Thursday, May 30, 2013

Beauties and the Beast.

The river creeping through the park and making way toward my house. Thank goodness the sand bag levy is there to hold the Mississippi back.

This is my side yard looking toward the river. As you can see the sand bag levy is in my front yard and the beautiful blooming Magnolia trees are just a few feet behind.

    Well guess what? The old Mississippi is at it again. We just can't seem to catch a break. Lots and lots of rain up north, snow melt and more rain coming. I guess it has to go some where. We are lucky here in my little town. We built a sand bag levy a few weeks ago when the river came up with only a couple days notice. It went down just about as fast. Well, we thought we might just need to wait before  we took all those sand bags away. Well, here it comes again. According to the weather forecast, Core and every one else with an opinion, we are not through yet. This  rise is not two high. Only about 5 foot over flood stage. I am really calm with it, as the last one was a foot more and we made it OK. They are saying we are going to have storms the next two days, starting tonight. The towns up north of us had huge rain falls over last weekend. 10 to 12 inches in spots. That makes the Salt River and Mark Twain Lake over flow and guess where they dump? Right into the Mississippi above us. We have a wonderful Mayor, who is sharp and on top of it all. We also have a couple of city employees that work endless and seem to be able to do most anything. Last time we had the National Guard and Americorp. I have not heard if they are coming back yet. They are a blessing as well.
   In between all the down pouring rain, wind and river rising, my yard has become a paradise. One of my favorite things in the world are my two magnolia trees. They were planted in 06 when I first bought, My Old Historic House. They were babies. Only about 6 foot tall and I could reach around them. They have grown to almost 20 feet now. This is the second flood they have been through. When I first planted them in the summer, we had a huge ice storm that winter. They were bent double. I thought sure they were gone. They came out of it and bloomed for the first time the next spring. This past April we had a 10 inch snow and it was very heavy and wet. It came in a total of about 9 hours. Again my Magnolias were bend double. I went out with a broom and shock it off. An hour latter it was back. I have a few small limbs that broke, but otherwise, they are doing great and starting to bloom. In the 08 flood, there was water all around them. I spend endless hours with pumps and there blooms brought me much happiness. They are so beautiful and the smell is a gift from Heaven.

This is the view from my front porch. Sand and sand and more sand and then the river

You can see the levy is only a few feet from my front porch

   Roses are loving this cool damp weather and they have been blooming there heads off. What more is there to ask for. Look out the window, walk out the door and see so much beauty. Then turn your head and you see the,"Beast." sand bag walls, loads of gravel, black plastic and right behind it all is the creeping river. Slowly it has covered the park and is edging it's way toward the wall. Some will creep under and pumps are required to get it back out. I make numerous trips out in the night to check them. They especially get a work out wen we get these  2 and 3 inch rains in less than an hour. It doesn't seem like we can get a nice , soft and gentle rain any more, we have to have a storm and a flood. This old world is a strange one. One never knows what might hit you next. I guess the best advice comes from the English. "Keep calm and carry on".That has been my new theory through this, my 2 major flood in less than 5 years.
    I hope you enjoy my flowers as much I am. I wish you could come some time for a tour. It looks a little sad to see the sand bag wall in the front yard, but then, It really is a good BEAST, as it so far, as kept the river at bay. Please come anytime. I will leave a light on and Sissy will always meet you with a jump and a big kiss. Richard

Red roses on the arbor

What are these?

A dark peach colored rose.

" The Beast."


  1. What a true dichotomy of life...the gorgeous take your breath away flowers and the threatening take your breath away potential of an out of control Mississippi River. Sending a prayer for God's protection your way. Cherry Kay

  2. Wow, Richard, talk about "steel" magnolias! I hope that river behaves itself again. Your flowers are gorgeous, and a testament to the love and care they receive. xo

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous! Glad you did not flood! Hugs, Pearl

  4. Hi Richard,
    Your yard looks so beautiful, I think it is God's gift to you during this trying time. I know how much you love your Magnolia trees, they are most certainly gorgeous. I don't think I know what one smells like though.
    How cruddy that the water is rising again. You hang in there! Gina

  5. Oh I forgot to tell you, the purple flowers that you said you didn't know what they were, look like phlox's.

  6. Richard, your post is like a letter from home! Beautiful roses and magnolias! The "beast" is only temporary.

  7. Hi Richard- I'll be praying for you and Sissy Dog to stay safe and dry!! Love your flowers! I really miss all that beauty living out here in the desert.


  8. It sure is Beauty and the Beast

    anyway your roses and magnolias are beautiful
    this rain today is the worst I can remember I woke up at 5:30 and got up to thunder and lighting shaking my old house,then the heavens broke loose with massive rain
    I put a galvanized bucket on my front walk I believe it or nor in 30 minutes it was full
    Interstate 70 had water over it west of Columbia

    Richard I really hope the water just floats on down the river and doesn't stop at your beautiful front door

    always thinking of you & Sissy

  9. Hello Richard,
    I apoligize for not droping in more often, but I make point in catching up as much as possible when I do. As always, I'm so impressed with your 'savoir faire'. How dreadful to live with the threat of the floads, but you handle it with such style. Your flowers are not intimidated eather - gorgeous.
    I agree, mothers are the source, yours must have been wonderful.
    Always a pleasure,

  10. Richard, first your garden is just divine. So much beauty just a few feet away from such danger. But I pray that the sandbags hold and that rolling river keeps on rolling by.
    Glad you're out finding the beauty and not letting this get you down.
    Chin up, we'll be praying for you.

  11. Richard, As always, lovely shots of the back yard and flowers. And yes the purple flower is phlox. Thanks for a great shot of your French wire! Love, love, love it.
    Victorian Cindy

  12. Magnolias are beautiful and so are all your roses!! God Bless you guys in the way of the mighty river!! Thank goodness for the RR tracks as well!! Stay dry!

  13. Lovely flowers! I envy you those gorgeous roses. They look beautifully cared for, unlike mine, who have spent themselves in their first blooming flush and are now succumbing to blackspot.

    Everyone's right. Your blue flowers are phlox, the old-fashioned kind that are so suitable for your wonderful house.

    You have every right to be proud of those magnolias. Their blooms are a gift.

    It's good that you can still tend your yard and flowers despite the stress of living with potential flood and disaster. And the "beast" is doing its job well.

    Hang in there!
