Monday, August 8, 2011

100th Blog Post and Free Gifts Giveaway, at My Old Historic House.

   First, I would like to thank, all the new friends, I have made out in Blogland. I love you all and look forward to getting your comments every time I post. This has been an amazing journey for me. When I moved from the big city,St.Louis, to the country, little did I know what a big life change, I was making. The little town I live in, has a 490 population. There is no gas station or grocery store. I actually grew up here, but was away from some 40 years. I was not totally prepared for country life. There is not a whole lot to do here, one has to travel to find entertainment.Most people here are married or in a relationship, making it hard to have a good friend. I had a very hard time with this and I was often depressed. Some one suggested that I do a blog, and the rest is history.
      I am so excited that in 8 short months, I have over 180 followers and this is my 100th post. For a year or so, I followed a couple of bloggers that both have antique shops. Soon I would go and check out the people that left them comments and then those people, and before you know it, I was really  into following blogs. While I was restoring, My Old Historic House,  I always thought it would have been fun to do a blog about it and the process.  One thing I did to help pass the time was selling things , on ETSY, a on-line store.  When I was in the process of leaning how to do that, I   learned a photo processing  called  PICASA. I thought if I can do ETSY, I am sure I could do a BLOG. After all, how different could it be. Thus my Blog:  - was born in December of 2010. My only regret is that I hadn't done it much sooner.

     I use a $150.00 point and shoot camera from Walmart. It is COOLPIX 7X, Quick Response.None of that means a thing to me, I just copied it right off the camera. I have had no training in the use of my camera, I did read a few pages of the instruction book.When I bought the camera, I asked the sales person to give me the easiest camera to operate they had. This one has a rechargeable battery, just plug a cord into it, don't even have to take the batter out.    I do clean up my pictures using Picasa. It is easy and free,Just download it onto your computer. It is wonderful.  You can brighten up, darken,crop , straighten and various other things, all using this simple process.I usually spend about an hour taking pictures for each blog post. I have learned   a lot from just doing. It takes much longer to clean up the photos and down load them into a folder. I also have learned that, GOOGLE CHROME, works  much better than plain GOOGLE. Just download it, again it only takes a few minutes and is also free.I do a lot of research for most of my post, as I wanted to put a little more something-something into my Blog, than just pictures. I get a lot of comments about this part of my post.I am glad you all like it!
     Getting and reading  comments  is the best thing about doing a blog. Several bloggers have stated, that they blog for comments .I am right there with them.The first comment I got was from a close friend. But, it sure was exciting to get it. I soon learned to get comments you need to give them. A lot of my first followers were gained by me, going to other blogs and asking the owners  to stop by mine.  I looked for blogs about antiques, decorating and the American South..  Some of these bloggers have stayed with me, while others have gone on there way. Some of them, I consider to be a good friend. We email, call on the phone, send funnies  and just keep in touch.Linking to other blogs has been fun and is a good way to get followers and find new readers.It is fun to be part  of a group and soon there followers become yours and so on.

    This whole Blog thing is amazing. Who would dream that people in Europe  would see my blog. One day I got a long distance phone call from New Zealand. It was from Christopher Moore, the wallpaper designer. He had visited my blog and saw where I used 2 of his Toile designs and wants to come and photograph my two rooms for a book he is doing. Some Bloggers and I hit it off right away. I spent New Years Eve -emailing back and forth with a fellow Blogger, and I told her, it was the best date, I have had for New Years Eve, in a long time. I find myself waiting for my favorite Bloggers to comment on my new post and if they don't ,I always worry ,way not?I have a friend, Blossom, we are both addicted to Blogging. We get on the phone for hours and comment to each other, about this blog or  that one. If she finds a good one, she tells me and if I find one ,I tell her.I know I spend way to much time Blogging, but it has given me a whole to life.


