Monday, April 2, 2012

Company Coming.

I do my table setting and decorating in stages, helps when you have to work and do stuff before and after work. This is the silver epergne on my dining room table ,stage one, with Easter grass and my antique hand blown Glass egg collection. I will add fresh flowers the day of the party. Secret, I have a thing for Easter Grass. Love it!!!

   What a day for a party. First of all it is April Fools Day! I keep thinking, what if the April Fools me and not show up? I don't think that  would ever happen, most people have trouble turning down a beautiful meal. I am sure there will be a April Fools before the evening is over.
   I belong to a group of good friends. They all live in the next town up, Louisiana, Mo. They all live in a couple of blocks from each other, on a hill. Thus, the name,"The Hill Group." I am not sure how I got in this group, as I no only do not live on that hill, I also live in another town. Putting all that aside, I am sure glad that I am included in this fun group. One couple in the group, Carl and Judy, always seem to host  the dinner parties. We usually meet once a month to celebrate any birthdays that month. Some times we just meet, because we like to eat. Sometimes we go out to different restaurants to eat. This month it is Judy's birthday, so I felt it would be good if some body hosted her. So, I guess that somebody is ME!
  I have been working getting the spring yard work done. It is far from finished, but the side yard, where every one comes and goes, looks pretty good. I mowed it last night, again, just so it would look fresh.I  have also been working to get the screen porch opened for the season. It get's awful dirty during the winter and takes some effort to get it cleaned up. It is ready and the weather is suspose to be spectacular.I just hope it is not too warm, I sure do not want to turn the air on,  especially the first day of April.
     The host of this group usually makes the main course and every one else brings a dish. We usually have so much wonderful food. This way it does not cost the host too much nor cause them too much work. I am having a odd menu.But, it is things I like and can make very well. I am having Mac and Cheese with Ham. Yes, that's the main course. I make the best mac and cheese in the world. I have won contest with it. I am also serving Fried Cabbage with Bacon. Yum. I add sour cream and caraway seeds at the last minute. All most every one in this group likes beets. When we go out, they always get them off the salad bar. I am having a Beet Jello Mold. Yep, you heard me right again, Beet Jello. I have served it for years. It is a shock to most guest. But when they finally agree to try a bit, they ususally like it. I love serving jello molds. I always put them on glass cake stands and they are so pretty. It will be fun to see how this goes over. I am including my receipt, just in case you want to try it.It is more of a salad than a dessert.

My kitchen ice box has become a florist cooler for the past week or so. I cut the flowers from the garden, put them in warm water, let them set for a few hours to drink and then keep them fresh in the cool temperature of the ice box. Comes from years working as a florist.

This is the first year my white bleeding hearts have done well. I love em!

Not much room ffor food, but sure is pretty when the door opens and the lilacs smell so good.

    I have been working on this party for a while. As the garden flowers are blooming so early this year, I have been picking them and putting them in the ice box, just like the florist do, to hold them for tonight. I am serving buffet style, with all the food on the kitchen island. This is a very informal group, kinda like my family. I still want it to be pretty and nice. I have created an Easter centerpiece for the dining room table. I used my silver epergne and  hand blown glass antique Easter eggs. I have a large collection of them. I did a post about them last Easter, scroll back and visit it. I believe it is titled, " Which Came First, Chicken or the Egg?"
 People are bring a  Green Salad, Carrot and Raisin Salad , Olive Spread and Crackers and Home made Cake and Ice Cream. What a feast.

This is how the finished product looked. The silver epergne, eggs,flowers and GRASS!

    I wish you could all be here to share with us. I am sure there would be plenty as I always seem to make way to much. I guess I think every one eats like me. I grew up in a family with 7 kids, so large pots of food were common. Come by anytime for a tour. I will always leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you with a jump and a kiss. If I know you are coming, I will cook up a mess of something. Hope you enjoy and try this beet jello, you will be surprised. 

Close up of the Eggs and GRASS!

Arranging flowers on the kitchen island.

                                               BEET JELLO
1 can, 1 lb. 4 oz. pickled beets, chopped
1 package, 3 oz. lemon jello
dash of salt
2 tablespoons green onions, chopped fine.
2 tablespoons prepared horseradish
3/4 cups chopped celery.
 Drain beets, add water to beet juice to make 1 and 1/2 cups.
Heat and add jello, stir well to dissolve , add salt.and green onions.
Chill to partially set.
add beets, horseradish and celery.
You can put this in a nice dish, or I double the receipt and pour it into a oiled mold.
Before serving, run knife around edge, set mold into warm water for a few seconds , turn onto a
serving plate. I some times serve with mayonnaise.
Try it for Easter or any time.
     I wanted to take a picture of the jello, but people started arriving and it just left my mind. Part of getting old, they say/! I took some pictures of the guest, when I put them in Picasa to clean up, I hit the wrong button and they are gone. Another part of getting old. I know I am getting old as this party just about did me in. I loved every minute of it, but,the body say's help. What every happened to YOUNG???

