Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A wonderful gift and a Great solutions as to where to put them.

  The other day a friend showed up at the shop and he  had 2 big boxes." I said what's got Doug?" And he said., "a present." Seems like Doug and I have been friends most of out lives. I used to baby sit with his mother. She was a perfect lady. She lived with Doug and when he had to be gone  at night, and I was free, I would go set with Stella Bea. She loved to needlepoint, but she had trouble treading her needles. I would tread up dozens while I was with her, so she didn't have to do it. Well , Ms. Stella passed a few years back. I think Doug is getting ready to sell his house  and down size. He said these were my mothers, I think she would want you to have them. In the boxes were dozens of wonderful old press glass water goblets.They have the most amazing soft pastel colors. There are several patterns and some repeats. I loved them and of course I wanted them. They sat on the kitchen island for a few days. I just didn't know what to do with them. I could just put them in the dish pantry and get them out and use them once in awhile. But, I wanted to show them off and tell every one they were a gift from my friend Stella. Stella was and antique collector. Her house was full, kinda like mine is. She loved
pretty things and these glasses were one of her many collections,

   I love shelves. They hold a lot and can be put almost anywhere. These glasses look so pretty with the light is coming through them. I thought, what about a window. The kitchen window won. After a few measurement and a trip to the lumber yard, I built this shadow box shelf. Well the lumber yard made the cuts, I just nailed it together. But, that is saying a lot as I have no carpenter skills. I had planned to paint it white like the kitchen woodwork. I even bought a paint brush. Well I am very impatient, so I thought I would set it in the window and just see how the glasses looked on it. Maybe I'll paint it someday, but for now, it's just fine. My sister would say," more dusting".". She is right. I would say, "what's a little dust among friends."

    I wish you could come and see my newest collection. Stella Bea would love that you saw them. I will always leave the lights on and Sissy will always meet you at the door with a jump and a kiss. I could even take your favorite glass out of the window and make you a glass of sweet tea. We could set on the porch and admire the others as the sun shines through them. I am sure they would make ytou smile.


  1. Wow, they are just gorgeous! How thoughtful of Stella's son to remember you and gift these to you. They look so pretty with the light shining through them.

  2. Lovely~what a fine tribute to Stella!
    Now you have given me ideas....
    Wish I could come for a visit. Your home is beautiful!

  3. Oh I love them,they really look good sitting in your window, so glad Doug gave you his Mother's glasses. no one else would enjoy them more than you

    I hope to see them in person before the snow falls

  4. Oh I love them,they really look good sitting in your window, so glad Doug gave you his Mother's glasses. no one else would enjoy them more than you

    I hope to see them in person before the snow falls

  5. I love the glasses in the window, the color coming in the window is incredible...My mom use to have a tall window at the bottom of her staircase and she did the same only with vases and gasses and bottles, a million different colors and when the light came through, wow what a sight...Thank you for bringing back those memories with those beautiful come over and have some watermelon, your rink is waiting for you...Phyllis

  6. I forgot to tell you I am your newest follower..where is my

  7. They look so pretty displayed this way! What a lovely tribute to Stella! Twyla

  8. The perfect way to display them! When I was a chld some friends of my parents had shelves in their kitchen window and it was filled with wonderful colored toothpick holders. I loved to sit on the side of the table to eat where I could just stare at the beautiful colors with all the sunlight coming through. I always thought I would do that in one of my houses but so far i've never had a window in the kitchen that would hold shelves.....ahhh but someday!

    Hope you are having a wonderful summer with lots of tours of your beautiful home! Give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me!


  9. Hi Richard,
    What a nice gift! They look beautiful in your window and the new shelving unit looks great. Your glasses would look gorgeous on your Easter table.
    I hope you and Sissy Dog are doing well. Have a great rest of your week,

  10. Richard, I love your colorful! I now have "glass envy". LOL
    What a wonderful remembrance of friendship.

  11. Love them. Your post could inspire glass collecting. LOL

  12. What a lovely remembrance of your friend to see glowing in your clever window box. Sweet tea would be even more welcome in such a pretty glass.

  13. I imagine Stella as she discovered each glass, using the money she had set aside. I know she would be pleased that they are in your possession. I KNOW she would.
    The world moves more slowly where you live. I wish I was your neighbor. City people are so different.

    I have been missing you and Sissy! Please give my girl extra kisses and an extra hug to you!



  14. What a wonderful gift-I know you treasure it. I can just imagine sitting in the kitchen, with the sun shining thru those beautiful colors-throwing prisms of colored light everywhere! I would so do this if I had a sunny kitchen window.

  15. What a lovely gift! You are so fortunate to have friends who collect such pretty things. Even though I should know better, I tend to always think of EAPG as clear and forget there are lovely colors of glass out there, too.

  16. Dear Richard,
    This is my first time here and I am blown away by these gorgeous pictures. I adore colored glass! What a brilliant display you have and how sweet the story of where they came from. I have a few of those glasses but all in red. The combination of the different colors is magnificent.
    You are displaying them perfectly for the light to shine through them and for the way they compliment each other. I am bookmarking this so I can revisit this magical window. I love your curtain too.
    (I have Blenko pitchers in various colors lined up in a window. I think of it as a compliment to stained glass).
    Please come and visit the blog I share with my friend:
    All the best, Ruthie
    thanks again for the beautiful treat!!!

  17. Dear Richard, They are so pretty. What a beautiful collection to give you. Many nice memories and now you have a collection of Stella Bea's.

    This was a sweet post and I enjoyed visiting your place today,

  18. Bet each glass has a story!
    Love the colors and how they shine!

  19. Your shelf looks beautiful with all of the wonderfully bright colored glasses with the sunlight shining through them!