                                       100th BLOGGER POST GIVE AWAY!
     As I mentioned before, this post is my 100th post. So, I wanted to make it extra special and give back a little to all my friends and followers. I am doing a GIVE AWAY. I have three prizes that I have picked from my gift and antique shop, Richard's Great Stuff. I have chosen fun things that I think you all might like.
1.) A French Tin Calender, A magnet is used to mark the day and month, so it never goes out of date. It can be hung or sat. It has a fun floral design and the months are written in French.
2.) A Satin, lace and feather bed room pillow. Made around 1920-1940. Has Marabou feathers, laces and tiny floral trim.
3.) A Gift Registry Book for your home or business.  Has a very Southern design with pictures of Camealias and pretty gold leaf letting.
   The rules are pretty simple. To have a chance to win, you must be or become a follower on my Blog. The three prizes will be given to three different people, so you have three chances to win. Just send me a comment and describe the prize you would like to win and give me a good reason why you would like that prize.The better the comment, the better your chances, to win.  You can make as many comments as you like, and make them for each prize. My Friend, Blossom and I will read each comment and the two of us will pick the three winners. We will pick the winner on Friday, August 12th and I will do a new post on Saturday ,August 13th, to announce the winners.  I know it might hurt your chances in winning, if more people enter, but, I would appreciate any, "Shout Outs" ,about this contest. Don't be shy, get on that computer and comment. I am so excited to get them and read them all.

A tin French Calender from Victorian Trading Company.

Add caption
Satin , Lace and Feathers, Bed Room Pillow.   ( 1920-1940)

Southern Inspired Guest Registry  Book for Home or Business.
   Thanks for coming along today for a visit at, My Old Historic House. I hope you have had fun and you will enter my contest. And if you are ever in my neck of the woods, I hope you will come by for a real tour. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will always meet you with a jump and a kiss.



Enter my Daddy's Contest!
Do it now, don't wait!

Cheer me up with lots and lots of Comments on my Daddy's Blog!



  1. Hi Richard, and congratulations on this blogging milestone. No easy feat, and especially with the amount of detail and photos you put into each and every post. What stands out to me is how evident it is just from visiting here how much you absolutely love what you do, and where you live, and how much enjoyment you get from just keeping everything spiffy and acquiring new pieces. I found your blog through Seasonal Sundays, I believe, it was your Memorial Day post with the flag display. Pulled me right in, and I am a happy follower.

    OK, I would be thrilled to receive any of these items, but the pillow really speaks to me, then the calendar, and the guest book. Thanks for the opportunity! I am putting your button with giveaway info on my sidebar as well. xo

  2. Dearest Richard,
    There is nothing that I want or need more than your friendship, to hear about your passions and Sissy's antics makes my day. It is comforting to know that good people like you exist.


  3. Congratulations on 100 posts, Richard. I am so happy to have met you and visited your gorgeous home and shop. I am also happy you are blogging!

    I love all these beautiful and oh so generous gifts. Since I need to choose one, I will choose the beautiful guest book. I've always wanted one and it would be perfect for one of our guest rooms.

    I also want to congratulate you on the upcoming photoshoot for the book and your magazine feature.

    Of course, I am a follower.:-)

  4. Congratulations is obvious to me from reading your comments these past months that your readers really connect with you. Oddly enough I just became an "official" follower of yours last night.( as I nosily checked out all the book titles on your bookshelves :) I don't want to be considered for your giveaway, just want to tell you I always enjoy seeing pictures of your most beautiful house .

  5. Oh, I hit it off with you, my friend, right away! I always look forward in awe and sometimes even drooling to see your stunning home posts and the best fabulous and historic elements you have and everything you know about dad used to say, when I got a compliment on my home: "a house is not pretty, if it's not for the beauty of the owner it projects"!, and this is so true about you Richard, the beauty of your home is YOU. I'm very glad we're friends, I'm also very far away and I feel I know you forever. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the chance on the lovely give aways. Hugs, FABBY

  6. I became a follower, of course right away, as soon as I saw your gorgeous home, too. Love, FABBY

  7. Hi Richard,
    Congrats on your 100th post! You have a beautiful style. Thanks for sharing your home, beautiful landmarks, and everything else. I'm already a follower, and agree with you about comments. Blogging is addictive. Don't let it bother you if you don't always get a comment. I used to feel that way at first, until I realized just how hard it is to comment on every blog you like (and I like a lot) without spending the entire day doing it. With me, it's difficult because I spend a good deal of time working on my redesigns, which is also my livelyhood, which I also blog about. LOL I feel guilty sometimes when I'm days behind on my replies and haven't had a chance to read some of my faves, like yours. Just know that I appreciate you, your beautiful blog, and your comments. I'll try to comment as often as I can.

