Saturday, May 21, 2011

Landmarks Association of St.Louis, tour, My Old Historic House.


Mayor Joanne Smiley.

Here they come!

   Saturday May 21, 2011, was a beautiful day in Clarksville,Mo. There was a prediction of rain, but we missed it. The sun was shining, there was a nice breeze, it was just simply beautiful.A big bus tour  of 50 people  had made reservations to take a tour of ,My Old Historic House, so I was all cleaned up, yard work done, roses in bloom, lights on, piano player at the piano, the Mayor was here,  all was ready and here came the bus.
   The group was from St.Louis, about 70 miles away. They were from the St.Louis Landmarks Association. I was really thrilled that such a group was coming, so I went all out to make it nice. The Mayor of our little town meet them with a welcome   and maps to all our  towns attractions. I handed out a little information about the Elgin Family ,(Hazekiah Elgin built my house in 1845).  My friend Ms. Judy started playing the piano, I opened the doors and welcomed all 50 to take a tour and look around. Up stairs I had a special treat for all of them, my niece in her Antebellum custom, was there to answer questions and say hello. Some of the ladies stopped to sing  along with the piano. They were at the house about an hour and off they went to have lunch.

Ms. Judy at the piano.

   Sometimes it is such a big let down on days like this. I had worked for days cleaning the house and getting the yard perfect,Rounded up a piano player and asked the Mayor to make a speech. Worked for hours typing, printing and putting the history together and it all seemed to just be over in a flash. Did they have a good time? I don't know. Did they love it? I don't know. Did they even appreciate it? I don't know. All I can say was, I did my best, and   my best,was all I could do.
   But I hope you will enjoy the tour. I have left the lights on for you. The piano  player and my sweet dressed up Niece is gone. Let me know when you are coming and I will get them back. Sissy Dog will always  meet you at the door with a jump and a kiss.

My niece and her grand daughter. The train was coming so she covered her ears.

Sing a long!
The man in the yellow hat really did like the house and he asked questions and made nice comments.

    Some times when you are just in the right mood and  spirit, and you peak into a mirror, do you  ever  see something or someone and wonder who or why??? I often do. These spirits, (perhaps this one is  ,Elizabeth MtJoy Elgin), are just  there for a while, and then they are gone.  Don't you wonder why? Perhaps they are trying to tell us something? I know they are not bad, I do not mind having them around.  I realize, I am only in My house for  awhile and before that, there  were many others.  Are they,Spirits of the past?

How Sweet the Sound


  1. Richard if they didn't LOVE your house, there's something WRONG with them! No antique lover could fail to be happy there! Not possible! Everything was so beautiful! And your neice looked lovely. Vanna

  2. I bet they did enjoy their tour - everything is so pretty.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Just found your blog and I love it. Your home is truly a work of love and art. I have a friend with a historic home and I recognize the amount of time, labor and love that is so clearly evident. Maybe someday I can visit your gorgeous home. (live in NW Tn)

  4. Hello Richard:
    You obviously went to a huge amount of trouble to make your guests welcome and to present the house at its very best. We think that it all looked splendid and such a lot for people to see and experience.

    But we know exactly what you mean about not knowing at the end whether it was all worthwhile. For many years, we had a garden which was open to the public and of the thousands of visitors who came, only a few really did give feedback. So many others did not say anything and this does make one feel rather down at having gone to so much trouble.

    All we can say is that your many readers love it all!!

  5. What a beautiful day in Clarksville; everything looked just perfect. Your neice and the piano player added just the right touch to an already amazing home.

  6. Richard, You can't tell me that NONE of these people told you how beautiful your home is...they would be blind.
    You must be really flattered that yours was one of the homes they chose to travel to see. Everything looks just lovely.
    I have a good friend who could be Ms.Judy's twin sister.
    I am sure everyone had a very nice visit into the past.

  7. Oh Richard, you are such a gracious host. I am sure your guests enjoyed the tour and appreciated the extra efforts. Your niece is lovely with her southern belle costume. And omg! You have ghosts?..... Christine

  8. I'm sure they had a wonderful time and enjoyed your house tour! I have to believe it was amazing, judging from the photos I've seen!

  9. Of course they had a wonderful time!! How could they not? Unfortunately good manners and graciousness have in large part been lost!! Now if I had been on the tour an hour would not have been long fact as the sun was setting you would be throwing me out the door!! LOL!! And of course I would thank you for a lovely day as you threw me out!! Ha!Ha!

    I love, love, love the jardiniere with matching base in the parlor where the sing along was! Oh so is soooo gorgeous!!! Please tell us about it in one of your upcoming post.

    Give Sissy dog a pat on the head for me.

