Wednesday, June 6, 2012

OPEN FOR BUSINESS , You-all come see us here!!!!!

My new sign.

This is the view out the front door looking toward the Mississippi River.

  Well it has been a long hard battle, but I think I won. I got the keys to my new space May12th. After many days of pulling nails, patching holes, painting and cleaning, the new, "Downtown Antique Mall," in Clarksville, Mo. is finally open. I had a soft opening on Saturday June 2nd. It was the regional Chili Cook Off  here in Clarksville and I wanted to get her open to take advance of the crowds. Well it was well worth it as we had a great turn out, made sales and surprised many old timers as they saw the shop for the first time. I have some wonderful dealers and there spaces look amazing. I have one dealer who was delayed in her move in, so now we have something else to look forward to.They were all so good to get moved in and get there booths looking amazing. I am so proud and happy to represent each and every one of them.

My friend Nancy gave me these beautiful flowers for by the front door.

  Of course Sissy Dog was challenged through this ordeal. She did not know what to make of all this moving.  I worked before I opened the old shop in the morning and after I closed it at night. She was in and out of the two shops and didn't quite know what to do with her self. Finally we are settled and her chair is in place and she has made her self at home. Bless her heart. What would I do with out her? The other night I was so tired, I thought I might die and Sissy Dog ran out the door .Well, when she does this, it is a real challenge. She got on the trail of a rabbit and with her head to the ground she paid no attention to me, so I sneaked up to her and dropped right on top of her. The challenge was cut short, thank goodness and I could go to bed.
    We have had some pretty hot weather here in Missouri during all this move and that makes for a lot tougher job. I have learned that for a old F---, I can get the job done. I  cleaned, painted and moved, mostly all by myself. I have to admit, I had  some nice towns people who offered a helping hand, but with my time frame, it was just easier to do it by myself. I have my own methods of doing things. I like to move an item or two and put them in place. If there is a big pile of stuff I seem to freak out. Of course if the truth be known, I tend to freak out a lot.

The entrance to the River Park is right outside my shop door.

     My Old Historic House, seemed to be neglected during all this. I have to devote a week to it now. I still am having tours almost daily and I just hope they don't see the dust and dog hair that seems to have gathered in the absence of the broom and dust cloth.

    I wish you all could come and see the house, take a tour and shop in the new Mall. I will leave the lights on and we can open any time. Sissy Dog will always meet you all with a jump and a kiss. I might even take ya for a sweet tea next door at the darling Farm Cafe.
   I just want to thank all of you out there on the blogs for being so patient with me and my blog. I hope to get back on track soon and give you all the comments you deserve, I so appreciate you all. Come see me now, you here!
My area  is in the center of the new mall. 

Nancy's booth to the left

A basket of deer horns 

Sissy and her chair, Finally she can settle down and do her thing. Sleep!


  1. Hello Richard:
    What an absolute treasure trove. How we so wish that we could spirit ourselves to your store and spend the time required to look at everything closely and in detail. Such very goodly things and all arranged in the most interesting of ways.

    As for the situation so close to the river - absolutely lovely. We wish you every success with this new venture.

  2. Hi Richard, what a grand place you have. Congratulations! I know you're worn out, you'll soon be reaping the rewards from all your hard work. I'm glad Sissy dog is adjusting... Best of luck my friend. hugs ~lynne~

  3. Dear Richard, it is lovely and what a view of the river. I hope you are rewarded for all the hard work of the big move with many many customers in the new space. That sweet Sissy needs a nap. I am training our new puppy and am very tired but he is a sweetie too. If only I had his energy. big hugs, olive

  4. Richard, you've created such a delightful space for antiquing. I love the bright and shiny interior...a nice departure from so many antique malls that end up being dark and dingy...and musty. What can I say...location, location, location! You are going to have a steady stream of shoppers going to and from the park. Sissy Dog will have so many new friends, and so will you! Thanks for inviting us to the premier opening. Cherry Kay

  5. Howdy from Kansas!
    Richard, Your new location looks great. You've done a super job. Something to be very proud of.

    The River Front Entrance is really neat. Great view you have.

    Plez pet Sissy for me and tell her hello.

    God bless you and may you Summer be successful.

  6. It all looks great and so glad the move is over for Sissy LOL

    So glad to hear happy in your voice also Richard, also glad you have so many tours coming up for you

    Nice that Nancy has a space in your mall

    I do hope to surprise you someday with my presence

  7. It looks fabulous, Richard, and I know all your hard work will be rewarded. Poor Sissie looks pooped! I am sure she will settle in nicely there, I would so love to visit. Wishing you the best of luck xo

  8. Richard - I am soooooo excited for you!!! You are DEFINITELY on my "must go to immediately" list!!!

    :) robelyn

  9. Looks wonderful! So bright and cheery! Next time I come I am going to make u let me take u out for lunch! New place? We loved Cool Beans.
    I bet u r pooped. Your home is so beautiful the dust won't show!
    Cheers on a great new beginning!

  10. I LOVE your new shop Richard! I have already found numerous treasures there not to count my new summer wardrobe of vintage dresses. Score!!! :) I am excited for you and wish you LOTS of success!!