    If I had to pick between these three beauties, it would be the French Tin Calendar. I love the beauty and timeless quality of it.

  8. Congrats on the 100th post! You need a stuffed peacock in the blue bedroom or the dining room. I'm just sayin ;-) If I ever get a Victorian home there will be a stuffed peacock in it somewhere.

  9. Very beautiful . I feel the same way that you do about blogging. I love my computer because
    my friends live in it.

  10. Richard, Congrats on 100 post!! Your house is so gorgeous. I did not know u had lived in St Louis. My friend I mentioned that lives up your way is Rhonda Pugh and she knew you right away, but not by Richard and nick name!

    I love all your gifts! Probably the French calendar for me, my husband and I honeymooned in paris and use to go back every May.

  11. I have enjoyed your blog since my first visit. I met you through Pat at Back Porch Musings. I think your posts are educational and detailed...both requirements for a great blog. My favorite posts are the ones featuring your house. You are blessed beyond words to live in such a place. You and your little dog make a great team. I look forward to the next 100.

  12. Richard,
    I said it before but your blog is the one that descibes so many things we have in comman.You're my brother I never had :-) very much enjoy everything you write,

  13. Congratulations on your 100th post, Richard!! It's been such a pleasure visiting your blog and seeing your beautiful home and meeting that cute Sissy.I got such a giggle reading the comments under her photos above. :)
    Thanks for having a lovely contest.

  14. Richard has it really been 100 posts already? I've been blogging almost 3 yrs and haven't gotten to 100 yet!

    Well I for one am I'm so happy and grateful that you decided to step out into the wonderful world of blog! I don't know what I would've done without ya! *winks* Not nearly enough tiquers with amazing tiques like you, so your blog fills a very important need for me *winks* The need for BEAUTIFUL EYE CANDY!! Nobody but you has so many of the things I LOVE!!
    Speaking of eye candy.....I'd sure looove to win that maribou pilla.....You know me Richard so you already know exactly why I love it!! Boudoir...frenchy....romantic....need I say more? That pillow has "Vanna" written all over it!! Lol!....And might I also mention that it's my Birthday today.....just sayin' *winks*

    And now due to your blog Christopher Moore will be photographing your house! Isn't that a kick and a half?! Well deserved my friend!
    I hope you'll be blogging and we'll be buds for many years to come!

    And Richard could you tell me who did the rose paper in your closet? I'm lovin' it!! Hugs and kisses to you and Sissy girl. Vanna

  15. Hi Richard! Congratulations on 100 posts! I am so glad I got to meet you because I enjoy every post that you publish. You have a truly gorgeous home and it is such a treat to see it even just in pictures. Someday when I visit my sister in St. Louis, I hope to see it in person. I love all your prices but maybe the guest book would be best for me since I live in the south and I like having guests. Of course I wouldn't mind having any of the other 2 either so you can pick instead, lol. Good luck to me! I know I am a follower but if not, I am signing up right now...Christine

  16. Ooooh! I am so excited! sure no pressure now I have to think of something witty or intelligent? I would really like to win the French Tin Calander, why? because..because..I love Victorian Trading Company. Did I win???

