Monday, August 1, 2011

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things!

The Old Paris French Porcelain Ring Box and Dish are some of my very favorite items. I paid $10.00 for the box at an estate sale. The Goat was a little more precious, but I had to have it.

This little bisque nodder is so special. I just can not help but love it. Every time I pass it I have to pluck it with my finger and watch the chicken dance.

This little Child's Cranberry Epergne is a rare and dear item. 

I have lots and lots of Victorian Domes but this one is my favorite. It is full of hand made crepe paper roses. I man brought this into my shop and wanted to sell it. I  bought it and have loved,loved,loved it, ever since. 

This was the first needlepoint pillow that I ever bought. It was at a consignment shop and cost $10.00 It is all stump work, and the cabbage roses are all 3-D. I can not pass this pillow with out hugging it. I love it all, even the old faded satin backing and ruffle. 

I found this old wonderful piece of needlepoint at a shop. It was in bad shape, but I do not care. Nothing makes me smile more than this sweet dog. At one time  he had a letter in his mouth that said,"please post", it was worn away, but I love it any way. I made it in to a pillow many years ago.

   We all love the things we collect and decorate our homes with. Some people have antiques, while other have vintage or new. Many of us have family things, that we may or may not love,love,love!. But, we do cherish them and want them as part of our lives. I have very few family things and that  makes me sad. When I go to estate sales and see people selling there family items, I can not understand it, and wonder  why they would want to?  Most of the antiques that I have bought for, My Old Historic House, are things that I love. collect and admire. Some are very expensive, while others ,cost hardy anything. I am sure, just like me, you all have favorite things around your house. To me,what  make them a favorite, does not mean it has to cost a lot or be so  rare. Some of my favorite items cost only a few dollars and are tiny and really kinda dumb.Most of my favorite things have stories attached, as to, where I found them, when I found them, some one gave it to me, or it just makes me smile. I have been in the antique business for about 4o years and I have had and sold many a thing. It is always fun to think back at some of the items I have owned and sold. Most of the time I have no problem with these items, but some times, I  had  a very special thing and after I sold it, I always long for it back, having regrets, that I ever sold it, in the first place.You might ask, why did you sell it then., There are many reasons, but, more often than not, I probably needed the money. Being self employed is not always all it is cracked up to be. Especially when there are bills to pay and no pay check.  When I  antique shop with many of my antique dealer friends, we often find ourselves saying, I had that and I was always was so sad after I sold it.

I have a pair of these. They are Italian and very old. They are made out of tin and hand painted. The urn shaped base is wood and gold leaf. They were used for Funerals in the old days. Fresh flowers were hard to get, so they used these instead. I have had several pairs of these. I usually found them cheap, as the seller did not realize what they had. I was always offered big prices for them, so I sold them. I bought this pair at a high end antique show in St.Louis. I have never wanted to sell them, it is a good thing as I am sure I over paid. Small price for love.

I bought a pair of these Victorian French  curtain tie backs on Ebay. I got them  for a good deal. I cherish them and have looked and looked for others. I found a set of 4 in New York. My  Mother always said go first class or stay home. well. I had to stay home, as the ones in New York were way over my budget.

I bought this little English bronze and opaline salt   cellar at a flea market in the country. They had a $25.00 price tag and I asked for a btter price. Just could not help myself. I got it for $20.00. I held it all the  way home. I just adore the little dog with a beggers hat in his mouth.
I have a pair of these vases. They are French Limoge and are some of the biggest pieces of Limoge I have ever seen. I bought these when I was 15 and 16 years old. I put them in lay away and it took me over a year to pay for them. The gentleman that owned the shop where I got them was wonderful and very patient. I worked doing farm chores to pay for them. I paid $200.00. I have never wanted to sell them. I tell some people I was born with one of these vases in each hand. 

My  dear friend, Blossom, gave me this sweet little thing for my birthday many years ago. We were on a antique buying trip and I admired it and she got it for me. It has been a favorite every since. That was about 20 years ago. Thank you, Blossom.

