementary school) and added each flower to the glass. They would soak up the food coloring and each one turned a different color as the days went on. A science experiment!

    Love your furnishings.... all three.
    Beautiful images, Richard.

  20. I love these fields! I wish QAL grew in my part of the country. Your "extras" are lovely too!

  21. Hi Richard,
    Since I love nature so much this has to be one of my favorite posts so far in this field.
    I also LOVE Queen Ann's lace and pick it whenever I can.Nature is so wonderful,especially out in the country.So many treasures to find to put smiles onto our faces.
    Love the combination of the bust among the flowers.Great photography !Your pictures are as wonderful as they come and the last one of Sissy dog and her friends is priceless.
    Enjoy your day and stay cool in this heat,

  22. What beautiful photos, Richard! I love seeing the chair and the screen out in that fabulous field of Queen Anne's Lace! They have never looked like weeds to me! The staff is hoping that Sissy Dog will put on her kitty ears and join us at the party! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  23. This is such a beautiful post! I always try and pick a bucketful of this each summer, but I haven't gotten a chance to do this yet. Thanks so much for sharing the beauty, xo Debra

  24. Hi Richard I found your bathroom, and it is beautiful with all your cranberry glass (yum) and your plates and vases. So beautifully done! With a view like that who needs anything else?

  25. Wonderful post , the photos are beautiful! I always learn something from your posts.Did passerbys give you funny looks for unloading furniture in the middle of a field? Sissy's friends are as cute as she is!

  26. I was amazed by all your pretty photos of the Q. A. love the ones of the fence and the Mississippi My parents used to live in Davenport Iowa and it was a thrill to travel there and go over the river to get to their home.

  27. Thank you for the information on Queen Anne's Lace - all of which was new to me. Your photos are so beautiful. I love the one of the screen standing in it. I live in the country too and noticed the Lace as I was walking this morningand took pictues too. I think I shall go out and cut some for a bouquet. I'm visiting from Outdoor Wednesday. Pamela in Canada

  28. Hi Richard, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment on my post. I've visited your blog before when it popped up and you have an amazing house full of antiquities. I love antiques but live in a small house so only have a few favorites. Thanks for following my blog, I'll be following your blog too. Have a great evening. Pamela

  29. Richard I love queen anne's lace. What a wonderful photo op!! I didn't know about the family ties to the carrot! I'll have to pull one up and smell now.
    I LOVE LOVE that victorian screen!! When (If ever) you want to part with it? Think of me...Or if you run across another that isn't from a crack smoker you KWIM! *winks*
    Of course I love the bust also...and she would look perfect with that screen!

    To answer your question (I can't believe you've never seen one!) my doll is wax, the head torso and arms. It IS really amazing how much care they paid to the details back in the day isn't it? Another reason why I'll take the old over the new almost every time *winks* I only found one other doll from Marly if you'd like to take a look Here:

    They wanted $415! And she deals in rare dolls so I think I done good for $46....But I would've rather found that screen!
    Hugs and kisses to Sissy girl! She looks like she had a wonderful time with her friends. Vanna

  30. Lovely flowers!
    Enjoyed reading this post and learned a lot about this beautiful flower.

  31. Oh, what fun you must have had, Richard! I can't imagine a FIELD of Queen Anne's Lace. I've never seen that much in one place before.

    I love your "Queen Anne" bust and the way you staged the screen and chair. So unusual ... and a perfect setting for them.

    Best wishes to you for a glorious Easter celebration!