    Besides all that I wanted to tell you what great pictures tonight as you pulled the camara back to get a full view and what a difference that made!! I got a much better view of your rooms, drop dead gorgeous!! Is that enough compliments? I'm getting tired of typing. Congrats on your 100th post Richard, have fun! Hugs, Pearl

  17. Dear Richard, CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th Blog Post! I always look forward to visiting your Beautiful Slice of Blogdome and all of the fascinating facts about whatever topic you are Posting about, I've learned so much & I can tell you take great pains to ensure that each Post is special. Your Home always takes my breathe away... no wonder it will be profiled in a new book, your bold use of colors is so inspiring & your collections and decorating Style are magnificent. And your Persian Rugs... *swooning*, well, you know my love affair with those! *winks*

    I'm so happy to have met you through this delightful Land Of Blog & become a Friend...

    For me the lovely Pillow would be my desire to win... I've always had a 'thing' for Pillows and comfort combined with Beauty in particular. I'm also the Queen of Excess *winks* and that Pillow has a lot going on, which is just my Style... Lace, Feathers, Satin, Florals! *LOL* After all, more is never enough...

    And the Bohemian Cat Boys send their Love to Sissy Dog too...

    A big Hug from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  18. hi! i love your house! every furniture and detail is great! and im in whit this competition too :) and i will follow you blog too =)

  19. I started blogging for the same reason you did Richard-no friends in this little town-but I sure have made some wonderful friends blogging.I don't know how you do such wonderful, educational posts, such beautiful photos and I always learn something I didn't know! Oh by the way you won my give away-I hope you enjoy it! Kiss Sissy for me.

  20. Congratulations on your 100th post! Don't they go by quickly? I have enjoyed visiting your blog and the glimpses of your beautiful, elegant home. You've made it so warm and welcoming. I would love to win the tin calendar as I could use it everyday, plus it's lovely enough to hang on my office wall!

  21. Dearest Richard! Congrats on 100 post! I have read, and enjoyed, every single one. Blogging has brought both of us such wonderful new friends and of course I include you in that group. I always look forward to seeing your beautiful collections and what you and Sissy Dog have been up too.

    I love all three of your giveaways and I would be ecstatic winning any of these. My favorite would be the gorgeous feather pillow. One of my favorite things is a petite photo album that reminds me of this pillow. The cloth album is covered in a very similar antique lace and holds our wedding photos. I can imagine this beautiful pillow on my settee with the album next to it. Richard, thank you for such a wonderful giveaway and more imnportantly for your friendship! I am adding the giveaway to my sidebar.

  22. Congratulations on 100 posts! It is a real milestone! Your photos of your amazing home delight the eye. Your knowledge and willingness to share are such a gift. I always enjoy my visits here. The French calendar is my favorite! Love the roses and how fun to have a calendar that is forever.
    hugs, Linda

  23. Hi Richard, Congratulations on your 100th post!
    I like visiting your blog, you always have interesting posts to read. I love antiques!
    Beautiful pictures you posted today! Your rooms are gorgeous!
    I would like a chance to win the pretty pillow!
    Have a nice day!

  24. Hi Richard,
    I also would like to congratulate you on your 100 posts.We as followers truly think you're special as well as sissy dog but it is no surprise to me that you find so much joy in blogging.You lift my spirits every time I read your blog.I have visited many times without posting and am sure there are many many more times to come.Love to look at your older blogs as well again and again.
    You as a friend are gift enough but if I should be lucky enough to be chosen I would treasure the pillow :-) followed by the calender.
    Take care,

  25. Richard -- 100 posts in 8 months is amazing, especially given the time and care you clearly lavish on each post. Congratulations!

    And ... YOU LIVED IN SAG HARBOR? Oh, one of the most beautiful villages in the country! I love the East End. We've had a home out there since 1969; my siblings and I own it now. It's on the North Fork, in Southold, on Peconic Bay.

    Not the South Fork! Our local bait shop has a sign: "On the South Fork it's sushi. On the North Fork, it's bait." I don't know when you were last on the East End, but the potato farms and cauliflower fields (BEST cauliflower in the world according to James Beard) have given way to vineyards ... everywhere. I miss the truck farms, but I am so grateful that the wineries and vineyards are preserving the agrarian economy out there.

    I'd live out there full time if we could make a living there -- but I don't think that will ever be in the cards. And retirement? Too expensive out there.

