Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Birthday Party was a big success.

Judy, the birthday girl with her cake.

Last night was the Dinner Club Birthday Party at. My Old Historic House. It was a beautiful day. I had to go on a business trip, my friend Nancy and I, left at 6 that morning. She came to the party latter that night. We got back at 3 in the afternoon. I had 12 guest coming at 6:00. I had to scramble. I  had every thing under control, so I thought. I tipped one quiche a little too much putting it into the oven and out it ran, onto the hot oven, making a nice brunt smell. So is life. When I tried to clean it up, I brunt my hand. Not bad, but made it a little hard to do the rest. Being a nervous mess, I kept looking in the oven and testing the quiche, slowing the baking process. They finally did get done and we were able to eat.

I had shut the dining room door and kept my table surprise. When I got the candles lite, water and tea glasses full, I dimmed the chandelier and welcomed my guest.

I had a plumber come the day before the party with a drain problem. When he saw the table, he said, " who's coming to dinner, the Queen of England?" I knew I must have gotten it right.

I forgot to mention the most exciting thing that happened the day before the party. A flower delivery truck pulled up to my shop and brought in this huge, beautiful bundle of flowers. I just thought they were bringing them in because who ever they were for was not at home. They often do that and leave a note. WELL, they were for me. Little ol' me.I worked in a flower shop for years, love flowers, but never have had any sent to me by delivery. What a wonderful surprise. They were from one of my Dearest Blog Friends. She has been a friend of my blog, as well as I of hers, since I started a few years ago. If you have not been by her bog, I would urge you to do it today. I have watched as she has put together her new home from the beginning. She is very talented and amazing. Her blog is. DIVINE THEATER. I still can not believe she sent me all these beautiful jonquils and lilies. They made my table and house so special. It was the crown on my party. Kisses Dear One!!!!!

I made my special cake for the birthday girl. It was a big hit. It is always a favorite. Looks  as good as it taste, There was a slice left and I had it for breakfast. Breakfast of champions. Right?

I went to bed at 12 last night, there was nothing left, I had to stop. I got the worst of the dishes washed and they are all stacked on the kitchen island. I can put them away in the next few days. After all took several days to get them all out. As my old age creeps upon me, these events become harder  and harder. But what would live be with out them? In this day and age where it is much easier and cheaper, to go out that have a party at home, I am glad I am doing my part to help keep the beauty of an elegant party alive and well. After all, what's the use of having a beautiful home if you do not share it.

I hope you enjoyed the party  as much as my other guest did. Please come sometime for a tour, I will always leave the lights on and Sissy is always at the door with a jump and a kiss. You know she was at the party last night, I let her go into the parlor and greet every one and then she went back to her chair in the kitchen, what a perfect little girl. She did sneak under the table, by me, when we were eating. Of course, she got a bite or two handed down. Why not? She was a good girl.


  1. First! I can't believe you did such fabulous party in three hours...amazing! Please teach me, as I take a week of planning the food, the table and fixing and cleaning the house. Your table looks stunning and yes fit for the Queen!!! Glad all came fantastic and you all enjyed it.

  2. I am so glad that the flowers made you happy!
    You give me so much joy I wanted to share it!


    Kisses to my Sissy!


  3. Dear Richard,
    Truly a lovely Dinner Party. Very colorful and lively with all the details. You did such a nice job.
    Spring Blessings,

  4. I'm so glad the birthday party was a success, Richard, and that your dear friend sent you a lovely bouquet of spring flowers for your table. It all looks so beautiful and you are correct in that a special occasion is worth celebrating in style.

  5. Congratulations on a smashing party. Your friend Judy is a lucky woman to have you give such a pretty dinner in her honor.

    The cake looked scrumptious!

    You are so right about what's the point in having a lovely home if you don't share it with your friends? That makes me ashamed that I have holed up in recent years and not bothered to give the parties and teas that I dream about.


  6. How lovely, Love ALL OF IT! What a great group of friends and YOU are the B E S T! Maria

  7. Oh my GOODNESS, Richard. What a glorious table you set. How elegant!
    I'm sure the guests had a fabulous time.

    And those flowers! What a wonderful blog friend she was to gift you in such a special way.

    Thank you for sharing. Whew! That must have taken you a week to recover! Susan

  8. You are the perfect host!!What a beautiful table and the food although caused you some grief--glad it turned out good. What a great party.

  9. what a very nice party that was.
    And how wonderful you got flowers delivered to you by a special person Miss Divine Theatre, I read her fabulous blog also ,oh what she finds on craig's list

    Oh How I would love a party at the mansion

  10. Richard, Thank you for visiting my place and commenting such nice things. Sorry you burned yourself preparing for party. You had to have been flying to get all that you got done finished in time for guests. They were once blessed bunch of friends to get to dine at your lovely historic home.

  11. Richard what a Fabulous Spread! And what a lovely Surprise from Dear Andie, the Bouquet is Beautiful! Clearly everyone had a Grand Time at the Party... how Thoughtful of you to Create such a Memorable Celebration!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  12. Oh my Richard!! Will you please give me a birthday party!! LOVE the forsythia and daffodils and all the other decorations on your table. And a Chocolate icing cake topped with strawberries!! How wonderful!! You are such a good friend!
    Glad that you had such a fun dinner party!

  13. Looks like a wonderful party!



  14. What a beautiful tablescape. I used to do things like this-haven't in years-I miss it. I love the yellow flowers with the blue and white china-always a winner.I am glad Sissy got to come to the party.

  15. Hi Richard- what a pleasure to read and see photos of your fabulous party! I definitely love the effort and dedication to beauty that you have and enjoy reading what you're up to. I still envy you taking a few hours to pull off something so lovely! What I wouldn't give for a gorgeous double parlor- and those fabulous sparkly chandeliers!Happy spring, dear man. Sending you some sunshine (and a brisk bit of San Francisco fog) your way. -Josh
