Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine Couples and Trivia

I have one pair of red and white Staffordshire dogs. They live in my kitchen window.
I think they are very much in love. Watch as they steal a kiss.
    In three more days it will be Valentines Day. A real Christian Holiday,invented  to celebrate several Saints, with the name of Valentine. Somewhere, through time, it has become a Holiday for lovers. Much like other holidays, it has taken on that commercial  feeling. As soon, if not before, Christmas is over, all the Valentine stuff hits the shelves in our retail stores. It used to be mostly cards, then came flowers, thanks to the floral industry, and then candy, again thanks to the candy industry. I see things that are very tasteful  and taste good, others  are in very bad taste and even down right scary. To each his own, the words of my dear mother. Who's to say? I am sure what I like, would mean nothing to the next man. Some men will give there wife's or girlfriends candy, flowers, a night out ; where others, might chose a pair of naughty underwear or a tattoo.I fear the worst: but to them, it is the best.

Prince Lepold from Austria and his bride.
Life size bisque bust.
Dining room mantle.
Rumor was they were very much in love.  

    When I was in grade school, I loved  Valentines Day. My mother would buy me a box of Valentines at the dime store. There was an assortment. I would carefully go through them and seek the best one for the girl I liked best. Usually they were addressed and taken to school and on Valentines Day, there would be a party. Our room mothers made a cake, candy and punch. My teachers always had a big decorated Valentine box that all the individual cards were placed in. One person got to hand out all the cards. They were opened one by one as we enjoyed the refreshments. I kept my cards for years. In the fourth grade my teacher had a drawing at the end of the party and gave away the big Valentine box..I won it, and it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. The next year I took it back to school and let everyone else enjoy it. For years I kept that  box and all my Valentine cards  in it. When my mother passed and we cleaned out her house, I found that old Valentine box. I had a weak moment and threw it out. I wish now I had it to share with you all today.
Italian ceramic,"love doves." In the summer they  are on the screen porch. I have lots of wild doves and the sweet sounds they make seem like they are coming from these two.

   In the spirit of the Holidays,
   I looked up a little Valentine Trivia to share with you today.

A German couple in Court Dress. Down River Parlor mantle.

   Teachers receive the most Valentines cards, followed by students, mothers, wifes and then, sweethearts.

   Children ages 6 to 10 exchange more than 650 million Valentine cards with classmates, teachers and family.

    Approximately one billion Valentine Cards are exchanged on Feb. 14th, each year.

    This is the largest seasonal card exchange next to Christmas

One of a pair, English Pink Bristol vases, Down River parlor .This pair of love birds seem to be at odds. Or else, she is playing hard to get?

   Hallmark cards have over 1330 different Valentine cards to chose from.

   110 million roses, the majority red, will be sold and delivered with in three days time period for Valentines

   The red rose was a favorite flower of the God Zeus and the Roman Goddess of love.

German, Meissen Court Couple. My favorites. They are so elegant and seem to be so refined. Ladies Parlor mantle.

   Red rose stands for strong feelings

  The state of California produces 60 percent of Americans roses. But, the vast number used  for Valentines, 
   will come from South America.

  15% of women send flowers for Valentines
  73% of men send flowers for Valentines

  More than 35 million heart shaped boxes of chocolate will be sold for Valentines

Romeo and Juliet, most famous lovers of all.

   70% give cards, 49% call on the phone,7% go out to eat, 33% give candy and 30% do all these things

   The city of Verona, Italy, where Romeo and Juliet lived, receives 1000 letters addressed to Juliet each
   Valentines Day.

A French couple in love. Sevres. Ladies Parlor pier mirror shelf.

   3% of pet owners give there pets Valentines

   The most fantastic gift of Love ever given was the Taj Mahal in India

    Two towns in United States are named Valentine. Valentine, Nebraska, pop. 2842  and Valentine,Texas
     pop. 185.

This couple, in love, are in the Master bed Room.

     My funny Valentine is a very popular song written by Chet Black

     Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet  and so are you. Most famous Valentine verse written

A romantic Couple. he is giving her a song bird. They are French bisque . Ladies parlor.

      As we all prepare for this special day, keep in mind, what you are trying to say. If it is just a friend or family member, lover, wife or husband, mother, father, sister or brother, it is very important to say, " I love you!" One can never hear this enough. It makes us smile, feel good and want to love back. . I hope you all  get lots and lots on Valentine card. I hope you send a few in return. Remember, to get, one has to give. We never, never, can do enough to show how much we care.

RS Prussia, hand painted bowl, with a swan pair. This is the most romantic of all. Library book case.

   Please come by soon for a tour of, My Old Historic House. I will always leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will meet you at the door with a jump and a kiss. Get out there and buy those cards, candy and flowers. Share the love and, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY.

         .Cherubs have always been a big part of the celebration of Love and Valentines Day.

French Severs Couple on a lamp in the ladies Parlor

May I have this Dance? Library

Hand Pained german Ice Cream bowl with two couples on a picnic. Dish pantry, dining room.

Napoleon's wedding to Josephine. Old Paris Vase. Master Bed Room.

