Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Not a Butlers Pantry, But will have to do!

Dish Pantry in dining room with door closed.

Surprise, look what's inside.

   All my life, I have dreamed of having a home with a Butlers Pantry. Don't ask me why? I guess cause I am  sick in the head! I don't think it is a lot to ask.But then, I guess it is, as I never have found a house that I could afford with a Butlers Pantry.  I see them on movie sets and in houses that I tour. I worked for a Lady in St.Louis, who lived in a old mansion that had a great Butlers Pantry. I cooked for her and served  for parties. I took over that pantry like it was mine. I could have lived there and been happy. It was huge and had a silver closet inside it. There was a big porcelain  sink, dish washer and broom closet, A center island for serving. Heaven,  that pantry might be as close as I will get to Heaven.

Cut glass vases for flower arrangements.

Ice cream set.

French Lovers, in the closet?!

German Berry Set. My Father found this many years ago and when he wasn't looking, I snatched  it.He never missed it. Bad Child!

     I came close once to having a pantry,  with a wonderful old house that I had in St.Louis. There was a small pantry between the dining room and the kitchen. It was kind of a hall way. One wall had built in cabinets with glass doors at the top, a space and wood doors at the bottom. I had all my dishes and glass ware, all arranged in there, real pretty like. I painted the inside pink, of course. When I moved to Long Island New York, a Hampton's town called Sag Harbor, I rented the first floor of and old Victorian mansion. There was a pantry off the kitchen, more like a pantry one would store food in. But, I made it into a dish pantry. When I bought, My Old Historic House, there was a closet in the dining room. At one time, in 1845, when the house was first built, it was used as a stage coach inn and the dining room at that time was a bed room that was rented. I guess that is why there was a closet. It is not big, about 4 foot wide and 18 inches deep. Well I added shelves, wallpaper, and oh yes, gold gilt trim ,and made it into a some what Butlers Pantry. And for now I guess it will have to do!

English Sterling Egg Codle

   The wallpaper I chose, is a French Toile. It is real pale green and has darker green design. And yes, there are Cherubs in the design. I wallpapered the walls and ceiling and the shelves all the way around. I finished the shelves off with a wood trim that I hand gold leaved. I also used the same gold trim to make a plate rack, by nailing the trim to the shelves, about 1 inch from the back.
    It really is handy to put all the china and crystal, right there in the dining room, where it is needed. I keep the door closed and when I give tours, I talk about the house being an inn and that there is a closet in almost every room, and I say, you can open the one in here and see. People are so surprised to see all the dishes and pretty stuff inside.
   I hope you enjoy my dish pantry, that I want to be a Butlers Pantry. I wish you could come by some time soon for a tour. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss. Heck, we might even get some of those dishes out and have a mess of something to eat.

Gold leaf trim.

Cherubs on the wallpaper.

My Nieman Marcus desert plates with cherubs, that I use for parties.

Another view of the wallpaper.

 I found this old spoon rack at a yard sale for $3.00. Makes a good place to store and display all my serving pieces.

See the spoon rack on the back of the door. Handy, don't you think?

Love these English platters.

This old pressed glass compote has a hand pedestal.

Spring continues here in Missouri,as  my Southern Magnolias are in full bloom. I worried  so  much about them, as we had such a hard winter. But they are alive and doing well. 

These two magnolia trees were a Second Year Birthday gift to, My Old Historic House. I closed on the house, March 5th, and every year in March, the house gets a Birthday present. They were 5 foot tall, that was 2007. Now they are 11 feet tall. My favorite tree in all the world. 


  1. Oh Richard, I could spend an hour or more just looking at the beauties in your pantry, so lovingly tended! The antique spoons on the back of the door, the berry dishes, the crystal bowl with red insets that almost looks like a crown, wow! And when I could finally tear myself away, I would go outside to smell those magnolias..........(sigh) xo

  2. Love your dish pantry! Beautiful dishes too. I have a big closet in my breakfast room/den. I use it for a food and dish pantry. I expect the shelves to hit the floor anytime-it is so loaded with stuff.

  3. P.S. I know you visit my garden blog, but go by my other blog-paintordig and see the lovely garden tablescapes I have been sharing.

