Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Old Historic House Makes Paper

    I had a very nice Valentine Treat ,because  a local newspaper did a feature article about, My Old Historic House. Clarksville, my home town and when my house is, is really kinda in the middle of no where. It is 70 miles one way or the other to the nearest large city. On one side is St.Louis and St Louis County where there are millions of people. On the other side is Quincy, Ill. Quincy is a rather small town ,by a lot of standards, having only 40,000 people. It is often called," The Gem City." Quincy is a river city ,setting high on the banks, of the Mississippi River. It was a wealthy town in the middle 19th century and a lot of that wealth came from stove manufacturing. There are many beautiful old mansions there, several open for tours, mostly being ran by Historical Societies or the state.Quincy is the county seat of Adams County, Illinois. It is the 3rd largest city in Illinois. Forbes magazine once listed Quincy as the 8th best place to raise a family.

   You can see how pleased I was when the paper, Quincy Herald Whig, came to me to do a feature story. And to have it appear in the Valentines Day paper, made it all the better.I know I have done post in the past about being published, maybe it is not such a big thing, but, I can't help but be excited every time it happens. I am very grateful for the free advertisement. I  open my home for tours when any one calls for a reservation. It sure helps to maintain the old place, play the utilities and feed Sissy Dog.Being privaly run, My Old Historic House, can be very expensive. This article should be really helpful as the town of Quincy is not so far away. When the house was featured in Victorian Homes Magazine, most of the readers were from  such a great distance , very few have gotten to come take a tour. The  Quincy Paper   also serves several  towns close by, one being Hannibal, Missouri,. Hometown of Mark Twain. Hannibal is a major destination for many tourist each year.So you can see why I was so thrilled and excited about this article.

   I hope you can come take a tour soon. I always leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will be there to meet you with a jump and a kiss. If you read the article you will see that she was  mentions too. In the mean time you can go to- and read the whole article and see a short video of the second floor.
   We had snow but it is almost gone. Supposed to have warmer weather again. I know it is only February, but I am so ready for spring.  See you soon and remember, I blog for comments, so please leave me some. I love reading them and  I  will always give  you one in return.Have a beautiful day.


      PS. Have to brag a little more. Just got word from the Editor of Victorian Homes magazine, and the second feature of my Old Historic House is coming out and will be on News Stands ,March5th. I have ordered copies, if you have trouble finding one, I can send. I will post on that when I see it in person.


  1. Congratulations Richard! Would love to come visit soon! The Old Historic House is so beautiful!

  2. What a great surprise! Wish I lived closer so that I could come and visit! Congrats.

  3. Looks like the paper people did a good job, although it's 1000 times better to see in person. Congratulations, Richard; I hope you get a lot of tours and attention from this article!

  4. Richard, this is fantastic. You are completely justified in being excited. I am so happy for you.

    Well deserved!

  5. Well deserved feature! Congrats Richard! Such a beautiful treasure!!

  6. The newspaper article was very well done. Congratulations on gaining that kind of publicity. I hope it will bring you many new visitors!

    The video is breathtaking, but oh so short! Just a tantalizing glimpse. That's to really twist our arms to get us to come and tour.

    And I'd love to take a tour. If and when I figure out how to get there, I'll be calling for a reservation.


  7. Wonderful Richard

    can't hardley wait to see Victorian Homes March issue

    I know first hand anyone missing out on a tour of your home is well missing out.
    I will be over for my second tour soon

  8. Richard, Congrats!

    Had a pleasant Heart Day. Sounds like you did as well!

    Enjoyed the news. Will be looking forward to seeing the magazine articles. Fantastic!

    Blessings to you,

  9. Well deserved recognition for all your work, Richard. Congratulations! I hope it brings you and Sissy lots of visitors,

  10. Wow! Richard I am so glad the paper did a article on your home. I would love to come to and tour it...I have a great love for all olden pieces from our pass and you have saved it for us all to enjoy. I hope to someday be able to visit.
    What a prefect and fitting day for you to be honored.

  11. Terrific news, Richard!
    Good for you~ also good for tourists!
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. exciting. In the paper and in a magazine....CONGRATS, Richard. I know you are just thrilled to death.
    If EVER I get out in your part of the country, I will call you and make a reservation for a tour of your lovely home.'I am excited for you.!!
    xo bj

  13. I don't believe I've ever seen a more beautiful bedroom. How wonderful to read this and that it was featured on Valentines Day. I believe you have the most romantic home that I have ever seen.


  14. Richard,

    What wonderful new you bring us and as well you should be excited this is pretty heady stuff. Congratulations and will be looking forward to seeing more. – gary

  15. Wonderful article, your historic home is a real treasure!

  16. Oh my dear Richard, you're such a star! How wonderful your home was featured big again, wow! Your palace is uique and stunning, of course it deserves to be everywhere. So happy you had a terrific Vlanetine's, with dear Sissy dof too... and so did I with the chinese food, lol. Thank you my sweet friend for your visit, I love it when you do.

  17. What a wonderful Valentine's Day surprise-better than a box of chocolates! I am headed of to read the article, and I do hope I can find the magazine when it comes out. Congratulations!

  18. Well you had a great Valentine! Even Sissy made the front page!
    Be there soon to see the place for myself!

  19. Congratulations! So exciting to be in the paper and in Victorian Homes again. Can't wait to get my copy. One of these days I'm coming for a tour, somehow!!

    I will be in Wisconsin next week on business, wish we had an office in St. Louis ‘cause then I would be knocking on your door!!