    So for now we keep the beachhouse going, and try to get out there when we can. 2-1/2 hours without traffic, and you know how likely that is in NY!

    I did lose myself in your pictures in this post. You have amazing collections. I don't know how you've had enough time to gather it all.

    Hmm... giveaway? I love the calendar! It's charming.

    Tell Sissy Dog that her New Jersey admirer, Dion DiPoochy, says Hello. And he says if she's ever in the area, stop in!

    He is always ready to sniff a new friend.

    Best wishes -- Cass

  26. Dearest Richard,

    I am not a clever writer and I have only been blogging since February, but you know how I love your posts AND your often hilarious comments.

    You even had me giggling here with Sissy doing your bidding in the end. She is such a cutie!

    I enjoy every visit here --- keeping posted on your day trips, your shop and home, and Miss Sissy, the Christmas Angel sent from Prissy updates.

    I love all three of your items up for grabs but the calendar would probably work best in my home!

    Thanks for the generous giveaways and I congrat
    ulate you on your 100th post mark!

    Please don't ever feel depressed, Richard. That makes me sad. You are too special and sweet and wonderful to feel alone and sad in your family home.

    You can always call me and chat anytime you are having a blue day. I'm so thankful that you have Blossom and Sissy in your life!
    Blogging is so wonderful and it opens our eyes and hearts to the world. Let's us share our passions, our thoughts, and our lives with new found friends.

    You take care now, ya hear?
    You are Awesome, with a capital A.

    Love ya lots,

  27. Dear Richard,
    I came to your blog just now...what I noticed was that your last name, Cottrell, is my paternal grandmother's last name (it's also my father's middle name). I think that they were in Ohio before they moved to Nebraska.
    Hummmm. Kinda neat.

    Your home is beautiful!!!!!

    100 posts and so many followers!! I've just gotten more serious about blogging this spring. Only 17 followers, though. Guess I'm not that interesting.

  28. Congratulations on your 100th post!

  29. Hi Richard,
    Heartfelt congratulations on your 100th post. Your home is AMAZING!
    I would love to win that gorgeous pillow. It is so very feminine and glamorous. I can see it as the centerpiece of my bedroom. The calendar is also amazing, as is anything French.
    Keep on blogging Richard. We love hearing from you.Come and visit my blog some time, you're always welcome.

  30. Dearest Richard,
    It has been such a pleasure to meet you and I am so very glad that I found your blog!!
    As a lover of all things Victorian, your blog is a treasure throve of inspiration and lovliness. You have the home that I always dreamed about owning so I can enjoy living in a home like that through you!!
    I too love blogging. I work crazy hours that are not conducive to establishing friendships so blogging allows me to "visit" whenever I have the time to do so. I have also been able to find people who love the same things I do as those type of people are far and few between where I live.
    It would be an honor to be entered in your giveaway. I am a follower of your blog and I love the calendar and the pillow. they both speak to me and are calling my name.... LOL!!
    Congrats on your 100th post!! And I am so looking forward to many more!


  31. Hey Richard,
    We'll have to see if we are related. I think my family actually came through Iowa, not Ohio. Thought of that sometime last night.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  32. Richard, Richard, Richard.
    And, Sissy, Sissy, Sissy.

    How do I love thee?
    Let me count the ways.

    Why, of course I love everything.
    I love you and Sissy.
    I love your gorgeous home.
    And, I love every exquisite item you share.

    You have a wonderful eye for creating beauty,
    but even more important, you have the gift of sharing your heart.

    I am one of your followers, and the day we "met" on-line was a blessing. I always call my husband to look at your posts because, like us, he loves all of your interesting things.

    Good for you taking the leap into the blogging community. And, I am so glad you found Pink Saturdays. You always have wonderful things to share.

    You are so kind to offer us the opportunity to win one of these lovely gifts. How is a girl to choose? I think I love them all, but I will say my favorite is the wonderful calendar.

