Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lady in Red!


                                                     MY OLD HISTORIC HOUSE
Is a Blog about the 1845 Elgin/Cottrell House Museum  in Clarksville,Mo. I am the owner, writer and curator. My name is Richard Cottrell. I live in the old mansion along with my faithful dog, Sissy the Beagle. I purchased the house in 2006 and spent the last 6 years restoring it to it's original splendor. The house has been featured in many magazines, such as Victorian Homes, newspapers and TV stations. I offer tours of the entire house with  a reservation. I ask they you call at least one day in advance and have a least two people. I do charge for the tours, the fee helps me maintain the property. 573 242 9688. or email. www.cottrellprissy@aol.com. The old house was built in 1845 with a 1860 addition. It was built on land that was given to Samuel Elgin from President Manroe. Mr. Elgin's son, Hazakeiah, built the house. The bricks were hand made on the spot,by slaves. Because I am only the 4th owner, the house has stayed mostly in tack.I have used reproduction materials that represent the time period of 1860. The house very much reflects the American Ante Bellum period of history.( before the civil war.) The houses has a vast collection of antique furniture, accessories and portraits of that period. Call soon to make your appointment to come and visit Sissy and me.  where I personally guide the tours.


Richard and Sissy Dog. Kitchen


               Today the  blog is about a Lady in Red. She is one of my many ,"store bought relatives." my family never had money to have portraits painted, so when I started making some money, I bought me some relatives. I have named this lady, my rich cousin Julia. I call her rich because of her velvet dress with fancy lace trim and her gold, ruby and diamond jewelry. I had a lady friend named Julia. She was from a very well to do  family, that's where I got this ladies name. Who she really is? I have no ideal.

   This painting is done with oil on canvas. Her cloths, jewels, hairstyle and background, all indicate that she was painted around 1850-1880.She is beautifully done, especially the velvet of her dress and the lace. She has a beautiful, kind and sweet face. When she sat for this portrait she wore all her jewelry, and it is very fine and beautiful.She must have been a real lady of means.

    Julia hangs in the Up River or Ladies parlor at the Elgin/ Cottrell House. She always gets lots of attention, as do all the other portraits.That is why I made up the story about, store bought relative. People always chuckle when I say that and it seems to make them happy, as I have no real ideal who she really is.
    I wish you would consider coming for a tour. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will always meet you with a jump and a kiss. If you can't come today, maybe soon. You all are always welcome.


  1. Hi Richard... Your lady in red is lovely and seems quite in her place at your home.. hope the last few months have been kind to you....

  2. She is beautiful, Richard!
    I bought three copies of your magazine! I was hoping you would autograph them when we come!

    Kisses to my Sissy!


  3. Oh darling Richard, your lady in red is gorgeous! I'm sure she keeps you company in your beautiful Old Histic House, along with Sissy dog. Thank you for the informative post as always too. Lots of hugs,

  4. Congrats on the magazine article, my cousin will send me one. I'm showing off my friend Richard and his fabulous home!

  5. Hi Richard,

    Julia is indeed a beautiful lady, I'm sure she would be very happy to know that she now resides in such a beautifully restored home and lives again in her time and place in history. It is wonderful that you give your store bought relatives a place and time in your home and in your heart, this is very kind and thoughtful of you.
    Take care,

  6. She's beautiful. I love the lace details, and you just have to wonder what she's thinking.

  7. Dear Heavens Richard this is what I must do buy me some rich relatives! Seriously Julia is resplendent in her red dress. hugs, olive

  8. She's stunning! Late 1840's, early 50's max. She looks awesome for such an older gal! If you're still looking for new old relatives, we've still got that portrait at the Whaley House Museum in San Diego that needs a home. Mother/daughter pair, pretty early, daughter wearing a short Regency style bodice. Thought they were Mr. Whaley's mother and sister, turns out that the prior curator bought them from an auction and gave them a new identity, figuring the public wouldn't know any better. Then we came along and found the auction tag on the back.

    If you're interested in more information about the painting (it's quite large, gorgeous and in outstanding condition) contact the "Save Our Heritage Organisation" (SOHO) in San Diego or let me know. robinseggbleu@yahoo.com

  9. Hello Richard, Julia is lovely.

    Especially like the lace.
    She'd be a wonderful relative to have in one's home.

    God bless,

  10. That is a lovely portrait, done by a gifted artist.I do hope to visit one day. Do you have one of the magazines left-email me with price if you do. Kisses to Sissy!

  11. OH your showing my favorite! Love her ring, would love to know who she was and where is her jewelry!

  12. She's beautiful! What a gorgeous portrait!



  13. Richard you said you have a not expensive camera point and shoot however your pictures are wonderful
    up close. I can't get a picture like that with my Sony or maybe I don't know how?

    I love Julia she is beautiful so many old painting , well the ladies are not very attractive.

    I am sure she is proud to hang in your beautiful old Historic Old House

    I hope to take another tour this year and to see you & Sissy

  14. The lace detailing on her sleeves is so delicately done, what talent the artist had. A lovely portrait.

  15. Happy Spring Richard! That portrait is gorgeous! The detail on the lace and jewelry is fabulous! What an artist that was to have painted that! I'll trade a footstool(or two...)for her!!! lol
    Have a great day!

  16. Hi Richard-
    She is a pretty lady in red! I'm generating a list of people to visit! You, and another gal in Kansas City, Missouri...on a hopeful trip to Oklahoma to see some cousins of my husband...one of these days! Must go when it's not tornado season!
    There is a pretty song called "Lady In Red" you can find it on YouTube. A slightly more modern concept but now that I've read this it's going through my head!

  17. Oh Richard, she is beautiful. I am over the moon with the lace detailing. Amazing brush work. the lace looks so real.

  18. Richard, I love all your store bought relatives!! Sometimes they are the best kind to have...LOL!!

    Give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me!


  19. Richard,
    You are a hoot with your"store bought relatives!
    She sure is pretty in her finery.
    Remember that song "lady in red"?
    I have yet to find your magazine. Maybe I will go to Barnes and Noble. They should have it.

    All the best to you and Sissy,


  20. What a beautiful painting Richard she is quite special and looks right at home in your special home. Nice pictures and post kid, Hugs, Pearl

  21. Richard, she is so beautiful. Her jewelry is gorgeous! One day I hope to be able to visit and tour your home.

    I was looking at the last photo and spotted what looks like a vase next to the photo. I would love to see a picture of it...from what I could see of it, the vase reminds me of my vase with the Zatzka transfer.

  22. Hi,
    I sure wish I could come by for a tour. Last week during Spring Break, I got as far as Doniphan, Popular Bluff, and Dexter, Missouri, but couldn't get all the way north to your neck of the woods.

    Soooo frustrating!

    Love this oil portrait. I'm sure the lady in red is grateful that you've given her such a fine and lovely home.


  23. Only one word to describe your lady oil painting...Beautiful.

  24. Hello Richard~ ~
    I always enjoy stopping by for a visit. Love your red lady Julia. I have a favorite Aunt by that name, but don't tell the other Aunts! Heavens.
    I love that you make up stories about your "family portrait". To me the greatest thing about collecting antiques is the stories connected with the objects. It is an evening of stories and entertainment. Don't you agree?
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  25. I love how the velvet and lace are painted. Such an amazing job! Thank you for sharing Julia with us all!

