Thursday, May 5, 2011

Get out the good Dishes, Preacher is coming to dinner!

 Hand made, Mary Alice Hadley pottery , from Louisville, Kentucky.

Blue Danbute from Lipper International..

Rose Meade by Mikasa .

Japanese Mix and Match Imari from Newman Marcus.
  I grew up on a farm in Missouri. I had 5 brothers and one sister. If you know anything about farm life,it can be wonderful, but also hard. My mother cooked 3 big meals a day and did laundry for 9 and still had time and energy to go out and help in the fields when needed. Sometimes during harvest times she would bring the food to the field, so we could eat and get back to work.There was no time for fancy table settings and fine china.  We went to this little Baptist church down the road from our house. We had a traveling minister who came and spent the day on Sundays. There was Sunday school, preaching service, training union and Sunday night service, some where in between all that, the preacher had to eat Sunday dinner. The people of the church took turns and feed the preacher. It usually happened only once a year, bit it was something. My mother went into a tale spin. The house had to be cleaned from top to bottom. Table cloth washed and starched and ironed. Good dishes(china ) brought out from the dish pantry and if it was spring, summer or fall, flowers were picked from the yard. It was an experience that changed my life. I soon learned the art of table setting and the love for the finery that goes on the table. I guess I just have a large right side of the brain, maybe it is the artist in me. What ever it is,I love fine china, silver and crystal. I had so many sets of china at one time it was almost sick. After moving them around time after time, I knew I had to down size. I have managed to keep 4 different groups and I love using them. Some are for every day and other are for when the "Preacher" is a coming!The Blog post today is all about that china. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoy using them. I like to use small flower arrangements over big ones. Often having one by each plate. I love to use odd items for vases,usually things that one would not normally use for a vase. Like a cow creamer, juice glass or other unusual items. I perfer garden flowers to florist flowers. I would never use fake flowers. If no flowers are available I often use greenery from the shrubs. I love pine and holly and magnolia tree leaves in the winter.I consider myself a colorful person , so I am drawn to loud and colorful china.I know it is not proper to use colored napkins on a formal table setting, but I like breaking the rules. Besides, colored napkins are a lot easier to keep clean and stain free. I mostly do not like things that all match, so I like to mix and match. Some times match works just as well however. Have fun with you table settings and let loose and enjoy life.

All pieces have hand painted farm scenes.

I use my cow creamer with garden flowers at every plate setting.

Dinner on the Screen Porch.

 Mary Alice Hadley Pottery. M.A. Hadley pottery has been hand crafted since 1940. Owing to the abundancof ancient clay deposits in the region, Louisville has been a center of pottery making for generations. Out of this proud tradition, Mary Alice Hadley established one of Louisville' s most iconic and well know potteries. The story began in the early 1900's. M.A. was born into a family of clay tile makers,where her knowledge of working with clay first developed. With an interest in art and design, she became widely recognized as a painter.In the late 1930's M. A. began melding her artist talent with her knowledge of clay ware. The result was a set of custom dishes that caused such a stir among her friends , that the idea for a business was born. Orders soon came from all over the country. The company was formed in 1940. In 1944 a building was purchased and became the headquarters. The business prospered, attracting collectors from across the nation and around the world. Warm and whimsical designs are loved for more than 70 years. M.A. died in 1965. Her husband ran the business till 1979 when it was sold to a Louisville couple who still runs it today using M. A.'s original designs.

My family often give me items for gifts. This set comes with many matching pieces.
I like to use the matching juice glasses as small vases by each place setting.
Yes, even matching silver ware.
I love to use garden flowers when available.

Blue Danube by Lipper International. Originally started as Lipper and Mann in 1946. As an importer of glass and ceramic items. These items were imported from Czechoslovakia and other European countries. They had a show room in New York and sold merchandise to leading department store, independent shops, jewelery stores and home furnishing stores. Merchandise was shipped from over seas to warehouses in New York. In 1947 they began importing from Japan, including dinnerware sets in porcelain. The Blue Danube pattern was developed in 1951. It has been one of the best sellers of all times. It was some what copied after the Blue Onion pattern from the Meisen factories in Germany. 

Rosemead  by Mikasa Japan.

I love to use my antique cranberry pieces with this china. I have several small tussie mussie holders I use with garden flowers at each place setting.

