Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Many Faces at My Old Historic House.

  Yesterday as I walked through, My Old Historic House, I just happened to notice ,that just about every where I looked there was a face;on the statues,china,wallpaper and  the portraits. They all seemed to look at me and smile and say, hello there. OK, I don't drink , nor do drugs, I am just what they call,"colorful". Yes, I think the faces that I see all over my house, are smiling at me. Is that a bad thought??? The more I looked, the more faces  there seemed to be. I got the camera and started taking there pictures. I never even made it past the first bed room up stairs, the camera kept telling me, out of card space. Off to the computer I would go and down load them and go back for more. After 3 times doing this, I said, "enough"! I just could not wait to share all those faces with you all today. So here they are.
   I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Do you think they are smiling? Do they make you smile? I know they do me. I wish you all could come by for a tour sometime soon and see all the faces for real. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss and a big smile on her FACE.


  1. what a great post and a new way to think about the things that surround us in our homes!!

  2. Dear Richard... yes, why be normal indeed!? *winks* Your comment to my Post made me laugh out loud... it really is subjective isn't it. *LOL*

    Loving all the faces around your Home, I often wonder if the images I have on my collections were inspired by a real person or one on the canvas of someone's Artistic imaginings?

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  3. Sissy Dog is definitely smiling at you!!!

  4. They do seems to be smiling but I think Sissy Dog has the sweetest smile:).



  5. Hi Mr. Cottrell,I just spent several hours on your blog until I got to the end. I was sad because I was done. I loved seeing all your fabulous antiques! What a treat and your pup sissy is adorable, always at your side. I will continue to visit as I have a passion for antiques and would love to find some true antiques. Not much around in this neck of the woods. I laughed when you said you did not like your picture taken, and would rather look like Brad Pitt LOL I think your quite handsome sir. Don't worry I'm not flirting I'm a happily married gal of 54 years of age. We have been together for 24 years! You seem to have a magical life living in your gorgeous home. Thanks for sharing all you have on your blog. It was a blessing for me to see it all. Enjoy life and have fun. Hugs,Pearl

  6. Ha ha! That was fun. I see you and Sissy got in the mix as well! That's a great collage, too. :-)


  7. Love all the faces & Sissy of course

    Isn't it funny how we come up with something to blog about?

    can't wait to see them in person on my tour


  8. Richard, this is a fabulous post. I love all the faces. There is one for every emotion imaginable.

    My mother has a doll collection and a collection of antique figurines. Our guests often say they feel as if they are being watched.

  9. That is a lot of faces to see everyday!

  10. Dear Richard... thanks for stopping by and saying Hi... I LOVE the Movie "Pretty Woman"... can't wait to see the new Julia Robert's Movie with Tom Hanks which will be coming out soon.

    I will Stay Cool *winks*... or at least try... not easy in the scorching AZ Summer...

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  11. What wonderful faces. I think I like the painting of the boy and the one of the woman with the long earrings, dark hair and with the bit of red dress showing. I think they're smiling!

  12. Oh wow, what a collection of faces! Fantastic. LOVE crazy sideburns guy, and there's one of a young woman looking upwards in profile -- exquisite!

    And I know exactly what you mean about "after 5 years" being just tired of all the renovating work! I hear you. Thanks for checking in with our painting progress; each day I get more nervous!

  13. wow....that is a LOT of faces. I think my favorite though is the one with the fur on it. :) And I like "colorful". Colorful is so much fun to talk to. xo

  14. Richard, What GREAT faces to live with. Most especially the young man with the moustache..and your darling DOLL. OH MY... she is a beauty.


  15. Hello Richard

    The faces in your home: what an interesting project to collect them into a collage. I might borrow your idea if I may.


  16. Hi Richard! You have a beautiful collection of "faces". Great idea with the collage.

  17. On the face of it, I think your faces are fabulous! Loved looking at all of them. Susan

  18. Wonderful post Richard!

    Congratulations on being featured at Sherry's. Well deserved!

  19. Richard I LOVE all the wonderful faces at your house! Some of the most beautiful I've ever seen! My sister says all the faces around my home are creepy but I love em all! I bet they think she's creepy! Lol! Do you find any of your portraits following you around? I love those! *winks* I just found myself a new/old pretty little girl portrait. Vanna

  20. P,S. I saw you over at Sherry's also. Congrats on that! V

  21. Ah, you made me smile! What wonderful pleasant and some a bit mysterious. I enjoy your blog. Tell Sissy Dog hello for me. Oh, and by the way Colorful is in this year. Best, Vicki