    Love and congratulations to you on your blogging success and new friends.♥

  33. Congrats on 100 posts!!! How have I missed you for 100 posts? geesh....

    ;-D robelyn

  34. Well, hello Richard,
    This is my very first visit to your blog. I have seen and read your comments that you leave on people's blogs, but somehow I haven't been to visit you yet. Until today. And I'll be honest. I clicked on someone's sidebar when I saw the word giveaway.
    And what a giveaway you have going on! That calendar would help me a lot. You see, I retired from teaching, and I cannot keep track of the date for anything. I have to resort to looking at my cell phone to figure out the date. That lovely calendar would be just the thing to help me.
    I can see why you have so many followers. Your personality shines through your writing and your house. I cannot wait until I have a little time to read your previous posts.
    I started a blog because my husband and I moved back to the small town that he grew up in. It's a bit larger than yours. Our population is about 900. But I know what you mean when you said you started your blog to make some new friends. How true that is. Hoping to be counted among your friends now.

  35. Hi Richard,
    Thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos of your house in this blog! The outside is incredibly charming. I can't believe how many fireplaces you have! That chandelier in your living room is to die for! I love the cranberry elements in it. The massive scale of the mirrors in the room is wonderful with the high ceilings. I love all the victorian domes, and your portrait collection. You've really got alot of collections going on in the house, they work great!

    Congratulations on the 100th post. That's alot of work. I'd love the calendar--my family wants me to get an Iphone, I refuse to-I'd tell them this clever device is my answer to their fancy technology, antique-style!

    Here's to the next 100 posts!

  36. Hi Richard... We have been friends for awhile now and I do look forward to coming to your blog and gaining knowledge and eye candy viewing your many, many, lovely antiques and your beautiful home you have made for yourself... While we both know our lives are not perfect we both seem to make the most of what we have to work with as I have found through our enchanges of words... Blogging is a passion and writing down thoughts becomes a release of which I feel to be "a good thing" as Martha would say....I hope I am blessed to be around for hundreds more of your posts in the future... I am suppose to make this all comfy and cushie and I have to say that pillow you are offering is very lovely and would not be for nesting but for displaying ... I think it to be my favorite but our offerings are all very generous and very thoughtful... I feel I have already become a winner as I have made a friend in your company through blogging.. Congrats on your 100th....

  37. Congratulations Richard on your 100 th interesting posts

    Of course you know what got me reading your blog is Sissy because that was the name of my little pug who has gone onto heaven.

    anyway back to your blog my Gawg its the kind of house I always dreamed of living in!! As a child I dreamed I was Ms Scarlet but always rich living in Tara. I even named my daughter Tara. My dream is only reading your blog now to catch up on the history of things gone bye that is still so beautiful.

    I would love that pillow and I know Vanna wants it first so you must find another one.

    Then I would like the calendar please, and if all that is left I would like to have the guest book and please supply some guest since I am a lonesome lady LOL that is why I started blogging also

    Well good night Richard & sissy

    You know I am a follower

  38. Richard

    I wanted to comment on the man Christopher Moore from New Zeland who wants to come and photograph your wall paper of his designs.
    anyway you must have an open house ? I will come to it along with several others I am sure.

    I must look for Blossom's blog now? I have never seen her blog but did introduce myself to her at the Flea market @ Artichoke annie's.

    Love to Sissy


  39. Oh my goodness! Now I have to spend the next few hours reading/looking at your first 99 blog posts! What a beautiful home. Our house was built in 1903 so I have a deep love for older homes, pocket doors, colonnades, stained glass, etched glass, my house has so much history to share. Mix this love with antiques and I have a lifelong mission.
    I also see you are a fellow Clarksvillian... except I'm from the Iowa one. How many times have you heard "Take the last train to Clarksville" when you mention where you are from... yeah, it becomes an expected response doesn't it?
    I have strayed from blogging over the past year as I am a busy mother and wife... but I have missed out on all my friends from around the world, so I am back with a mission. I look forward to calling you one of those friends. Take care and I'll be back!

  40. Hi Richard! Congratulations on your milestone! It was wonderful reading your blog story and seeing your place. You are a real standout in the blogging community.

