Friday, May 17, 2013

Yes, we are open!

   It has been about  10 days since  all the  excitement of a flood in my little town, Clarksville,Mo. We had three days warning that the Mississippi River was going to rise about 15 feet in 3 days. I had never heard of a flash flood on this river, but we got one. At 25 foot the river begins to flood. At 32 feet it is in the street out front of my shop. At 34 feet it is at the edge of my yard. We built a  flood wall out of sand, gravel, plastic sheets and sand bag. It had never been done before. Who knew if it would work. It was done and it did work.. All was safe and dry.I  had a lot of faith, I moved nothing in the shop nor my house. Now we go into that wait stage to see if the river is going to act up again. When it is below flood stage at 25 feet, I am told they will start taking all this away. In the mean time, I need to be open and doing some business. There was about 10 days there when all the work was going on,  there was no way to be open. I did sell a bistro table and chairs to one of the National Guardsmen that was sent here to help. He bought it for his wife for mothers day. Helped him and sure helped me.
   There is a 5 foot tall sand bag wall about 2 feet from my shop. It is a good 30 foot long. People have to park and brave coming down here. There is no danger, but looks  a little like a war zone. I fixed up this old wicker chair as an open sign. I put it on and off the wall daily. It can be seen from the road and I hope it gets a little attention. It will be awhile before all is back to normal. Not as long a it might be, if that Old Man River behaves himself and keeps rolling on.
  I wish you all could come shop. It really is an adventure. I'd sure appreciate the business and would be so much fun to have you. I can promise you that Sissy Dog will meet you at the door with a jump and a kiss. You're always welcome.
   PS. I was just thinking. What would have happened a hundred years ago when no one had computers, telephones, radios, TV and anything else, that would have given the people here in this town ,on that river, any warning. It would have been sad. I guess they might have had some time to move things as the water continued to rise. I am glad this is the 21st century and we continue to get better and better electronic devices to help warn us of weather and floods.


  1. I'm glad you had no damage to the store and merchandise or your home. The wicker chair is a very charming way to advertise. I hope you get lots of folks this weekend and next (Memorial Day). xo

  2. Richard, I am so glad that the flood waters didn't affect you or even your little town. Hopefully they will have all that mess cleared up soon and people can get on with their lives and business. Take care. Pamela

  3. So glad your home and store are ok for now. Praying "Ole man river" has finished overflowing this year. Love the wicker chair you are using to advertise that you are open for business....very creative!


  4. Hi Richard,hope you sell heaps and heaps in the near future. So pleased the flood is mostly over.:)

  5. Richard I am happy that the water did not reach your beautiful business and home. I so wish that we lived closer to you as i would love to spend hours searching for treasures in your shop. Take care... pets for Sissy!


  6. Whew! that was a close one. Sooo glad nothing was ruined in the flood waters . Such a cute story about the National Guardsman and his wife. Talk about a blessing in disguise. I'm sure she couldn't be happier with her Mother's Day gift. Hugs,

  7. Richard, NO matter how inventive you are in letting people know you are open, they are probably staying home because of the flooding possibility. I hate that for you because I know you need the business.
    I will pray for you, my dear!

  8. Yes, I'm so glad things worked out with the flood and that you, your home and business are all safe. How about starting another blog about the Antique Mall and posting pictures of items for sale. That would keep the store open online during floods and snow! (Just a thought!Smile)

  9. So happy you are safe and sound. Here's hoping the waters quickly recede and sales will be better than ever. Best!

  10. Wow. You are so right about how modern communications do so much for us. Yesterday I was standing in my closet with tornado sirens wailing and my dogs pressed close to my feet. I was talking with my father on my cell phone. He was in another state, watching the Weather Channel, and he turned up the volume loud enough for me to hear their reportage of the F-4 tornado attacking Moore, Oklahoma just 10 miles north of my house.

    Yes, technology is a wonderful thing. And it's good to know that people still have kind hearts and are willing to pull together when it counts.

    Stay safe!


  11. I know Clarksville is sick of all the water and sandbags

    there has been to much tragedy this last winter and spring and now we are in tornado season

    your house and shop looks great among the mess
    hope to see you over this way soon??
