Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter from My Blog to Yours!

    For many years I have collected these old hand blown glass Easter Eggs.They were mostly produced and sold in the last part of the 1800's. They were given before plastic eggs were discovered. People would keep them, treasure them and display them from year to year. I have done several post about them in the past few years, but this year I have been lazy. I did mange to buy this one egg this year, couldn't resist as it was only $8.00. Love the painting, especially the bird. I added it to my others. I have a whole bushel  basket full. Do you think I have enough?? I doubt it. Hope you all have a great Easter, it is snowing here today and is going to tomorrow. What can I say, hope the Easter Bunny doesn't freeze. I am going to my dear sisters house tomorrow, so my Victorian  eggs have been neglected this year. I usually get them out and do my dining room table all up. But with no company coming, Sissy and I can resist all the temptation and work. I think I am still cleaning up Easter grass from last year,
   I hope you all have a great and beautiful day. I am invited to my sisters where there will be about 33. That is  my close family. So many nieces,nephews,  there  husbands and wives and then there is great and great greats.  My sister lives in a very small  house, so the food is spread all over the kitchen counter, we fill our plates and eat about the house. She makes the ham and we all bring a dish. The food will be wonderful, country cooks you know. I am excited  and I hope there will be left overs and they will feel sorry for there old bachelor uncle , brother, cousin and send a big bunch home with me.
   Nothing fancy for our Easter. We will use paper plates and plastic cups, so many you know.  The men, besides me, wear there baseball caps and cowboy boots. There is lots of kids from several months on up. They run and scream, throw eggs and get womped up on candy. Sissy Dog is invited. I won't go otherwise. See  is scared of all that noise and hides under my chair and shakes. She is still happier there with me, than at home by herself. Believe me, so am I. When I set, she jumps in my lap,and  ever now and then, a kid comes and pulls her ears or hits her in the head with a toy. She minds, but takes it with grace. To her favorite family members, she gives a lot of kisses.
   All the teenagers are busy on there cell phones  sending and getting messages and pushing there finger back and forth. What ever it is they do, I have no cell phone. I would never allow them at the table while we are eating. I am sure that is why they don't come to my house.
   After dinner most of them leave. I usually stay and help my sister clean up. It is not a lot of work. Most things go home with everybody. There is left over ham to deal with and a few dishes to wash. Tables  and chairs to put away and candy messes to clean up. After this is done, Sissy and I head home. When we get there, I will retreat to my room. get under the covers, hug her and settle in. This is my favorite thing. Even if we had not gone to my sisters and had such a nice dinner and visit with my extended family, I would have had a great Easter,because I've got Sissy Dog and she's got me. That is a lot to be thankful for.
   I hope you all have a wonderful Easter. Great food and family all around. I know there will be lots of beautifully decorated table out there, I have seen some already on others blogs. I'd love them and appreciate them, but my family's Easter  will be a blessing for me. HAPPY EASTER!!!!! Richard and Sissy Dog
   If you would like to see the blogs about my eggs, try this: my old historic house, what comes first chicken or the egg.   or   my old historic house Easter dinner and a flood.


  1. Happy Easter to you as well!

  2. Richard, what a sweetly painted egg! I remember seeing your post on your wonderful collection. It sounds like you will have a fun day with all your family. Happy Easter to you! Be blessed. Pamela

  3. Hi Richard! Oh, that's a darling little egg! You have some of the most wonderful collections. I want to wish you and little Sissy a Happy Easter.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  4. Beautiful painted egg! Happy Easter.

  5. and to you, Richard. Your blog is always a delight and it is more like coming to tea with good friends then reading a post.

  6. Have a wonderful feast with your family! Your darling egg with the bird is great to add to your collection. My husband and I, and our collie, Shelby send you Easter greetings from Dallas! We hope Sissy get lots of Easter kisses and our Shelby be will be getting extra Easter treats! Have a Happy Easter!

  7. Beautiful collection of eggs, Richard! Happy Easter to you, blogging friend!

  8. Richard, what a sweet post about your family! Happy Easter to you and Sissy Dog!

  9. Happy Easter to you too Richard! I absolutely LOVE that egg, the bird makes it one of a kind. I would have snatched that one up too! Never seen one with a bird on it and that looks like the original paint on it too. Lucky duck!

  10. Happy Easter to you and Sissy Dog!!

  11. That egg is so beautiful and the epitome of Spring!
    Has the snow melted yet? It looks like you took a beating! I bet Sissy girl cannot WAIT for warm weather!

    Many X's and O's to you!


  12. Love the paint, simple yet elegant. Happy Easter to you and your family. Got my eye on your next posts.

  13. I have never seen eggs like these-how neat! I am like you I would rather get under the covers with my dogs than go anywhere-I don't like crowds of people anymore. Kisses to Sissy.

  14. I am feeling envy over this Easter egg. I collect them, too, but I've never found one like this with a cute bird painted on it. And the price was terrific. What a find.

    Like you, I didn't bother to get out the Easter decorations this year. It was too early, I guess. And last year, I organized and packed everything so carefully so that all the glass eggs would be in one container and easy to find. Next year I must do better.

    At least you had Easter with your family, and Sissy could be a part of the celebration, too.