  4. You've done a great job of improving a Dish Pantry Richard... I too have always wanted an old fashioned Pantry... and when we purchased this ole' House there was a small room we could have used as one, but ended up making a Guest Room out of it instead... more practical. But I would have enjoyed a walk-in Pantry for dishes and to organize non-perishables... so I totally get your desire to have a Butler's Pantry, especially since you enjoyed one in a Home you worked at.

    Thanks for stopping by, yes, that Jesus Needlepoint was to die for, I photographed it to death! *Winks* Out of my budget, but actually quite reasonably priced for all the work and condition for such an old piece.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  5. Sorry Richard, I'm SO tired, it wasn't 'til I posted I realized I'd said "improving" rather than "improvising"!!! Lord I need a NAP! *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. I LOVE the toile pattern you used on the walls, Richard! I think you've done very nicely using what you've got. You've organized it beautifully and I love how you store the teacups; I'm sure that frees up some extra shelf space! I think it works very well to show off your lovely pieces.

  7. Richard, we dream of a Butler's Pantry also. My friend keeps telling me we need to build a Silver Closet. We would have to build on to achieve any of this. lol It doesn't stop us from dreaming though. I think your closet is wonderful. Very elegant.

  8. Your butler's pantry (dish pantry) looks like Heaven to me. I would love to have something similar in which to store my dish collection. Heck, I would like to have a regular kitchen pantry in which to store my grocery items.
    Some day. :)
    I also like the spoon rack on the door. Very clever and convenient.

  9. You know Richard, this was the inspiration for my own "dish closet". Mine isn't as tidy as yours. Needs attention!! I loved seeing all your beautiful dishes, close up.

  10. How wonderful to have a closet in your dining room to use. My Grandma did, and everything was so easy to get to. Your things are just gorgeous! So many beautiful things!!

  11. I don't think I have ever seen so much beautiful silver and china in that amount of space. Adding that incredible French toile wallpaper and the gold leaf on that delicate trim gives the pieces the respect they deserve. It is an absolutely dreamy space and I am glad you shared it at Treasure Hunt Thursday. I hope to see you back often!

  12. I love your dish (butler) pantry! You have so many pretty dishes too! We have a similar closet in our dining room, but I have to use it for a combination food pantry/dish pantry (because there isn't a food pantry in the kitchen!) but mine isn't nearly as pretty as yours. Now you've given me some inspiration for a future project to make it pretty!

  13. Richard I've always wanted an old house with a butlers pantry! I've come soo close a couple of times but it just wasn't meant to be....yet *winks* Love your dish pantry! Love the wallpaper! You know how I am about cherubs *winks* And how perfectly located for entertaining. I only wish I could stop by! Maybe someday? Vanna

  14. Hello Richard

    The role of the modern Interior Architect seems to be more one of magician than designer: squeezing the maximum function out of the minimum space. So, the Walk-in Pantry and the Butlers Pantry are sacrificed to increasingly, open-plan living. However, you have found a really good solution: so practical and such a well-presented display of beautiful tableware.


  15. Hello Richard:
    What marvellous use you have put the dining room cupboard to. A 'dish pantry', absolutely perfect and so very handily situated.

    We love the gilded edges to the shelves, most elegant, and the spoon rack behind the door is another artful touch.

    In our Budapest apartment we have a room called the 'Kamra'. Many larger houses have these windowless rooms which are for extra storage when kitchen space is limited. Ours is filled with an ancient dresser and floor to ceiling shelving in order that all our tableware and kitchen paraphernalia can look good whilst also being readily available for use.

  16. As usual Richard, another fun and informative post, but also a very creative one. You make the best of what you have and that's priceless.

  17. Richard, you should have a Butler as well!!!
    Who is cleaning and dusting your wonderful collections????

    I would so love to visit your Old House, but living in the Southwest of France - it's just not around the corner!
    So, I'll continue to be a virtual visitor with big pleasure!
    Greetings, karin

  18. I love your dish collection, Richard and I could use 10 of those butler's pantries, lol. Gorgeous magnolia!...Christine

  19. Love your "Butlers Pantry" and all the wonderful things in it. My dream house has a fantastic butlers real house...not so much!!

  20. I've always wanted a house with a butlers pantry! I love your magnolia trees.

  21. I think that you've achieved a wonderful spot for you lovely dishes. I've always wanted a butlers pantry, too, but even better would be the White House china room! I'm your newest follower. Cherry Kay