  41. Enjoyed my visit to your blog today! LOVE your library of books too. Congratulations!

  42. Your home is true to its era....and its great to see that the wallpaper designer connected with you thru your blog!

  43. Hi Richard! Oh, I've almost missed out on your wonderful giveaway! I was so busy with my Rooster Party! I spied a couple there in your house! ;)
    Congratulations on your 100th posts! I love coming to visit and just love seeing your old historic house and of course little Sisssy Girl! ;)
    Now I would love a chance to win that French tin calendar! Oh, it's so pretty and you said it was 'fun'! Now you know I'm all about fun and this would look so pretty in my kitchen!
    Now I've been a follower for some time now so poke my tiny name in your hat and I'll be crossing my tiny fingers! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  44. Hi Richard, Congratulations! 100 posts in a few short months, all of them wonderful. It's always nice to stop by your beautiful home and see Miss Sissy dog too... How generous of you with your giveaway.. you know I'm a follower and a fellow Missourian..... have a gift register book from your side of the state would be wonderful... lol... hugs ~lynne~ keeping fingers crossed and crossed again, you see I'm not lucky when it comes to winning, I'm always happy for those that do..

  45. Thanks for visiting me again! I don't have an endless supply of money! If I want something I see on Craigslist I merely sell something I already own on Craigslist so I can afford it!


  46. Hi Richard and Sissy, This is my first visit to your blog. I saw your comment about fried green tomatoes at Debbiedoo's. Oh, do I love those fried green tomatoes.
    I am so glad I came by. I enjoyed your 100th post so much. Every room has it's own personality which is really connected to your personality. The chandy's are to die for. The wallpaper is so exceptional, I am sure you must have sourced it from speciality vendors. I can just see the original owners. The ladies in the bustles and the men in their finery. You have done a fabulous job of restoration. I look forward to visiting your other posts.
    I am a new follower and I know I am late for the contest. That's OK but if I needed anything it would be the calendar. The fact that I am late supports that reasoning.
    Have a great weekend new friend, Ginger

  47. Congratulations, Richard. I'm new to your post but searched you out when I began to read your comments and so agreed with your vision for a space. You have a wonderful "eye" for decor as shown in your home.

    I live in southern Ga. where the summer has been blazing hot. So looking forward to October.

  48. Happy 100, Richard! Some days I feel like I'm the one who is 100. I promise one day to visit you in Missouri and see the house and Mark Twain's river for myself. I posted some better pictures especially for you and Andrew ( in Mobile) to study on my blog of the mint julep cabinet so that you will recognize one when you see it and buy it. Your friend, Marshel at

  49. Well....thanks to a super busy away from the computer weekend, I missed the dead line but I can comment anyway.....right? Enjoy your blog immensely, not only for the incredible photos of an incredible house, but the history lessons you give us. Tell us more about the birds on the house. :)

  50. oops.....forget to say....I would pick that fabulous calendar. A pretty calendar would make each day brighter. :)

  51. Richard, Still going backwards on your posts. I read your inspiring story of how you started blogging. Good for you! Each blog is unique and beautiful in its own right. As for your you have "before" pictures? If I keep going will I find them? You do not have to respond, I intend to keep going although it may take some time. I believe you are the "perfect blogger". You spend quality time responding and leaving comments and that is the heart of blogging. I applaude you. Just so you know, I don't do nearly as well because I have many passions and so little time, lol. I can loose myself behind the lens of my camera and loose all track of time. I will pop up here and there on your blog. Not a reflection of you or your blog, it is just the time element in my life and so many blogs I enjoy. Blessings. This looks like an incredible restoration you have done. Is this your family home?

  52. The imposing Old Parliament House in Singapore lays claim to a rich and varied history. This building was used as the location for the sittings of the Parliament of Singapore from 1965 up to 1999, at which time it was relocated to a new venue. Today the building is known as the Arts House at the Old Parliament and functions as a centre for the arts, hosting concerts and art exhibitions.