The rest of the pictures are of my porch. It is just off the kitchen. Everybody wanted to be out there last night. It was April 1st and almost 90 here in Missouri. Almost too hot, but was a beautiful evening for a party.


  1. Hi Richard, I love so many things about this post, first, your antique egg collection is amazing. It must have taken a long time to collect all of them. I love your flowers, and your blue and white porch, oh my. Arranging bird cages on the wall is a cool idea, and mac and cheese with ham sounds like my idea of an entree.
    Have a great week and a happy Easter. xo

  2. That's perhaps, the most wonderful Easter decoration that I've ever seen. Magnificent. I can just imagine opening the refrigerator door to be greeted by those glorious! Your menu sounds delicious, and I would definitely be the one that you would have to coax to try the beet salad. The screened porch...I think that I could live in that one area. The blue tureen on the table beckons me, and I love your design using the birdcages mounted on the wall. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  3. Dear Richard,

    First off, may you have a pleasant Easter!
    Enjoyed stopping by your beautiful blog today. The eggs are beautiful and the arrangement you've made lovely.

    I've never had beet jello....just might have to make this for the holiday. Sounds good to me.

    This is wonderful that you have a group of friends that celebrate life together with fellowship and food.

    Mac and Cheese is a favorite around here!!! Delicious all the time. My Granddaughter that lives with me LOVES it. Can't get enough of it. Perhaps you'll share your recipe??? Hope hope.

    God bless and shine on,

  4. Richard, your glass eggs are stunning all towered up there with grass. I can have no grass with a cat. Th sun porch is gorgeous too. But most impressive of all is your care of your group of "hill" friends. What a lovely host you are. Have a terrific week, olive

  5. I have never seen these beautiful Easter eggs before I found your blog. What a gorgeous centerpiece with the spring flowers and the eggs. Beautiful! Happy Easter!

  6. Well, Richard, I really enjoyed reading your entire post. It is just packed with goodies...a feast for the eyes and the tummy. Last year when I went to New York was the first time I had ever heard of mac and cheese being offered as a main dish (but yours had ham too). I know what you mean about having company over, it takes me a week to get the house and decorations ready. Your house and decorations are just fabulous.

  7. Richard, Your parties are the best! You go all out and they always turn out wonderfully. It was a beautiful evening and I'm sure everyone had the best time. I've got to go now and make some beet jello....

  8. Hi Richard! Oh, I think your group is lucky to have you! I love your pretty silver epergne filled with those gorgeous eggs! Your table will be stunning and can't wait to see your flower arrangements! Now I'm not a fan of beets but Mr. Precious is and he eats them right out of the jar! :)
    I was hoping for your mac and cheese recipe! :) hint hint!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Richard: You have a beautiful collection of eggs and I, too, love the grass. I didn't know that trick about keeping flowers fresh. I know I will really thank you when my lilacs come into bloom. The dinner sounds fabulous and so good! Cabbage and bacon, what a combination. Your porch looks so inviting. Where did you get those blue flowered cushions? Would look perfect on my blue Cottage porch, and everyone in my family snickers when jello mold is mentioned, but I secretly love it. Hope there is room for all this but this post was too wonderful..Happy Monday..Judy

  10. Richard, I've missed you. I've been so busy at work that I haven't had time for fun.

    Your party must have been great fun. And, guess what! I will try your beet salad. We love beets.

    I love your collection of cages. I've been hunting for a large one with legs to go on our front porch.

  11. Oh goodness Richard, I'm loving your post! I don't know where to begin complementing you! I love your two tier with all those eggs, it's so pretty. How fun that you go out and eat for no reason at all and thanks for the flower tip too. You have perhaps the greatest Easter decor I've seen, loving it all! I love the menu, it sounds yummy...wish you invited me with a week ahead so I can fix my bags for the trip, lol..I love the bird cages wall, so fav! HAPPY EASTER my sweet friend.

  12. Wow, so many marvelous collections on this post. Crazy about the bird cages on your wall but I'm over the moon with your Victorian glass eggs. I have never, ever seen so many in one place. I have 5 with three of the really big ones but they are so hard to come by anymore. Love your displays. Sea Witch

  13. Richard,
    I can always count on a visual treat when i look at your posts.
    What a lovely group you belong to!
    I love that you keep your flowers in the fridge. What a good idea!
    I love your Mary Hadley collection on your porch!


