Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Resurrected from the Graveyard.

This is it, in all it's damaged glory. Do you think I can fix it?

Here it is. I still need to add some gimp around the edges of the fabric to cover the tacks. But I think it turned out sweet.I have to go somewhere to find the trim. I live in a small town, 450 people, in the middle of no where, so can't buy any trim here.

   Last May 2, 2011, I did a post about my wicker furniture obsession. I have a problem, when I see a piece I want to adopt it. I have been much better as of late, as I a really have no room for any more, anything. In the post last year, I mentioned  that my basement is a graveyard of wicker. I have pieces that need help down there. I keep thinking I will find some one to repair it. Better yet, I keep thinking I will have money to have it repaired. A lot of it was damaged in the 2008 flood. It was on my front porch and the nice people who came to help were a little to much for it. I should have moved it, but wanted a place for people to set while helping. So after the flood, to the basement it went. To tell the truth, I forget that it is there. I had a pipe bust this week and when I went down to the basement to see what was going on, there was all that wicker. When the plumber even commented on it, I thought it was time to do something about it.

This is the wicker graveyard in my basement. I have a few weeks  projects ahead of me. 

   I picked out one of the little corner chairs that I am really fond of. I carried it up and brought it to my shop. I told myself ,I know you can fix this chair. So I laid into it. This is the finished product. I am starting another one tomorrow. I think it turned out pretty good. I have placed it in my bed room, where there are lots of other Victorian pieces. I have found that these Victorian pieces are too fragile to be outside and take a lot of weather and abuse.  I had no ideal what to do about the woven seat, so I just covered it instead. Kind of a cop out, but at least  it is presentable.
    I hope you enjoyed this journey. Come anytime and take a real tour. I always have the lights on and Sissy Dog will mostly surely meet you with a jump and a kiss. Heck I will even invite you into my bed room, where we can set a spell and enjoy the wicker. I can just see all these pieces in a garden for a wedding. I'm sure it won't be mine, but I have some sweet Great Nieces coming up. Who knows what they will want for a wedding. Race cars, tractors, space ships. Times are a changing and I don't do well with change.
   Come see me soon. Richard
The fabric matches the curtains in my room. It is a wonderful Gothic check. Black and deep olive green.

I love the stick and ball construction.

Here it is in my bed room. The question now is, where to put it?
Maybe here?
Just added a picture of the doll house in it's new home, My Library!


  1. What a find, Richard! You sure made a beauty out of that diamond in the rough! It will look gorgeous with the gimp. I love old wicker furniture, too. Don't find it much around here, though.

  2. Amazing what a little paint can do. Well done, Richard. I love the fabric you chose for the seat as well. Have you thought about ordering trim online. I've ordered from places like Ebay and Etsy with no problem. Hope you have a great week.

  3. Good job Richard! Love what you are doing. Great pieces made usable again :) Way to go!!!

  4. That corner chair turned out beautifully! And the next one looks even more exciting! You are so talented, it is always interesting to see what you will do next!

  5. Richard: I am enthralled to see your wicker. I love the old stuff. Only put the new plastic kind outside on the porch. I have two chairs in the guest bedroom. One is identical to your next project except where yours has the fabric insert, mine is all wicker. The other is a similar shape but still different. They are beautiful and well loved. You have a beautiful collection..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  6. Oh dear Richard, she sure was worth the resurection! Your chair looks gorgeous!! I love this kind of wicker furniture, so pretty for a porch, or for anywhere! I love the style. Hugs,

  7. I know you can, I know you can!!!
    What great pieces...oh my! yes they are ready to see the light of day again. I think u did a wonderful job and I am anxious to see the next one.
    Hope the pipe was not a big expense...as you know I only too well know about that!
    Tell Sissy Dog hi for me.

  8. What great pieces you have! The corner chair turned out just darling. Good work!

  9. My oh my....you certainly do have a "thing" for wicker.....but it's all so pretty....I can understand why. Each piece is so different and you do such a great job at bringing them back to life. Happy Spring From Houston!