    No one knows why somethings become your favorite things. But, for some reason or other, they are. I find myself holding them, hugging them and going in and out of the room they are in, to see them.And when some one else mentions those items, I proudly say, "that is one of my favorite things"! I would be hard for me to pick just one favorite item. I have been asked that question a lot. But, I usually just say, I love them all. I have told my Nieces that is the house catches on fire, don't worry about me, get Sissy first and then the  big Meissen figure group in the front hall. I put it right inside the front door on purpose. It is not necessarily one of my most favorite things, but, is one of the most expensive. If there was a fire, and I was there, I am sure I would be torn as to what to do. I know I would do any thing in my power, include risk my life, for Ms. Sissy. After that, I just can not answer.Heaven Forbid, I even think about such a thing,(Spit and take it back)
    In today's Post, I have picked a few of my favorite things. Just like the song, from the Sound of Music, there is a mixtures of things, big and small, fancy and plain. I hope you enjoy my favorite things and come by for a visit. I love  to get your comments and that is the main reason I blog. So take the time to write me a note and mention you're favorite things. Please come by any time for a real tour of, My Old Historic House. I will always leave the lights on for you and I would be more than thrilled to share my favorite things with you. And, oh yes, Sissy Dog will always meet you with a jump and a kiss. ENJOY!.


I have 2 Southern Magnolia trees out in my side yard. I got them the second summer I had the house. 2007. They were 6 foot tall, now they are 12. I have babied and worry over these trees more than if they were my child. I have always wanted a magnolia tree, and now I have 2 and I just adore and love them.

And finally, last but not least. My most favorite thing in the whole wide world is, Sissy Dog the Spoiled Beagle. Words and emotions can not begin to say how much I love and enjoy her. She is my best friend and constant companion. She is the bestest, best ever, girl in whole wide world.

I just wanted to give a shout out to Dawn The Bohemian over at  Bohemian Valhalla. I sent her a copy of Victorian Homes magazine. The June 2011 issue, which did a feature about, My Old Historic House. She was having trouble finding it where she lived, so I sent her one.As a thanks you, I got this wonderful package in the US Mail today. Dawn you are far to generous.You shouldn't have done  all this. I love it. There was a beautiful Roseary, dog treats for Sissy, and a wonderful Victorian Glass  Easter egg  for my collection. OMG. I love it and  was so surprised. Thanks you so much. Hey, everybody, go and visit Dawn's blog,  I am sure you will love it. 


  1. Hello Richard:
    As you say, who really knows why or how a collection develops. With us, they seem to start with something that catches the eye and then before one knows it, it has grown like topsy into a collection. But, like you, we do not know how people can bear to part with family heirlooms, unless it is a financial necessity. Whether they cost a lot or a little, they are invariably filled with memories that come back every time one catches sight of them.

    From your favourite things which you show today, our first choice would be Sissy Dog, whom we think is adorable. But, if we could not have her, then the small cranberry epergne we think is delightful.

  2. Your favorite things are wonderful Richard.

    We have a few family things. While they may not be everyone's cup of tea for interior decorating, we love them and use them.:-)

    Sissy Dog is a sweetie, definitely!

  3. Sissy would be my favorite thing for sure!

    You always have the best stuff! Not sure what I liked the best!

  4. Favorite?.... Sissy girl NO contest!! She is the cutest! But of course I LOVE love love all your favorite things! Like I said Richard I think we might be twins *winks* That flower globe is TDF!! I can't believe the deals you got on some of those pretties! And I have to say that today one of my favorite thigs is my new screen *winks* I'm having lots of fun (And exercise) carrying it around the house looking for the perfect home.Lol! Thank you again!
    In the category of "sold and sad" I also had one of those italian tole flower pieces that I found for $12.99 at a local antique mall. I sold it for $45....and I wish I could take it back! I don't know where I'll find another *sighs* My stories of sellers regret are long because I'm a collector/hoarder first and really don't want to part with anything! *winks*
    That was really sweet of Dawn! I think she's got your number huh? Lovely pressies! Vanna

  5. Love all your beautiful treasures,sepecially Sissy! I do love all the dog items and that little goat is too precious!Those funeral flowers are really beautiful, never heard of them.

  6. Richard,

    Thanks for the invitation to see your home at Clarksville Missouri. Your home is stunning, and each item is displayed with affection. I enjoyed this post about your favorite things.

    By the way, your wisdom paid off--thanks for the inside advice you gave me about hosting a house tour. I appreciate the time you took to answer my questions. The tour went off without a hitch.

    Richard, I have another question for you. I want to know if you like to cook? And, if you have a collection of antique cooking utencils and china service? Will you offer a post in the future on that subject?

    Mrs. D

  7. How sweet of Dawn to give you those lovely presents, even Sissy got some treats. How thoughtful! I love your faves, especially the little epergne, so cute. I like tiny things. I have so much collections that I am having a hard time picking my favorites but I have favorites among my favorites, lol. Oh I can mention one real favorite, a heavy solid jade urn that I bought in Orlando decades ago....Christine

  8. One reason I enjoy your blog--besides peeks at your splendid house and collections--is to share the joy you take in your house and possessions. What could be better than to surround yourself with things you truly love?

