Saturday, July 2, 2011

That these United Colonies are, and of Right, ought to be, Free,and are, Independent States!


   I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, One nation, Under GOD, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all!!!!!!!!!!!!

     The decoration of Independence was adopted by Congress, July 4th,1776.
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson,between June 11th and June 28th, 1776, the Decoration of Independence is at once the nation's most cherished symbol of liberty and Jefferson's most enduring monument. Jefferson expressed the convictions in the minds and hearts of the American people.
    When in the course of Human events, it becomes necessary, for the  people ,to dissolive the bands, which have connected them, with one another, and to assure among the power of the earth, the separate and equal station, to which the Law of Nature and Natures God entitled them, a decent respect, to the opions of mankind, requires that they should declare the course which impel them to the separation.

  We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide the common defense, promote the general welfare ,the Blessings of Liberty, to ourselves and our posterity, do obtain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America,
   The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years. The president shall be commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. The President shall from time to time, give the congress information, in the form of the State of the Union Address.
    The House of Representatives shall be composed of members, chosen by every state.The Senate of the United States, shall be composed of two Senators from each state for 6 year terms and shall have one vote.
     The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of that State.

Happy 4th of July weekend, from,"My Old Historic House.(1845 Historic Elgin/Cottrell House Museum)
And Sissy Dog and myself. I hope you have a safe and happy 4th of July celebration. If you travel, God speed. If you are at home, be safe and surrounded with love ones. Remember firework safety and also stay cool. We, here in Missouri, are under a heat warning. It is to be 97 or so today ,so , keep our beloved pets safe, lots of water and bring them in inside where it is cool. Sissy hates the fireworks, so don't leave your pets unattended during this trying time. I just want every one to be safe and happy and have a 4th of July that we all will remember for many years to come.
   Come by anytime for a tour. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you all with a jump and a kiss

                                                     GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!


  1. love how your showing your colors! Thanks for reminding me to get my Heidi girls flag scarf on!!

  2. Happy 4th of July Richard & Sissy!!! I had to pop over and see your Patriotic Post... I knew it would be spectacular & just look how coy Sissy is in her Patriotic ensemble! *smiles*

    I'm composing my version of a Patriotic Red, White & Blue Post today, which I'll Post on the 4th, very untraditional, but then, that's how I tend to roll... *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  3. Hi Richard and I want to wish you and little Sissy a wonderful 4th! Oh, my your Old Historic House looks wonderful with all of the flags - everywhere! I love it.
    Thank you for popping in to see me and I wish I could come for a visit! I'd bring potato salad! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. So special! I am in love with your little Sissy dog!
    Happy 4th. Dottie

  5. What a gorgeous post!
    So glad I found you today through Marty's blog.
    Your patio area looks fantastic.

    Have a wonderful holiday weekend.
    Your newest follower~

  6. Well said Richard it makes me so proud to be an American we I see posts like this. Sissy is just adorable and festive! Your home is beautiful and you certainly go all out. You have a safe fun holiday also. Hugs, Pearl

  7. Richard, Your home is beautiful decorated for the 4th! I hope you and Sissie have a wonderful holiday and try to stay cool.

  8. These photos make me soooooo happy!!!

  9. I am so glad I found your blog through A Stroll Thru Life . I love antiques and look forward to following you. Have a wonderful 4th of July!

  10. Hello Sissy and Richard,
    Looks like ya'll are ready for the 4th of July in a big way. Here in Tennessee the humidity is so off the charts. I'm attending a small town parade today, not looking forward to the heat. Be safe and cool.
    Happy 4th,

  11. Hi Richard Happy 4 of July. Boy your house is all done up. Did you also decorate the inside? I'm so jealous as I have not put one thing patriotic out in my place.

  12. Thanks Richard... I've given your Blog a Shout Out added to my 4th of July Post... that last Photo of your 4th of July inspired decoration of the House was so off the hook that I HAD to share it & send folks on over for a Patriotic Swoonfest! *winks* Have a wonderful Holiday my Friend!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  13. My Old Historic House looks great all dolled up for the 4th of July! Great job, Richard! Look how cute Sissy is! Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend. :-)


  14. In your Memorial Day post, I saw how you'd filled your beautiful urns with small flags. So I copied your idea and put small flags in my tall cement urn at the front of the house. It looks snazzy. Imitation is indeed a compliment. And if I had gorgeous porch railings like yours I'd be draping them with red, white, and blue bunting too! Hope you and Sissy have had a terrific July 4th.

    God bless you for your patriotism.

  15. Your "Old House" is looking gorgeous and so is Sissy Dog all decked out for the fourth of July! Hope you had a nice holiday.

  16. Oh.. I hope Sissy dog is doing better now.. I know it is hard on some animals during fireworks and storms...I personally do not like fireworks... Never go to them or have any fireworks that I purchase ... They have been going off everywhere in the town and country sides however... I can't believe the amount of money that is spend to light something up for a second... I guess I can watch the fireflies light up the night for the viewing and get just as much thrill... I am glad the holiday is over and I can get back into a everyday routine... I have some major chores to do and want to get done this morning before the heat sets in.. It is to be in the 90's the next couple days and we are in need of rain so badly here... This spring we were flooded out and now we are all dried up... I am sure all that viewed your home all decked out for the Fourth of July we helped to remember we are a blessed nation even though for many they may be struggling some right now... I am off to enjoy my freedom ... Have a wonderful day and give Sissy dog a gentle pat from me....

  17. Beautiful post Richard. I love the way you've decked things out. (wish I had done a whole lot more, time to plan for next year).. Love how Miss Sissy is all dressed up. I hope you had a fabulous 4th. hugs ~lynne`

  18. Oh my this is wonderful!!! I love all the red, white and blue patriotism!!!! Sissy is adorable! My daughter and SIL have 2 beagles. They were here yesterday too! Thanks so much for stopping by. I will be your newest follower. Pinky

  19. What a beautiful patriotic display you have created for your gorgeous home!! It is lovely!

  20. This is a wonderful display on a fabulous home!!

    Thanks for sharing,

  21. I hope you and that wonderful Sissy girl had a fabulous 4th of July!! I've been out on the tiquin' trail *winks*
    Your house looks amazing Richard!! You've done America proud!! And I'm quite sure you're the envy of all the neighbors *winks* Vanna

  22. I know you put all the neighboring homes to shame!
    I'd go away and leave the house dark if I were next door (LOL) Simply gorgeous! America salutes you.

  23. Hi Richard, what an amazing 4th display! Your wire furniture and stands are just a knockout!! I'm featuring your post tomorrow for VIF, thanks so much for linking up!
    hugs, Debra

  24. Your home is looking very festive! Sissy takes highest honors though...she is so precious all decked out for the Fourth!

  25. I'm very impressed Richard, you did an incredible and gorgeous Patriotic display, arrangements and vignettes in your special home...IT IS FABULOUS!! Your house looks so festive, I bet passer bys and drivers, stopped to see this amazing house?!! Lots of hugs, FABBY

  26. Your home looks beautiful all dolled up. You did a beautiful job on it all. And Sissy dog is too cute as always.....Julian

  27. I got really excited when I saw the cranberry epergn as I have one with seven trumpets. It came from England via
    canada several years ago. My prize posession. I just love the one for sale it is gorgeous oh to be rich I would have it now.