  10. I happen to like graveyards and yours is mighty fine Richard! The chair is fabulous.

  11. Good job! You have some wonderful old pieces, it will be interesting to see what you do with the rest.

  12. Fabulous! Talk about a metamorphosis! xo

  13. Richard, you have a love of wicker as I do. I've had to restrain myself from buying more. Hope you have a great rest of the week, T

  14. These are such beautiful pieces Richard, some I have never seen before. I'm a wicker fan myself. Your chair turned out gorgeous and once the trim is on oh boy! Hugs, Pearl

  15. Hi Richard! I love your wicker graveyard! Your pieces are so pretty. The resurrected one is gorgeous and the one coming up is just as gorgeous! Love it! Can't wait to see it done. Have a great week!

  16. Wonderful job on the piece! I don't blame you, I would keep all of the wicker furniture too. Even if you buy "new" wicker today, it is not the same quality, nor as sturdy as older, antique wicker is, even if it needs a little repair work. So just take it slow, I am sure you will do a great job of repairing all the lovely pieces you have.

  17. Iknow you can...I know you can!!

  18. Richard, I Loooove wicker so I c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y understand your affliction. The pieces you have are outstanding. And the transformation on the little corner seat is spectacular. Good Job! That seat needed a cushion anyway, very nice. Thank you for your kind comments on my Easter cake, it made my day. Warm Hugs,

  19. What a beautiful job you did! I just love it...must see your stash soon on my visit. Miss you and Sissy...your pooch and porch are so lucky to have such lovely wicker under and on them :-)


  20. I knew you could fix it up beautiful. I haven't ever seen anything you have fixed and it wasn't wonderful

    I love all the old wicker in the basement. I always wanted a screened in porch with wicker, you have wicker out on the porch off the kitchen don't you ? the blue cushions etc, loved it

    xoxo Janice

  21. Richard, The wicker chair turned out lovely. You did a great job on her and what a nice addition to your estate she is making.

    God bless and have a nice Spring,

  22. Hi Richard! Oh, your chair looks wonderful. You did a great job!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. What a great transformation, Richard. You did an excellent job!....Christine

  24. Great job. It is such a pretty piece, and I know it is smiling with the facelift.

    You must know I am loving your pink dollhouse.

  25. oh my goodness! i had no idea!! pretty sad how much people throw away that someone like you could make beautiful!! impressive!
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  26. This is a great posting I have read. I like your article. Thank you

  27. You have worked wonders with the chair Richard. I have never seen a corner wicker chair before, so, perhaps it is extra-deserving of a second life.

  28. Hi Richard, what a treasure you found. You did a great job of restoring it's beauty. Can we ever have enough wicker? I just gave a set to my daughter, oh how I miss it, but she loves it and that's all that matters. hugs ~lynne~

  29. Wow Richard, you have such fabulous taste. The piece really came out wonderful. Awesome job my dear!


  30. This is really lovely, Richard. I love the design on the chair.

  31. Oh, I feel as if I was watching a magic!! Great resurrection! Your chair is happily in place and I am happy to see it.
    Have a great weekend.

  32. Richard I think you did a very good job,and the little seat looks lovely in the corner by the window.
    the doll house is lovely too. :)

  33. Hey Richard...been a while...since I have not been blogging much.
    Supurb job on the Wicker...love old wicker too. I would HAD to have had a most pastel for the chair for our home...but sure do love what you did with it. What paint do you use.....spary or handpainted ?


  34. Richard,
    YOu have been busy! what a good job you have done!


    For some reason, your last two posts did not show up on my sidebar where I have it. :o) Glad that you are okay. I was ready to send out the blog police to look for you! LOL

  35. Just fabulous Richard!! I love how you decorated with the lovely chair. I could keep coming back and looking at your paint work. You did good, pal!
