Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Being Published.

    There is nothing more excited than having your home or business featured in a publication.For years I wanted  my home to be featured in a magazine,and  after many portfolios sent in and rejected, it finally happened in June of 2011. Victorian Homes  Magazine ,did a 12 page spread about, My Old Historic House. I know most of you have heard me brag about this over and over, so I promise this post is not about it.

This is the book. 

   Years ago,1995, when I lived in St.Louis, in a townhouse, I had a Christmas Party at  my apartment, which was decked out for the Holidays. One of my guest ,was a friend and customer of mine, Ms. Mary Engelbreit . When I invited her, I had no ideal she was working on a Christmas book. No, really I didn't. Any how, she asked at the party, if she and her photographer could come and take pictures for her book. Of course, I said yes. And when I asked  when, she said, Tomorrow. Well it took a little late night cleaning, to get the after party picked up, but we did the shoot the very next day.
    Mary grew up in St.Louis and started her business by selling home made greeting cards to her friends. She became very successful and  now, she is almost as well know ,as Norman Rockwell. Mary came into my shop often. Sometimes to buy things for herself, other times to look for props. The shop I had in those days was called, The Antique Garden. It was located in the oldest freestanding greenhouse in the state of Missouri. It had been built by a florist around the 1904 Worlds Fair.The old  floral shop was in the front and it housed one of St.Louis's best Antique Shops. I had been working for a wholesale florist for about 10 years and I thought it was time to open my own business.So I did , and I rented this old greenhouse and  it was a combination floral and antique shop.But that is another story. Anyhow ,Mary Engelbreit became one of my good customers and this is how I ended up in her book.And, being in her book sure made a difference in my business. Was a very good thing for a new business owner.

This is Dear Sweet Shelia.

This is a comment Shelia left me asking me to post about being in Mary Engelbreit's Book

The comment I left for Shelia at Note Song 

    Last week I was following one of my dear blog friends- blog and she mentioned Mary. It seems she had gotten an ideal from one of Mary's  magazine publications, for her Christmas decorations. That blogger was Shelia from - I left a comment about being in Mary's book and she  in return asked me to post about it. So that's how we got to here.Sorry Shelia, I am not the smartest  blogger out there in blogland, so I am afraid ,I do not know how to add your link. But, please everyone, go visit Shelia.

My dining room at my townhouse apartment that was featured in Mary Engelbreit's Christmas Book.

caption from the book.

   My townhouse, that is featured in Ms. Engelbreight's book ,was the whole second floor of an old 1900's Victorian Mansion. Parts of the townhouse still retained the Victorian charm, while other parts were very  modern. I had never lived in a townhome before and this was a fun adventure. You entered my apartment through the original front doors and went up the original, beautiful staircase. The staircase opened to my entrance hall, which was actually the second floor landing. There was a fireplace in this area. It was a rather large space and I decorated it with a big square marble top table. A very large living room was to the right and the dining room, kitchen and two bed rooms were to the left. You will see things in these photos that you have seen in, My Old Historic House posts, so I am sure you will recognize them right away.
   Have fun and enjoy this post. I have to say, I do not have a scanner. I just took these pictures with my post and shoot camera. I am afraid they could be better, but are not too bad. I did not get any pictures from the original shoot, so these, that I did for this post, can now go into a folder, and that's a good thing. I bet if you don't have this book and want a copy it could be found on Ebay or somewhere. The Title of the book is: Mary Engelgreit's Christmas Companion and it was published in 1995 by Andrews and McMeel Press from Kansas City, Missouri. My pictures are featured on pages 22,55,85,92 and 108. If you have some of Mary's books, look and see if you can find me.

This was my Entrance. Notice  all my domes. Most of them are now in my Dining room. 

Caption from the book.

I added gold stick on stars to lots and lots of candles. They were placed on a  large serving tray that I  gold gilded. Fresh gardenia flowers and an antique French gilt cherub were also on the tray.

   I hope you will come sometime soon for a real tour of, My Old Historic House. I will always leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will greet you with a big jump and a kiss. I am working on Christmas for this year. Don't seem to get much done, too busy writing and posting this blog. So maybe, by Christmas Day, I will have some photo's for you, of Christmas 2011 at The 1845 Historic Elgin/Cottrell House Museum. Happy Holidays.

The dining room with the table set for the party.

I  no longer have this side board but I do still have my dogs.They are now in my kitchen.

The dining room had two windows and I added shelves and placed all may cranberry glass on them. Cranberry looks very beautiful when the light can come through.

One of Mary's drawings from her book.

Caption from the book.

These lights were on my tree when I was a kid. I have kept them all these years and always place them somewhere at Christmas time.

I used a box wood wreath to circle my Mothers silver punch bowl. I added winter berries, dried orange slices and real fruit that I had gold gilded.

Fresh pine and a large bow  was placed above all my ,"store bought relatives."She now hangs in my Up River Parlor.
A close up of my ornament collection.

Mary Engelbreit when she was young, visiting Santa.

