Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Snow Drift in front of my Store.

This is my screen porch. What a mess.

My Side Porch.Lemonaide any one?

Side patio with snow up to chair seats.

My neighbor Stacy's car.

Can you believe this is my screen porch? Snow 3 feet deep.

Out my front window looking at the Mississippi River.

This is what I had to walk through to go to dinner at my neighbors last night.

I worry so about my Southern  Magnolias .

This is a small path I made out the door this morning.

Out and about town with the snow.

This might be the meaning of life! What do you think?
  Over the past few days and nights we have had some really bad weather. The news was saying this for days, but somehow, I just didn't want to believe it. Well we got it.The wind was bad, kept me up most of the night. We have snow drifts as tall as me. I had a time walking Ms. Sissy Dog. She fell under a few times and looked up at me like, "are you nuts." There is a drift  up to my neck in front of my shop. My screen porch has 3 feet in it, and as there is no outside door, so  I am scopping it up in buckets and putting it in the kitchen sink. Could have been worse, as so far ,we still have power. I had dinner at my neighbors last night and her three dogs and Ms. Sissy sure had a good time. I hope you all are safe,warm and dry. Richard at My Old Historic House.


  1. It was fun!!! What an adventure!! The doggies look like little deer jumping up through the snow. :)

  2. This must be one for the record books! I'm so glad you still have power and the comfort of good friends and great pets!!!

  3. Thanks for posting the great snow pics of Clarksville! It looks like your screened in patio is taking a beating! Great to have neighbors to spend time with when you have to be couped up inside --- for Miss Sissy Dog, too! Don't lose her in a snow bank! :)

  4. Richard, I can't imagine snow like that. We get maybe one inch every four years. The pictures are really beautiful. Marshel in Alabama

  5. It all makes for interesting memories and good stories doesn't it. Kind of a neat feeling being in this, as long as everyone is safe and warm.

  6. Well Richard I know it's probably not any fun for you, but the pictures are so pretty! Your store looks so picturesque!! And Miss Sissy girl probably had a great time at the neighbors! Good neighbors are so rare and such a blessing! I have my fingers crossed for your magnolias. You and Sissy girl stay warm! Umm I'd take a nice hot toddy out on that porch *winks* Vanna

  7. Wow! Not a lot of people would say this but I miss the snow. It is so beautiful. And what a beautiful view you have from your porch of the mighty Mississippi. We don't get snow down here in Mobile, Alabama but we got that kind of snow when I lived in Baltimore.

  8. Just wanted to say thanks for reading along. I will be back when I have more time to read more of your posts
    Stay warm.

  9. Oh my gosh-all that snow is amazing!!! Stay warm!!!



  10. Richard,
    Your home is soooo beautiful and your lamps are wonderful. You give tours of your home? I would love to see it, wish I lived closer. How lucky are you to have such wonderful antiques and a lovely home. I just found your blog and will be back often to visit.

    Keep warm,
    The Gilded Cherub
