Monday, October 10, 2011


My nieces, Elizabeth in the white and Linda in the yellow.
     This past weekend was  the Apple Fest Celebration in my hometown, Clarksville,Mo. We have been getting things ready for days. I had, My Old  Historic House, open for tour for two days. It is a lot of work, what with the cleaning, yard work, advertisement and rounding up help. Every thing turned out wonderful, including the weather, it was a beautiful sun filled weekend, in the low 80's.My sister and sister in-law helped out, by  running my gift shop, Richard's Great Stuff. My two beautiful nieces, Linda and Elizabeth, got all dolled up in Ante -Bellum costumes and helped with the tours. My neighbor and dear friend, Marilyn, arrived in a beautiful purple satin ball gown and she was also the hostess with the mostest.We had fun greeting all the wonderful guest as the arrived for a tour. A charter bus load came from as far away as Jeffereson City, Mo. They were delightful. I got on the bus and with the help of a speaker gave them a brief history of the house and then they were allowed to just wonder. My beautiful ladies were there to help answer any questions. Every one was most gracious. Some one commented that they felt like they were on a movie set. Camera flashes were a common thing and all the girls were more than agreeable to pose for their picture.The one question they all asked was, "Who cleans this place?" I always have a dust rag in my hip pocket, pull it out, hand it toward them and say, "Help Yourself." This is always a crowd pleaser. I am serious, but they just laugh.I had the whole house sparking like the  brightest star in the Heavens,polished silver for days.
    To make things a little more hectic, I threw a big party on Saturday even. I served home made chili and some 35 guest came bringing there favorite desert or snack. We had so much food, the people were fun and some ended up on my screen porch and stayed till close to mid-night. My Old Historic House, is a wonderful place to entertain and I like nothing better than having company. What a beautiful, warm, cool night to spend on the porch. It is October in Missouri and we may not have many more chances to party on the porch.
My Historic House.
   I wanted to share some of the fun and excitement with all of you. I feel you are all my friends and some even feel like family.. I had one blogger friend ,travel 2 hours for the tour. Ms. Janice from, Curtains in my trees. She is the sweetest little lady I think I have ever meet. We hit it off and I even gave her lunch on the porch. I my not be a Real  Southerner,  but when it comes to visitors, I can slop on the sugar. And we always have to eat, can't let any one leave with out something to eat. This is how it was in my home when I was growing up.


My dining room table.

The fall foliage is beautiful this year.
   I hope you enjoy the tour today. I wish you could have been her in person, we could still be enjoying that porch and  a big glass of sweet tea. Come any time. I will leave the lights on and Sissy Dog will always meet you with a jump and a kiss. I almost forgot, Ms. Janice, brought me a wonderful bottle of Missouri wine and a special big basket full of treats for Ms. Sissy Dog. When she called her name, Sissy ran and gave her a big  jump and a  kiss.All these  sweet girls,  what more could a man want?

 This bus  is from our state capital, Jefferson City,Mo. It had 45 people. I always welcome bus tours. Plenty of parking. Rent a bus, get a group and come on down to Clarksville.

The Bus tour hostess.

The silver was polished.

Sage and lavender from the garden is arranged among the pumpkins on the dining room table.

Elizabeth helping in the Down River, Gentlemen Parlor.

Elizabeth in the Ladies, Up River Parlor.

Linda in the Ladies Parlor.

My beautiful friend Marilyn on the entrance  stairs.

Marilyn showing a needlepoint face screen.

Three generations. My niece Elizabeth, her daughter Ashton and her daughter, 7 month old, Karah

Me with Janice, from Curtains in my tree- blogger.Be sure and check out her latest post, it is all about, My Old Historic House.

Ms. Janice, ain't she pretty and sweet.

I have 12 pumpkins on this table. "Go big," is my motto.

Sun set on a the Mississippi, ending to another Apple Fest in Clarksville,Mo. See you next year.