  10. Looks like fun - the period dress the woman is wearing is so pretty. I love the roses.


  11. Hello Richard

    The Mayor, a pianist, a southern belle and an immaculate house and garden probably took the breath away from the members of The Landmark Association. No wonder they forgot their manners.

    I do think you are very brave to open your house to complete strangers. Good luck with the next group.


  12. Hello,

    Maybe, you dont now that they love your house or not. But, i know that i love your house and I find it sad that I live too far to visit your home.

    Have a nice sunday and thanks for your last comment.
    I wish you good cheer.


  13. Hi Richard...I am sure everyone enjoyed your beautiful home! I peeked at your previous post...LOVE the transferware and toile! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  14. Oh Richard how amazing you made this special tour and I am absolutely certain it would be a most enjoyable and memorable experience!!! I've been delighted with the virtual tour! Your Niece looked stunning in that period costume!!!

    Now if only I can find that darn Magazine you had the fortune of being profiled in... usually I can find it everywhere, so far no luck, must have sold out?!?! *winks*

    Have a Blessed Sunday... Dawn... The Bohemian

  15. From the delightful experience of seeing your home, in person, I just know they had to have loved the tour. You make people feel so very welcome.
    One of the things that I go away with is the absolute essence of genuine warmth. Surely your visitors "felt" the house, the way J and I do, when we are there.

  16. Oh My Gosh

    I can't wait for my tour of your fabulous historial house

    I will have more comments and questions than the man in the yellow hat LOL

    I am sure when they all got back on the bus to get home they all talked about your house and ask each other did you notice this or did you see that?
    That is what I always do


  17. Oh Dear Richard your comment to my Post brought tears to my eyes because I too have been moving through some most difficult times... which is what had inspired my Beauty all around us Post actually. Sometimes I just have to be Still and rest in all of Creation and the Lord to focus on how truly Blessed we are even during the challenges of Life Issues! I find that when I refocus on what to be grateful for, well, amazing things happen that I never asked or dreamed of! I had been quite down with the strains of Family Health issues, money problems and Single Parenting stresses... a few times I was no behaving in the Fruits of the Spirit and it made me quite upset with myself and hard on myself actually for not coping better. When I got back to Center an amazing thing happened... without even asking Help came my way and my G-Son has been sponsored to attend the Church Camp he had so desperately wanted to go on but which we could not afford right now!!! I'm so happy you are encouraged by this Post that spoke to my own Heart & Spirit and why I decided to share it... Love... Dawn... The Bohemian

  18. Spectacular historic home. How utterly special it would be to be able to bring visitors in. I'm SURE they loved it, I did and I'm not in person. Sorry for the late comment-come on by-I'm having a giveaway this week.

  19. Porches are one of my favorite things, and yours is just beautiful!

  20. Hi Richard
    When I saw you had posted about the house tour, I had to back up and read!

    Opening your home to total strangers is a labor of love -- emphasis on LABOR!!! -- and it's a shame more of them didn't comment and compliment. I don't see HOW they could fail to be charmed by your house -- it is so lovely, and so welcoming. And I am positive that you are just as warm and welcoming in person as you are in your blog.

    I think sometimes people just don't know what to say! At least I like to think that could explain their lack of glowing remarks.

    But would you do it again? :-)

  21. Richard, your home is so beautiful...I just know they loved it! What a delightful tour you offered! It is always a bit of a let down when it's all over. Sometimes the best part is in the planning and creating for the big day. Love those creamers...wonderful collection!

  22. Richard, I have been following your blogs, and I must say the house is very beautiful, we had a nice day last week visiting your lovely town from Corpus Christi Texas. We were not able to view the inside since we arrived late that afternoon and we enjoyed a nice visit with Mrs Marilyn Crow on North 3rd st, a family friend of the Jackson's. Last October my daughter and I did visit you in your shop and the hospitality from you made us feel very welcome. I am sure everybody enjoyed the house it is beautiful on the outside I can only imagine the inside! We look forward to visiting again in two months maybe then we can see the inside.
    Dr Phillip & Rose Jackson

  23. HiRichard-

    Oh, I know how you feel I'm sure they all loved the house, but it went by so quickly, and these tour groups don't usually leave much time for lingering or chatting. Plus, they were probably left SPEECHLESS by all your magnificent touches, decorating and collections. It's all pretty mind-boggling, I bet!

    Take care!


  24. I'm so pleased to finally see a photo of your mantel lambrequin. It was mentioned in the VICTORIAN HOMES article, but they didn't show a photo. I've been dying of curiosity, and now I can see how pretty it is.

    Any tips on how to design one? I'm very impressed that you stitched this yourself.

  25. Richard,
    As you can see by the amount of comments I have been leaving, I have been visiting with you a bit.
    I am quite sure that they loved your home and if they didn't then there is something wrong with those people!!

