Monday, April 18, 2011


My Dear Friend and Neighbor,Stacy, Sissy's Mom, Stacy found Sissy in the street and took her in and gave her to me. 

  Sunday April 17,2011, I hosted an open house at, My Old Historic House, to promote and introduce the Victorian Homes Magazine article that is coming out soon. . It is not on newsstands yet, but since I was featured, I got the magazines early. I was very fortunate that our two local papers,The Louisiana Press Journal and The Peoples Tribune,both gave me some great free coverage. I sent out a few announcements and listed it on face book several times. It was a very beautiful day. Cool in the morning, but when I opened up at 2:00 it was a nice sun shining 69-70 degree. I had the screen porch open and people really enjoyed that. People came from far away and old friends topped the list. People I had worked for in the past, customers from my shop in St.Louis and one of my favorite bloggers,Ms. Pat from Back Porch Musings. As usual, I had very few from my home town,one dear friend and neighbor,Stacy, closed her shop and made time to come by and get a copy of the book and that meant the world to me. Ms. Stacy was the person who found Ms. Sissy Dog and gave her to me. So she is a very special person in our lives.THANKS STACY.
    I would say that there was way over one hundred people. Every one had fun and enjoyed the cookies and punch. Another dear friend entertained us for awhile with selections on the  my piano, some which were period Civil War Tunes and my favorite was "Dixie". I was proud of," My Old Historic House", and proud that so many people took the time to come by and get a copy of the magazine and give me a nice pat on the back.

I worked for this beautiful lady for 25 or so years as a floral designer, we have remained friends every since then.

Sissy thanks she's a cat, Up on the table, to greet Mary.

    I just wanted to share with all of you that have become my friends via my Blog. I know you are far away and could not come by so this will have to be the next best things. I so enjoy doing my blog about,"My Old Historic House", and I love getting your comments. They are the high light of the Blog experience. Thanks for coming into my life and thanks for stopping by.

On the right is My Niece Linda , always there for me.

The beautiful and sweet lady in the back is my   Sister.
She made all the curtains and things for, My Old Historic House.

Wanda and Wanda, good friends and good customers.

My pretty food buffet.

My friend DiAnne gave me the beautiful Lilacs.

    Come by any time for a tour. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss. Don't forget to go out and get a copy of the magazine. Victorian Homes- May/June issue. Love and Dog Kisses, Richard and Sissy Dog.

This was in our local paper, The Louisiana Press Journal.

This was in out County paper, The Peoples Tribune.


  1. Wish I was there! Thank you for allowing me to enjoy vicariously through your wonderful blog!

  2. I would have loved to attend but I guess I have through your lovely blogging and sharing... Best wishes sent your way and have a blessed Easter..

  3. We had a wonderful time Richard. Your home is not only beautiful, but has the most warm and welcoming feel. It is surely inhabited by sweet spirits.

    We loved meeting Sissy. She is a doll.

    We are working on our porch today. You have inspired us, once again.

  4. Just lovely and beautiful pictures. Your house just blows me away it is so fabulous historial

    I want to meet your sister who made all your drapes and curtains.

    And also Sissy and you and I will this summer


  5. What a lovely historic home. I would love to come and see. I was referred here by curtians in my tree. I most say just lovely. I think I will have to go find that mag. So I might read the article. Congrats on that. The table of goodies and lilacs are jusr wonderful. The lilacs remind me of my grandma and the all the goodies remind me of good old fashion hospitalty.

  6. Looks and sounds like you had a successful open house. Your home is beautiful.
    Have a great week.

  7. Your house is truly beautiful, Richard.Love all your furnishing too. Thank you so much for the magazine. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story and drooling over the photos!...Christine

  8. It was a beautiful day for a beautiful home and tour. The refreshment table looked perfect...I can smell the lilacs from across the state! I'm so happy you had a great turnout. Thank you for sending out all those beautiful shots, Richard, so those of us who couldn't make it can share in your glorious day. Congratulations!

