Sunday, May 20, 2012

Where have you been??

   I have been getting lots of emails as of late wondering where I have been, as I have not added a  new blog post for awhile. I am so sorry I just left everybody hanging. I have  had a little burn out, to much going on and things that had to be done first. First off, I hate the new Blogger stuff, I was so used to the old and it was so easy. I live in an 165 year old house, I do not except change very well. I promise I will try harder. Second, the building where I have my antique and gift shop, Richard's Great Stuff, is being auctioned off. The owner is from out of town and he is tired of the trouble and wants to make his life simpler. Well, made mine a mess. I have found a new building, just across the street. It is twice as big as the one I have. I  am going to do a antique mall of sorts. I will have 6 to 7 dealers beside myself. I am excited, scared and worried all at the same time. I am a control freak, and I can not control what people put in there dealer spaces. I may need a straight jacket. Time will tell. I just hope we all can get along, sell and be happy. Times are tough in this old world we live in. The economy is very bad and I think might, could, will, get worse. Antiques are not as popular as there once were. They younger generations coming along could care less. They only want cell phones and electronic games and things. I have never had a cell phone, probably never will. I have no desire or need to. I despise them when people come into the shop and talk on them and  distract everyone.  Very few people are that business that they need a phone shewn to there ear. It is so expensive and all the welfare and low income peoples of the world all have them, talk on then endlessly. They have to be using up all there income. I say, how can they afford them?None of my business, thank goodness.I don't often get fired up, and I had better back off now before it gets worse.
   I have a friend who lost his mother and she had a lot of pretty antiques. She bought a lot of them from me. He wants me to do an estate sale for him. That is another thing I am working on along with a move. The new building needed a lot of cleaning and painting. I have that mostly under control and the new venders are starting to move in tomorrow.
   I have been trying to promote, My Old Historic House. It cost a lot to run it and keep it up. I give tours and rent for parties and functions. I am starting to get a lot of takers. This is wonderful, but at the same time, so much work. Do you know what it is like to clean that place??? I have downsized the gardens until they are very simple. Still there is mowing, weeds and so forth and so on. I guess what I am trying to say, retirement is very busy.
   I just wanted to say to all my blogger friends. I do love you and enjoy hearing from you. I promise I will get back at this as soon as I am settled in the new space. I have lots to share, projects and  events. Stand by, hold on and be patient, cause I'll be back.
   Love a best wishes from  my Blog to yours and Sissy kisses for all. Come anytime. I will always leave the lights on and there is always something to do. Hope you all are having a beautiful summer.


  1. I agree , about time we heard from you

    let me know when the estate sale is and I will drive over

  2. Hi Richard,
    You were truly missed but you know we understand. Keep the faith and everything will fall into place. As they say, as one door closes and window opens. Congrats on all your new blessings my dear!


  3. ...oh and one more thing, if I were there I would love to tour your amazing home.


  4. I wish I lived closer so I could help out! I wish you all the best in your new endeavor, and I am sure you will have a wonderful place there. xo

  5. There you are, Richard! I was wondering where you were. I know life can get so busy sometimes. Good luck with your move and your new antique shop and glad to hear there are folks using your wonderful historic home for events. My daughter was married in an historic home in Austin, Texas - The Caswell House built around 1900. It was such a lovely place for a wedding. I'm sure your home is too.
    Good luck with all you're doing and we'll be here when you can post.
    Continue to be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Sounds like you have been very busy and lots of good things going on. Just a suggestion - Have the vendors that you rent space to sign an agreement as to the type of merchandise they can sell there.
    Yes - life gets busy - I don't post like I use to.
    Enjoy your evening.

  7. Whew...I'm exhausted just reading about your undertakings...I'd better go take a nap now. I'm so proud of you for all your new adventures. If possible, please publish the dates of the estate sale in advance. I'd love to be able to come, if possible. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Cherry Kay

  8. So glad to hear from you!! I've been wondering about what was going on and it sounds like lots!! Your new adventure with the antique mall sounds wonderful...I know it's a lot of work but all of it works together to help you keep your beautiful home.

    Keep us updated as you can...and give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me!!


  9. Richard, It sounds like even though you have a lot on your plate, you have it all under control. It's good hearing from you and hopefully your antique mall will be a big success.
    Take care.

  10. You're going to be so busy! I sincerely wish you luck and hope you can round up some helpers!

    And that's a lovey and inspirational photograph you've taken, with the light though the window. I think your house shows every bit of the love and care (and hard, solid work) that you put into it. Your lovely home is a real inspiration to me and my Victorian study project.

    Do what you need to do, Richard, and don't worry about us. We'll be here when you get back.

  11. I completely understand busy. I'm sure everything will work out well. Best wishes.

  12. There you are Richard! I've been worried about you! I am glad you are well in health, I am like you and don't like change and am a control freak. So I understand your worries. I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason. In time you will look back and say "So that's why that happened!" Hang in there!

  13. Richard,I did notice you hadn't been around much lately. I do hope your new venture is very successful. I look forward to hearing more about it. :)

  14. the best to you as you relocate to the new location. It is a lot of work, but after it is said and done....may all be wonderful!

  15. Brilliant idea for an antigue mall. You may be making your town a destination for lot's of visitors. Kisses to you and Sissy.

