Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Antiques, what is it?

  Here we go with round three of the antiques, what is it game.Seems like a lot of you out there like this new format and are sending me lots of pictures and questions. Thanks for the great response.
  Today I have several pictures and questions and I will try and deal with them as they came into me. I might get some out of order, so forgive me in advance,
   If you are sending a picture, question about an item that has a markers mark or name, I would need to know that information. A picture, the best possible ,of the mark would be very helpful. Sometimes I can tell from just looking at the item, but to do real research, the marks, signature,etc. would be of great help!
  Now that I  have scolded you all, here we go.

  The first item today was sent in by CINDY PACHECO. She has sent a couple of pictures of a lady statue. At first glance one would think that she is French. Her hair-do and custom is very much so. When in fact, Cindy, she is American. The Germans were the first to make what we refer to as," Dresden Lace." It is a process where real lace is dipped into liquid ceramic and applied to a green ware statue. When that statue is fired in the kilm, the lace burns away and the design hardens and stays in place. Dresden was a town in Germany where lots and lots of porcelain factories were located, and all of this type of work was soon called, " Dresden."  I did a very long and detailed blog about this some time back. Just click into your search bar, dresdenlace myoldhistorichouse. it should pop right up.Your statue, I believe was made in American in and around 1920's or so. Americans were taken with old French fashions, via Television and Movies. While there is no mark to prove this, I feel, I am pretty sure I am right. It is a darling decorative statue. I love the story book character of it. I would say that it does not have a strong market at this time and the price would be some where around $25.00. It could command more in some places, especially if there was two collected after it. Thanks Cindy, I hope this helps.

   The next item came in from BJ at SWEET NOTHINGS. She has send a picture of a clock. She tells me that the clock was black when it was first found and I believe  her mother painted it white. The clock is metal. Well, BJ, your mother would fit right in, in todays world, where every one is painting everything white. I know it is a trend, I know it is fun and I know people can not help them self. I wish sometimes they could. I have had several people blog and say they were going to paint a wonderful old thing white. Gives me nightmares. I just saved a 1700's French Louis Phippe chest from the paint brush. Lord have mercy!!!! If you need to paint, paint junk, used furniture, it will do just as  well as a wonderful old antique. In the antique world condition is everything. Your clock was original a gun metal color of cast iron with brass trim. It was made during the industrial revolution when things were being mass produced. it is hard to tell you a lot more as I would need to know who made it, "marks".  You can see that the metal is a little rough, and this was done on purpose. While your clock looks fun white, it should not be. If the paint could be removed it would bring up it's value. If you like it white, then, there you are. Clock collectors are funny people. They have many and usually only look for a rare one. This clock is not rare, so would not be worth millions. I would say a fair price would be $125.00. Not painted maybe $225.00 In the  Shabby Chick world, people who love white paint, maybe around $50.00. I hope this helps, not hurts, BJ?

   Next we have a Victorian Wedding Dome,  sent in by Deborah Chester. As a lot of you know, I am  Dome Crazy. I have almost 100 of them in, My Old Historic House. I only have one wedding dome, kinda like yours. These were more popular in Europe than they were in America. They are now popular here and are being exported by antique dealers. They made millions of these and they can be found, not  often, but can be found. I am going to cut this short, because another Blogger, Vanna, from Delusions Of Grandeur did a wonderful post about wedding domes. I would say take a few minutes and go read this She goes into great detail and I could not say any of it better. Just type,domesdemariee delusionsofgrandeur, and it should pop right up. Your dome would sell from around $450 to $950 in todays market. I know that is a big difference in price, but depends on where it is, who wants it and is there are others close by. I have seen them sale very high at auctions and also sell for hardly anything. I hope this helps Debby,

   The last question today was sent in by CHRIS and JAY  LELAND. And oddly enough, it is another Dome! This one is what we call a Victorian Parlor Dome. All well appointed Victorian homes had one. They were usually  displayed on the Parlor center table. The domes were imported and held many items. The one that Chris and Jay are asking about has wax flowers inside. Again I am going to cut this short, and send you to a blog that I did all about these domes. Just click in your search bar, parlordomes,adifferentkindofflowerarrangemnts,myoldhistorichouse. It should pop right up. As for the value of your dome? Again the market is good now. People like us on the blogs have made them popular. People like me are crazy over them, so we often over pay. I would expect to see a price of $400 to $800 for your dome. I hope this helps,Chris and Jay.
   Thanks for your pictures and questions. Send me some more.  Remember send them to my email. www.cottrellprissy@aol.com. and if there is a makers mark, a picture of it would help. I look forward to seeing what you have and until next time, keep on blogging. Richard and Sissy Dog the Beagle.


  1. i love these globe marriee - domes!
    i havent found one yet, but its in my wish list :) this is great that you keep this kind of blog by telling things for a different items :)

  2. Thank you so much for the information and valuation of my Victorian wedding dome.

    I'll look up the blog you recommended.


  3. Some very nice pieces you have to share and good prices on them. I like seeing all the Antiques people have to show. Thanks to you for the service.