  9. Wow! I certainly would have been there had I known and been close enough. Everything looks beautiful!

  10. It was wonderful!! Thanks Richard for being such a great friend and neighbor. I am so blessed to be just next door! :)

  11. Hi Richard...what a lovely day. Your home is such a treasure. My favorite thing is your brown transferware on the corner shelves. I'm totally jealous! I have looked for your magazine but I'm not finding it yet...I can't wait to see it. Hope your week is good...~Ann

  12. Your home looks so beautiful. We have a Victorian bed simular to yours.

    Thanks or sharing!

  13. What a great way to celebrate your article, I've driven close by many times on my way to and from Florida, my daughter graduates in Florida on May 7, but we're flying this time or I would have loved to see your house - maybe another time.

  14. Oh Richard I wish I could've been there! 100 people is a crush! I told you they'd come a runnin' *winks* Everything looks so beautiful! And those silly locals of yours don't know a good thing when they see it....silly peeps! I really enjoyed the pix Richard. Could you hand me a cookie and some punch through my screen? *winks* Vanna

  15. Hi Richard! I'm so glad I found your wonderful blog through Pat at Back Porch Musings. Your house is wonderful and I've so enjoyed the tour. Sissy looks like a wonderful little fuzzy face! Your sister is a very talented seamstress to have made all of your window treatments! I know your wonderful house thanks you for keeping her so active! :)
    Loved the look of your buffet! :) The lilacs and that Rooster!
    Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Amazing, awesome pictures as usual. I love your house and so enjoy your writing. Thanks for sharing!!! Wish I could have come but AZ is a little far for one day!

  17. Sissysmom, I love you stopping by to visit with me and my Sissy. I wish I knew more about you. I don't seem to find that you are a bloger. Please email me sometime as I would love to know you better. I say Sissy dog is my Baby and I am her Babys daddy.I appreciate you so. Thanks for all your faithful comments. Richard and Sissy Dog

  18. Dearest Man,
    I hate to brag but I have already received my copy! It pays to have connections! ;) I hope you will sign it when I visit!? I am amazed at the utter attention to detail! Your home is a dream!
    Kiss Sissy!


  19. Richard,
    I would have loved to be there and I would have in a heartbeat if I was close enough.
    I am very happy you had a great turnout from friends far away who appreciate all of your hard work,your diligence to complete your dreams and your good taste in collecting rare and hard to find antiques and then incorporating them into your lovely home displaying great taste.
    Like I said I wish I'd have been there to meet you in person and sissy dog,
    The name sissy dog always brings a smile to my face plus I'd have loved to meet your sister...I am also a acomplished seamstress.

  20. I enjoyed the behind the scenes tour of the bathroom and butlers pantry. Fabulous transfer ware! Thanks for the tour!

  21. Of all the weekends that I come back to Pike County, this wasn't one of them :(
    100 people=amazing! I will be getting the magazine when it comes out & the Press Journal so I can read to my Mom who doesn't see well enough to read. Sometime this summer or fall I am going to get my sisters & our daughters together to tour your house. My concern is that when I go in, I may not want to come out! I love your decorating style. Want to check out that screened in porch & the riverview. Congratulations, Richard, on all this well deserved attention.

  22. I'm so glad that you all had a great time. Houses need noise and people coming and going and activities to keep them alive. Marshel in Alabama

  23. What a fan club you have amassed Richard. Very well deserved. Like many of your fans, I'm a distant one, but as you say, your blog is the next best thing.
    Keep well, you and Sissy,

  24. Richard, Congrats on your magazine and newspaper articles! I will be looking for the magazine. Your historic home is wonderful and I can see why Victorian Home Magazine selected you.

  25. How fortunate you are to live in a beautiful home! The Victoria Home Magazine is one of my favorites and I will be picking up one of the magazines. I am delighted I got to meet you and now I can enjoy the article about your home. The party was a big success as the photos show and your buffet looks delicious. How exciting to be featured in the magazine and have many wonderful friends to share it with.