            This French Brass fireplace screen is the most romantic of all. Two cherubs are building a fire.
                                                                     Gentleman's parlor.

    My shop neighbor and good friend, Marcia, is having a kissing booth  to raise money for stray dog care. This is her Grand Dog, Shotgun. Sissy will go take a turn after a bit.Kiss,Kiss!


  1. I "love" Love!! Thanks Richard :) Happy Valentine's!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. Happy Valentine's Day,Richard!!!!
    Smiles, Dottie

  3. I love you, Richard! Sissy too!
    We moved red rugs for Valentine's Day!
    Thank you, again, for all the information. I learn so much from you!
    I remember the days in Grade School, when we would exchange Valentine's Day cards that we placed in a handmade box. I never liked any of the boys in my class, though! I was such a, study, study! LOL!

    Kisses to Sissy!


  4. Beautiful and timely! Thank you for educating me about the true beginnings of Valentine's Day!

  5. I, too, love "love", in all its ways, family - friends - pets. Always an informative post, Richard, and beautiful items to share. I am partial to the love doves. xo

  6. Happy Valentines Day. so enjoyed the story of your Valentines Box....

  7. 'Shotgun' loves that you put his picture in his kissing booth in your blog. He hopes he can raise a lot of money for our local animal rescue! Thank you and kisses from Shotgun!

  8. Don't you wish you still had one of your decorated Valentine boxes from our grade school days?
    Your things are gorgeous.

  9. I would pay BIGTIME to be a part of that Kissing Booth!

  10. Same to you, Richard. Love the trivia! And the tour.

  11. I love the kissing booth how darn cute

    Also Love all your Lovers

    I also wish you had your Valentine Box fron 4th grade. Sorry about your weak moment when clearing out your Mom's house

    Roses are Red
    Violets Are Blue
    I Love You
    And Sissy Too

    Happy Valentines Day

  12. Your antiquities are breath-taking, Richard!
    Oh my heavens... the puppie kissing booth is absolutely THE cutest thing ever!!! Or should I say EVAHHHH!


  13. Just showed my family and again,
    cannot get over what a cute and awesome idea to raise money for the animal shelter!!!! LOVE IT!!!
    Cannot stop smiling!

  14. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. We always had to take a decorated shoe box in to grade school for our valentines to be put in. Wish I had kept one or two of them.

    I love the kissing booth idea!! So cute and gave me a little chuckle that I really needed today.

    Happy Valentines Day to you and Sissy Dog. Give her a pat on the head from me!


  15. Hi Richard! I see love is overflowing at your house! Such beautiful lovely things. Now what a little doll waiting for Sissy's kiss! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Richard you are always such a wealth of wonderful History and information about Beautiful objects! I was delighted when my Mom gave me one of her pairs of Staffordshire Fair Dogs when she left for Cali... mine are Gilded and White, my Brother now has the Red Liver and White ones.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and Sissy Dog... from Dawn The Bohemian and the Bohemian Cat Boys

  17. I am so in awe over your beautiful statutes. aaaalove it all and thanks for the trivia. Give sissy a kiss for me and Happy Valentines day.

  18. What a hoot! Or should I say a 'howl?' I love the kissing booth-it's wonderful! As always I love seeing the lovely things in your home and reading the interesting stories:).

    Blessings and Happy Valentine's Day,


  19. Oh how sweet it that, I will be sending 5 cents for a kiss.
    Thanks for sharing, Kathy
    Drop by my blog for a Giveaway.

  20. I remember my first Valentine's box. My mom carefully wrapped a cardboard shoebox with aluminum foil and glued a red heart on the lid. I had no idea of what she was doing until I got to school and exchanged Valentines with the rest of the first grade. The next year, I think I reused the same box, but today I have no clue what happened to it.

    Last week I heard on the news that public schools are banning the exchange of Valentines. It's such a terrible shame that today's children will have lost these lovely old customs that harm no one.

    So far, no one is telling me which holidays I can observe, so I wish you and Sissy a very Happy Valentine's Day.


  21. Happy Valentine's Day Richard and Sissy Dog. What a great idea to have a kissing booth for animal rescue. Hope Shotgun and Sissy gave lots of kisses.

  22. What a fabulous post! Love the Valentine trivia and your sweet Valentine's box story. Such romantic photos and sculptures. That adorable puppy in the window is such a great idea to raise money! Love my fur-babies!!
    Happy Valentines Day!!
    Miss Bloomers

  23. Wonderful post! :) Happy Valentines Day to you and your Sissy dog too! xoxo Rachel

  24. A fascinating and informative post about Valentine's Day--I enjoyed it very much! I adore your Staffordshire dogs. XX00

  25. Richard, we all love you.♥ You always make my day with the wonderful posts you share.

  26. I hope you had a wonderful Valentines Richard! It wouldn't be for lack of beauty that's for sure *winks* Loved the lesson and Valentines facts! Only 5 cents for a wonderful puppy kiss? I'd take two dozen *winks* Awwww how cute is that?!
    Of course I drooled over all the beautiful figures at your house!...It's not a good look being a middle aged woman with drool dripping down my chin...but you're worth it dear Richard!Hugs and loves to you and Sissy! Vanna