  11. It looks (and IS) just wonderful, with your special artistic touch, Richard. I have already purchased a couple of items...a wonderful silver fork and my favorite, an old Singer treadle sewing machine in perfect condition. I say all your readers should come right away if they can. It's the greatest!

  12. Fabulous! Love the bright open look and especially the different color walls for each booth. What a great job! The location looks perfect, too. Wish I lived near enough to stop by.

  13. Looks great! Nice view. That was a big job for one to do in that short of a time. I wish you much success.

  14. Congrats, Richard! The new mall looks beautiful! It makes me want to jump in my car and visit it! Now I really must get to Clarksville!

  15. Richard, it looks so nice! How exciting! I know how proud you must be. I have to ask (in a singing voice) How much is that little doggie in the window, oh, I mean chair?! Just kidding! I know she isn't for sale! Can't wait to come!

  16. How very, very lovely! I simply adore your new shop - so bright and clean and inviting, and the displays look very toothsome. Makes me want to shop! Congratulations on surviving your move, and please give Sissy Dog a loving kiss on top of her head for me.

  17. Your new shop is lovely and wow looks like lots of treasures. And what a view you have, I would never get anything done for looking out the window.I am glad Sissy has settled in-and I bet you need a good rest too!

  18. Congratulations on your grand opening. It looks like you are well stocked with lots of goodies and I wish I could visit and shop. The location opposite that wonderful storefront gate to the river looks ideal for tourists to spy you. All the best! Pamela

  19. I like the clean and colorful look of your new mall and I love the view! I will be over to see you soon.

  20. I am so happy for you!!
    Smiles, Dottie

  21. Congratulations!! Everything looks wonderful and what a great view out the front doors!


  22. Hello Richard

    I so wish I could visit and take a closer look at your store. It has a wonderful location too. However, I must be content to send my very best wishes: I'm sure it will be a huge success.


  23. Congratulations, Richard! Your new digs are fabulous. Love the colors, the layout, everything! You've got something for every age, nicely arranged to appeal. Soooo happy you sold a lot during your soft opening. I'm sure your sales will continue to soar. Gosh, but your setting is magnificent. Makes the heart flutter, seeing the Mississippi so pretty. And Sissy's a treasure, save for the rabbit bit, okay, Sissy, back to sleep you go! Anyway, great going, Richard!!!

  24. First of all, Cissy is too cha cha for words. What a sweet baby. Oh how I wished I lived closer, I would be stopping by once a week. Gonna have to make a pilgrimage up your way one day. Wish you much success with this new endeavoer, I can't imagine it doing anything less that fantastic.

  25. Hi Richard,
    The shop looks amazing! I'm so glad things are going so well for you. I wish I was near to go rummaging through all that lovely treasure!
    Big hugs and much success to you,

  26. Richard, How exciting to be all settled in your new mall. The shops look great and Sissy looks right at home in her chair. Thanks for sharing your progress, and I hope you're overflowing with customers.
    Have a great weekend,

  27. Hi Richard! Oh, I wish I could come for a visit to your wonderful antique mall. It looks wonderful and I know you've worked so hard on it. I hope you have wonderful success and can relax a bit now! Poor little Sissy - she just couldn't resist chasing after that critter, whatever it was.
    Thanks for popping in to see me and you get some rest now!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. Richard,

    I just want to jump in the car and drive to your new store right now! It looks wonderful!


  29. Oh Richard it looks fabulous! All that hard work has certainly paid off and I wish you and all of your Dealers much prosperity and great blogland exposure so that everyone can discover this charming Space you have Created! Sissy Dog looks quite comfy in her new chair... we have a new Fur Baby now, his name is Yul, a Siamese Cat that recently adopted us... after losing my Beloved Rat Boy he has filled a void that had been left behind... the Bohemian Cat Boys aren't really Pet Quality Fur Babies, they are working cats that kinda just tolerate us humans. *LOL* But Yul is very affectionate and demands attention... I seem to be his favorite {well I think so anyway, smiles} and of coarse I'm basking in all that attention and Love! *LOL*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  30. Looks amazing, Richard!
    And what a view!
    I am so excited for you and hope you can catch your breath before cleaning your home for all the tours you have on the books.
    You have such a knack for pulling it all together. Just don't overdo it ok!
    I mean it!!!


  31. Richard, you are one amazing fellow. Congratulations! It all looks phenomenal.

    Maybe one of these days life will be so that we can travel a bit. Then I will definitely come visit.

  32. Richard,
    I am drooling over these pictures and if I said it to you once, then I said it a thousand times but I so wish I lived closer so i could visit with you and SHOP!!


  33. Wonderful Richard! All my best with your new location.
    Sometimes change can be unsettling and stressful, but you certainly pulled through with flying colours. Your 'savoir faire' is remarkable. Congratulations!

  34. Congratulations on your opening! You've accomplished a tremendous amount in a short time. The place looks inviting, bright, and welcoming. I know all too well how hard it is just to set up a booth. As for a whole store? Whew!

    Catch your breath, give Sissy some extra attention, and take it easy for a while.


  35. Hi Richard,
    I know you must be busy as a bee with the store. I hope all is going well and you are selling like crazy. Hugs to you and Sissy!
