Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Victorian Magazine with "My Old House" is Out -Headed for news Stands!

My Favorite Shot.

The May/June Issue of Victorian Homes Magazine with 12 page article about,"My Old Historic House".

One of four centerfolds.

 After months and months of waiting, Days and days of cleaning to get ready for it, the magazine with the article about,My Old Historic House, is finally ready and is being shipped to news stands as I type. I got my copied today. I guess it is a big let down after the build up. I was so hoping to make the cover. Well- I didn't. So sad. But put that aside, I did make the magazine and there is 12 beautiful pages and that is a pretty major deal in itself.Something I have worked  for my whole adult life.Doesn't happen to everyone!
   I don't know how this happened, it might have been my fault, but Sissy Dog made the magazine,but, they listed her as Prissy. That was my dog that went to Dogie Haven a couple of years ago. I might have said Prissy. I had a Missy before Prissy, so some time when I talk about Sissy, I say Prissy.When I call her I often say Prissy or Missy. Just to many  "issy's". So I guess I did it, how else would they even have known. So be prepared, Sissy Dog has been mis-labeled and is titled Prissy. I am so sorry Sissy I wanted you to be famous.
   The pictures turned out beautiful and there is 4 centerfolds. They took 21 pictures over the period of 2 days. But they only used 9. I am so proud. I hope you get your  copy soon.  
This is my article.

Another Centerfold.

I could use this one for a table scape blog.

Here's Sissy Dog in her Antique Cotton Picket basket in my Kitchen

Love this shot of the hall and Mississippi  River.
   I have copies and if you are having trouble finding the magazine in your area, just let me know and I can mail you one. They are $5 and the postage is $1.90.Mail me a check, Richards Great Stuff, PO BOX 443, Clarksville,Mo. 63336.  $6.90   cottrellprissy@aol.com  Come by Sunday if you can. If not, come for a tour anytime. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss. Richard and SISSY DOG -not Prissy.


  1. It's beautiful Richard! I am so proud of YOU!!!

  2. Congratulations! Your home is just lovely. I know you are very proud. I'll make sure to pick up a copy.

  3. Richard I'm so sorry they got Sissy girls name wrong BUT your house looks breathtaking!! And 12 pages is A LOT!! Can I buy my copy from you so I can get your autograph? I wish I could get Sissy girls paw print too! LOL! I'm just so excited for you!! Vanna

  4. Congratulations Richard! I'll pick up a copy.

  5. It's all great! Sissy doesn't look real though. Are you sure she's not some fabulous antique dog statue? Happy for you, Richard. They obvious loved loved LOVED you at Victorian Homes!

  6. Lovely! Congratulations Richard, well deserved. I will get my copy soon.

  7. Oh I want this magazine, Richard, unfortunately, we don't have it here. Congrats!...Christine

  8. Congratulations on being published! 12 pages? Sounds good to me. :D Sorry they messed up on Sissy's name. Love your screened porch - just now seeing that.
    Enjoy your evening.

  9. Richard, Oh my gosh! It's fabulous! I can't wait to get our copy. Our home was featured in 2004 and we didn't make the cover either. I was really dissappointed but like you still thrilled to be in it. Your home looks like what they should be featuring instead of what they have been featuring the past few issues. Cindy in PA

  10. CONGRATULATIONS Richard, I shall have to procure my copy! Loving that Sissy Dog made her "Victorian Home" centerfold debut! *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  11. I cannot wait until my copy arrives. I'm sure Sissy will understand. I call my Sadie, Sissy all the time, since I had my Sissy for 16 years. They know you love them no matter what you call them!!!!

  12. I am so very happy for you, my friend! I am happier than if it were my own home! Twelve pages is like a book unto itself. I am so proud. I briefly came back into blogland just to see you. I wouldn't miss it for the world!
    Kisses to Sissy!


  13. Congrats, Richard! I'll be watching out for the issue.

  14. Wow- how fantastic to get your beautiful home in a magazine!! I know you are ecstatic - you home truly is magazine worthy!

  15. Congrats Richard, I'll have to look for it on the bookstands. Have a great Wednesday, T

  16. Wow!!! Congratulations! You must feel so proud. I will definitely have to pick up a copy; the sneak peeks are making me drool!

  17. Congratulations Richard!!! How Exciting!!! It is a wonderful article BUT how could it not be with your GORGEOUS HOME! You "SHOULD" have been on the cover. Your home is SO MUCH BETTER than what they used(and that is my HONEST opinion)...I WILL be buying this issue, DEFINITELY!!!"SISSY is such a Sweetheart"! and you are SO FUNNY on the names of your dogs(Been there AND DO THAT)...My Hubby's architecture was in a few Home Beautiful Magazines(Eons ago)...I'll put your magazine with his in our library! I'll be sure to ONE DAY get over your way for a tour of that GORGEOUS Lady of yours...
    Big Hugs to You and "Sissy Dog"...

  18. Oh I hope I can find this magazine. If not I will just have to subscribe! Sissy dog looks like she's in a painting, so cute. I love the red fabric you used on your parlor set, it's just the right shade.

  19. Your house is so gorgeous, inside and out - you certainly deserve this article! congratulations!

  20. CONGRATULATIONS again and again !!

    How exiting it must be for you to be published in such well known and prestigious magazine,however I am really disappointed and annoyed ( and I don't even know you personally )
    that yours did not make the front cover.
    What were they thinking ? a front cover of your parlor would generate a lot of business for them.I know for myself I reach for magazines that have eye appeal on the front cover first.

    I have bought and kept their magazines since the very beginning and kept them in our library and will treasure yours for many more years to come.
    Can't wait to get my issue !!

    Richard your wonderful pictures of your home are worthy of a BOOK cover,

  21. Congratulation to a job well done. I am so proud of you and being considered your friend. Your are a true inspiration.
    I put in my subscription in last month to make sure I get a copy. Can't wait. I wish you a day of adventure, Lady Estelle

  22. Oh Richard

    How great is that??????????. Was you keeping this a secret or what ???????????

    On my way home I will pick up a few copies for me and a couple friends

    And look At Sissy she is even in the magazine , how darn stinkin cute is she?????????????

    It sure all looks lovely like a king and queen lives in your house. It photographed well

    I will be over to visit you this summer I promise


  23. Congratulations for the feature! We visited Clarksville for the first time on Christmas Eve, 2009. Unfortunately it poured the whole time, and shopkeepers had wisely closed early. We will have to stop in the next time we visit!

  24. Your home is truly exquisite, Richard, and I can only imagine the hard work and dedication that went into its restoration. I will definitely look for the magazine on my next trip to Barnes and Noble. Congratulations on receiving such a beautiful (and well deserved) tribute to your lovely home.