  1. I hope that I can come next year. It looks like you all had a marvelous time! I can't believe that your beautiful niece is a grandmother. The parlor is perfect for your historical house, and the silver is absolutely royal! Thank you for inviting us on the tour. Cherry Kay

  2. What a wonderful time your guests must have had! Everything looks wonderful and the sweet ladies look great dressed for the era. Have a great week!


  3. Richard you say the sweetest things like sloppin on the sugar and hon I like your sugar LOL

    Wish I could have stayed for the party on the porch

    I bet you have a Christmas open house? Of course the snow will stop the tour buses coming down those roads to the mansion

    It was a very good day. Your entire family is all sweet ladies, it was like I already knew them all and of course Sissy also

    Thanks again for your hospitality


  4. It was a grand time! So glad I got to come to the party. The house looks so gorgeous!! The food was divine! You are a gracious host!

  5. Oh what beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing your home and family!

  6. Your house was sparkling and the weekend was wonderful. I'm so happy I got to experience the Elgin-Cottrell house first-hand! I loved your fall centerpiece on the dining table, and your 'Southern' hospitality is the best. I pity those who can only admire from afar. Everyone needs to see your artistry in person at LEAST once!

  7. I am so glad you had a succesfull day, I sure wish I could have been there!Everything looks beautiful in the photos and your nieces are lovely.Kiss Sissy for me, and now get some rest.

  8. Hopefully, I'll get your way sometime. What a great house and it looked like a fun tour!

  9. Wow! Looks like you had a very successful event !!! Wish I could have been there. Thanks for sharing all the great pictures.

  10. Wow it looked so beautiful Richard the house the ladys, and my goodness the lady in purple is beautiful. I don't know how you do it with so much work, but you had fun and so did all the folks what a great job! Hugs, Pearl

  11. Beautiful, Richard. Your home, the ladies in their lovely gowns, yes, it reminded me of "Tara" and GWTW. I hope to visit one day and take the tour. xo

  12. Richard,

    Oh how I wish to have had the great fortune to pass over the threshold of the Elgin / Cottrell House this past weekend. It all looks so breath taking stunning. I am glad you guys had such wonderful weather for your weekend of events. Thanks ever so much for sharing your beautiful home with us. – gary

    P.S. If “I” were to see a busload of people (let alone several) pull up in front of my house I would faint clean away, Bravo to you sir.

  13. Looks like it was a perfect day for the festival and your home tour. The house looked beautiful as usual. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Give Sissy Dog a pat on the head from me.


  14. Lovely photo's. The silver set is gorgeous!

  15. How fun that must have been!! I love to see pictures of your's so beautiful! Love the silver pieces too! Polishing is a lot of work, but it's kind of fun, for me at least! :-)

  16. What a wonderful, wonderful day. How much everyone must have enjoyed touring your beautiful house so filled with wonderful things to see. Lovely!

  17. Wow, Richard. Everything is perfection. The visitors touring your home must have been thrilled.

    I would love to visit and share time on your front porch. You are a great host.

  18. Sir Richard!!!

    OMG!! Your home was surely sparkling!! Everything looks stunning!!

    I LOVE your table and there is nothing wrong with going BIG!! Looks fantastic and festive!!

    The ladies look so beautiful and there gorgeous attire!!

    You and your friend Janice look like you are having the best time of it!! I am sure she enjoyed your company very much!

    Good for you having a party. I am having a little get together on the 30th to share my Halloween and Fall decor.

    How I do wish we lived closer... I would have loved to have toured your magnificent home!!

    Thanks so much for your recent visit and kind comment!!


  19. Just a day I will knock on your door...what a fantastic place to just walk through and look and look..
    You wouldn't mind a bit..would you?
    :) I'm teasing of course.

  20. Congratulations on a successful party and festival!

    I love that dining room table with the silver pheasants and pumpkins.

    I was especially glad to see that silver punch bowl so beautifully polished.

    But, mercy, what a lot of work getting ready for your shindig!