This  is another wall of the dining room.. Notice I had fresh flowers everywhere.

Caption from the book.

My enrance hall as it appears in Mary Engelbreit's book.

 Fresh fruit was  sugared for the dining room table.
                                   I just checked and this book is available at and some are used and very reasonable.


  1. Richard, how wonderful and richly deserved that you were included in her book. That silver punch bowl is gorgeous as is everything else. Do not fret I don't have a scanner either. It took me forever to learn how to make a link, I would be happy to assist you with that. Shoot me an e-mail any time. Your talents are stored up in much much better places. Happy Christmas ♥ Olive

  2. Congratulations! Now that was truly a Christmas dream come true!

  3. Richard
    you have had a full life. I mean OMG Mary Engelbreit at your house for a party. You have it going on.
    I remember you showing me that book when I did the home tour. I know I have seen that book and just didn't realize it was part of your house at the time. I use to buy all of her books for a friend, I bet I gave it away.

    Your house was decked out and still is. I can't stand it that I can't come over durning the hoilday season to see it

    love to you & Sissy

  4. Opulant is the right word for your pictures. Lovely

  5. Richard
    (After reading your post) FYI

    I order a lot of books from Amazon and got on web site and found The Mary Engelbreit book 1995 you are featured in. The
    book listed under used for 58 cents !!!!!!!I ordered me one postage was $3.99 . I couldn't believe it so now I can see clear upclose pictures of your charming house in St Louis Missouri in days gone by

    I am sure others may want one also


  6. Congratulations !! What a great Christmas gift for you.

  7. Richard, That's neat!
    Really like the silver punch bowl and how you decorated around it.

    Thank you for sharing this exciting news with us in blogland. Enjoyed reading your post and seeing the pics.

    May you have a great Christmas full of sweet Blessings!
    God bless,

  8. Oh, Richard, thank you thank you thank you for posting about your feature in ME's book! Your townhouse was absolutely gorgeous! I wish I had that book and will certainly be on the lookout for it! She was at your house partying! :O
    Oh, my, where to start! That silver punch bowl is gorgeous and I love how you dressed the entire area! Your collection of precious Christmas ornaments, the olden lights and your dining table! Fantastic! You are one elegant living man! I mean that in a very good way - you have the most gorgeous things and your certainly know how to display them. I saw those Staffy dogs - love them.
    Now I'm blushing from pink to purple here and feeling very humbled that you poked my tiny face on your blog. I do appreciate your friendship here in blogland and I really mean it, if I ever get to your neck of the woods I'm coming over for a tour!!
    Bless you,
    Shelia ;)

  9. I will be on the look out for the book too. I would like to see it better you have lovely things and I too would love to have a tour...maybe you could post ahead of time if you plan another one. Merry Christmas

  10. That is awesome Richard!! :) Very cool!!

  11. I'm afraid I would never get past the entrance hall! ARE famous, Richard. Beautiful and appropriate blog...thanks so much for sharing your life and homes with us!

  12. Richard you have exquisite taste! What a gorgeous home at Christmas time. Makes me want to go back to Traditional again. I love the Cranberry glass in the windows, and your boy hood lights are so cute, it's amazing that the have held up all this time, I love that! I like all your oranaments what a treasure. You should be proud of your book in a magazine its amazing. Be sure to stop by I did a post about you :) Here's to another beautiful Christmas. Tell Sissy hi for me. Pearl

  13. Okay, I'm certain I own that book. As soon as I get home tonight (yes, here's a confession ... I'm reading your blog at work and feeling no shame) I'll look for it.

    You have such amazing experiences to share, and that portrait of "the wealthy aunt" in your former dining room takes my breath away. I'm glad you still let her live with you.

    Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous flowers, glass, silver, and ornaments. You do know how to make a Christmas look merry!


  14. Hi Richard! The decorations in your townhome were gorgeous! I can see why Mary wanted your home in her book. Thank you, Richard for joining my party and sharing this wonderful story. Take care.

  15. Wow, Richard, how exciting, and beautiful! I'm just at a loss for words. Wow again!

  16. Richard, your home is stunning, and should be in many magazines, and books.

  17. Oh Richard, your entry was just stunning. It's no wonder Mary E. wanted to take pictures and feature it. You put everything together so lavishly and beautifully.....Christine

  18. Richard, How fabulous to be featured in Mary Engelbreit's book. Your townhouse photos are just gorgeous.
    I love the portrait of your "wealthy aunt"and the punch bowl with the gilded fruit and orange slices. Everything is just perfection.Thanks for sharing and congratulations.

  19. I remember this. Your townhouse was the perfect choice for Mary's book. I love the arrangement with your mother's silver punch bowl...I think that I need to steal that would make our punch bowl feel so very special. Thank you for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  20. Congratulation! You should be very proud!


  21. Oh Richard how wonderful, a book last forever but magazines are tossed. When I went on a house tour one year we went to her home...that is the closes i ever got to her! I think I would of loved your place in St louis!