Rosemead by Mikasa. China companies  have been naming there patterns Rosemead for years. And so did Mikasa in 1987. They made this popular pattern between the years of 1987 to 1997. Mikasa in China is not a manufacturer per se, but a distributor that has cultivated relationships with more than 150 manufacturers.The Mikasa  name is often linked  to other companies,The Mikasa  company was established in America in 1948, in New Jersey. There is a wide variety of fine and bone china available. Today in little more tha 50 years, Mikasa has made it's mark in the field of tabletop and home home accessories in the United States. The Rosemead pattern is now only available through china matching services. 

Japanese  Mix and Match Imari from Nieman Marus.

I love these big blue and white Imari service plates. For BBQ I often use them as plates as they hold so much and keep the table cloth clean.

Japanese Imari  Mix and Match by Nieman Marcus. I am sure this china is made in Japan and sold through the Nieman Marcus departments stores. I bought mine in St.Louis from there store there. There are about 12 different patterns. Each piece is made in all patterns. I chose 3 different plate patterns, salad plates all the same, cups and saucers to match the plates and soup bowls all the same. Butter pats, rice bowls, and mint dishes each of a different pattern.I love using this china as it makes a fun and colorful table. I find some of these pieces at estate sales. But, they are all still available at Nieman Marcus stores everywhere. 
I am linking this post to tablescape Thursdays at   Please drop by and enjoy all the fun.

My Mother- the farmers wife and Mother of 7. Greatest Mother on earth. Taught me the value of a good friend, love of life and to be a Christian.Treat others the way you want to be treated, if I heard that once, I heard it a million times. My Mother has gone to heaven where she is teaching Sunday School, doing charity work and helping some one everyday.Happy Mothers day, MOM!!!I still love you and miss you every day. 
Happy Mothers Day to all MOMS out there in Blogland.


  1. Wow!! I don't know which is my favorite?! They are all so beautiful! I love hearing about you growing up too and the Preacher coming for dinner. :) So nice!!!

  2. Loved this post my Dear friend..You set a mean table..Loved hearing about the preacher coming to dinner I so rememember growing up in Iowa what a big deal that was to my Granny..I pray all is safe and wel with you and Sissy girl..Oh I got my Victororian home mag Yesterday..BRAVO!! just beautiful Richard and how great to be able to say I have a treasurer from your beautiful home..My granddaughter just drooled over your home..Does she have great taste or what!! Love ya my friend..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  3. Richard, another super-dee-duper blog! I learn something every time! I think you look a little like your mother. I think she taught you well.

  4. Not going to try and pick a favorite - you did good. Nice tribute to your Mother. You favor her.
    Enjoy your evening.

  5. Hi Richard...lovely post as always. I am a fan of Hadley and have been for many years. I only have a few is a great covered casserole that I dearly love. And of course bowls for my doggie!
    My sister-in-law has a complete set. I've been jealous for years! Have a wonderful weekend...~Ann

  6. What a wonderful tribute to your Mother! I really enjoyed the information about your china and the china companies. I love the story about the Preacher! It was the same at my Mother's house when the visiting Preacher would speak at a week long church meeting or revival. Your table settings are so lovely and fun to see!

  7. This was a great post for Mother's Day. I loved growing up on a farm and wouldn't trade my experiences as a farm girl for anything.

    I love your China!

  8. Lovely post Richard. You look so much like your mother and she lives on in you, in your everyday life. What a legacy.

  9. Richard what a wonderful post and such a lovely tribute to your Mom. You have some amazing china...what an amazing collection! I especially loved the Blue Danube...gorgeous! Your floral arrangement is just beautiful! I'm so sorry you weren't able to link this for TT today. We'll figure it out and link it for the next TT.

  10. Wonderful china! Love the Rose Meade by Mikasa I just may have to go on a hunt for some. Loved the story about the preacher coming to dinner, it brought back so many memories. Only we didn't have the preacher for dinner, my Dad was the preacher and we spent many Sunday afternoons at someones house having dinner and then going to evening services!

  11. Richard they're all beautiful but the rosemeade is just soooooo pretty!! Any meal in your home would be a delight...I'd be happy with paper plates as long as I could meander about *winks* And you're the spitting image of your mama. She'd be very proud of you. Vanna

  12. What a nice tribute to your mother. The china is all beautiful. I hope you won't be flooded in all the flooding going on.

  13. Thanks so much for the Mary Alice Hadley history, Richard. I enjoyed seeing it on your porch and wondered the history.

    I grew up in the Baptist Church and know first hand about the Sundays, you mention. We always had Sunday dinner at Granny's. My mother told stories about the preacher coming to dinner when whe was a little girl.

    All these years later, "a preacher to be" has shared several meals with us. He is a student at Bolivar and it is looking pretty serious between he and Xanti. I've heard a rumor of a wedding when he goes to seminary. We'll see what happens. We love him already.