  16. Good luck with the antique mall. You can set standards for what is acceptable. We have a booth in a mall that does not allow anything newer than 1960 unless it is a collectible, which must be at least 25 years old, I think. It keeps out the Beanie Babies and stuff like that.

  17. Richard,
    I must say, I do look for a new post from you at least every couple of days. Good to finally hear you are all right.
    I sure do understand about burn out. sometimes you just have to walk away from the computer.
    Sounds like you are way busier than you want to be. Hope it slows down and you can get some rest.


  18. I hope the move goes well and all works out for you in your new space Richard. Take care!

  19. Yep! I was wondering what happened to you and I worried! So glad it wasn't anything important. I missed you dearly my friend Richard. Congrats darling on your new blessing! I'd love to tour your fabulous castle! Nice to hear from you.
    Luv ya,

  20. Richard, take the time you need to regroup. We all do that from time to time. Your home is amazing and I'm sure your shop will take off. You have a marvelous reputation and "if you build it they will come."

  21. Wow! So much going on! Change can be scary, but it's exciting, too! Good luck with all the work, I know the new store will turn out fabulous!


  22. Richard,
    Hopefully things will get better after the election. The economy always improves with a new president.
    My heart is with you.
    Kisses to Sissy,


  23. Yes I had been worried and wondering about u! But I have been busy and thought I missed a post or two.
    Alot going on for sure! Let me know about that estate sale when u get it together. Rhonda and I are going out once a month antiquing, so would love to come up again.

    Now don't wear yourself out...Sissy will be worried if Daddy gets too tired!

  24. Oh my! Richard, you certainly have alot going on...all so very exciting! Take it one day at a time and try not to get too stressed. It sounds as though things are coming together nicely and I'm sure everything is going more smoothly than it may seem at some random points in time. I agree 100% with others that suggest don't be afraid to put limits on the type of items that are brought into your mall for sale. You want to keep it a quality establishment.... don't let garage sale garbage or current collectibles ruin your reputation and keep good customers away. Can't wait to see more. Warm Hugs,

  25. Richard, You do have a lot on your plate right now. Don't worry about doing post right now...we will still be here when you get back. Best of luck with your new antique mall and take care.

  26. Oh has a way of throwing curve balls. I have been hit in the head with a few myself recently. Best of luck with everything you are doing. I hope you have time to put your feet up on your lovely porch at least once in a while. Best to you...Ann

  27. Good to know everything is okay! Sounds like your direction has been picked for you! Keep the faith and take care of yourself during this busy transition!

  28. Wow you have allot on your plate Richard! The new space sounds exciting.. I wish I lived closer! Make sure you take time for yourself too!

  29. I admire how you just back your ears and jump into new ventures. You don't let fear, uncertainty, or your age hold you back. That's a wonderful quality to have, and you've got it!

    Best of luck in your new venture. I'm a dealer in an antique mall that has very strict rules about no merchandise later than 1960, no crafts, no reproductions. You can set rules, too, and maybe keep your sanity!

    I know change is hard, but it also keeps you from getting soggy. Hang in there!


  30. I have missed you. I was afraid you weren't feeling well.I am glad you are all right. good luck in your new venture. Take care you don't overdue.

  31. Welcome back, Richard. I'd wondered what had happened. But, when one door closed another opened with lots of really good stuff inside. I leave in a historic village with antique shops and vendors inside the shops. They have to sign agreements, as the previous commenter said. They also sell more stuff visitors can take with them now (as we don't live far from I-95) and have seen a sharp uptick in sales. Several added a sideline with scented candles and soaps and creams that they say pay the light bills. (Since I have my furniture in place, I now go there for candles.) For awhile business was slow in our village but within the last six months merchants say it's picked up to the point where it's better than it ever was. Hang in there!

  32. Richard,
    I too have not been around lately because of Joe having surgery....
    You know that I aodre this room!!


  33. Well my GOSH, Richard. You HAVE been busy. Retirement seems to makes us go fast, fast, faster instead of slowing us down. Well, I do wish you the best of luck with the antique mall. Your section looks fabulous. And, of course, your home is beautiful beyond belief. The best to you. Was wondering where you went so thanks for the update. Susan

  34. Richard... You have been so busy and I know under much stress...I was wondering what was going on but I myself haven't been the greatest blogger... I have totally cut out spending and going places cause I simply can't afford it and not have new health issues ....More testing today... I lack of things to post about.. As many bloggers shop daily and share their purchases and travels and I seem to be quite boring in contrast but I still enjoy it very much and like you will do better this winter...Seems I have so much more to do and the heat and lack of rain in our area is causing great concern...Yesterday I had my kids and a few extras over for a small luncheon and swimming...I am so very blessed to have the pool that Tom put in... I spend many leisure hours out their usually with a book in hand...we did purchase a lovely wind chimes of good quality and in the evening when everyone has gone .. I lay on the lounge and listen to the lovely soft chimes it produces... It is awesome... While everyone else is running around .. I am home enjoying the spaces.... Your store has a lovely view to look out at... I am sending best wishes for things to be more successful with your move.... I also know it is hard for you not to control what is brought into the shop... you do not care for a lot of the objects that are used now as you love fine pieces but maybe it will offer the variety you need... one can still purchase finer pieces ...
    Good luck my friend and try to take some time just for yourself soon...