  14. OH Richard
    how I wish I could have been there, to enjoy your luncheon and friends
    I am enjoying my trip south , however it's pretty warm here guess like at home?
    we will be in Nashville in the morning
    I love seeing your Easter glass eggs and your flowers.
    I am showing my friend your mansion and back porch
    told her how I met you & Sissy etc

    her new dog is Scooter a shitz shu, so sweet Sissy would like him

    hope to talk with you when I get home

  15. Hi Richard-

    I love the center piece, truly beautiful. After your post on your egg collection last year, I have been looking for some. I found one and I love it, hoping to have a few more for next year.

    Sounds like you had a good time with friends. Give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me.


  16. You know I LOVE your silver! and look what you did with that copper bin full of eggs....just glorious! Beautiful!
    Glad you had a great evening. and glad you are enjoying your Easter card...when i saw the postcards, I knew that was the gift I wanted to get you for the doll house!


  17. Oh my gosh, Richard! You have outdone yourself again with those eggs!! I loved last year's egg display so much that I am copying it as a smaller version for my dinner table! The one you just posted is just incredible, the flowers make it exquisite!
    I wish I lived on "The Hill" so I could get in on your all's get togethers! You are blessed with such wonderful friends and such a beautiful house in such a great little river town. How perfect is that?

  18. Hi Richard,
    this is once again a post I'll really remember ! This post is due to my love flowers.Your garden is a lot ahead of time.Here in Maine only my snowdrops are blooming.Hyacinths,Tulips and Daffodil are just beginning to come up and some Hyacinths begin to show color.Your Easter decoration is wonderful with the marvelous contrast of the lilacs.
    Your circle of friends must feel so special to have a host like you.
    HAPPY EASTER to you my friend,

  19. Hi Richard. What beautiful pieces you have in your collection. I love your silver center piece and collection of glass eggs. I'm having a Easter dinner at my house but I have not put up ant decoration.

  20. Awesome Easter decorations, Richard. Love those beautiful eggs. I also love good old homemade mac and cheese.

  21. Happy Easter Richard
    Your decorations look fabulous! I hope you had a great party!

  22. I have never seen glass eggs like yours-they are amazing and beautiful. Forget the beets-give us the recipe for the mac and cheese. Well I could just move in and live on the porch-it is beautiful-I know everyone enjoyued it so much. Kiss Sissy for me-hope you shared the mac and cheese with her.

  23. Happy Easter, Richard! I love your epergne. I have been looking for an affordable used one here but can never find one. Lovely porch too!...Christine

  24. It's so nice to see your porch again Richard...spring must really be here! Your eggs are lovely too...your collections continue to amaze me. Happy Easter!

  25. I really like the bird cages on the wall! That is a clever idea and perfect for a porch.

    Lynette - Sweet Posy Dreams

  26. Hi Richard... Thanks for stopping by for a visit. As always your Home is Lovely for the Holidays and this Holy Day. Yes, I see the Egg... right on top! *winks* Your Collection of them is gorgeous and what an impact they make when amassed in a Beautiful Vignette such as this! Loving your Fridge full of Fresh Flowers too... maybe that Idea would help me on my quest to lose weight... if each time I opened the Fridge door there was just Beautiful Bouquets greeting me... I'd forget all about eating something forbidden! *Winks*

    Happy Easter from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  27. Happy Easter Richatd,
    You blog conveys energy and passion and to me, that's fresh, like your flowers. We are all forgetful at one point or another -even my teen. Beautiful post, as always.

  28. Hi Richard,
    Your company is going to enjoy your beautiful home. You have the best looking ice box interior I have ever seen. :-) But seriously that is a wonderful idea. I am in love with your elegant Easter basket vignettes. Talk about fabulous.


  29. Hi Richard, I remember your gorgeous egg collection from another post and how much I loved them. They are a beautiful centerpiece for your dinner party. I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends and I wish you a Happy Easter. Take care, friend!
    Hugs, Sherry

  30. Richard - Your porch is fabulous! I could spend many an hour out there and definitely take some naps on that awesome couch! Love all the birdcages.

  31. I did not know you had a screened in porch, Richard!
    I am loving your bird cage collection on the wall. You have such an artistic eye. I did not know you have a floral background too! You are just an endless source of creativity, aren't you!?

    I wish we lived closer. Would love to hang out with you and learn from you.

  32. Richard, you are the King of Entertaining! I love your epergne with the grass and Easter eggs. Amazing! I can almost smell those flowers in your fridge as you open the door, lol! Time has flown and it is so summery already. Thank you for sharing all this wonderful info!


  33. Oh my! I love your epergne! Such a gorgeous display and I love a man who takes care of his flowers (Hubby buys me roses and I can keep them for two weeks, just by putting them in the door of the fridge every night) This looks like such a wonderful occasion so beautifully presented. Guest love it when you can show you care. You're an absolute star, Richard! You're also an inspiration. I finally got the paint and wallpaper up on my Victorian Steampunk room.