    I, too, cannot understand how people sell and throw away heirlooms and treasures. I think old family photos are the saddest. Several times I have bought beautiful Victorian frames at antiques stores, intending to put a relative's picture in them, but then I can't bear to take out the photo already there, much less throw it away. How can people sell their families that way?

    Although I'm blessed to have ancestral photos, I've also adopted relatives. My mom doesn't exactly approve of my hanging strangers on the walls, but someone needs to cherish them.


  9. P.S. My favorite of your things has to be Miss Susie's silver punch bowl.

    Then your lambrequin.
    Then your Limoges vases.
    Then your etageres & pier mirrors.
    Then your lusters.
    Then the rest of your silver.
    Then your portraits in the gold-leaf frames.
    Then your Argand lamps.
    Then your cranberry epergnes, including the mini one you featured today.
    Then your red parlor set.
    Then your view of the river.

    As for sweet Sissy, if I start loving her too much, my Scottie boys will get jealous.


  10. Hi Richard I enjoyed your blog and it made me start to think about the things I love. I love clocks and after your post on your lovely clocks and how it does not matter if they work or not. I bought one this week, I too hate the tic tic of a clock when I saw this beauty I scouped it up on sale of course. It is now one of my fav's. I adore your simple things to because like mine you smile each time you look at it. Isn't it wonderful that a fellow blogger can be so generous! I've have been the recipent of such gifts myself and it just makes you feel so special. Have fun antiquing!

  11. Richard I have a long list just like debchester

    1st Sissy

    then love the little dog with the blue salt dishes in today's post

    Then everything in your kitchen

    really everything in your house is a dream for me, just to live there for a year so I could pretend I was a fancy rich Scarlet would be so fun .
    I would have parties every week

    Also how nice of the lady to send a surprise box. I love surprises

    I will surprise you and show up like a damsel in destress LOL.


  12. Wonderful, wonderful favorites! Of course Sissy Dog would have to be number one, then my second favorite of "your favorites" are the vases you were "born" with...they are divine!

    At my home, this week my favorite is the set of John Richard rose lithographs, framed with beautiful hand painted mats that I got Saturday. My family favorite item this week (oh yes it changes weekly) is an old advertising fan from the Knit and Stitch Bridal Boutique in my hometown of Elwood,In where my Grandmother used to work.

    Give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me and please keep sharing your favorite things!!!

  13. What a nice post. I covet those French Limoge vases. You were so wise to buy them; even if it took a year. Thanks for sharing.

  14. What pretty things you have. Your blog is always interesting to visit! I was in my mid teens when I began to notice antiques. My best friends mother had a mix of antiques and new furniture. She had such good taste and everything just fit together.
    That Sissy is the cutest!

  15. Richard I enjoyed seeing some of your favorite things. I agree Sissy dog is very special! I would love to see more of your home so I will be taking a look at more of your posts. hugs, Linda

  16. Sissy dog is just beautiful! I could spend a day getting kisses from her. Love your treasures! I really love that red chair in your pics. It's gorgeous! I am drooling over here. I am off now to see more of your house. I would love to restore the farmhouse to it's former glory. Thank you so much for visiting!

  17. Oh Richard, the BEST sentence I have read all day comes from this post:
    "Some of my favorite items cost only a few dollars and are tiny and really kinda dumb."

    YES! Favorite things don't always make sense -- but they speak to us, steal our hearts, and we love them.

    Our spaniel Dion, whose relative graces that old piece of needlepoint you show, sends his best regards to Sissy Dog. He thinks she's pretty darned cute!

    I love the sharing in this post -- I could spend hours looking at your treasures.
    Best wishes,

  18. Hi Richard! Oh, that little Sissy Dog is adorable and I do believe she has you wrapped around her little paw! I have a little mini Schnauzer and she has me too! :) How we love our little fuzzy faces.
    Again, how I love seeing your pretties, Richard. Your Staffordshire makes me swoon! I love the Victorian dome with those flowers. It's hard to believe they're made from paper.
    Now that little nodder. How tiny it is and so cute. You can bring him to my Rooster/Chicken party! :) Thank you for your visit.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Hello Richard:) Love your wonderful favorite things. I would have to say that I think Sissy Dog and that little chicken noddler would be my most favorites. But you have so many neat things I can probably come up with more:) Thank you so much for being my newest follower. I am following you back so that we can chat and see what you're up too:) Hope you are having a great week:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  20. Hi Richard,
    Thank you for visiting my blog! It is nice to meet you. You have many lovely favorite things! My family over many years have not been savers....My parents always loved everything new. So I really only have a few family items that have been passed down. But I love antiquing and I have picked up some nice things over the years.