  21. Some day I hope to be in your neck of the woods and take a tour too!

  22. Oh how I would loved to have been there! Everything looks fabulous! Love all the pumpkins! I agree, go big or go home! lol! Your nieces look so lovely. I love throwing a party, as did my sweet mother. My motto is, "The more the merrier"! If I am ever in your neck of the woods I would love it to be at tour time!

  23. Oh Richard, I would love to tour your historic house. You decorated it so beautifully. I am glad you had a successful event. Your nieces and friends all look so lovely in their antebellum costumes....Christine


  25. Oh Richard everything looks stunning! All that hard work paid off and your old historic house must've been grinning ear to ear that day! *winks* Just like all your guests were. Janice told me how much she enjoyed visiting you...lucky ducky! And she got Sissy kisses too....I'm sooo jealous! Your nieces are beautiful and so is your friend Marilyn....doesn't she look a little like Jaqueline Bisset in the face? Anhoo I wish I could've been there and I would love to come next year....hinty hint hint Vanna

  26. What a time that would have been. I would so have loved to have been on that tour. Loved the dresses good of them to help out we your tour.Thank you for sharing we us. The weather worked out for you too. Trish

  27. Richard,
    Thanks for a wonderful tour...I feel like i was there with y' spirit anyway.
    Your family is lovely and looks like you all had a fabulous time. You sure did spiff up the silver...stunning. And your dining room table decor is wonderful!


  28. Oh Richard, how wonderful! I'm jelous, wish I lived near you and I would get to play wearing the long belle dresses to help you out, so much fun! Stunning cleaned silver Richard and the fall centerpiece is gorgeous with that fabulous silver pheasent. Your niece is so young and pretty and a grandma! Beautiful family with you too my friend! Lots of hugs, FABBY

  29. Hi Richard, I wish I could visit your lovely home. It sounds like a fun and successful weekend. Your home looks beautiful and I bet everyone enjoyed the tour. Thanks for linking to the Open House party and take care.

  30. I wish I had been there to see this fabulous home you have. Sooooo beautiful and it was worth all the work. How great it is for your family to help out with the tour. The girls look adorable in their dresses. I hope you'll be able to make plans to come here next year. The event is usually the second weekend in Oct. Your photos are great and I so enjoyed taking the virtual tour.

    The French Hutch

  31. Looks like you had a blast! And the silver was sooo sparkly. I would have to touch it if I were there LOL!

  32. Richard, I enjoyed this post so very much!
    The Ladies are beautiful in their pretty dresses and your home is very inviting.

    Lovely to see.
    God bless,

  33. Hi Richard,
    You are truly a gem and have out done yourself ! Everything is so perfect.
    Love your silver tea set and everything you own.....The ladies look wonderful in their beautiful dresses.The photograph ofthe lady in purple is divine.Very elegant !The picture of you and your friend is the very best I have seen of you.GREAT smile :-)
    I am always impressed by your blog.Gary said it best...wouldn't I loved to been there.
    Thank You for sharing,

  34. Richard....what a sucessful time you had many nice images and beautiful decor.
    I was surprised too that your YOUNG looking niece is a grandmother, she looks much more like a sister !! Tell her I said so, we woman always need a nice commpliment.
    Great that the weather cooperated too.
    Come visit me at my newest blog. I just got a new computer and the old blog was not working at all for about a I started another...and THEN my old faithful turned up again.


  35. What a fabulous house you have! I was introduced to your blog by The Polo House. I'd just love to come see you sometime, and slop on some sugar on your back porch! I'm an old Alabama girl, so I know we'd have tons to gab about. Thanks for sharing.

  36. Hi Richard-

    Well, you certainly know how to entertain! Love all your hostesses dolled up in their finery. :-) Someday I may make it down to Clarksville for a visit. The pheasants on your dining table look awesome! Great pics!


  37. Beautiful as usual, love the pumpkins on the table!
