Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day from My Old Historic House

Sissy is a good sport, she is the child I never had. Can you believe just a little over a year ago she was a run away on the streets.

How can one not love that face?

Kisses to everybody in Blogland.

Love !

Sissy Dog and I would like to take this time to wish all my new friends in Blogland a Very Happy Valentines Day. I hope all of you have a very special day, one filled with love and happiness. Sissy has already given me many kisses and I am just as happy, as I can be, because she is with me every  minute of everyday. Take time to say thanks today for all the things you are thankfull for, and enjoy the beauty that is all around us, in this place we call HOME!Sometimes the simple, everyday things, is what really means the most.


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite neighbor and friend. We are thankful for you and Sissy. I am afraid that Sissy has stolen Shotgun's a.k.a. Shotze's heart. Hope you guys have a great day! I have gotten some pretty sweet puppy kisses myself :) !

  2. Happy Valentine's Day,
    to both of you.Sissy is just as adorable,I admire the fact that she posed so beautifully for you.It brings a big smile to my face.Your special touch of the roses is priceless.
    Thank you for sharing and making my day brighter,

  3. Happy Valentine's Day... I think Sissy may have been happy to get that wreath off from around her neck... She doesn't look like she was too sure about that pose... Give her a extra doggie treat for the special day...

  4. Happy Valentine's Day Richard and Sissy Dog... her big wet kiss made my day Richard! Thanks for stopping by with your sweet words. I got good news when I went to visit The Man this morning at the VA Hospital... he may be well enough to come Home at the end of this week... so we are Hopeful! Yes... the World is saturated in beauty and the awesomeness of all of Creation, it uplifts me to pause from Life and just notice it and spend time in it with an appreciative Spirit. I'm so glad Sissy Dog now has such an amazing Home and someone who adores her and treats her like the precious Soul that she is! All of our Fur Babies came to us from off the Streets as well... I couldn't imagine Life without them, they have given our Family so much unconditional Love.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  5. Oh what a cutie pie and good sport! Happy ♥ Day to you!!

  6. Happy Valentines Richard and Sissy girl!! You two are very lucky indeed to have each other! And that is one sweet cute little face! Awwwwwwwwwww! I could never resist it *winks* Vanna

  7. Richard-

    Happy Valentin's Day to you and to little Sissy Dog! I'm feelin' the love!


  8. Napoleon HEARTS Sissy! LOL!
    It was a pleasure talking to you!
    Happy Valentine's Day, Richard!

  9. Sissy is just adorable, cute name too!

    Your house is just gorgeous!

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  10. Richard..that sissy isfor words..Happy VD to you m just too darlingy dear guy friend..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  11. Richard Thanks for coming by..I just got my Globe De Mariee post up and running...Thanks agin I'm doing my Happy Dance still..Oh be still my heart I love it Richard..think of me if you have any more to sell please..but little lady looks lonesome ha ha!! Hugs and smiles Gloria..Oh I did my Tiffany just for you also..
