Saturday, April 28, 2012

Diva Day Kick Off Lunch.

Diva Day Kick Off Brunch Table Setting.

Two pretty ladies all done up in period dress.
   Today in Clarksville, MIssouri, my home town, was Diva Days. A special day for Divas to come shop, eat and play. Hopefully, most of all shop.Of course, men are welcomed as well. So far we have had mostly ladies.  This event is  hosted by our very active Art Guild. One member planned and  hosted a kick off  Diva Day brunch at my house.. He is very computer smart  and send out the invitations and got RSVP's all on the computer.  A donation was charged and we served Mimosas and all type of good food. The cost of the food was covered and I made  some money, which was good as I worked hours and hours on this event. Took parts of three days to do the shopping, get all the table ware out and make  the food. I have to go home now after work and clean it all up and put everything away.

Lots of pretty spring garden flowers dressed up the brunch table.
A good health brunch 

Some of the nice guest.

      I used a lot of silver and crystal and blue and white china. I even ironed the antique white linen napkins. We had  a nice turn out, considering it started at 8:00 AM. Every one was so nice and a couple of ladies actually wore Victorian white dresses. After the brunch I gave every one a tour of the house. One lady even played the piano for us. The weather was beautiful
     I wish you all could come and take a tour or have a brunch. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss. "BE A DIVA!"

More guest enjoy the brunch

She fits right in.


  1. A beautiful table and tableware!
    crystal, china, silver and flowers.
    beautifully!! perfect!!

    I greet the Polish

  2. Hi Richard,
    Congratulation ! A MOST beautiful table setting with fine silver and porcellan showing off great table decorations with Spring flowers,fruit,good food and more importantly some wonderful looking guests.Wish I could have been there.You make every one feel so special I am sure :-)

  3. I believe this is the most beautiful tble setting that I've ever seen. Your home is so lovely.

  4. Everything looks so pretty and the food looks yummy. Glad to hear it went well.

  5. Gorgeous branch and table, with of course, the most stunning tableware you always display dear Richard. Wish I'd been there!! Love all your spring flowers and fruit arrangements as well. Such lucky guests! Enjoy your weekend.

  6. I wish I was a guest! Table looks beautiful, love your tiered fruit display. xo

  7. Well, I WAS a guest and it was...fabulous! You always do it up right, Richard!!! Thank you so much!

  8. Oh! I wish I could have been there! Everything is so beautiful and looks delicious! When you showed the one photo as being "some of the nice guests" I thought you were going to show the next photo as "some of the not so nice guests". But I knew you wouldn't do that Richard! ;)
    Have a great week!

  9. Hi Richard. Your table arrangements are always so beautiful. I love the porcelain and silver. The food looks so good as well. People do not realize how much work go's into preparing something like this.

  10. It was a beautiful party! What a great job you did! Everything was so beautiful and yummy :) Thanks Richard

  11. Everything is so beautiful!! I would even say amazing!! Your house and table settings are always impeccable. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time.

    Just think back when your house was new there would have been a houseful of servants to help get ready for the party and clean up's economy doesn't support that any more!

    Hope Sissy Dog had a good time too! Give her a pat on the head from me.


  12. Richard, what an absolutely beautiful table and food! Thank you so much for sharing! You make me feel like I really was there!

  13. OMGosh Richard, your dining room (and parlor) look Spectacular. The chandelier is to die for. The table, the flowers, the silver, the linens, the food..the eclairs, strawberries...OH! Everything looks so Beautiful and Deeelish! That cranberry epergne is STUNNING!!! Your work and long hours show, and, I'm sure, very much appreciated and enjoyed by all who attended both in person and in spirit by virtual tour. Thanks for sharing. Warm Hugs,

  14. Oh I wish I were there! Talk about a beautiful table setting, displayed so nicely with all the grandness of days of old. You and your diva's did a fine job. Hugs, Pearl

  15. What a joy it is to see antiques actually being used, and you do so with such exuberance and panache. I hate to think of crystal, silver and porcelain locked away in display cabinets. So, it is lovely to see such a beautifully set table.

    I wish we had Diva Day in my town.


  16. How beautiful everything looks. What a wonderful event.

  17. Now I see the beautiful table! I do hope it was a great turn out. Anyone is a fool for not wanting to spend a afternoon at your house!!

  18. I love the way you lay your tables. So beautiful and using items you have. I think you could make a book!

  19. Every element beautifully adds to your opulent, gracious design. I came to St. Charles one time to visit the Haviland Museum. When I get to make the trip again, I'll definitely have "This Od House" as one of my most important destinations! Thanks for inviting us to the party. Cherry Kay

  20. Hi Richard,
    You are quite the host! It looks like Diva Day was successful.
    Your table and the food look wonderful!


  21. The table is really stunning. I love the touch of the oranges. Perfect as you were serving mimosas!

  22. wow I wish I could have been there. The food looks so delicious. I especially like the silver tiered fruit server and I see you used your cranberry epergne.I don't even dare touch mine. what a wonderful event.Give sissy a hug from me your friend Vern

  23. Hi Richard,
    I just adore your home, the chandelier over your table is beautiful and all the dishes you used for the brunch just took my breath away. Everything was done to perfection. You are an amazing host!
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  24. How fabulous! I wish I had been there. Love that you used your silver pieces and the blue and white china.
    I'll bet everyone was duly impressed at your lovely brunch.

  25. Richard,

    It is so beautiful! Not a detail missed! Where was my buddy Sissy during all this? Kiss her for me!