  21. There's so much detail and artistry to things made years ago - just love it. I too love going to Estate sales and wonder about the family not treasuring some of these items! I comfort myself in saying I will do it for them! It is wonderful to share this with those who feel the same way :)
    Hope you have a great day,

  22. Hello Richard!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog's very nice to 'meet' you. Oh my gosh...what a beautiful home you have and look at that view!! You have some BEAUTIFUL favorite things and if I was you I'd have a hard time choosing also. Your Limoges vases are gorgeous...the artwork is incredible. I love the little springy thing with the child on the chicken...that's cute. Did I see a beautiful light fixture in the mirror behind your Limoges vase? You can just barely see it in the picture but it looks like it has the leaded glass prisms. I bet if I look through your blog I could find that's what I'm going to do...go browsing ;) I agree with the other ladies...I'd say Sissy Dog is the most precious thing you have. She's priceless and looks like a real sweet heart. Thank you so much for visiting...I hope you were able to see my post on the old Victorian/Edwardian home we sold just before we moved here to the country. I hope your day has been a good one and that you have a lovely evening.
    Maura :)

  23. You have some wonderful things Richard but the best is your Sissy, she's beautiful. I know what you mean about certain things you've sold and still think about, I do the same thing. I've been fortunate enough though to have many things left or passed onto me, my great grandmother's sterling silverware, my Dad's paino stool, things that I couldn't place a price on. Thank you for stopping by my blog because now I have a new one to pop over to. Enjoy your evening!

  24. Hello Richard
    Thank you for stopping in today! I am now your newest follower... Sissy is adorable! I look forward to exploring your wonderful blog. Take care

  25. Hi Richard! It's delightful to meet you and your Historic Home. You have so many lovely antique treasures. Not only do you have a Historic Home, but you certainly live in a place with a lot of History surrounding it.

    So happy you stopped by and I am happily following you!

  26. wow - we love the same things! I collect blue opaline too! and we have had two beagles!!!!!!

    thanks for your great comment today. i hadn't even thought about the lamps!! so true!!!!

    thanks again,

  27. Hi Richard, You have the most unique and amazing collections. The little nodder is wonderful and the salt cellar is one of the prettiest I have ever seen. How wonderful to surround yourself with such beautiful things.That was so sweet of Dawn to send you this wonderful gift and Sissy Dog is such a cutie.
    Take care,

  28. Great post again, Richard! Beautiful and real collector pieces!
    I love particularly the pair of Italian urns with the flowers, wonderful.
    Have a pleasant summer, greetings from PĂ©rigord,

  29. Richard I'm still smiling over your lovely comment. Quite likely the nicest I've ever received *winks* It meant so much coming from you because I just LOVE your style!! Vanna

  30. Hi Richard, I am dropping by again to say thank you for joining my party and sharing your wonderful collections.

  31. You certainly do have some very very gorgeous things....each more special than the previous but the last is the most special of all. xoxo
    Please tell me what is stump work?

  32. Richard you always have the greatest fav things... Sissy Dog being Numero Uno... and that round Rose Pillow, what a score!!!

    So glad the Egg made it intact & that you liked it... and that Sissy Dog enjoyed the treats from the Bohemian Cat Boys. *winks* I always enjoy making up Surprise Packages, I feel a bit like Santa... only instead of the North Pole we're coming from the Southern AZ scorching Desert... they said it hit 120 again... so The Man, G-Kids & I went back up North for a few days to enjoy Jerome, Sedona & Prescott... so lovely and somewhat cooler! *Smiles*

    Hugs from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  33. Your home feels like home to me.
    Please kiss Sissy for me.

  34. You're so lucky my friend, you got such lovelies from Dawn!! I personally, love ALL the fabulous things you are showing in this great post, too many gorgeous things that make me just drool like a teething child! Devine!! Thanks for coming dear Richard, I love your sweet visits and give your lovely Sissi a kiss for me. Love, FABBY

  35. Your favorite things have a theme of whimsy--fabulous taste! Thanks for sharing your story, it's a delight to walk through your collection, almost like I was there!

    I always say the same thing about my favorite things, I had to "overpay", and I've never seen one since!

    PS. I love the story about your Limoges vases!