  4. Thank you so much Richard for telling me about Dresden lace, I had no idea real lace was used?! How cool is that, I loved all the information you gave me and I had a feeling she was not worth much. But I love her anyway :) I am loving this new blog of yours it is so interesting and insightful. And of course your not hurting any feelings here. Now off to show you my little bowl that I am sure is worth a little more....See you soon, Hugs, Pearl

  5. Here are describing about antiques. Antiques gives your home and offices to new look that is very impressive. This post is very interesting. Thanks for sharing this posting with us.

    Antique Prints

  6. Richard you are the Dr Oz of the antiques world! This is just sooo wonderful of you sharing all your expertise! Are you enjoying educating us all?*winks* And thank you my friend for referring people to my post on globes de mariee! I think I'm nearly as dome crazy as you are. And we've both rubbed off on Gloria....I'm pretty sure *winks*
    I love that first figurine! she's so Marie Antoinette! Vanna

  7. Wonderful appraisals, Richard. I may be sending some photos soon.


  8. Hi Richard, I love this series and learning more about antiques from you. Thanks for sharing your expertise.

  9. Richard, as a serious clock collector myself, I am happy to see that you gave a very accurate estimate on this one. This particular clock can also sometimes be found in a marbled finish with brass accents, and in both casti iron cases, but nore often painted wood.

    One major issue that I noticed on this one, is that the glass bezel and door are missing on the dial. This can be replaced, but does affect the value, since a new bezel always looks "crappy". An old original bezel could be tracked down and reinstalled but on such a low-end clock, wouldn't be worth the trouble (and expense) unless it had a lot of sentimental value to its owner.

    The condition of the mechanism is also important, since repairs can often cost several times more than the entire value of the clock.

    If you ever have questions regarding clocks, please feel free to ask (I have quite a lot of knowledge in this area).

  10. Great column, Richard!

    I will have to look around and see what I have to ask you about!!!


  11. Now this is a post that I just love -- you are such a good guy to do this for people! And I am COMPLETELY in your corner regarding painting. Paint the stuff that doesn't have patina in the first place, the later 20th century reproductions, or even some of the older pieces that were always meant to be painted anyway.

    Keep on preaching!

    I loved your clock info. I wish you had been with me at an auction in Connecticut last month-- loaded with clocks, and the prices were all over the place. Some clocks that seemed totally similar to me went for such different sale prices at $200 to more than $3000. Amazing.

    Clock collectors know their onions!

    Hope all is well with you.

  12. This is so interesting Richard. Hope Sissy is doing o.k.I just added the 4th dog to my family!

  13. Oh yes, the painting thing? Sometimes I see stuff that really needs a coat of paint,like faux 80's mock Victorian, for instance. And then sometimes I see a real treasure, and someone has got out the chalk paint and the french graphics and made a piece of furniture that is exactly like every other painted piece of furniture. And destroyed an antique in the process. Now, I know some furniture can be stripped. I remember in the 80's and 90's, everyone was stripping off the paint that had been added in the 1960's. But the patina is gone, and veneered pieces suffer.

    Thank you for letting me rant, Richard. I thought you'd feel the same way about this!

  14. Hi Richard,
    How are you? I hope you are doing well. I know its been a while since I last blogged I've just been having a rough time. But I am so happy to see your new blog idea.. I think its so nice of you to do this for people. My father was an auctioneer so I spent every Saturday night working with my family from about 8 years old, so I understand how you learned so much. I hope everyone realizes what a nice thing your are doing as its a lot of work doing research. I know I am going to ask your advice on few things over the next few days. Hope your having a wonderful weekend!!


  15. Hi there....I am so glad to see you back on the "net"!!!
    I LOVE this new idea. As soon as I can rope my daughter into taking pictures, I have two items to send to you.
    Mostly I just wanted to tell you that I am delighted that you are back!!!!
    Blessings to you AND to Sissy,

  16. I have MISSED you! This is the perfect idea, my friend! I don't have any "good" antiques so I will refrain from sending photos!
    How is my darling girl, Sissy? Give her snuggles and kisses from Gracie and I!
    We have a new English Bulldog (he is 11) named Wilberforce and a wonderful 14 year old FIV positive cat named Daniel! I will post their stories soon!

    Kisses to Sissy,


  17. So generous of you to provide help for your readers. I am in the antique business and know that it is time consuiming to provide identification!

  18. Dear Richard... I Hope all is well with you? You've been MIA from the Land of Blog for a while... Hoping you've just been busy preparing your Lovely Home and Shop for the Holidays?

    Happy Thanksgiving... Dawn... The Bohemian

  19. Richard I am loving the new format. We all know that you are our resident expert and it's great to have someone to consult with. You are single handedly keeping antiques in the forefront and for that I am grateful.
    Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

  20. Wow! This is all lovely. I love antiques and for me they brings history and sentimental value :) Big thanks for sharing this with us.

    Zummi of eastwood condominium for sale

  21. Hope You Had A Very Happy Thanksgiving.

  22. I love all these antiques! Collectors like me admire the antiques not just because of their carefully designed features, but with their historical and cultural meaning in the society. For many years, my family has been collecting and selling antiques and we really exert all our effort to take good care of everything. :)