    Give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me.


  20. it's awesome getting press for your historic house!!

    hope it keeps coming your way

  21. Congrats, Richard! You surely deserve the publicity! Your antebellum house is beautiful....Christine

  22. Congrats Richard on the great coverage and exposure in the papers! I'm so excited for you... and it sounds as though you and Sissy Dog had an extraordinary Valentine's Day!

    Hugs from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  23. How wonderful Richard! I'm sure this exposure will help with increasing the amount of tours you will be giving.
    A gem like yours should be seen by all.
    LOVED your previous posts. Your home is perfect for love and romance.

  24. Congratulations Richard, You deserve the great PR. I would love to visit sometime. I am in the Kansas City area!

    Art by Karena

  25. Richard, it is wonderful you were featured in this paper and Sissy too! I hope you get many visitors. hugs♥Olive

  26. Your home is gorgeous, Richard and so much excitement your way. Love the article and can't wait to see your home in Victoria Magazine!!

  27. Hi Richard what wonderful article! You should be so proud. This is a nice valentine’s day treat

  28. Congratulations Richard. It's always nice to have your efforts acknowledged!

  29. I shall be looking for a copy. I brag about you to all my friends.Congrats my friend.

  30. Richard I don't think it would ever get old being published!...I'd sure like to find out *winks*
    Congratulations to you my friend! I want you to save one of those mags for me OK? I want mine authgraphed again..pretty please?
    Gotta hope some of your luck and excellent eye rub off on me don'tcha know *winks*
    I hope this article brings you tons of well deserved business. There's no way I'd live within 70 miles of you and not visit often. Please let us know if the visitors start coming in droves will you? *fingers crossed*
    Oh and Richard your comment about my "bust" totally cracked me up!...Ahem...quit looking at my bust and tell me more about my stone fruit!?Lol! *winks*

  31. Congratulations Richard, the pictures in the paper look wonderful!! Wish I could come visit some time. Well at least I can brag that my buddy Richard owns this beautiful house when I show them the pictures in Victoria magazine. I can say I know that famous Richard! Your so great Richard keep on truckin! Hugs, Pearl

  32. CONGRATS , Richard!!

    What an honor and you have every right to tell us about it!!

    How wonderful for you!!


  33. CONGRATS , Richard!!

    What an honor and you have every right to tell us about it!!

    How wonderful for you!!


  34. Hello Richard. What wonderful news to see the newspaper did a feature story on you and your lovely home. That was great.Now I hope it brings LOTS of visitors to see all the beauty in your home and appreciate all the work you've done there.

    Thank you so much for your visit to my post and your comment, too. Always love having you stop by. Susan

  35. Congrats on your features Richard. I'm not surprised. Your home is very much worthy of it.

  36. Wow, Richard! You are famous! I am so happy for you!


  37. Hello Richard! That is just the coolest thing ever! Your comments lifted my spirits. I adore your gorgeous home, thank your for sharing!

  38. Hi Richard....
    Congratulations for making the paper. Looks like you have a beautiful historical home. You have done an exquisite job restoring her, and she will be around for future generations to come.

    The paper did a wonderful job of advertising through announcement did they not? A beautiful place to take ones sweetheart. It would be an awesome place to have tea. Have you considered that as a possibility?

    Thank you for stopping by Country Wings in Phoenix. I am your newest follower and can't wait to see what you share next. Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs, Sherry

  39. Hi Richard,
    I went to but could not locate the video. Maybe I waited too long? I typed in "Richard Cottrel old historic home and video but didn't get any results. :o(


  40. Hope your features in both the newspaper and the magazine will bring you lots of visitors! If I lived anywhere close to you, I'd be there with some dog biscuits for Sissy, too. Congratulations on your good news!

  41. You know I love "My (yours) Old Historic House". Terrific surprise, wish I could visit with you at your palace. Congrats! Love,

  42. Well Congratulations Richard! What a sweet valentines surprise! I hope you get some additional traffic from this! I'll have to read the full article! Someday I hope to visit my husband's cousins in Oklahoma and I'm sure we could work you in on the way down from Michigan! Take care,

  43. Congratulations on the well deserved write-up. I've only seen your home via the web, while searching for eagle sightings in Clarksville. I look forward to touring one day soon with my wife. I'm headed to Clarksville tomorrow to do some eagle searching and will scout out your place for sure.

  44. Congratulations on the well deserved write-up. I've only seen your home via the web, while searching for eagle sightings in Clarksville. I look forward to touring one day soon with my wife. I'm headed to Clarksville tomorrow to do some eagle searching and will scout out your place for sure.

  45. Congrats Richard!! You have reason to be so proud, and I hope this issue brings you many many people to see your lovely things.

  46. Congrats Richard!! You have reason to be so proud, and I hope this issue brings you many many people to see your lovely things.

  47. Congratulations on the well deserved feature of your beautiful home Richard!

    We are home, getting rest, and I am trying to get back into visiting my blogs!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Congratulations, Richard. Hope you and Sissy Dog get lots of visitors from the publicity.

  50. How absolutely THRILLING, not to mention well deserved. Congratulations, Richard!

  51. How exciting for you! In the newspaper AND in Victoian Homes again?! I can't wait for the issue! I'll be telling my "Victorian friends" to be on the lookout for it. You are right in saying that Quincy has alot of beautiful Victorian homes. I just love going there.

  52. How wonderful! You are becoming famouser and famouser!



    Kisses to my Sissy Girl!
