Thursday, January 10, 2013


       A bust is a cast representation of the upper part of the human figure,depicting a persons head and neck, as well as a variable portion of the chest and shoulder. The piece is supported by a base known as a plinth.The purpose is to create a likeness of a person. Bust as the earliest forms of portraits, going back to Egypt around 1346 BC.The tradition of the sculptural bust is historic and vast. The bust was the customary form of portraiture.The Greeks were known to idealize the face. The Romans were realist, more life like. Bust truly elevated mortals, put them upon a pedestal in public spaces . Perhaps the element of vanity is what adds interest to the bust form.Bust in interior design add an old world charm and also gives intriguing elements and accents. Bust are great conversational pieces, perfect ornamentation to adorn the top of many surfaces. They can be a focal point or an element of surprise.Bust are a moment of the past, honored in the present. They add character and a sense of timelessness. The ageless appeal of bust will always live on.
   I have always had a love for this art form. It seems I am not alone, as there are endless examples to chose from. The bust in my collection tend to be mostly from Europe. They are or the Royal heads of state and  common people as well. My collection are from the Victorian years, however some of the subjects lived much earlier. Where mine are of porcelain, other bust range in media from marble, bronze to wood. Bust have adorned houses and building since the dawn of time. My house is no exception and today I am sharing my small collection with you. This pair of bust is on the fireplace mantle in my dining room. They are porcelain that is not glazed, known as Bisque. They are life size. I bought them from a home estate sale in Springfield,Ill.

Leopold V- Duke of Lippe, Austria. was King and this bust is of  Crown Prince Leopold III,Prince of Lippe, crowned 1851.Married Princess Elisabeth of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt in 1852. 

This is a real photo of the  Crown Prince, do you see a resemblance?

Makers mark on the bottom of the two bust.
                       Albert Edward- King of England, known as Edward VII, oldest son of Queen Victorian,
                     married Princess Alexander of Denmark. Her full name was: Alexandra Caroline Marie    
                     Charlotte Louise Julia. Chosen at the age of 16 to be Edwards wife , they married in 1863.
                     The Tiara she is wearing is from Queen Adelaide, wife of King William  IV.The bust is of her
                      as  young lady .

This is a photo of Queen Alexandra.
                  The french often made bust of there common people  as well as there Royals. The
             next group of my bust are the commoners. They again are of porcelain, the painted ones 
             are called Bisque and the white ones were called Parian.

This lady is sure to have been a house maid, see her head dress. I love the faux marble plinth.

Love how his cloths are painted and the plinth is highly decorated .Love the hat. He too is life size.


Judging by her hat and dress this girl was mostly likely a house maid.


 Marie Antoinette was Queen of France and often called, "Mother of France." This bust
 is a copy of one that original was placed at the entrance to the pavilion - where only her ladies
and most important people could see it. It was larger than life size where this one is life size.

Queen Marie stand guard in my library.

The real  Queen Marie Antoinette

This lady is glazed porcelain and I am not sure who she is. I have seen her in many forms.

This unknown subject is made of plaster. I am sure she is not that old. I still love her ,
even placed her in my room. I like the simple whiteness of her with the wicker and
dark green walls. I have seen her in many sizes and materials. But I have yet to find
out who she is.This was a Christmas gift this year from one of my antique mall dealers.

I hope you have enjoyed my tour today of the Bust at My Old Historic House. Come by
anytime for a real tour. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will always meet you with a kiss!


  1. OMG, dear Richard. Each of your collection of busts are absolutelly gorgeous, in the material they are, I adore them all!! I just can't pick one! I hope your new year is starting to unravel just great! I wish you only the best my dear friend, with many blessings and good health. Big hugs,


  2. Of Course I love your Busts, You have so many outstanding things of greatness and beauty in your house I don't even remember seeing these when I took your home tour
    amazing just amazing your home and it's treasures and history.
    How nice of your dealers to buy you another Bust.
    I'll be sure and admire them in person my next tour

    How is the new front porch coming?

  3. You have a beautiful collection of busts Richard. Thanks for sharing them. Take care. Pamela

  4. lovely statues!
    could the unknown be Alexandra Feodorovna? the last tsarinna of russia? it has some similarity in the faces.. at least in a little :)

  5. What a great collection. How fun!

  6. Richard my dear friend I love your bust collection..I too am crazy about them and have about a dozen in my home..Give Sissy some fur love from me..Hugs and love Gloria

  7. Wow such history, I could not choose one if i had to. They are so beautiful. Hugs, Pearl

  8. Well first of all, I loved the title of the post - just perfect! And second, as others have said, the collection is really lovely! I especially enjoyed the pair on the mantel, but I have a sort of affinity for Marie Antoinette so I love that one too. Thank you so much for sharing your collection! - Janet

  9. Richard,
    Enjoyed seeing your beautiful collection.
    Think they are so interesting and add a lot to the character of your historic home.

    God bless,

  10. Hi Richard and happy new year!
    Another fabulous cache of treasures you have shared with us.
    I love busts, too but I am way out of my league because yours are amazing! You have so many different mediums and styles represented. A marvelous collection!

  11. Happy New Year Richard! Your collections are always great and the Busts are no exception. I get allot of history and information from your great Blog.. thank you! Take care.


  12. These are os lovely, Richard! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  13. I enjoyed this post tremendously! I have been on the lookout for a bust of Louis far no go! I would even settle for a lesser general! LOL!

    Love to you and Sissy Girl!

