Wednesday, May 7, 2014


  Over the weekend I was a lucky duck, as the expression goes. I got a call from some one wanting to sell some old things. Part of them were in there home out in the country. I was two fold lucky, as I have always wanted to see there county house and until now, had not had the  chance to do so. The caller said they had a dining room table full of stuff to sell. I arrived on the call and was escorted to the dining room. Sure enough the table was full. I made ,"chit chat", and soon found out that an offer for the lot was what the owner was wanting. She left me alone to ponder and when I felt comfortable with an offer, I called her back in. We worked it out and now I had the task of moving all this stuff. Luck was with me again, as most of these items had come out of boxes that had been in storage. She offered the boxes and I sighed , because I had not came prepared. I wrapped and wrapped and carried all the boxes through the front hall and out the door. With the last box, I bid my goodbye and thanks to the owner.While I had only gotten to see the hall and dining room, I was thrilled to have gotten to do so.  It was everything a country home should be.

   The next day I meet with the same people again at a storage building, It was full, but they had made it simple, this pile was for sale and so was that one. Having made an offer for the whole table top full yesterday, I did the same thing again. So much for this pile and so much for that one. Again I had to pack and carry out. I did come prepared and brought some boxes this time.
  After all that, I went to the shop and unwrapped all my new found treasures. I know had the task of dividing up the items and the cost ,as to see how to price the items. It seems I made a pretty good bye. In the process of going through all the items I came across a small bundle wrapped in bubble wrap. When I opened it, I was meet with great surprise. Al these little treasures were snug inside. I had not seen them in the original search and I was really surprised.

  Those of you who have followed my blog for a while, know I restored a doll house a few years back. I have been, ever since then, looking for treasures  to fill the inside. And these were indeed treasures. I have been busy with all the other items, mowing and doing yard work, but I did set down today to share these with you. If you are a doll house lover, you know how dear and costly these little treasures can be. So to me, what a surprise, as they were a bonus, kinda like, free.They are all older, mostly French and hand painted. Yipee. I hope to get them into the doll house in a few days and will do a continue up blog on how they look.
   Every body come see me any time, someday soon. I will always leave the lights on and Sissy dog is very generous with her kisses. Until then, I hope you have a wonderful discovery of your very own soon. The sun  is shining on My Old Historic House today and I sure am enjoying it.


  1. Oh my goodness, they are beautiful!

  2. Oh my gosh Richard, you ARE a lucky duck! But I think you need to be sending those my way, hint, hint!! I love them, can't wait to see them in your dollhouse.
    Have a great rest of your week,

  3. They are just sweet! What a nice surprise for you. Have a great rest of the week.

  4. I want to see the other piles of treasures also.
    Isn't it fun to find Stuff that just perks us up? (yes)
    I remember when you started working on your doll house
    I had an invite to Louisiana. So we must make it a weekend?

  5. What lovely little things. So old and French, and how wonderful that not only have they survived but that they've now found a good home in your dollhouse.

    Congratulations on your find!