    Happy Weekend!

  14. Enjoyed reading your post...during the week when things are not as leisurely as Saturday and Sunday, we use M.A. Hadley cereal bowls for breakfast...have always been fond of them but never knew the history behind the company - so thank you!
    The cranberry tussie mussie holders are exquisite and speak of a long ago gentleness so sadly lacking today.

  15. Oh my gosh--its all beautiful. I agree about table flowers--from the garden is the prettiest and more natural. Lovely blog! Patty

  16. Hi Richard
    Lots of memories came flooding back as I read your post. How many Sundays did my mom cook for the preacher??? And during revival, you would have the preacher and the guest preacher!!! Does anybody even do this anymore?????
    I love every pattern you have- but oh my gosh, the Imari is just too fabulous!!! I have always admired it.
    Love that you use small, fresh flower arrangements.
    I miss my mom too. At least we know that they are no longer doing back breaking work up there.
    Thanks so much for linking your beautiful tables to Treasure Hunt Thursday.

  17. These are divine. I enjoyed learning about the different patterns. My favorite is Rosemead.

  18. I love Hadley pottery! I really thought about collecting this! Wow, the soup toureen is great!

  19. Hi Richard~ What a gorgeous post! So many beautiful table settings! My goodness... I don't know which one I like most! Thanks for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday! Hope you will be back over to share again soon! :)

  20. You certainly do have an artistic eye. Your place settings are beautiful! I too love the big blue serving plates :)

  21. We are thumbnail neighbors, and I chuckled at your comment about "Some are for every day and others are for when the "Preacher" is a coming!" You have so many beautiful table settings, and I love the idea of using the cow creamer for flowers. Glad you included a photo of your wonderful mother.

  22. What a great story about your Dear Mom!

    And the table settings are lovely, it would make coming to Dinner a very special event indeed! My Dad was a Master Chef and one of the things I enjoyed most about his meals was that he gave you a Feast for the eyes before the wonderful food ever hit your stomach... he always said people ate with their eyes first... and he was a Master of presentation!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  23. Lots of great memories and beautiful dishes. I love the columbine in your flower arrangement. Thanks for joining in with Flashback Friday this week!

  24. Richard you saved the "happiest" dishes from you collection. Can't even imagine how many you had.
    Nice to see a man honor his mother...that is good thing. Mother's ADORE our children, no matter how many we have. Each granchild is precious as well.
    Love your articles regarding antiques and customs of the day.
    I think I still have some Hardley ware around too.
    Reading about the Mississippi rising...are you getting CONCERNED again for your beautiful home.
    I hope it does NOT come anywhere hear your town.

    I hope I can still get a copy of Victorian Magazine...( Or did I miss it ? ) Please tell me again which issue it is ? You should be having it as a feature on your blog...I am sure you are VERY PROUD, as well you should be.


  25. I love this post, Richard. Thanks for calling my attention to it. What a treat to see your wonderful dishes. You look just like your mom. She was an amazing lady....Christine

  26. Richard, I can't tell you what a big smile you brought to my face with the title of this post! Love it! Loved reading about your Mother and your farm life too. You obviously did a fab job of selecting which china patterns to keep (I'm at the stage where my china collection is "sick", and I need to do a lot of selective editing). These patterns are all wonderful. The farm animal pattern is so charming, and I love all of the different designs of Imrai mixed together. The blue and white pattern with all of the wonderful matching accessories is beautiful (I especially love that it has flatware to match). I'm so glad you linked this to Favorite Things. laurie

  27. Richard,
    You have set some beautiful tables and I love your memories of home. Such a lovely tribute to your Mother. Thanks for linking this up at Home Sweet Home!

  28. Richard-

    You look just like your mom! I bet she was so proud of all your talents and knowledge. I liked hearing about your upbringing. AND I loved seeing your fanciful patterned dishes!


  29. What a gorgeous post, I have enjoyed it all, from the chandaliers, each one the gorgeous chinas and the hand decorated pottery! Simply stunning! You look like your lovely mother and thank you for sharing the wonderful story about her too! I'm your newest follower as I want to be better friends in blog land, I follow paople when I like what they do, and you most certainly do! So nice meeting you. Hope you visit me at TTT and follow, I'll be thrilled!

  30. Hi Richard,
    OHH what wonderful photographs of your mother and you ! spitting image of her :-)'s sonice to put a name with a face.

    Great table settings but since I am a blue-white fan I fell for the dishes called "Blue Danube " (translation in German is "Blaue Donau ".....a wonderful post again and I am so glad to be your friend,