  26. I love it, love it, love it! Richard you have done a beautiful presentation, I love your blog. I have a request...please do a similar blog with photos of your collection of antique plates such as the ones that line the top of the walls in the bathroom. Another idea I just had...perhaps you might share the story of the restoration of your beautiful Elgin-Cottrell House and include of course, the story of your handmade curtains that adorne the kitchen windows. I would love to have a keepsake story detailing your days spent restoring, collecting, and the steps that led you to the results you share today. You are such a beautiful person and you have shared so many of your gifts with others, I have only shared a small portion of time following your work and I would love to hear the story of how you got started, the steps you took (and the challenges you faced) that brought you to what we are so privileged to see today. Please save me a copy of Victoria Home Magazine, I haven't been able to find a copy. I'll send the cost as soon as I get back in town. Love to you and Sissy dog!

  27. Your home is simply amazing, Richard, as are you. The attention to detail seems an understatement, I can still see you perched on the front porch with your, what was it a 1/2 inch paint brush, in hand? You said that you do all your painting with that little brush. I was watching you paint the screen door on the side varanda and could only imagine the time and patience you so willingly took, not just with the painting, but with every detail. Your hard work is evident, but it's your spirit that really WOW'S me! You have not only created a restoration masterpiece, but the spirit within your home is what makes it nothing short of the work of true artmanship. You have so many talents that can be seen in many of the details and your stories are a treasure in and of themselves. I missed being there to help you celebrate but I was unable to make my annual trip to Clarkesville from Texas. Lisa and I look forward to visiting again soon, until then, please keep in touch.

  28. What a beautiful home you have, thanks for showing us. Congratulations on being in the magazine, I am certainly going to pick it up. Kiss that sweet Sissy for me.

  29. Absolutely stunning! And congrats on the magazine. I will make sure to get it!

  30. Thank you for taking me on a mini tour. I feel as though I was truly there. I feel we have been friends forever.

    Congratulation and and I wish you much success.
    Lady Estelle

  31. Thank you Richard for the tour and congrats on your feature in Victorian Magazine. I'll be looking for a copy this weekend. I would have loved to be on the tour.

    Your home is lovely. Victorian is one of my favorite styles. I love all the chandys dripping with crystals in your home. The one above the table in the newspaper picture is a gem. Can we see a close up? Another object that caught my eye were the two lady statues on the sweet marble sideboard.

    I would also like to know more about your wallpaper selections. Did you go with historic reproduction papers? My reason for asking is that my home is not victorian outside but is decorated victorian inside. There are borders in every room but the kitchen. I have not done my research on victorian wallpaper so I have a question for you. Were wallpaper borders used extensively in the decor of the era? Also I noticed the woodwork in your home is painted instead of stained. I was of the understanding that dark stain was used instead of paint in Victorian times. I love your painted woodwork as it lightens up the rooms so much. Thanks.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  32. Hello Richard and all,
    my issue of Victorian Homes came in he mail today :-))
    Will have to do a couple of things in town and THEN I'll sit down and read it,most likely repeatedly ,

  33. Richard I know Im new to your blog. But I just love it. Everything about it.
    Im so glad I was turned onot your blog. Thank you for the follow.
    I would love to award you with the sytlish blog award. Please come on over and pick up.

  34. Oh Richard what a delightful Party and such a nice article your local paper ran about you!

    Your Home is magnificent, such attention to detail, it truly is a vision and you have some of the most exquisite collections.

    Easter Blessings from the AZ Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  35. What a nice way to get together with old friends, and celebrate the magazine article! I can't wait for my copy to arrive in the mail!


  36. At last! Thanks for sharing these pictures, especially the bedrooms. My only disappointment with the VICTORIAN HOMES spread was that it didn't show the bedrooms, and I just knew you would have splendid ones. I think I've about worn holes in my issue of VH, admiring your parlors. Your home is magnificent, and I wish I could tour it. Someday, perhaps.