  22. Richard, what an honor! I simply adore Mary and was so sad when her magazine went out of publication. I've saved mine and still refer to them (pack rat that I am, I've kept them all!), when I need a little inspiration. I'll have to add the book with your gorgeous home to my collection. Congrats, we love learning more about you.
    Hugs and Happiness,

  23. Hello Richard....Oh, how FUN that you knew Mary Englebreit personally. I have always loved her art. And I do believe I hAVE that book you are in (or your old digs are in). I'm going to go to my library later and see if I can put my hand on it.

    So YOU know a famous person and now I do, too. (you! ha haha)

    Take care and thanks for stopping by my blog today, too. Loved seeing your comment. Susan p.s. I LOVE your cranberry glass on the shelves in the window from your old place. I have a BEAUTIFUL cranberry glass collection and I want shelves JUST like that! Maybe that will be my new year's wish-come-true.

  24. Fabulous posting; enjoyed the magazine articles and viewing your Victorian style again. Lovely!

  25. Richard you man of mystery you! What other secrets might you be keeping I wonder? *winks*
    Lucky Mary Engelbreit to be invited to your lovely party! Everything was GORGEOUS! But I expect nothing less of you dear Richard. I can't believe you haven't been published over and over because your collections and taste are superlative!
    I just bought the book and I'd love if I could send it to you and have you autograph it?...And Sissy too *winks* (I'll pay for the postage of course).....Then I could claim to know ya back when....before you were discovered and became famous *winks* Vanna

  26. If you're in print, you get to brag all you want!


    Sing a song of scarlet—
    Red on Christmas morn!
    Sing a song of scarlet—
    Blue is so forlorn!
    Sing a song of scarlet—
    Red for girls and boys!
    Sing a song of scarlet—
    Look at all those toys!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Red Leaf and Red Mary

  27. Wow Richard- this is so neat! I remember seeing the Mary Englebreit thins for sale in the stores many years ago and admired the whimsical look she created. It's quite a compliment to be asked by someone with her talents to feature your home in her book! Your silver punch bowl is fabulous and I like your choice of fruits you built around it. You've done a lot of interesting things in your life- especially owning your own greenhouse! Obviously your knowledge is very diverse!

  28. Wow, that is so great that your home got featured in that book. Sometimes I think I would like some of my home in a magazine, but then I am afraid I would be so stressed about it.

  29. I've been a fan of Mary Engelbreight for many, many years. I'm going on Amazon to order that book. You must've been thrilled to have been featured in it. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I'm following you back!

  30. How my darling friend, you always deserve to be in magazines and books with your lovely and unique gorgeous everything! Stunning silver punch bowl! Oh you have great talent and exquisite taste, you'll figure out the details of blog land. I did visit my sweet friend Shelia. Happy Holidays for you and Sissy dog and thank you for coming by with your generous comments on my post. Love, FABBY

  31. O, Richard, what an honor to be chosen to star in her book. You are so good at decorating,no wonder she wanted to do a shoot of your townhouse. :)

    All this just took my breath away. You are so good at what you do...and everything just looks magical.

    Thanks so much for sharing this with your readers. and to know Mary E. is amazing. I am such a fan of hers and just about cried when her magazine was dropped.

    Have a great Christmas.
    xo bj

  32. Richard,
    You are ultra-talented and you have earned the right to brag. I would like nothing more than to come tour your home that you live in now. Your townhome was gorgeous. No wonder it ME wanted to feature it in her book. That image of the store-bought relative with that punch bowl underneath is a classic.

  33. Wow, Richard, you are PUBLISHED!!!! How exciting!!! YOur home is amazing and you deserve all the recognition you can get! Hope you have some Christmas pics soon:):) XO, Pinky

  34. Beautiful as always. I am going to have to see if this in one of my ME books.Your fresh flower arrangements were beautiful and I love the idea of adding the stick on stars to the candles.

  35. Richard! How fabulous! I'm so very glad that you shared being in ME's book. There are so many wonderful sights to see in the photos. I am following you now. I saw your post over at the tree party at 2805.

  36. So pretty! I became a follower of your blog! :) Erin

  37. Richard, it's nice to know dreams do come true. Your home should be mentioned in many magazines, it is truly beautiful. I adore all your vintage ornaments, I've been looking everywhere for them. I think it's wonderful you still have Christmas lights from your childhood, what treasures they are.. hugs ~lynne~

  38. Richard, those are sweet and inspirational pictures and this is a really uplifting story about how dreams can come true. I love all the pictures of the punch bowl and the row of glittery sugared fruits on the table.

    mery Christmas!

  39. Everything looks amazing, festive and bright. Congratulations. Pat

  40. Really, really Laughing Out Loud! How marvelous - that is one of my favorite pictures from her book and it is your house - how absolutely marvelous! I would just love to visit your home all decked for Christmas - so very beautiful! Loved reading about the history of Christmas in America - thanks so much for your visits and I wish you a very Blessed Christmas,
