Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall in Rural Missouri

This is some of my handy work. Every thing is donated including my time.

This is outside the door to my shop, Richard's Great Stuff, in downtown, Clarksville,Mo.

This is the entrance to my little home town, Clarksville,Mo.

 Fall in Missouri is usually a very beautiful time. The hills come alive with all the changing colors of the leaves. I wondered about this year, as we had a very long, hot and dry  summer, but it seems they are going to show there stuff.
   I have spent the last couple of days decorating the whole town ,for our Apple Fest Celebration, that is this coming weekend. The town is only 490 people and covers a few city blocks. We have a local farmer, who has a farmers market, at the edge of town. One of his main crops is pumpkins. He donates bales of straw and corn stalks and the local Chamber , helps to buy the pumpkins. I have been decorating the town now for about 5 years. I have amassed a small collection of scar crows. They go on sale at the dollar store soon after Halloween and I hit the half price sale.This is one way I can give back to the community.
   I saw one little early  cottage house, all decorated up and thought that it was worth a special mention. It is the home of Ralph and Caron Quick, he is our resident Santa and also a Windsor Chair Maker. His chairs and shop have been featured in many national magazines. This little house is around 1840 and Caron has an eye for decorations. She always has this sweet little cottage done up to the nines.The inside is darling and very Colonial. Maybe some day she will let me do a blog tour. I'm going to ask her.
    At My Old Historic House, I don't seem to do a lot of decorating for fall. This year I topped my many garden urns off with a giant pumpkin. I think it is just the right amount ,to say fall ,but not to over do.I have been working on my dining room table, but I am going to keep that for another post. I am having house tour both Saturday and Sunday, as part of the Apple Fest celebration. I have been working morning and night to get ready. Polishing silver, cleaning and this morning, on my hands and knees, waxing all the hard wood floors. Every time I have to do all this, I wonder ,if I did the right thing, when I bought this old house. I can't help but wonder how many more years I can do all this.
   I hope you enjoy my tour today of Fall in Rural Missouri. I do wish you could come and see it all in person some day. You are always welcome. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will be there to greet you with a jump and a kiss.I hope you have a beautiful fall season ,where ever you live.

I have a little display like this by each lamp post.

Our local farmers market stand.
Fall Mums for sale.

Ralph and Caron Quick's 1840 Colonial Cottage

All my urns were topped with giant pumpkins.


  1. Richard... your handy work looks lovely... Good luck with the open house tour.. We will be leaving this weekend for a week before we are in for the winter here in Ohio...Don't work too hard as it is not as easy as it was and we pay for this you know...

  2. Gorgeous Missouri Fall, Richard.

    We met Ralph and Caron. They built our beautiful windsor rockers.

  3. What a blessing to live in the Midwest where there is always something new and beautiful if you just look around. Fall is no exception. You have captured the autumn beauty of Clarksville, and capitalized on it with all your great decorations and skill! Thank you for helping us be aware of the beauty around us!

  4. Fall has to be my favorite time of year. It seems there's more to do than any other time and, to me, just has that "old" feeling to it.
    Thanks for posting.

  5. You did a great job with the decorations. Hope the apple festival is a big success.

  6. I can't believe how much the trees have changed up there...and they are gorgeous!

    Have a great time this weekend!

  7. Thanks Richard for making the town look extra special! It looks amazing!! People are going to really enjoy it this weekend!!

  8. Awesome, Richard!!! You are so good to share your talents so everyone can enjoy the beauty.

    I wish I could be there to see it in person.

  9. I enjoyed seeing the fall foliage up on the river bluff. It's great that your town takes advantage of all your talents at decorations, even if it does make you busier than a one-armed paper hanger.

    Your friends with the 1840s house -- what a darling little place! Has anyone brought them to the attention of COUNTRY SAMPLER magazine? If their decor is colonial, they might be a good candidate for a house tour in that magazine. Just an idea.

    Good luck with all the festivals.


  10. I loved it all! It's all so festive and lovely!

  11. We pretty much look the same way here in the northeast. I hope the townspeople appreciate all the work you've done to make things so festive you did a wonderful job!

  12. You did a great job decorating! What a cute little town. Don't overdo it cleaning house, you don't want to be too tired to enjoy the weekend.I will be sharing photos from a pilgramage I went on last week-the town is as small as yours, but the entire town is on the National Register of Historic Places.

  13. I love your handy work my dear friend! You live in such a beautiful part of the USA, how lovely it looks in autmn. Have fun and good luck with your open house tour. Wish I was closer to buy pretty things from you. Happy beautiful fall. Lots of hugs, FABBY

  14. How fabulous! Not only your handiwork but the Lord's too!! So much beauty all around you!

    Hope it is a fabulous weekend too! Give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me!


  15. Oh my gosh Richard! Could your small town be any cuter?! They're very lucky to have you. It's magical! And the Quick house is adorable! Vanna

  16. Your fall decorations are beautiful . Those folks up there had better appreciate you for making the town a very special place to live. Marshel

  17. Oh Richard this is so Beautiful... your donated vignette is Lovely & such a Gift to the Community! I really miss the changing of the Leaves, we don't really have Seasons like that in the Desert... here it's Hot and Hotter. *Winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  18. You have created something wonderful and very joyful, Richard! Love the figures and your pictures.

    Happy Fall!

  19. Richard I know everybody appreciates your talent and time and sure the tourist will enjoy it this week end also.
    The weather could not be any better for an outdoor event this weekend
    Did sissy go with you around town to decorate?

  20. Hi Richard,

    What a pretty town you live in -- it's just loaded with charm. I loved the glimpse of the Mississippi River! Your photos show the fall colors so beautifully. The trees above the rocky bluff are a blaze of color and I love the little cottage where the chair maker lives :) Thanks for sharing and I hope everyone has a great time at the apple festival.


  21. Hello Richard....Lovely tour. Enjoyed it. Thanks for taking us along. Susan

  22. How nice of you to decorate your town with scarecrows for Apple fest! I know all the residents appreciate your efforts. All the photos of Clarksville are so charming and beautiful. We have a Clarksville here in VA as well! I enjoyed my visit!!

  23. Looks like a very charming place. The decorations are so inviting.

  24. Richard,
    Beautiful places to see this time of year with your decorating touches to enhance the area! Fun to see.

    Your part of the world is colorful and what a delight to live amongst.

    God bless,

  25. How beautiful it is in your part of the country this time of year. Lovely photos. Sure wish I could come and visit this sounds so wonderful.

  26. What a beautiful town full of amazing colors. Have fun on the tour!

  27. Love your tour of your little town. You are very generous to decorate your town. You are a workaholic. Stop and smell the roses.You must love to do it but all work and no play a nono.It is very beautiful country so relaxing and lucky to live there.

  28. Love all of the fall decor! Nicely done! The color of the trees is gorgeous! Visiting from No Minimalist Here. Toodles, Kathryn

  29. Hi Richard, it is wonderful that you decorate the entire town for this festival. Clarksville makes me think of the old Monkees song "Take the Last Train to Clarksville", and I'll meet you at the station....". :)

  30. Lovely, Richard! Love the pumpkins in the urns! The leaves aren't even turning here yet. :-( Hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  31. Hi Richard,
    The gorgeous fall view and your decor are sure to make the tour a success. Best of luck. I read your comment over at Vanna's blog, I know the cleaning is a lot of work, but we do so appreciate seeing all your lovely treasures. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  32. Wow Richard, what a wonderful place to live. Its so nice when you come from a small town of under 500. It gives the community a tightness of a family. You did a wonderful job on adding your fall touch and everything is beautiful, including what mother nature added. Wishing you a great weekend.

  33. Richard, Your decorations are so much fun and what cheerful decorations for the Apple Fest. Great decorations outside your shop are cute. Love the washboard. The little Quick cottage is adorable. Thanks for sharing the fun.

  34. Everything looks beautiful. They are so fortunate to be the beneficiary of your time and talent.

    - The Tablescaper

  35. I love fall especially in small towns. Love your decorations in the urns --

  36. How beautiful! I love the look and feel of fall-it's so lovely!



  37. So gorgeous!

    I was hoping to make the trip to Clarksville to visit the town and enjoy a tour of your home. Unfortunately, work got in the way of my plans both days.

    Thank you for sharing your photos.

  38. Richard,

    I love all your photos and decorations. I especially like your idea of setting large pumpkins on your urns. Very nice work!


  39. Your house looks gorgeous as always, Richard, and so festive with the autumn finery! I'm sure all your guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos with us.
